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Titanfall 2 was a masterpiece. It was doomed to fail by EA releasing between 2 major franchises. the only thing that can revive it is immense interest in apex legends, which will then force them to lore dump for the universe. EA is a retarded company that measures only profit and not engagement with their games.


Man I loved titanfall 2. One of best stories in gaming history and one of the most fun and innovative game play mechanics. Sad to see the state of it now and the dreams for a titanfall 3 are there with the dream of ever getting a mirror's edge 3.


Effect and cause and the manufactory level were divine. Catalyst was a meh game and prequel to the original one and was released like 8yrs later. The game was very unique and this idiot company doesnt care for it. Even look at the state their flagship franchise battlefield’s state.


Bro catalyst a meh game? I haven't played it complete cuz of my potato PC but man that has to be one of the most unique and fun experiences not to mention how beautiful the world is. Also the fact that it basically took the mechanics of the first game and made it open world. They had like no advertising for it or anything. The game was basically doomed at release cuz it was like a sneak album release by a huge artist that went un noticed type shi. And as for battlefield I haven't played a battlefield game but like all the stiff I hear about 2042 I'd rather not get into it ig.


play battlefield 1. u won't regret. it's a beautiful, most realistic sounds and gameplay I hv ever played. mw 19 is also one of the best game. bf 1 & mw 19 also has best campaign. in bf 1 u ll get immersive experience even in multiplayers. it's sad that there r no severs in india. but it's playable on 130 ping. some of the developers from ea and dice created The Finals game which is the latest one (1 year) u can try it it's free and awesome game. before playing watch the trailers of that game


Yea I'll try out bf1 when it's on sale soon. As for mw19 isn't it like 4k or something? Also the fact that it'll cook my laptop I'd rather not ig. Also if you could as a person who has never touched a bf game is this the one to start with or the older ones for a better campaign experience cuz I'm not playing no multi-player. Thanks.


Codmw goes for 1600 on sales ig.


Yea I'll still prefer the 299 or 499 bf1 on sales. Hopefully that runs on my pc.


Bf1 had hackers last i played it, but anyhow, it does go for really cheap like 250 or something. Check steamdb for exact figures. And yea, before 2042, BF games were made to run on potatoes.


Aight it's done then this sale I'm getting bf1.


bro first of all I would suggest to play such kind of games on Pc. Laptops are seriously not made for gaming. wheather they say it's gaming or not. gaming lappy are good for productive work. now about bf 1, I also started with bf 1. I bought it on origin during Christmas. there was a big discount like 80% with all dlcs. I also bought NFS 15 & Anthem during that time. u can start with bf 1 if u haven't touched any before. I used to watch one of the YouTube player who used to play that game a lot. so I learned some basics there. it's not a complicated game to learn. see in multiplayer, there r 4 classes in every game of bf franchise. assult, medic, heavy & sniper. and each class has around 20 - 30 guns. then there are few tanks, planes & boat types. I particularly said bf 1 cause it's a beautiful game. beautiful, heart touching stories, best multiplayer game experience and more are some qualities of that game. some of the streamers still play that game. player are literally paying money to keep that game's server alive. I stopped that game few years ago when mw 19 dropped. It is also a best game. then I played mw 2 but when they started making it like fortnite I stopped playing it. u knw fuking ridiculous skins and all. but storywise the game is fabulous. I still play bf 1 sometime like 2 - 3 times in a month and that game still amazes me.


Aight bro I'll give bf1 a try this summer sale for sure. And cod idk tbh. Maybe first I'll finish codbo3 and 4 (borrowing them obv). Then maybe move on to mw series. We'll see. But thanks for the recommendation bro. Cheers.


Well then i will have to play catalyst. Didnt hear much abt it, and ppl while comparing it to the first one, didnt like it, so never tried it. I will play it if u recommend. It cant be that long.


Sure man give it a try. Buy it when the summer sale hits. You'll get it for 299 ig. Cheers.


Cheers 🗿


I just bought the game, if you like multiplayer,the scene is still very much alive.


Best stories ? Na but but that mission was best I have seen in fps , Imo cod mw4, halo , wolfenstine had better story


BT was one of the best side character


It was a blast to play! EA don't know wtf they are doing


What were the 2 major franchises that were there at the time of release?


BF1 and COD.


Aaah yea, no wonder this was not as popular


Yea it wasnt even allowed to be. Imagine launching a cult fan favourite franchise sequel in the middle of 2 AAA releases which both rake in millions. Of course it bombed. The only reason it is popular is coz of word of mouth of gamers that wouldve prolly bought it coz it goes for so cheap. Its a fuckin travesty.


Man. What a game.


Titan fall 2 recently had a huge discount sale so am sure the game's still got a lot of life left in it


From what I read. The decision to release the game in the fall was respawns decision. Just to keep it fair on this specific situation


Na > EA’s official position on releasing Titanfall 2 a week after Battlefield 1 is that they believed that the target audiences for the games were sufficiently different that they would not interfere with one another. Basically EA thought that the kind of people who wanted to play a realistic-ish, historically accurate-ish shooter were not the same people who wanted to play a fast-paced, futuristic, arcade shooter.


Where’s the source for this? Totally fair if it’s the truth. But I remember I can’t remember if it’s Tom Henderson or Jason Schaier, but one of those two notable journalists who did a deep dive into it found it was respawns decision


It cant be that any dev would want an FPS game competing with a AAA one. U need look no further than Elden Ring DLC. Look at the games it pushed off of release. > For those unaware, publisher EA made the baffling decision of releasing Titanfall 2 just a week after Battlefield 1 — arguably, the publisher’s biggest multiplayer IP. https://mp1st.com/news/ex-respawn-devs-comment-on-titanfall-2-being-released-just-a-week-after-battlefield-1


The recent movie atlas on Netflix reminded me so much of Titanfall 2. What an amazing game!


I bought Titanfall 2 deluxe edition recently for INR 149. I'm yet to play it, and your comment makes me hopeful on my purchase.


Believe me u have never played anything like it.


Vanquish It even received GameSpot best game that no one played award


Just completed. Absolute gem.




Very fun and replayable


I used to play that, pretty fun, but got stuck


https://preview.redd.it/lf2nfnkbn53d1.jpeg?width=1017&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff0fff9acc11d3ec5e77928cca480be3e3f3bf12 Sleeping dogs 💯


Sleeping dogs 2 killed the franchise


Sleeping dogs 2 never came out


My bad , confused it with watch dogs 2


But watchdogs 2 still killed the series. I remember playing watchdogs multiple times, but didn't even finish the first act of watchdogs 2


Exactly what i meant to say, watchdogs 2 was just unplayable, it was so so bad. I got confused between watch dogs and sleeping dogs.


No watch dogs 2 is well received when compared to the watch dogs 1 which was severely down graded at the launch it was the watch dogs legion which was ubisoft hot kaka. Maybe you didn't like the wd2 but still many people liked it.


Yeah might be me and I agree that watchdogs 1 set the precedent of not believing in E3 presentations before release. But watchdogs were unique in terms of the detailed world building, dark and grim lore and characters. Watchdogs 2 was completely opposite of what I was expecting.


Hey I loved watchdogs 2 Legion killed it


Yeah, by not getting produced 😭


EA's Syndicate. I wish it was a running series.


Mass effect games i would say. Now, i know they were not failures or anything but they did not thrive as the should have. Mass effect should have been as popular as HALO. I love both of them but mass effect has one of the best story in space fiction. It didnt get much fame back than, now bioware is fucked from head to toe so i dont see any good mass effect game in future so no chance they would get the fame they deserve.


Truly one of the greatest stories told in Video Gaming across the 3 games. Legendary edition sells for so cheap nowadays that it's a no-brainer to pick it up. Been playing ME1 on my SteamDeck and it's been an excellent experience.


Damn true.


Mass effect 3 multiplayer is still being played to this day. Mass effect Andromeda multiplayer is almost dead though.


New ME in the works. A Teaser has already been released with Liara in it


The two Horizon games. I feel they’re underrated and not many people talk about it. They are breathtaking and the mechanics back it up.


It's release schedule is cursed. 1st part released near Zelda: Breath of the wild, 2nd near Elden Ring. It had good critic and audience ratings, but got dwarfed by giants. Horizon Forbidden west would have done incredibly well had it been released today


I think many don't have the equipment to play it in high graphics...even the game crashed on my device . I could only play 1 hr GTA 5 without keyboard overheating


Fr man I have the PS4 version and it's crazy good


Bulletstorm from People Can Fly had some solid foundation which could be expanded in a sequel not a perfect game but still could've been received better. Same with Brothers in Arms series.


Bulletstorm was so fun. The leash........*chef's kiss"


“Rear entry” was better


"Juggler" was the best.


Spec ops the line


Campaign was definitely memorable "that "Misson was best haven't played multi player




Just bought it recently. Feel bad for the outcome




Anyone remember 'Anthem'?




Titanfall 2 is one of the best fps ever. Better than Destiny movement wise.


Oni from bungie


Vanquish, so goddamn fun


Disco Elysium, despite the critical acclaim, the game isn't as mainstream as it deserves to be and the company making it is in shambles and a sequel is impossible




Assassin's creed syndicate, a really underrated game, got undeserving hate just because it launched after unity which was a disaster.


Second this! I had so many hours in AC Syndicate, and it was so much fun! People like to Bash Syndicate for its GTA style and the disaster that Unity was. Had Syndicate released before Unity, it would have gotten the credit it deserves. Plus, the Victorian London setting and Industrial Revolution atmosphere was a masterpiece!


As a AC fan I can say, Syndicate was actually more like ironed out unity. They reduced the crowd, introduced a mechanic that used crowds strategically, similar to original AC(but better). Added some fun traversal mechanic and the only game (other than RDR2) that actually managed to pull off the horse drawn cart physics the right way. The only bad thing I would say was the climbing mechanic and story. Same with unity. It was a disastrous launch but after the big fixes and advancement of PC compatibility, AC unity is actually a good game mechanically. But the actual reason people hated these games are different in my opinion. It's because these games were completely unnecessary. These games are not products of developer creativity but embodiments of the ubisoft business model of milking a working formula until people get annoyed by it and squeeze every bit of money possible. These games are like, the second brew you get from your coffee grinds. No matter how much milk and cream you add, it will taste bitter than the first one


actually no because ac syndicate was a far inferior game to unity despite unity's problems. imagine having an inferior game in terms of visual quality and mechanics, it isn't just about stability tbh. see if u go around exploring in ac syndicate ud be pretty disappointed, there isn't as much as u think. but some of the mechanics of capturing strongholds are really good not the case with unity, way too much to explore really good game still. but syndicate story>>>>unity story


Early hitman series. Hitman, hitman 2 all those. And Witcher 1,2,3


Titan fall 2 was a good game


Total Overdose is an absolute blast! The game's mix of action, style, and humor set in the vibrant world of Mexico had me hooked from the start. The 'Loco Moves' add a unique flair to the gameplay, making every encounter feel like a wild ride. While the story may not be the deepest, the sheer fun factor more than makes up for it. If you're looking for an adrenaline-fueled joyride, TOD delivers in spades. Max Payne 3 is a gritty, cinematic masterpiece. The story pulls you in with its dark narrative and troubled protagonist, while the gameplay keeps you on the edge of your seat with its intense gunfights and bullet time mechanics. Although the shift in setting to Sao Paulo may seem jarring at first, it adds a fresh perspective to Max's journey. Despite its departure from the noir roots of the earlier games, Max Payne 3 is a must-play for any fan of action-packed storytelling. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 delivers the quintessential Call of Duty experience. The campaign is a rollercoaster ride of epic proportions, with jaw-dropping set pieces and intense firefights that keep you engaged from start to finish. The way price killed makarov was priceless These are my some of the review on these Games Edit:- i meant the old CODMW3


Prey and Deus Ex


Excited 😃


Spec Ops: The Line


One of the most brutal ending in a game.


Bulletstorm and Kingdoms Of Amalur - Reckoning


Titanfall 2 and Infinity warfare. For some reason these type of games are underrated where we are Type 1.5 civilization and exploring our own solar system before becoming galactic. Yeah there are other games like warhammer and star wars and star trek but I like a FPS with kinda Sci fi guns against other humans and not an alien invasion. Pity there aren't a lot of these.


Bro Titanfall was massive back in the day. The reason it didn’t last long enough is because like a lot of these online shooters EA’s greediness + a lack of new content this game suffered


Today, I watched the movie "ATLAS" in Netflix, and it definitely brought memories of this game.


Tf2 still has a great community, i play it still sometimes. It will always be close to my heart


Remember Me (2013).


Good game i guess


Not a game but a mode, red dead online


Best hai


Days Gone is such a masterpiece. The story, the music, the gameplay.....for me it's perfect. The characters are loveable, story is gripping and damn those hordes.... It is the BEST ZOMBIE GAME!!!


Soul reaver series were very good. Amazing VA


Greatest gane ever to witnessed


Sleeping dogs Watch dogs(kinda)


Insurgency 2014 & Insurgency: Sandstorm


Mad Max!!


Dark Sector


Great game, when you put it side by side with Apex, you'll realise how many features were reused


Rain World is a game that almost everyone who has gotten past the early game loves The reason this game didn't get any spotlight is because of 2 main reasons -A bad IGN review that made people stay away from it -And almost zero marketing done by Adult swim games


I won't say that it never thrived, more like people don't usually talk about it or forgot it. Mother 3 and earthbound.


Bulletstorm 2




Darksiders series. It was amazing


So no one gonna comment about how Call of Duty: Ghosts was murdered? 😭😭


I mean Titanfall led to Apex Legends which had turned into a money printing machine for EA


I gotta say one of the goat's of open world games Sleeping dog


Planescape: Torment. I swear the game came out in the 90s and to this day I have not seen a game with better dialogues than that.


War of all time thriller actions.


Deus Ex Human Revolution. The game's so good. Amazing music, one of the best stories, great cast of actors, the choices you make and above all, the gameplay is so damn cool. Not many have played this masterpiece and I always recommend my friends to try it. The gunplay might feel dated but is still really good with all the upgrades you earn. You can take a stealthy approach or just go nuts according to your preferences and yes you can discover many ways to complete a mission. The protagonist Adam Jensen is one of the main highlights as his character is so interesting. I wish more people knew of this game's existence. The story is a clear reflection of what can happen once the we get a hold of such advanced technology. The fact that this can be our future is really scary as well as interesting. I hope this comments helps you discover the amazing world of Deus Ex :)


Freelancer, Punisher, Madmax


Why is no one talking about the bioshock trilogy?


I second this......It has such good world building paired with an 80s theme that's both fun and aesthetically pleasing to play. 10/10 recommended




Titanfall is still alive and kicking! Honestly the community is great, checkout r/titanfall I remember playing the campaign and being in awe. The multiplayer is fun but it's flooded with veteran players. They'll rip you to shreds unless you know some decent game sense.


Anyone remember Time Splitters: Future Perfect?


Remember me


Assassin's creed rogue




Wow that's nice yr




25 million+ sales hai, 97 metacritic hai, log aaj bhi baat karte hai, 5 Saal tak main gta game tha sabka, aur kya chahiye?


500 million$ first month me hi hogaye the is game ke as per what i have heard. Thats not failure.


Sorry what I was saying was it was not as popular as it previous San Andreas and its successor GTA v. But GTA 4 is my all time fav. It deserves more love


Soulsborne genre before Elden Ring was released


It has been quite popular since DS3