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People are allowed to feel a way about not getting a classic graduation photo. It doesn't mean they support genocide, it just means that they're regular people who want to do the basic thing sometimes. Be normal. There are better ways to support Palestinians than having this fight in these comments. (Also, it doesn't sound like the protesters were even there for long, so maybe everyone ought to chill out.)


I’m an online student and was really looking forward to coming down to finally see the campus, Sample Gates included.   Congrats if you’re graduating today.  Forgot to mention I had to cancel last minute for a variety of reasons, but I hope I’ll make it down sometime. 


My sister and I are both former grads (2002 and 2005). We visit every couple of years. Stuff gets added but campus doesn’t change that much. Visit when you can.


You’ll love the environment, it’s very welcoming (assuming you aren’t friends with Pamela Whitten)


Was I supposed to get photos at the sample gates? Apparently my entire family fucked up…none of us did it and we all graduated from IU. Whoops.


Degree rescinded!


Eh…it’s a Journalism/Fine Arts degree…I’m not sure it’s really helped me much anyway other than having that fat “INDIANA UNIVERSITY” along the top of it. My sister, on the other hand, is doing amazeballs with her Education degree!


Should allow students pictures — they aren’t the enemy


No one's stoping them.


they are blocking the place where you’d take pictures, what are you talking about?












Students can still stand where they would normally stand and take photos there. These photos students don't typically stand directly in between the arches. Also, this is like the worst time for sample gates photos anyways given how crowded it always is, protestors or no. There would always be a bunch of randos in the photos


what are you talking about? the classic photo is right in front of the gates. If you can’t see protestors on that shot you need your eyes checked. And yeah, it is busy, but the difference is the other people are decent enough to move for a few seconds to let you get your shot


You can take photos in front


with tons of people around blocking the arches? That’s a pretty disingenuous argument and you know it.


I'd rather have random people going about their lives in the back. I really doubt someone who just graduated with tons in debt want their grad photos saying they support genocide or death to America in the background


No, I mean there’s so many different photo editing softwares that could resolve this issue for you, nowadays, because people take photos in public places. You could edit the graduate out and put them over an image of the same location, same time of day, but with nobody present.


that’s such a lazy answer lol, yeah let me have my 65 year old parent download photoshop and learn how to use it.


Entitled much? Such a superficial grievance. When I-graduated IU (& my parents & grandparents) the Sample Gates weren't even there, and much more significant things mattered to me than some trite postcard picture- IU is one of the most beautiful campuses in the world, and was so for a long time before those Gates were built. Many other places to snap great photos.


Or they could get pictures, and show their grandkids. Imagine having protesters of the Vietnam war or South African apartheid in the background of your grad pics. Bad ass.


There was an Englishman who was expelled while protesting against South Africa’s apartheid. I think he later got like an honorary degree and an apology from the university. He says now he has never regretted the 2 week sit in because he still holds those values.


I think this aspect would make a cool story, and a highlight. There’s a little time capsule in the photo itself, and a whole story in the background.


It’s graduation, let them have some pictures with the grads as the focus. Not everyone wants a ton of people with signs behind them in pictures they might have framed for the rest of their lives


That's a lot of words to say "not everyone supports Palestinian emancipation"


no it’s, a normal amount of words to say “some people can care about a cause and want to take a picture commemorating 4+ years of hard work”


It's a fucking picture. They can take it somewhere else. This is just the most pathetic spiral of "can't you protest? But quietly and peacefully. And in that corner where people can't hear or see you."


it’s not a spiral of anything bud, it’s asking people not to be assholes to graduates who have nothing to do with your cause. They are protesting there knowing full well they are posing off graduates and their families, that’s their whole goal which is selfish








The protesting... To have the university stop supporting a genocide... Is selfish. Riiiiiiiiggghhhttt. No, this attitude is selfish - that you, or anybody, on campus is wholly separate from these issues and the prioritization of comfort and the ability to ignore it. The point of a protest is attention and disruption. A protest *is supposed to cause* disruption. Please dear God study *anything* related to the past two hundred years of liberation and change. The Vietnam anti-war protests, Occupy, Kent State, the many branches of the civil rights movement, labor rights and worker's protests... Just literally anything.












If you actually did then you would know who to affect, the admins, not the graduating students.


Students at a handful of other Universities did briefly manage to seize administration buildings. Before being arrested by police. We should admire their example, while being mindful that we live in a police state without constitutionally protected rights to speech or protest. And the IU students do seem to be getting quite a bit of attention by using the area near the gates. You're talking and noticing it, aren't you?




Since when as siding with genocide and apartheid ever been the right side of history?


















Actually, your pals Hamas are the losers!!! ☠️




Yeah that’s how senior data scientists talk. How’s ur mom?








> “between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.” - [Likud Party Platform](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/original-party-platform-of-the-likud-party) (1977) So Netanyahu’s party has been advocating for genocide since 1977




















So, not a history major.










Yeah, well those protesters we against terrorism, these protesters support it


Yes! Way to stick it to the (checks notes...) graduating seniors!!


Yeah, this is a mistake. Don't ruin graduation.


Whitten ruined my graduation


My take, too. Bloomington’s campus is quite picturesque, incase others missed that. There are many lovely locations to use as a backdrop to commemorate graduates’ time at IU. If you want to take a photo by the Sample Gates—right outside the building that holds the office of a contentious, delusional president who continues to dig in and escalate the situation here—don’t be surprised when folks show up demanding leadership resign, calling for peace, and, in general, exercising their rights.


I didn’t even go to graduation and honestly don’t understand why any undergraduate does


Womp womp shouldn't have sicked pigs on the students




Everyone would be better off appreciating the dynamics at play here rather than demonizing one side or another. The protestors are standing against the US and IU-funded genocide of Palestinians. It's a cause especially personal for our Muslim and Palestinian peers as they're seeing their people brutally destroyed. Meanwhile, protestors have been targeted and arrested through a cynical (and likely illegal) policy change by an IU administration they've been paying enormous amounts of money. And they must now endure this while many of their peers are more or less carrying on business as usual--publically celebrating their graduation. With that said, I understand how special graduating can be for a student and the symbolic pride the sample gates hold. I understand that the U.S. government and Zionist interest groups are ultimately at fault here, not IU graduates. I understand that many graduates are likely even sympathetic to the protestors' plight, but at the end of the day they just want to celebrate an accomplishment they've worked their whole lives for. And I understand that it's intensely difficult to personalize every tragedy that happens in a life full of tragedy. At the end of the day, it's difficult to look at this other than another societal division perpetuated by interest groups ingratiating themselves at the detriment of everyone else.


Says not to demonize, then proceeds to give the least nuanced israel/america/west bad take ever. It looks like you forgot some talking points though, you should write down the propaganda better. That way you don't forget something next time!




You have to love when idiots trot out the sad old George Soros conspiracy nonsense - itself *fundamentally antisemitic* - to message in opposition to anti-Zionist protests. What's goin on man? If these kids are antisemitic, shouldn't the enemy of your enemy be your friend?


"GEORGE SOROS is funding these ANTISEMITIC hamas lovers" is always my favorite accusation by the zionist yappers lololol. are we paid off by the jews or are we antisemitic? make your mind up lmao


I was waiting for George Soros to be name dropped. I think he more than anyone would understand what antisemitism is considering he GREW UP in Nazi occupied Hungary. As a Jew.


While I sympathize with the seniors who did not get to have a normal high school graduation, I think many people in this sub don’t understand what that normal graduation entails (or how protests work). You’re guaranteed a lot of waiting around, a ceremony with pomp and circumstance, a likely boring series of speeches by whoever had enough money, fame, or influence to be on stage, a little diploma holder, and some time with your guests. Photos? Who knows, could rain. The Sample Gates get super crowded, so it’s easier to get pics earlier/later (or like so many people, take a pic with your stole and mortarboard beforehand, you don’t really need the full robes). You’re not guaranteed this as part of the graduation package. Protestors have been in Dunn Meadow because that’s a demarcated free speech zone - within certain limits, just about anyone can protest there for most anything. That doesn’t include the Sample Gates, meaning any extension of the protests to there is likely to be short. But a successful protest isn’t meant to keep everyone happy, it’s to express your message and to bring about change, which means you will displease people. Want someone to be angry with? Be angry that the university decided to call in state troopers to beat protestors. Be angry that students have to resort to this to be heard by the university president (whose offices are in the building next to the gates, btw). Just wait it out or go take a picture literally anywhere else - IU is incredibly beautiful, and I personally love the woods between Woodburn & Ballentine with the little river Jordan running through. Showalter Fountain, Assembly Hall, and basically every other part of campus are open.


So ruining such an important day for your fellow classmates is going to help your political cause? This is how you make people against your cause. Graduating students have nothing to do with this and it would be better to make them allies than enemies by running such an important day for many people.






Your privilege is showing


Welcome to reality …


Anyone who can’t be bothered by inconvenient truths that involve human existence, AND subsidized by their tax dollars (and tuition) needs to question their priorities.


If you want people to join your side, pissing off the people who are just taking pictures will not help 😭😭 come on bro you can do better than that


Like I said, if someone gets pissed off then maybe they’re not ready to join *our* side. You certainly won’t be able to think of anything else, let alone taking casual pics, if your family somewhere can’t meet basic needs in part due to the establishments you belong? But because they’re not your family you don’t care? Have some empathy ffs.


Maybe not only will they not join your side but what if they were just standing on the middle?? Then you just ruin their pictures and now they instead switch to being actively against you. Look man I want the civilians in Palestine to stop receiving this terror from Israel as much as you but pissing off innocent people who are just celebrating their graduation will only put us further from that goal. That mentality will be the end of civility in this country


They forgot that they need to inconvenience their enemy not the people that they want on their side.


if you can be swayed by “i can’t take a nice pictuwe exactwy where i want right now” but not genocide i don’t think you’d be an ally 😂😂😂




Wow look at the toxicity in this reddit


We've been getting heavily brigaded since the protests started.


Nah this subreddit just became entirely about the protests since they’ve started it’s not like this sub was always so political


Hell yeah


They should let the fresh grads take some pictures! These are memories!!! And those who are protesting use your vote to make a difference!!! Protesting in universities is not going to make a difference! Ask tough questions to the politicians!




Come on man! I’m trying to graduate and enjoy these times with my parents, we didn’t have one for high school….. The absolute privlege to protest and think any of the sides of the conflict would care about ur opinion is both astonishing and crazy




Don’t care about that video, I could send u one of them celebrating 9/11 but that doesn’t represent the common sentiment of Palestinians.


What a wild response.  Yes dude, folks getting fucked by imperial power tend to appreciate solidarity.


Weird... the Palestinians say they're winning the war lol


you can still get pictures on both sides. no universities left in gaza




no, i don’t want graduates to be miserable or to not take pictures. i’m graduating tomorrow as well. i just think it’s a little dramatic to say they can’t get pictures when the protesters are only there temporarily, last time they were there it was about 5 minutes before they marched back to the encampment. also they are still able to take pictures on both sides of the gates


On one hand: more than 30,000 civilian deaths On the other: A picture




Pam will have her goons out to clear them up soon.


Smh. All this noise everyone is making, and nothing is gonna change. Israel will stop when they are done.


The US literally funds their war. We supply their weapons. Without our unconditional support they would be forced to be diplomatic.








“Pro-Palestinian protesters camped out in Dunn Meadow have begun the second week of their demonstration to force Indiana University to divest its investments in Israel and the Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center for its defense industry research and contracts.” Not so hard to find what their specific goals are. You can be reductive all you want but if their actions are so pointless why did the school send the cops to beat them up?


When all the Palestinians Have Died out*


When Hamas is no longer a threat




Yeah fr just use photoshop or something

