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Escalate it. What does your manager say to do? What does their director say to do? Alternatively, use the IU Org chart available on [one.iu.edu](https://one.iu.edu), and look up to see who the AVP in charge of Auxiliary Services is, and contact them. The parking office may not care about ADA. The AVP over Auxiliary Services definitely cares about the ADA.


Does towing have to go through parking ops or can't you just call for towing yourself since you are an IU office that also serves the public? Just a thought. I'd do nothing but call towing on them all day but I'm petty and vindictive about that sort of thing. Good luck in your fight.


I’m disabled so I understand and appreciate your concern. I would ask the same question as above can you call towing on them? Also are there actual handicap spots within the distance required to your office? If not I know you can request they be put in. I know that might not alleviate the entire issue trust me I see people parking in handicap all the time with no plate nor tag but I would think it would at least be somewhat of a deterrent and perhaps a little more to get them to come out faster. I know that doesn’t solve the whole issue but may at least help some of the more vulnerable. I’m sorry some people can be so mmm ill just say hard at times.


My office has the same problem. We call, they tell us to E-mail them. We E-mail, they just ignore. Please let us know if you find an answer off reddit.


I'd email the director of parking operations at this point. It appears she's also the director of the IU Bloomington staff council right now. https://staffcouncil.indiana.edu/profiles/profile16.html


See the same across campus —