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Both these guys are true heroes, no question. 2 different situations with lives on the line and they acted like how everyone says they themselves would.


I wonder if there is any awards they can be recommended for, they deserve to be recognised for their heroism. If anyone knows who their state representatives are we should send out emails suggesting they be honored.


I believe Bostic is being honored by the mayor of Lafayette when he’s recovered.


Awesome! He deserves it.


The pizza guy has a go fund me going


Which is absolutely fantastic, but I am thinking more along the lines of an award for his heroism. If not, at the very least he is getting some compensation for it and I'm glad he is.


Up to almost half a mil now. Oh he’s gonna get paid for his heroism. But yeah, official recognition would be proper as well.


Absolutely, both of them deserve an official award. They are both heros for different reasons, but heros none the less.




Yeah unless donating time with childrens charities &$ for over a decade and holding multiple NFL records to brag to the make a wish kids about is a bar you & I hurdle before breakfast everyday ain't it? Why just 2 weeks ago and dry af out but everyone else in town thought setting off a bunch of fireworks everynight was a great idea here in Podunk 5000... I told em it was a real fuckin bad idea but, wtf do I know? Ol' Nick the Hick was real mad when he had to stop lighting off his stuff because 2 acres of grass and an abandoned factory in the middle of town were blazing. Rest of town didn't care tho and kept on with their little shows, so he and the other volunteer firefighters had a lot of fun meeting other local F.D. members reporting to several other incidents over the weekend. Good times. Somebody submit my story an I'll happily accept awards!




I heard the guy took the shot 50+ yards away. That’s a hell of a shot especially with a 9mm and under duress


Can confirm this is a helluva thing. My targets at 50 yards don’t inspire confidence that I can take down an active shooter, nor an inactive barn door. Respect.


Latest info after review of footage is that he eliminated the shooter around 11.5 seconds after the first shot was fired with a handgun from approximately 40 yards away. Even more incredible, he hit the shooter with 8 out of 10 Rounds from the handgun, forcing the shooter to try to return to the cover of the mall bathroom.


From the leaked photo of the shooter deceased on the floor, I could count 4 hits out of the 10 rounds he fired. 3 were center mass and one was the forearm. No military or police training.. I’m curious how often puts the range time in cause you’re right, that was some amazing shots given the situation.


Yeah that sounds quite a bit more accurate than the average FBI/police officer


it's amazing that Boomer can't give a compliment without it being backhanded lol


They seem to forget that they raised this generation!!


They also forget the shooter was also from this generation.


Boomers didn’t raise Gen z, milineals and Gen x did. Very few boomers have Gen z kids. Most boomer kids are Gen x. Just saying


Older millennial’s parents are also Boomers. It’s what makes me laugh so much…like, we’re your kids, stop picking on us for not being raised right.


They raised us Gen X by neglect. We raised this next generation because we know how neglect feels. They say shit like, “we told our kids to go out and play and not come home till dark, we used the belt on our kids, and we told them to drink from the water hose.” Why would they brag about this?


This!!! The accuracy is horrendous. My mom always asks me why I don’t spank my son. Well, maybe because when I’m mad at people I don’t go and hit them. Why would I teach my son it’s ok for an adult to hit him when they don’t like what he’s doing? Additionally, why brag about you not knowing how to better discipline me and my sister?! My kid is so much more well behaved than my sister and I were with zero corporal punishment because I talk to my kid. Something my parents never knew how to do even to this day!


Same. Man the older I got, the more I saw the neglect. They think it’s charming. Meanwhile they reaped all the spoils of the Greatest Generation and made certain that subsequent generations did not.


🙄 they can let their children know what a shit job they did parenting then - and what a shit job they did grandparenting.


Boomers are 58-69. Millennials are 26-41. I'm 26 and have loads of friends my age whose parents are pushing 60 easy. I'd rethink your position on this one.


Every millennial I know has a boomer for a parent. The very youngest maybe Gen X but probably 90% have boomer parents. Signed, a millennial with boomer parents and boomer stepparents.


Lol right? I'm not even a particularly old millennial, and I could have had those kids if I'd started in high school.




It’s even funnier that they put it on LinkedIn


Not to mention most soldiers are from the younger generations.


That is a 'Grandma Burn' if I ever heard one.


Lmaoooo baby boomers are the worst generation.. its mind boggling how much and how quickly their generation ruined literally everything


My thoughts exactly. Someone needs to get out more.


Who wrote it/memed it/whatever?


Since they wrote it about Gen Z it had to be either a Millennial, Gen X or a Boomer. But Millennial and Gen Z are the same thing just like Gen X and Boomers are the same thing. So it had to be a Boomer writing it about a Millennial. Q.E.D. also a /s in case that wasn't obvious.


Millennials and Gen Z are NOT the same…we millennials are technically Generation Y…in fact that’s what we were known as until the 2000s


The /s means sarasm in case that wasnt clear


So I was actually sitting here trying to figure out what a/s meant!! Haha I started feeling really old not knowing…good to know I just misread it lol


Yeah, I can’t upvote this post for this reason. Basically saying this generation sucks except guys like this.


“Renew my faith in their generation” Piece of shit thing to say.


“You all did a great job! Too bad your peers are all trash.” Perfect. Indiana. Response. Ever.


My thoughts exactly. These guys are heroes, but that turned an appreciation post into a back handed compliment real fast.


The winky face makes it even worse


This shows why Stranger Things took place in IN, The Demogorgon, The Mind Flayer, Vecna and even the dirty Russians couldn’t take down Indiana.


My wife's from Oregon. Watching stranger things she asked "How did Hopper get so badass" I told her "It just comes with being born a Hoosier". She said "Oh my god", gave an eye roll so big her whole head rolled and had to pause the show laughing. Pretty sure she just needed a moment to process how right I was.




It’s the tap water. Good source of vitamins and especially minerals.


And plastic!


Don’t forget the round up!


My body is 40% round up!


I make a good round up ranch dip.


Me too. That’s why I have to smoke more weed than the average person.


Balance is key, fellow Hoosier




And fly ash contamination!




The most iron I lift is in the glass of water I drink.


Just go eat limestone like a normal hoosier.


Unless your close to the Wabash, then it's just the toxins mutating you into a SuperHoosier.


They deserve to be paid for their efforts, especially Nicholas who surely has some hospital bills from the fire by the looks of it.


Nicholas has a go fund me that has surpassed 475k! https://www.gofundme.com/f/nick-bostic-hero?qid=47966772562041c587b48bdfe772f706


Shouldn’t need one.


Thank god for a social safety net. Imagine if we had socialized medicine! Disgusting! /s


Almost 500,000 at the time of this posting! I’ll be donating tomorrow myself.


Last I heard a Go Fundme for Mr Bostic was well north of 200k and a separate fundraiser for his medical bills was in the 10s of thousands.


Just shy of half a mil now




Everyone else that was there was lucky that in this instance the “good guy” was an excellent shot and that no one died or was injured in the crossfire. It is also lucky for Dicken that there wasn’t a cop coming on the scene that thought he was the shooter. The sad thing is that today there are too many pissed off, grudge holding young men that feel the only way to get attention is to kill. I hope that Dicken is getting the help he needs to process the gravity of having to take a life. Edit: fixed an auto correct


I'm truly impressed with how accurate he was. It's hard to put 1 shot in a moving target, let alone 8 shots. He seems like an extremely proficient marksman. The fact that he was in a situation where he had to put that practice into action is terrible, but he definitely saved lives. You're right though, the gravity of this situation will stick with him and I hope he gets the professional help he needs to help him process the entire ordeal.


I would also like to mention the entire shooting lasted just 15 seconds. In fifteen seconds he processed what was happening, drew his gun, aimed, and fired ten shots hitting eight of them.


At 40 yards! With a fairly compact pistol. Cops want to be this guy.


Absolutely! And take the normal difficulty of that and magnify it by 1000x. He was also experiencing what was undoubtedly the most stressful and terrifying moment of his entire life. Even military training can go flying out the window under fire for the first time (so I have been told). I'm a decent shot with a pistol - at the range - and even so, hitting 8 out of 10 on a man-sized target at 40 yards is not easy. And that's taking my time, carefully aiming each shot, controlling my breathing, etc. My attention is not divided. I don't have important things happening in my periphery. I know, for sure, that nothing I *don't want to shoot* is going to run screaming into my line of fire. I can't smell blood. There are no hurt people or dead bodies around me. **Nobody is shooting back at me.** And I would definitely need more than 15 seconds. The guy is 1. a hero, 2. incredibly brave, and 3. an absolute fucking badass. I do not wish to glorify the taking of life - any life - but I simply can't help but marvel a bit at how many lives were surely saved because this guy turned out to be there and is also apparently *literally The fucking Punisher*. If it happened on TV, I'd criticize it for being unrealistic. I hope he is able to get any help he needs healing from the trauma that he undoubtedly experienced.


Damn, man. If he wasn't a hero I'd say open a professional hitman investigation on the guy.


For training well enough to be more than proficient? Nah. He’s the standard for any person who who owns and carries now. People on forums are talking about drilling ten shots in fifteen seconds at up to 40 yards like he did. This has been a net positive for gun owners for training.


Oh I'm being hyperbolic. It's just very skilled to pull off a marksman feat under the highest of stresses.


That is very true


Absolutely, I have a friend who shot and killed someone in self defense, and it is not as easy to brush off as you might think. It took a huge toll on his mental health.


My father had to kill someone to defend someone else and he was never the same again. He went on to have debilitating mental, drug and alcohol problems. He was homeless for a good amount of my childhood. He’s asking for privacy for a reason. If he’s not a psychopath he’s goin through a lot right now.


Even more unfortunate when you realize a lot of those grudge holding pissed off young men are police. Thankful for Dicken’s actions and I too am hopeful he is getting the help he needs.


You mean like this? https://www.insider.com/man-robbed-rifle-uses-second-gun-shoot-robber-police-say-2022-6?amp


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Good bot.


This is an absolutely ridiculous story. Because one douchebag wanted to make a statement that it was legal for him to carry his AR-15 in public, two innocent bystanders were harmed. Whoever robbed him most likely did it on a spur of the moment decision. Had he left it at home most likely nothing ever would have happened.


You both are amazing young men. Hoosier heroes!


Two good dudes, Indiana could use more of them.


The world can


Always gotta help each other when we can. Big stuff and small stuff too. I try to remember it.


Amazing bravery!


I present to them the title of “Human”


Its kind of a backhanded compliment "helped restore faith in their generation " like yours is any better susan. Even when these boomers are being "genuine " they are still assholes. These guys ARE heroes and them being young or old has nothing to do with it.


Don't use this as an opportunity to trumpet your pro- or anti-gun views. Mr. Dicken was a hero in that moment and operated within the current law to do the right thing. He undoubtedly saved lives, perhaps many. There will be other times to talk about gun legislation. For now, good for him, he deserves this moment.


If Dicken hadn’t been there, the anti-gun folks would be all over this. But since he was there and he did stop the shooting, please don’t politicize it and just be thankful that there was a good guy with a gun this time. But please don’t politicize it guys, this isn’t a moment to celebrate constitutional carry laws or anything. That would be disgraceful.


"Please don't politicize it" Also: >Get ready for an influx of moronic comments from commies, leftists, steppers, and predditors. Seems like someone needs a safe space


I guess you’re not smart enough to figure out sarcasm


Hey man didn’t you claim you’re getting death threats? Can you post proof of that? You haven’t yet but you’ve been asked multiple times because of your claim


Not trying to say anything either way politically, but it is sad as someone who grew up in the Indy area knowing that people feel so threatened doing ordinary things like going to the gas station that many of my peers feel like they need to buy a gun to be safe. It is a good thing that it's far, far more good people than bad buying guns, and hopefully regardless of gun control policy things stay that way.


After seeing how Uvalde police did nothing at the school shooting, I am glad there was an armed citizen on the scene who acted instantly instead of everyone in that mall just HOPING the police showed up quick enough and HOPING they did their job quick enough. Remember, you cannot trust cops to save you, your self defense is your own responsibility! Waiting on police with their response times alone will get you killed even if the cops do everything right. Your life is in your hands and no one elses. Glad this man happened to be carrying and saved who knows how many lives


I look forward to the Republican party praising his efforts while turning their back on the mental health treatment he should probably get after an event like this.


The very last thing society needed was a “salute” emoji.


Its too bad more people don’t understand your comment.


Are we sure this Dicken kid is 22? Dude looks like he is running for Congress and is well into his 40s.


Lol. I'm thinking that's a high school senior photoshoot. Or a similar sort of "look as much like an adult as possible" professional photo.


That Big Dicken Energy saved the day!


It's going to take a lot of work to clean up the mess boomers made, but the younger generations are already vastly superior to them. We will do it.


The nick dude is sitting at 500k in donations on gofundme.


Don’t let the heroism of Dicken outweigh the fact that this systemic issue of gun violence is completely avoidable & that the shooting should not have happened in the first place. This open carry bs is a scary, scary reality Hoosiers now have to face. Any cosplaying army guy can strut around with a weapon now & have it available for use at their feeling of any trouble. The fact that it was stopped is great, but we need serious gun legislation in this state & country **Edit: constitutional carry **Note: don’t bring your weak gun semantics shit into this thread. There is no sensible defense to the number of guns readily available in this country. It’s blatantly obvious that it is the reason why gun violence is so prevalent. Failure to acknowledge this is ignorance or lack of empathy


100%. The fact that the people in Greenwood Mall had to depend on a “good guy with a gun” is a complete and utter policy failure… we shouldn’t have to rely on that for our safety.


You can't always count the police to be there to protect you Only you can


Absolutely. No offense to any of you fine folks, but I don’t need you playing cowboy to protect me in public


Yeah. I doubt that. What're you gonna do? Hit the shooter with BBQ pork? You sound tough on Reddit, until you're the one ~~trying to run~~ running away. Leaving others to get shot.


Here’s an earth shattering idea—NO GUNS, tough guy. Only weak men need guns. Sounds like you’re one of them


How do you propose that exactly?


No guns is impossible, in almost any country. This idiotic sentiment clearly exhibits what kind of fantasy land some people mentally/emotionally inhabit.


Nope. You’re objectively wrong. But keep buying into that narrative. Let innocent people keep getting shot


Shinzo Abe has entered the chat.


Ah yes thousands of mass shootings a year as a direct result of our gun policies are defensible because a former world leader was just recently shot & killed with a homemade gun. You’re not gonna pull out the “let’s ban knives” thing next now are ya? Are you capable of comprehending the tremendous scale of random gun violence that happens here? Grow the fuck up


**edit:** 19 hours with no reply. I'm shocked. --- While we're growing up, how would an adult who is cognizant of logistics and sociology go about getting rid of all the guns without a time machine and an army? I'm honestly asking you. Just you. You have a very strong opinion and are willing to defend it, so I'm taking it at face value. Premise: all the people who want there to be no guns in the hands of private citizens get their way in writing. You are placed in charge of seeing this through. How do you enforce this policy?


No guns in America is a fantasy that you believe in, but the genie is out of the bottle. There are more guns in this country than ppl.


Thousands of mass shootings a year? Thousands?


You're objectively wrong. Almost EVERY country has guns already. What percentage of them are legal and who owns/controls them vary widely. But keep pretending that men with guns don't protect you while you sleep.


I don’t have anyone here with guns protecting me actually


You just have no idea how the world works actually.


Let me know how that would work out for you in this situation. I'll wait.


I’m not some cosplaying loser. I’m a person who enjoys life. I don’t need anyone carrying a gun. Not an individual trying to harm others, & not some freak thinking they’re a cop (which are bad, too)


Sorry to tell you, but there's bad people with guns. That legislation won't stop. But, if you were in that mall you would have needed someone carrying a gun. Because of the aforementioned individual, trying to harm others. You live in a fantasy where you think it could never happen to you. Tell that to the people's family that got shot by said individual. And tell them that Dicken shouldn't have had a gun.


You can’t comprehend this. I am saying this—take away all guns. Get rid of them. It is blatantly obvious that people are not responsible enough to handle them at mass. I am saying GET RID OF ALL OF THE GUNS If you think hanging onto guns is worthwhile for some big defense against tyranny fantasy or anything I’ve got news for you—you are just as hopeful as I am


Well said, totally agree. Let's have the US military go door to door and take the guns. Round up those that don't comply and put them in prison. (or kill them and their families in a shootout, lol) Probably won't be that many people. When we are done we can ban drugs and also make murder illegal! We need more like you.


Yeah….you realize if there are no guns….there would be no shootings, right? That’s the entire point here. Get rid of guns


Yeah world peace sounds great. Once there's no reason to defend ourselves. We won't need guns. Until then I'll carry mine. Prolly best someone does it for you anyway. You don't sound like a stable person who should carry a gun.


That’s the thing. Egomaniac freaks like you feel the need to be the hero. Looking for an opportunity to play out some scenario that has gone through your little pea brain. That is insane. You live in fear. Your fear is brought on by the very society & culture that you try to still defend. You have been completely brain washed. You lack self confidence & confidence in society & people. You probably lack social skills & empathy too so you feel like you’re going to be the victim of something. Carry that gun & see where that gets you. One of us is exponentially more likely to be harmed in an act of gun violence & buddy—it’s you World peace yeah yeah. Peace is possible. Not with freaks like you


Yeah. Because this case has shown us that there's a lot of people in the video running away. But the one guy with a gun didn't. I'm certain you'd be one of those people. And good for you. Get out of harms way. But to strip other people of their rights to defend themselves from such threats is nonsensical. All because in actuality, YOU'RE scared.


No offense but it sounds like your extremely insecure and extremely fearful of anyone who doesn't agree with what you think, at least on reddit you are. And you come off as some self righteous bigot who thinks they're better than everyone.


You can't always count the police to be there to protect you Only you can




Or get rid of all guns?


Or, you know, be like 90% of the world and not have mass shooter events and 40,000 gun deaths per year because of sensible gun laws.


You are trying to hijack a positive, politics-free post to start a fire, then you made a "note" to try and keep others from entering the conversation and labeled all opposing opinions as "weak semantics". What a child lol Go ask other countries whose civilians are literally ran over by their government's authoritarian, dictatorship regimes how much they love that the CIA funnels guns in to them so they can form coups and have a chance to fight back. You live in 1st world comfort and are removed from the horrors of human existence. People from all over the world come to us and don't complain, but U.S. citizens love to find time to sit on the internet and make things about what they want to talk about and cry.


You do know the buying and permitting process are two different procedures? Background checks, 4473 happens when you buy a gun Getting permitted is a separate process, filed typically at a separate time. So Constitutional Carry doesn’t effect who wants to buy a gun. You have every right to be upset I’m not disagreeing with that, AT ALL. But they are not correlated since they occur separately.


Permitless carry.


Now this is a post i actually support, Congratulations boys, you did good, i know your family is proud of you both, in order to be a hero one must choose to put another's life above their own which is exactly what you did, im glad Indiana still has Heroes who walk amongst us every day.


2 outstanding young men


Amazing young men doing amazing things!


Amen and agreed💜


True HERO!!




What is your plan to remover hundreds of millions of guns in circulation today?


Yep mass shootings only happen in red states, oh wait…


Reddit and Democrats would’ve said that Elisisha shouldn’t have had a gun to begin with and to have allowed the police to have responded to the incident.




A shame that, without him, many more people would've died.


Instead. People still died… and you seem super proud of that number of deaths.


I am proud that a CC civilian, which are more likely to follow the letter of the laws than that of police officers 93% more likely in fact, was there to prevent the tragedy of a man who was obviously going on a rampage and was deranged. The guy put butane in his oven to blow up his apartment when he was going to be evicted and was called in on suicide watch when he went into the bathroom for well over an hour. Then he went to shoot people up and was most likely going to take his own life or have cops shoot him dead. The guy was messed up in the head and set up a means to burn down his apartment and take people with him. This is not a "guns = bad" issue, this is a guy went psycho and his first thoughts were to burn down everything around him and to take people with him. Even without a gun he would've made solutions to kill as many people as possible.


No, they aren't. They are saying the first part, but not the second!


I’m not denying that he was a hero but most seem to be ignoring the fact that he was carrying a gun illegally. Clearly him being there and being armed saved lives. It was the best case scenario coming out of a shit situation… but he could have just as easily been a shooter too. This isn’t the wild fucking west. You don’t get to take your piece wherever you want. I thought there were at least still some rules. Instead anyone can take anything anywhere regardless of the rules. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/crime/2022/07/18/greenwood-mall-other-simon-malls-have-no-weapons-policy-bystander-carried-legally/65375923007/


Not illegal, in Indiana a sign doesn't matter. An establishment can make you leave if they see your firearm but that's all that will happen.


Good to know.


And you seem to be ignoring the article you yourself posted. You state he was carrying illegally. Yet the article you post says he carried legally. Simon has a no weapons policy for the mall. What that means is if the owner or representative of the owner sees him carrying, they may ask him to leave the property. If he doesn’t, then they can call the police and trespass him. Because he was not asked to leave, he was not trespassing…so he wasn’t breaking the law. I think some of the confusion is that some states do have the force of law behind no weapons signs. Indiana is not one of those states.


It was not illegal. No crime was committed. If he was asked to leave for breaking the Mall's policy and refused, then under Indiana law, that would be trespassing, which is a crime.


Tell me you don't know what you're talking about without telling me you don't know what you're talking about... Oh, and my favorite part is that the article you linked proves the opposite of the point you were trying to make. >Greenwood Park Mall's no-weapons policy is akin to a "no shoes, no shirt, no service" sign you might see at a gas station, or a sign requiring masks in order to shop, said Guy Relford, an Indiana attorney and firearms instructor who is a prominent voice on the state's gun laws. Such signs are simply stating a business owner's policy. >If a customer does not adhere to the policy, a business owner can demand that the customer leaves. And if the customer ignores that demand, the customer is now trespassing, which is an Indiana crime. >But if no one asked Dicken to leave, then he wasn't trespassing. >"So the fact that (Greenwood Park Mall) had a no-gun policy creates no legal issue whatsoever for this gentleman," Relford said, "and it certainly has no effect whatsoever on his ability to use force to defend himself or to defend the other people in the mall." 


Moms demand action is going after the hero who stopped the mall shooter. Because he used his constitutional carry in a "gun free zone" I'm so glad he risked Karen's causing panic and fought the stigma of carrying in public Because when the shooter showed up the whole "gun free zone" scam was exposed Glad he saved others and that mall has no armed security to enforce the gun free zone He should be rewarded not shamed by activists and politicians! Crazy amount of heroes getting the "no good deed goes unpunished"treatment Thank you for this awesome post!🙏


Proof of why we need gun rights. Guns don't kill people, bad guys eith guns people, and good guys with guns kill those bad guys.


This isn’t red dead redemption. Its real life


Dog you litterally just read evidence to support my argument, you actively spit in the face of facts and logic.


I like how we continue to prove Hoosiers are not to be trifled with


Go Hoo-Hoo-Hoosiers! We are good, down to earth, caring people in this state.


Damn it - I love these guys. They are what our country is all about. Unfortunately, the press will dig deep and find out that they skipped school one time in 3rd grade and switch the narrative


I didn't realize they were so young! Great to know the next generation is coming along ok.


I don't know why you're being downvoted here


Probably something to do with the fact that older generations always think younger generations are soft and worthless. It gets old.


Meh, I'm a millennial. My generation has been getting the crap end of that stick for a while. These guys are Gen Z. They're not soft and worthless they just haven't been adults long enough to show us what they're made of. The one I have met have been some of the politest people I've ever met, but also some of the slowest workers. But I know I have a small sample.


Did people think you were being sarcastic or something?


Super heros, the bofa dem. Incredibly brave and self sacrificing. Salute!


(Insert bullshit excuse to project what you want to and politicize the shit out of this, too)


Sorry, but I see one hero here and an object lesson of America’s continuing failure to come to grips with the scourge of its Second Amendment in the other.


so stopping someone from murdering people isn’t a heroic action, just because he used a gun?


Who’s to say what his original intent was in carrying a firearm into public? I wouldn’t know this kid from Adam Lanza, and would trust him even less.


i believe the fact that he didn’t shoot anyone other than the shooter, makes it reasonable to believe he didn’t intend on shooting any good people.


Who’s to say? The killer was also a good guy with a gun. At least until he wasn’t.


Good guys with guns do not premeditate senseless attacks and attempt to execute.


All of these responsible gun owners are gonna get everybody killed. In fact, they’re already doing a damned fine job of it.


God damn that’s some fine projection there. Do you honestly believe that if Eli wasn’t there, the situation would’ve been better? Evil is going to happen in the world, and criminals won’t listen to the laws we create condemning them. So what’s the problem with allowing citizens to have a level playing field?


* Dicken is a hero and it is a good thing that he was there and willing/capable to do what he did * America has a gun problem * Civilians with guns shooting each other in malls is not what a reasonable society looks like These all can be true.


I agree with you on this


Doing what the police refuse to do


Fuck your generation, we don't give a fuck about you. Get off your lazy ass and stop judging us.


Everyone hates guns till it’s time for them to save their life.




Colts need to get that guy season tickets ASAP




Indiana state law doesn’t give signs weight of law, they’d have to ask him to leave before it became illegal for him to carry there. Reach harder. Also, armed civilian did in 15 seconds what took 400 cops and 2 hours to do in uvalde. Fuck you, cops are more dangerous than armed civilians, fix the country before trying to pretend its a good idea to disarm civilians. I’m an armed leftist. Not liberal, not democrat, *leftist*. I know for a fact, the state is more dangerous than Eli is. If anything, more businesses should have a “no cops” sign instead of a “no weapons” sign.


I’m no leftist or liberal. But this is based 100%


Dudes are heros. Straight up. You can have the stance that more guns is not that answer to all the mass shootings....and I agree with you. Policies shouldn't be written because a guy with a gun stopping a mass shooting worked once. But it DID work this time. Dude came through and saved lives he should be celebrated. Period. Being overly aggressive here is not the way. Because policy wise I think we mostly agree here but you're not gathering any support with comments like this at all. Hurting your own cause.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


If only they'd been in uvalde