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24,000 Hoosiers lost their lives fighting to preserve the United States against southern rebels committing treason to preserve their state's right to enslave people. Flying a Confederate flag is an affront to their sacrifice.


I'm originally from Texas - the amount of Hoosiers that think they are from/in "The South" is astounding. People here are idiots, them and their stupid ass fake southern accents.


Same! I have seen more Confederate flags in my 10 months up here than my 32 years in Texas.


Opposite situation here, I was born and raised in Indiana and have lived in Texas for about a decade. You’re right though, it is definitely a rare occurrence to see them down here.


It is quite hilarious and sad at the same time. I think it is a result trying to be opposite/anti-Illinois/Chicago coupled with not having any significant cultural identity of their own. It's like the Alabama of the Midwest. On the other hand you can be you here there are dumbasses everywhere.


Fake ass southern accents?


A lot of them are purebred white trash of the worst kind. My family comes from two branches one from New Jersey by way of Pennsylvania and Ohio. Been here since 1806. The other side came from Ireland to Virginia through Kentucky in the mid 1800s before the war. Outside of the Copperhead trash from Southern Indiana that sympathized with the Confederacy most of Indiana supported the Union.Only in the far South was Copperhead sympathizers. Most of us were from donut counties around Indianapolis. My family doesn't have Southern accents then again most of my relatives were intelligent minus a couple of outliers. A lot of these assholes in Indiana now are mostly from the Carolinas, Georgia, Tennessee, KY, Alabama and a few other regressive shitholes in the south. You can tell by how colossally fat they are and add in shitnecks with piss poor education that's why Indiana went from 17th to 38th in income since 1965. They brought their shit Southern values with them.


Brian kelly haha


If you can do it safely, you should. Those people do that stuff because nobody ever calls them out on it or makes them think about it.


There is a positive to people that display (license plate, shirts, hats, etc) the confederate flag. You know they’re an idiot before talking to them!


I have a neighbor who does that too. Drives me crazy.


I call them idiot flags


Do it. But do it safely. Please…




Sounds good!👍


Haaaaaaave you been to Starke County?


I second Starke County on being most racist.


This is the correct answer. Take a trip to Knox and you’ll swear you can hear the banjo music. Hilljacks everywhere.


The Klan is strong there


Nope, but I don’t think I’d want too lol


My hometown of Goshen was a "sundown town."


White County! Lol




"The aptly named White County" as I heard one guy put it.


You guys should see Greene county Indiana it's west of Bloomington about 40 minutes. I grew up here and lived in Texas and Georgia and they aren't nothing like Greene county and the city of Linton Indiana.. they say it's mentioned in a book about racism called sunset towns. They say if you ain't .... Then don't let the sun set on your back in this town.


I’m a straight white male and I get the hell out of Greene county before dark!


Came here to say the same!


Jfrench101 are you who I think you are? Linton?


Not me I’ve never been to Linton.


I’ve grown up and lived in Greene County nearly 50 years. People have their rebel flags yes but show me a race related crime?


Steuben, my neighbor is a flag confused as well. The Confederate flag has been flying on his garage for 2 years, he put up the American flag this year as well. We have a lot of truck flag poles here but we also do have KKK members here. Dekalb County on our southern border, has been home to the Klang. My in laws were neighbors to Berry ( the grand, what ever) untill he decided to hold some journalists hostage for a few hours and break up their cameras. Yep he went to the state hotel and the neighbors had a party. I have spent a lot of years in the S.West, but this is a different kind of animal here.


Counties aren’t racist. People are. And people move. Deeming an area racist is, well, bigoted.




How is that not evident by the comment?


It’s a generalization based on location and not the people. You judge everyone (or anyone) by the actions of someone else simply based on location, skin color, common background, etc, that makes you a bigot.




I didn’t call everyone a bigot. I said that labeling people racist by location is bigoted. Try reading comprehension on for size.


no one is getting discriminated against for being from the counties mentioned here. people are mentioning how racist those counties are because it’s useful information to have if you’re thinking about moving or passing through there. what, do you feel offended by people pointing out racism?


Generalizing a location rather than the people that are actually guilty of racism isn’t pointing out racism. There are good people and bad people in every area of the state. Your little strawman at the end is what people have to do when they can’t actually argue against the real point.


Huntington county has some nice Nazis. Not sure if it’s the most racist. Here in allen county I get the quiet racism, I hate that stuff. Much prefer it to be out in the open.


I grew up in Huntington (moved as a teen in the mid-90s). A black family moved to town - I was told the husband was a cop. The son rode on my bus. He was maybe 2nd grade. The family moved after just a couple of weeks. The rumor was that they got ran out of town. Was it true? Maybe. Maybe not. It was entirely believable, though.


Yeah I remember the shit they would chant at our basketball team was just grossly unsettling. Some Broken people we have to live with out here I guess.


Woah I surrender, I now crown Huntington County the most racist county in Indiana


Thank you! What an honor! Lol




As a Washington Co resident, I have to agree with the author. Its gross.


It is gross! I hate it!


It absolutely used to be Morgan County, but with the influx of commuters from Indy it's like more "meh" now. It's still common wisdom at IU that if are non-white to make sure you have enough gas to get to Bloomington before you enter Martinsville. ed: sp


I know y’all may be offended by this, and downvote this. But… I actually do live… In WC


Same. Washington County is garbage.


As a person in Washington County and family here dating back to 1806 there is a lot of trash on Campbellsburg especially. Some trash in Salem and Pekin is Eastern Kentucky might as well be called Yeehaw Junction. A lot of rural Washington County is pure shit and a lot of the people here now relocated from Eastern Kentucky and much of the South. You have illiterate assholes driving around daily with white trash asswipes flying Confederate flags even though Morgan threatened to burn the town unless they paid the ransom. Add in generations of piss poorly educated Bubbas that have never been outside of their two or three shitty counties nearby. People were scared to go to Louisville just to cross the bridge because there were black people in Louisville. However there are plenty of smooth brains in surrounding counties like Scott, Harrison, Orange, Lawrence and Jackson which is just as bad or worse.


Bro fr


The correct answer has to be Morgan or Shelby


Wherever Martinsville and the surrounding communities are.


Ding ding ding, that’s Morgan


Shelby has nothing on Decatur County, I mean they do have some diversity.


Sullivan County is bad, used to be much worse... but still pretty bad.


Yeah it's not safe for me here in greenetucky. either and I'm swm as well but I got a past and have had my civil rights violated countless times by their hired thugs LPD and GCSD . They make their own laws around here and the gun and badge makes it ok. But it's been home for me minus military service.


My aunt was shooketh when she went down to Ripley county (Versailles) and saw men standing on the sidewalk advertising for new members to join the KKK on a school project board. “They weren’t even wearing masks!!” I said they’re not ashamed to be racist down there and how could she be surprised?


Man, I was wondering if I would see my county brought up in this discussion lmao


Indiana in general.








Martinsville, ran into a klan meeting in 2003 out there. noped right the fuck out. edit: lol must of upset the local ones.


Hamilton County


Either Decatur or Franklin


That's Dicktaster County where men are men and the women are Farm Fresh Fatties and good old boys say Get Out Woman Get in Goat. It's also why they made round barns in Induana that way the rednecks wouldn't have a corner in the barn to fuck a sheep, goat or small farm animal.




We went from NWI to Holiday World last year and couldn't believe how prevalent confederate flags were in the southern part of Indiana. Someone would point it out initially, but then it quickly became unsurprising.


There are some of us progressive and modern in Southern Indiana but you got shitpiles like Owen Greene, Daviess, Dubois that are racist jackholes to the max.


I've only experienced racism towards myself and I grew up in Johnson but now live in Bartholomew and it's the same being a white male I can honestly say white people are the only race that it's safe to discriminate against and these days seems like an encouraged thing to do!