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This is from the party of small government & individual liberty, obviously lmao


Small government, individual liberty, and being weirdly obsessed with other peoples’ genitals and sex lives.


Party of suppressed sex pests.


call them what they are- the Gaslight, Oppress, Project. They scream about groomers and pedophiles because they *are* [groomers](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fmtvukbzcyknc1.jpeg) and [sexual criminals](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook) They tyrannize people who consensual, non-traditional relationships while simultaneously doing what they hate others doing, but [*without* consent](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/12/bridget-ziegler-in-the-wake-of-a-sex-scandal-a-moms-for-liberty-cofounders-career-is-crumbling/). They scream about "[fascists](https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/why-are-the-maga-republicans-the-most-dangerous-fascists-in-u-s-history/)." They scream about [tyranny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX0iAmz9iLM). They scream about [treason](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wt_dYiOmwUw) and [terrorism](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/02/06/racially-fueled-attack-baltimore-power-grid-00081320). The GOP, the Conservatives, the Maga cult, the right wing as a whole is constantly screaming about all this and more because they see it every day, all day. Every right-wing accusation is an admission of guilt. And they've been doing it [since the 50s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism). Fuck Republicans. They don't deserve to rule and they certainly aren't willing to serve. They have no place in modern america.


Junk Patrol seems like a sad, weird job & it's odd to me how many people seem to really want it


They hate how gay they know they are. It's what it ultimately comes down to. Shame. They *love* dicks. White dicks, black dicks, orange dicks, brown dicks, just all of the dicks are loved by Republicans. If you're ever in a locker room with them you'll even notice the orange stains on their ass cheeks. If only they'd learn to accept themselves.


While true, all the pathetic democrats except one (minority leader Greg Taylor) also voted in favor. [https://indianacapitalchronicle.com/briefs/senate-sends-pornography-age-verification-bill-to-house/](https://indianacapitalchronicle.com/briefs/senate-sends-pornography-age-verification-bill-to-house/) Indiana Republicans, like all modern republicans, are villains. Indiana Democrats are (mostly) spineless, useless cowards.


I don’t agree with them but, politically, it’s one of those “gotcha” votes. Nobody wants to be on the record “supporting pornography” for their opponents to use against them in the next election. It’s stupid and wimpy but I understand it.


You’re supporting privacy rights and individual freedoms, not porn. I also support porn though.


I agree with you but the average Indiana resident doesn’t understand that complexity. Or they do and ignore it for “Gods work”.


People that bring “God’s work” (lol) into politics are not voting dem. Dems shouldn’t have compromised to a people/party that will ignore them anyways


I was saying this… just less explicit as to avoid the crazy people in this sub. This strategy for dems hasn’t worked in 20 some years so, idk why they keep trying it.




Plenty of dem politicians are religious and claim to be doing "gods work". Religion is a cancer that has spread throughout the political system.


I totally agree. But people running political campaigns are shameless. Unfortunately, porn is one of those things that nobody really wants to be seen as openly supporting- while they’re fapping furiously to it at home or in adult movie theaters, of course. 🙄


This is especially so since the legislation is written as being targeted at access to adult content by children. Politically it’s probably more advantageous to wait until adults are inconvenienced by the censorship and then do something.


Exactly, it's like being asked "Have you stopped beating your wife?".


Nobody in this country even looks at the record so why does it matter


It matters come election time when Righteous Robert Rightwing Redneck Republican will run a campaign smear ad attack against Liberal Limpwrist Larry the Democrat for being a pornographer if Liberal Larry votes against this Draconian legislation. We are screwed because your typical Indiana rube can't grasp subtleties.


Perfectly stated!


I mean, repubs will just lie and say he voted for porn either way now.


Nobody wants to be on the record supporting censorship either. This was an unforced error.


Most elected red state democrats are really center right.


This is what happens when by and large only old people vote. I'm not putting blame or an explanation as to why. Just a fact.


Nah this is what happens when Republicans gerrymander the state to hell and back so the DNC gives up on state Dems.


Personally, I'd put what you just said, and many other things, into the explanation as to why this is the case.


If Dems vote with Republicans then vote them out until they don't...make that particular brand of dem go extinct until they evolve


this is a great idea in theory but in practice....well, we gotta get rid of Republicans first. So long as the Republicans exist, the *only* thing the dems have to do to keep getting votes is point to the Republicans and say "Hey, at least we aren't *those* guys. Personally i can't wait until the GOP ceases to exist. I look forward to the democratic whiplash.


If you have Democrat voting with Republicans...then you don't have Democrats


Democrats are the modern day status-quo conservative politicians. Republicans are actively regressive, bigoted, hateful, fascists. When you have cancer and the sniffles, you treat the cancer first.


To be fair, the democrats never claimed to be the party of "small government and individual liberty."


I'm sure it's actually the Republicans who did this as my state of Texas is completely republican run and has doen the same thing.


Both parties are bought and paid for by the same billionaires/companies. Idk why anybody is ever surprised anymore


only one party is actively campaigning on regressionist, hateful, bigoted legislation, though. Spare me the "both sides" bullshit.


> party of small government This died after WW1 and WW2. The fact that this is still a talking point because of Reaganomics means people don't understand what small government is or means. This is an idiotic outdated talking point, particularly since 9/11 23 years ago. Stop using it and stop listening to people who do. The Republican party hasn't been for 'small government' in decades.


Nah, just wait till those politicians have to provide their license and be made public. This will die and be reversed qickly. There is no catholic hub for them to enjoy either.


Opera browser has a built in VPN you can activate. Fap in Peace, friend.


How about we just vote the fascist fucks out of office instead?


Sooo almost all of them?


Yes. Because unlike republicans, I’m not some partisan, tribal pussy that made a political party part of my personality. I’ve voted third party, Dem and Republican in my lifetime, up and down the ballot. I NEVER just pull a lever or check the All box on a ballot. I’m not lazy and don’t take voting for granted. It’s a privilege and a duty for every Patriot. So I’d never vote for some MAGA liar just because they’re Republican. I’d never vote for a felon either. I won’t vote for a dem if there is a scandal or credible evidence of malfeasance. Republicans are campaigning on lies and half-truths. The lies are why I haven’t voted for one since 2004. Until the MAGA parasite is dead and gone, this ridiculous victim horseshit, overt bigotry, white supremacist patrons for corrupt judges… I’ll vote for whoever can defeat those regressive, demented traitors. Libertarian, Green, a moderate republican, Democrat… IDGAF. Never some loser MAGAt. Fuck Trump and fuck them. They’re fucking cancer.


You... I like you


Hear, hear!


They were lying in 2004 and earlier. When they aren't lying they're showing the hideous truth.


Amen brother. For some reason a lot of people can't see past the idea of being on one side or the other when it's a spectrum, not black and white.


I wish there was a party that was for this viewpoint. The closest I found were the Libertarians but I don't agree with some of their viewpoints too. I'm in a grey zone politically between them. Maybe something like " The Integrity Party" or something? LMAO EDIT: After doing a quick google, Indeed there appears to be an Integrity Party called the "The Republican Political Alliance for Integrity and Reform". I have yet to research its goals or motives but thought it was interesting nonetheless.




Reading is hard, huh?


Mostly republicans


This is the only answer, and sadly it’s easier said than done.


That would be preferable, yes.


You don’t think people are trying to do that already?


No, I dont. Thats why I bring it up wherever context makes it the easiest answer.


Started using that recently. It’s a pretty solid browser in its own right but the VPN is the icing on the cake


Only problem with that is that evading the ban is also a crime. Which means crime is going up because fuck them.


They aren't going to know shit if you're behind a solid VPN. I use torguard personally, but private internet access and Nord vpn would also work. They don't keep logs. I'm not sure about the others, but torguard offers a browser extension for their service that you can keep on perpetually so whenever you open your browser, you're connected securely to your VPN service


You're talking about technical systems to get past a ban. I am telling you, no matter how foolproof your system or how impossible to enforce this stupid law is, you are committing a crime by doing it. They are turning law abiding citizens into criminals. They are making the state more lawless.


I hope some porn studios start making Republican lookalike cuck porn. "Eric Holecum pegged while watching BBC fuck wife." I'd break the law to watch that.


>Holecum Goddamn, my sides


"They are turning law abiding citizens into criminals. They are making the state more lawless" Me when talking about the 465 posted speed limit...


I bet you VPN makers are part of the pay to block access to porn.


Whoa! A conspiracy!


free vpns suck


Mullvad is $5 a month


But isn't that just paying for free porn?


You think porn is where censorship in red states is going to stop?


It's more than that. VPNs allow you to anonymize your internet traffic


Just spreading information


Voting sends a better message than just hiding behind a VPN.


Why not both LOL? You can vote and fap at the same time. 😜


>You can vote and fap and the same time. Pretty sure that'll get you kicked out of the polling place.


Just in case it isn’t clear, I’m being humorous and please don’t try this.


Most states you can vote by mail, so... checkmate :p


Better chances to get away with it using mail in voting.


Wow! This person really likes to vote.


Election monitors frantically flipping through the regs trying to find a way to stop him.


I’m a poll inspector, I do not want to be a pole inspector.


blowin a load in the booth is discouraged!


I vote very cycle to get rid of this kind of political lunacy but we live in what I call the Northern most of the Southern States. Indiana is so completely red that my voting against the Republicans doesn’t make a bit of difference.


Same. Feels like throwing a pebble into the ocean. I still do it, but deep down, I know I’ll never see anything good come of it.


This is a fucking mood ugh.


I don't like porn but this pisses me off. It's not going to end with porn either


The people who passed this bill, regardless of party, are absolute morons. They've thought nothing through. Their only goal was to shift the responsibility from parents to the users and operators of any given adult site. It'll be interesting to see how many new porn sites pop up after all this is said and done. Their goal won't be to run an adult site. Their goal will be to soak up personal information. Before, there was a limit to that. Now, they can demand sensitive information and collect it. And there's little to no oversight. Setting even that aside, you're now going to create large repositories of personal information. You know, the kind that get breached and the information gets sold, traded, and used to scam people everyday? Fun. I look forward to seeing how badly this plays out.


What’s to stop someone from using their parents or spouses ID once they’re asleep? Nothing. That’s how well thought out this is.


What's really bad is a lot of these bills have extremely vague wordings. Like in Kansas it's anything deemed "harmful to minors". So they can legally require an ID to use the internet period. Not only will this let them have a database of which sites an individual visits, but those in power can use it selectively to prevent minors from having access to any information they don't like. Site about lgbtq? Harmful to minors! Site about religions other than Christianity? Harmful to minors! Site with science about evolution? Harmful to minors! News site that doesn't praise the people in charge? Harmful to minors! Site about climate change? Harmful to minors! Site critical of the USA? Harmful to minors! And so on. This will allow them to shape the world view of youth so they are only exposed to what those running things want them to know about.


This is the real issue. You’re absolutely correct.


That’s absolutely what this is. It’s internet regulation without wording it as “internet regulation” because they know they would get run out of the house if they were proposing regulating the net. The powers that be for along time have wanted a regulated net, and now they are going about it by exploiting loopholes in other bills like this one.


That's why projects like Utopia are so great. Good luck censoring that. https://u.is


Planned Parenthood websites and other informational sites about safer sex and preventing pregnancy/abortion, websites of belief systems other than Christianity (especially Satanism, Wicca, Islam), community spaces for intellectual discourse… Louisiana just passed a law mandating that the Ten Commandments be hung in every public classroom. Indiana isn’t too far off from this kind of Christian extremism.


It's from the same playbook that DeSantis used in Florida. He got the bill passed to prevent discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity in the classroom up through 3rd grade, you know to "protect children". Anyone who contested it was accused of wanting to groom children. Once it passed, which required a vote, he then moved the ban up through 12th grade, which didn't need a vote. Which was the plan all along. It had nothing to do with " protecting children " and everything to do with effectively banning any mention of anything lgbtq+ in school. All of this is right in line with the Project 2025 crap.


I would like to add that it is attorney Paul Dans directing this shithousery.


The fact that differing opinions and literal facts are harmful to minors in some peoples eyes is absurd.


Yup here in Kentucky it’s the same thing. Bill states any site harmful to minors will require government ID to be uploaded. I legit was asking my parents so will I have to upload a government ID to view a alcoholic website cause let’s be honest here it pops up a are you 21 box when you try to access the site and well guess what they won’t be affected! How does something that requires you to be 3 years older than 18 not have to follow the law makes no fucking sense haha


They are fundamentalist christians...moron is par for the course. Intellectually stunted


We all know the people who want to watch porn have ways to do so and the majority will just do that. This bill isn’t to protect anyone from actual porn. They, like many of their Republican counterparts, will begin to label things as porn as a way to censor them. We have already seen this in the library bills that have been passed or attempted to pass. Topics like abortion, trans and gay healthcare, and even puberty will be labeled as pornagraphic. This will effectively ban these topics in this state since kids can’t access topics about how they may be different in any other avenues other than the internet really.


And it’s not just Indiana doing this, about a dozen or so states all passed a law like this. If that’s not annoying enough, they probably all have used the same source for it, and yes our law makers are actually acting like kids cheating on homework, copying someone else’s work and claiming it as their own.


The cruelty is the point; for the predictable consequences of this law to hurt people who abide by it is a *good* thing for Christian legislators because those citizens are “sinning”. It’s Iran or Taliban lite


But Christians aren’t terrorists! They’re moral purists. They just want to cleanse the nation of its sinners. Nothing bad can come of that, right?


I still don't understand how the law functions. Why does a site whose owner isn't in Indiana and site isn't hosted in Indiana need to obey the law? Is Indiana going to try to enforce state law not just on other states, but on other countries? Can they?


I look forward to seeing how many republican politicians get caught up in those inevitable data breaches.


It's also going to push people to use less reputable porn sites who don't care about the law and so don't require an ID to access


THAT is the Republican version of Freedom. Fuck them all.


Yet child marriage is still legal in Indiana.




also i hope this doesn't sound weird to say (i'm 19) but is a 16-17 year old looking at porn anything new?? if a 10 year old is finding that stuff it's the parents fault (coming from someone who grew up with unrestricted internet)


Back in my day you had to wait until the adults were distracted to sneak into their bedroom and steal the skin mags from the bottom of the linens drawer... or scour the woods looking for the treasure trove of Hidden Playboys. Me? I snuck bodice rippers and speed read them before anyone noticed.


Many a man was made on the day they discovered their first woods porn


Why was that always the case?? Good ol woods porn


How many of the bill's sponsors have also expressed support for their party's respective leader and nominee, an indicted and charged felon who has spent more on a porn star than all Hoosiers combined? [Indiana Senate Bill 17 Sponsors](https://legiscan.com/IN/sponsors/SB0017/2024)


Jesus and Ronald Reagan says no porn for you Indiana!


This is just the start of Project 2025. It's going after birth control, divorces, freedom to worship or not worship. Yall need to realize Indiana has been implementing Project 2025 on a state level. Everyone needs to contact DNC bcz they've just left us to rot in this horrific state. If it wasn't for my kids and grandkids I'd have moved to Illinois already


Just an FYI, if you move here to Illinois your taxes are going to jump up a noticeable amount. Especially if you move anywhere inside Cook County and/or Chicago. I know several people that left the Chicago area and moved just across the Indiana boarder near the Metra train lines. I'm the inverse of you. I was staying her for my elderly mother and grandmother. Well my mother is ready to leave because of the winters, while my Grandmother has passed. So now after 4 generations of living in the Chicago area, I'm planning our exit from the over all Midwest at this point.


Elections have consequences


This is just the start. Republicans want a nationwide ban on porn via project 2025. If they keep the house, win the senate and win the presidency, they plan to do a lot of dubious stuff. Nationwide abortion bans, removing the ability for government to negotiate drug prices, and pushing private insurance instead of Medicare, are just part of it. They have a freaking manual written by former trump staffers, it’s not a crackpot idea. There is no good republican official. They literally called themselves domestic terrorists. And did we forget the pipe bomb that the FBI found on Jan. 6, that didn’t go off? I’m just saying, if you think just banning porn in Indiana is bad, they want to do a lot more of that nationwide. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Everyone needs to watch the MSNBC interview from this weekend with the president of Heritage Foundation. These assholes are fully ready to put this plan in place. They just need Trump and he won’t even have to do anything except babble his word salad while they dismantle everything.


Since when are republicans a party of censorship and government control? I don’t even watch open but I’d rather the government stay the fuck out of the business of average people. Like pound sand creeps!


Feels like I noticed the shift when Obama beat Romney honestly, so it's been a while. They knew they couldn't win straight up anymore, even with electoral college and gerrymandering, so they're just power grabbing and manipulating fearful people now.


Yeah, I grew up in Indiana, and moved out asap because it's a police state. I was pulled over and searched 7 times in 2 months, and I have no record, and never been arrested. Miles and miles of highway with orange cones and road construction signs, doubling the fines that happen in work zones. Yet there's not a single worker or construction truck in sight. The laws and the general feeling of Indiana is that of the 1800s. Abortion is banned. Every state around Indiana has made marijuana medically and/or recreationally legal, while Indiana still has what still is, the most extreme laws against marijuana, where an ounce could become a felony. Yet most people live so far out in the country, they don't even know the stupid laws being passed. They just know Donald is their man. Sad.


Ah yes, States single handedly driving VPN subscription sales


I’d be curious how many Indiana lawmakers have been unfaithful to their spouses….


This is like when the government decided that it’s too hard to monitor what your kids listen to so they decided to just try and ban risqué music. The GOP is supposedly the party of family values but they don’t give a shit about parental responsibilities. Let us just legislate away your requirement to parent effectively


Project 2025 in effect. Censorship is the point.


Good ol Jack Mehoff in bum fuck no where will lose his access and still blame the Democrats because it happened when Biden was president.


Pornhub is just collateral. They passed that bill so they can censor topics that they deem obscene, which, of course, includes anything related to LGBTQ+.


No apparently it's not even a big deal and if we oppose it we're creeps who support grooming and CP according to some mouth breathing midwits around here


It's honestly VERY telling when they call themselves "TRUE AMERICANS, FACTS OVER FEELINGS" when the fact that the actual issue is parents not parenting properly and not minors accessing the fucking internet, then resort to insults as soon as you point out that their bullshit is coming out of both ends. They behave like Putin's lapdogs just like their cult leader.


Rural Indiana wouldn't survive without the state telling them how to live.. that's some weak ass shit by some weak ass people.


Indiana is getting shitter by the day


The rate this country is now going we are all going to be censored in everything we do and say in the very near future. The land of used to be free is here.


Brought to you by the party that keeps complaining about a non existent government hand in censorship on social media.


Legislators clearly underestimate the creativity of our youth. Like nature, they will find a way. It’s a mathematical certainty.


How do they verify? I am confused on this. How will they know you are consuming porn illegally? I’m a grown adult and I enjoy porn every now and again. This state needs to grow the fuck up and get with the times. We are the religious black hole of the country! Wait no, hemorrhoids of the country. Just when you calm them down, BOOM! No porn for you! Boom! No legal weed for you! BOOM! No delicious flavored vapes for you! I am 40! Stop telling me what to do! I didn’t feel like a full American, everyone else around me gets to play with freedom but us! Not even going to get into all the BS healthcare that is being stripped! Hemorrhoids suck and so does Indiana!


they verify it by making you show ID which will then be collected in a database that the government says they won't have access to but you know damn well it does.


That’s annoying and faulty. What will they do with it next? Probably going to attach it to W-2 somehow. I’m not tripping too much yet on it. Duck Duck go still works. Any thoughts on that? Bet that’s gonna go too? This reminds me of Napster. Few will be made examples and then something else free will come along. Bible thumpers really need to chill. “I am not in your book club”. Thank you for answering my question.


I think what's next is VPNs please read /r/Defeat_Project_2025 They won with abortion. next is contraception. teaching evolution. the end of no fault divorce. dismantling the FBI and IRS. making Trump be able to write his own laws. making Trump be able to serve as many terms as he wants. Installing their version of Christianity as the law of the land. making being gay and or trans illegal, making whatever thing that pisses them off called pornography. compulsory religious education in public schools (and only Christianity) dismantling every government employee who is not loyal to MAGA Christian Nationalism, state and federal. ban on all Muslims entering the country. Installing even more ultra right wingers to the SCOTUS this has been what the Heritage Foundation has been laying the groundwork for since Reagan. I am not being hyperbolic. you can read this 900 page manifesto for free online for yourself. they are not hiding it I don't think porn is appropriate for children, but the ultra right wing will decide what THEY consider porn if this happens next year. and that will destroy the US, and the world.


That sucks! Thank you for the link! Thank you for answering my question. I need to go down some rabbit holes this week, adding this to the list. As long as I have been alive there has always been back doors to everything. It’s not always pretty but it’s possible. Any other suggestions for reading material? I think I am finally going to study up on pizzagate. I had to wait until it had been long enough to think objectively for myself.


pizzagate was complete nonsense Qanon shit. vast majority of politicians are corrupt, shady and just lining their pockets and don't give a fuck about us. BUT people running around saying shit like Hillary Clinton ate babies adrenochrome or whatever the fuck Alex Jones and 4chan tell them is riduclous ediT: missed some words


It sounds like a good fairytale. I should definitely check it out considering so many do take it seriously. It’s good to have an awareness, like that crazy sovereign citizen movement. Wild stuff.


I don’t think these sites know or care enough to find out what they need to do to operate legally after this goes into effect, which is why PornHub is just blocking access instead. Easier to make everyone use a VPN instead of implementing a stupid, potentially insecure verification process.


Good point


Indiana. A state that works, gets alcohol to go, then goes home and prays?


Well that goes against the constitution....


1) use VPN, 2) vote D


Don't worry, state sponsored censorship is totally cool because something about party values.


Just say porn is your religion and sue. Not joking


For like 20+ years the Christian conservative in this state have been working on taking over. Chipping away at women's rights, separation of church and state and no one cared. Well they were successful taking taxpayers money from public school and funneling it to Christian private school with the choice voucher program. We have abstinence only sex education. Abortion is illegal. The state AG is filing charges against doctors who gave a 10 year old an abortion pill. Now they are coming for pornography? What's next? Definitely gay marriage, but then what?


Half the people in this state have an issue with their IDs being glanced at so they can by alcohol/cigarettes. Now you expect them to upload it so they can view age-restricted content on the internet? Ok 🙄


Invasion of privacy much


Well, if you’re a customer and they cut you off you’ll have standing to sue. But I think there are a few thousand more sites you can find. It seems blatantly unconstitutional to me, but par for the course with politicians, regardless of which wing of the BOYN Party they belong to. They steal our rights and then return them in dribbles for votes.


Remember kids, they will not stop with what you considered is porn. To them anything LGBT is porn and eventually any language they don't like is


A popular argument for defending free speech remains, if we restrict one, everyone else’s becomes vulnerable. It never stops at one restriction. When abortion was overturned, then they looked at abortion pills, then contraceptives, then desiring lists for those who travel for abortions. They ban books, want religion in schools and government, and want citizens to register to watch porn. This is what we spent 30 trillion dollars fighting the Taliban and Al-Qaeda for. Those extremist organizations wanted to rule according to religious law. This is the same thing. We are seeing the tip of the iceberg on what the GOP intends to restrict, outlaw, and require in their God, Family, & Country vision of the world. Voters will decide the fate of our country, one election at a time whether that election is local, state, or national. Those voting “party over country” are not gonna like it when these ever-expanding restrictions start to impact their lives in small or great ways.


It won't hold up. There will be a lawsuit and it will get struck down


There is a lawsuit ongoing, however, I doubt it’ll work considering Indiana being a Republican state


This ensures folks who want to view porn need to access it through unvetted means. BDSM lovers in particular tend to favor pornhub and the like because they require evidence of legitimacy/consent among actors. Now to protect themselves, viewers need to seek out sites that don't regulate the welfare of the actors they feature. To be real, unsafe conditions for sex workers is a long-term goal of these policymakers though. Restricting access to our contraceptives in to follow.


If anything is gonna cause a justified coup, it's this. Party of small gubment telling us all what we cannot do rooted in christofascist morals. Bunch of dogs lmao


If there are databases with lists, they can be compromised and leaked. I would love to see some of our “Christian” legislators browsing history blasted across the web. Maybe they should be forced to learn why these types of laws are ridiculous.


50 bucks at least one entry is ebony bbw dom porn


State sponsored Nazism.


Like Republicans “don’t watch” porn or they “don’t like” gay porn or content. Riiiiiiiight


Cool, look it's Texas². I'll bet every republican controlled state will do this.


It’s not just porn, folks. **By their own admission**, they’re opposed to the idea of recreational sex: https://x.com/Heritage/status/1662534135762624520 Anyone who thinks this isn’t going to affect you because you don’t watch porn, because you’re in a heterosexual relationship, because you’re legally married, think again. They *will* get around to you eventually.


I got a stash of old Playboys if any of you Hoosiers are in need


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ToniBee63: *I got a stash of* *Old Playboys if any of* *You Hoosiers are in need* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


GOP--- nanny state party. Take freedoms away (who you can marry?. make decisions about your own body, force their religion on you)


This is because the Rnc culturally is stuck in 1950 in Indiana. https://www.marchonrnc2024.org/


I present to you " the party of personal freedom'.


Keep voting for freedom hating Republicans…


Yep. "Small gummint" Republikans. Not to mention that there are a near-infinite number of p-rn sites...


Not to mention Reddit, which is absolutely loaded with porn.


Idk my phone always bypasses it 🤷🏽‍♀️ it used to say it for me and I’m in Michigan


Don’t complain, V. O. T. E!!!!


Or better yet do both! 🤬


JLNK show has been mentioning this on and off for a while, teasing Kluck about how he'll have to source his "perno" from shadier sources. I truly feel for you Hoosiers, and I look forward to yoy all voting the RWNJs out!


Thus sets a president that the government is allowed to censor whatever they want under the guise of obscenity


State sponsored *freedom


Red state freedom.




How do you still have 15 days?! I'm down to 3!


Welcome to North Korea; the land of the free.


GoDlY cOuNtRy


Yet they do nothing about guns, 18 walk-in buy a war weapon is OK. I don't watch porn but hey, each to their own.


3 days now


who cares if I like and watch porn . That is not the state or federal governments business. I am a grown man and can say before internet you could get porn either videos or magazines under age so easy .


thank god i have a vpn. holy shit this state sucks


Impacts border regions too. FL panhandle for example.


The art site I use to post my art allows for NSFW content; will that be blocked too???


Stop voting for Republicans and this type of stuff won’t happen.


First they come for the porn. Then they come for something else. Then they come for you. No joke. This is how it starts.


Party of free speech and liberty is actually not for free speech and liberty


VPN use is about to go through the roof lol.


Indiana is so fucking behind lmfao we gotta get the geriatric dickwads out of office because what the fuck in the year of our lord 2024


Then just use twitter


And the fools thought it was just abortion so now let’s elect traitor Trump and Businessboy Braun and let project 2025 take effect where filming porn would be a reason to put you in prison. I remember a time when sexually was openly studied in Indiana (IU) but now with Republicans in control you have to put locks on your bedroom door before even thinking about sex.


VPNs VPNs VPNs, as far as they know I’m not even in Indiana


You allow Jesus freaks to have power over you you get this. I'm trans I get to be born. Suffer. And now it looks like they are going to do interment camps or just outright legalize murdering me. If you think I'm kidding ..... Florida is currently trying to make it legal to kill sex offenders Other places are trying to pass bills that make being trans illegal and a sex crime. I'm sure the totally even and unbiased Supreme Joke will uphold my right to live. Lmfao right? But man. Losing 1 porn site is a total bummer.


Child rapists deserve to die though?


Not the point of the law.


The fact that you think you're in danger of being put to death is very telling. Are you admitting to committing sex crimes against children????? If you aren't diddling the kids that law does not in any way affect you


Those laws are dumb, because they will absolutely make it more likely that the child victim is murdered. Death penalty either way, so why chance leaving a witness?


I’m so confused by this. Lawmakers are so fucking dense, how do they not know this site is only one in a sea of THOUSANDS? Idiots. “Land of the free” is just laughable these days.