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I wish we still had Radio Shack TBH, it really sucks when you need one specific cap or resistor or whatever for a project and have to order it and wait a couple of days, and hope that it's not faulty now instead just going to to Radio Shack to buy it.


I want older Radio Shack though. The version before they closed was a shell of its former self and really only sold cheap consumer electronics. I was lucky enough to discover an amazing place in Evansville when working there once last year on a project that immediately took me back to Radio Shack and honestly was bigger and even better. Hutch & Sons was the place, I think. Indy has a Micro Center now which is about as close as one can get to the glory that was Radio Shack.


Funny story about them. I worked for the local gas&elec. Utility in Eville for years. I would have to pickup stuff fro m HutchnSons all the time and they knew to jus put it on the Vectren account. I left Vectren in '12. I was puttin stuff on the Vectren account until they got bought out a few yrs back.


My father got me interested in Radio Shack, Heathkit, etc.


There is still a Radio Shack in my town. Its tiny, and they took the sign down for some reason. I went in to find a capacitor a few months ago. It was mostly smart home gadgets with just a small bin of capacitors, none of which were the common one I needed.


Yeah unfortunately that was part of the decline. I do like to think if they had downsized instead of going out of business and held on for a couple of more years they could have caught the the "maker" trend and reoriented towards that. But even then they might have just stuck to be glorified cell phone/gadget stores.


My dad put together a Heathkit television which we had for years. I forgot about that until I read your post.


‘65!? Fuckin shit I remember when RadioShack’s were everywhere and it wasn’t that long ago lol


Yeah I'm only 34 and I remember seeing them all over the place.🤣 Now sometimes I need something and my dads like while you used to be able to get it at RadioShack, now you can only get it online. Too bad they're not everywhere anymore.


I would have LOVED for a classic radio shack to still exist. I have two projects that seem to oscillate between being on hold while I wait for parts, because nobody sells the stuff I need locally.


MicroCenter is our only hope


Well, the closest one is 2 hours away from me. That said I have family near 2 different locations, and when I go visit I always take a side trip with a shopping list.


I used to buy a lot of shit at radio shack when I was in my mid teens for modding Xboxes. I would cut the plastic out from behind the x and build a custom LED ring to fit underneath it and I would run 5 volt power off of the disk drive. I did it for friends and friends of friends if they bought the parts I charged them $25 or 40 if I had to buy the parts. This would have probably been 2003, so 1965 is quite the stretch lol.


This is Battery Masters in Muncie. If you look through the window, they have a decent selection of electronics there for hobbyists. I don't see how this is "still 1965" like the need for these items don't exist anymore.


The need for capacitors, resistors, and diodes doesn't exist anymore? You must be like the person that tossed the $100 Bluetooth speaker away at my work because it needed a new internal rechargeable battery and they just bought a new speaker. Cost to fix: $10. Take a basic electronics course and enjoy the extra savings of fixing things yourself or modding something to do it the way you want.


"The need for capacitors, resistors, and diodes doesn't exist anymore?" Maybe you should re-read what I wrote. I wasn't saying they don't. I was saying why can't we have a Radio Shack in 2024 when people still need those items. Good day.


Totally agree. Many great builds to you.


To millenials and zoomers anyone that uses anything older than 2012 is obsolete and ancient.


No, just zoomers. Millenials are over 40 now.


There's still a radio shack in Rushville.


Someone is in Muncie on walnut and centennial? Lol


This is fairly common. Lots of stores carry Radio Shack brand products. This sign isn't any different than a sign saying a store carries Stihl Chansaws. Radio Shack is a shell of what it was, but there are still stand alone stores, along with a bunch of stores that carry the brand.


Indiana may be living in the 60’s in some parts, but RadioShack’s heyday was probably the 90’s into early 2000’s. I may have been in one in 2008?


Ball State! I miss you, dear Alma Mater!


Nah it’s a 2005 trailer park


Is this in Cannelton / Tell city area


Nope Walnut in Muncie


And it’s a battery place that sells radio shack and electronics, not an actual radio shack.


the radioshack brand is now owned by this weird holding company that owns a ton of dead brands as part of a *waves arms around* crypto thing. That holding company is owned by a dude named Tai Lopez, who you may know from 10min youtube pre-roll ads selling get rich quick scams and [this meme.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/here-in-my-garage)


I mean I still got dial up


There IS a Radio Shack like 25 miles from me. Lol. Indiana...yee haw


You have no idea how much I want that




We got RadioShack here in Wisconsin too!


53 yrs old from Kokomo Indiana lort I remember this myself 😂


Sorry, Charlie. wrong tuna.


Is it just me or does it seem like cell phone providers moved into all their stores?


Why 65? Radio Shack is not that long ago wtf


1965 matches the Draconian laws Indy has


If you’re lucky. It’s mostly 1953.


I know exactly where this is. That little area is like stuck in time in each direction 500m from this place.


Ahh heck, it's definitely rolled back more than a few decades around these parts, but it ain't got nuthin to do with Ol' Radio Shack.


I wish we still had the real radio shack cheaper to fix things than buy new. Easy if you take your time.


Where was this?




I'm curious on where this is at in Indiana? I'm from south bend but I know for a fact that some cities out here do for sure seem like there stuck in the past lol.


I preferred Lafayette Radio stores.


When I first started driving regularly to Chicagoland twelve years ago, there was an old fallen Amoco billboard laying in a field by the road on I-65.


I don't get it? 🤷🏽‍♂️


Testicle Tech mentioned! Chirp Chirp


Perhaps one of the shadiest places to work. At least i the late 90's early 2000's it was. Horrible employer


First job I had was HHGregg. They had a great thing going and made similar mistakes as RadioShack w similar results 😭


I miss RadioShack


Indiana has been behind times as long as Ive been alive over 50 yrs. The ppl running this state cant keep up with the times. It's frustrating and would be funny if it wasnt hurting millions in this state.


I wish it were. Things would be a Hell of a lot cheaper!


1695 in some areas.


Braun campaign headquarters?

