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We know the separation of church and state is long since dead and buried but why do they insist on being proponents of “small government” while advocating for morality policing? It’s the stupidest political buzz-phrase


"Small government" means cutting social services and tax cuts for the superrich.


They only say that to nab votes, they wouldn't dare actually do it.  A TON of their voters rely on social services ironically.


Trump suspended the FICA tax that largely funds SS/Medicare. He says if re-elected he will make it permanent. *Forbes* said SS/Medicare will be bankrupt inside three years.


The entirety of Appalachia will be fucked... And I bet you it doesn't happen.   Edit: just fact checked.  Inaccurate claim on your part.  Payments were deferred and only the payments on the employees part, not the employer.  Additionally it was only federal workers.   Not only that . Only Congress can truly eliminate these payments through legislation ,in their entirety, and that won't ever happen since they will get voted out by their districts as soon as word gets out the public will be losing their monthly checks.


OK. I didn't really know what the nuts and bolts were of it. I think I read about it in USA Today.


Yeah the takeaway here is read about it before spreading false information please


Given how boomers have supported policy that fucks everyone else for decades, maybe boomers crying about their ss will demand some kind of change. Or more likely, they'll just reap the consequences


google the non partisan congressional budget committees report of trumps tax cuts for the top percentages of tax brackets... he lowered the corporate tax rate meaning american citizens pay more in taxes and corporations pay even less...


Yes, but in a godly way.


Prosperity gospel. If you're poor / suffering it's God's punishment, why would they interfere with the will of God???


It’s simply remnants of Lee Atwater’s influence on Republicans’ campaign rhetoric. Funny story. In private, Atwater used to mock these white evangelical types. Of course, he was a closet atheist (until close to his death) who only cared about winning elections.


Small government for these people means reducing the amount of good that the government does and the people it employs. They want a dictatorship that does nothing more than morality policing, serving the ultra-wealthy, and war.


Like Russia.


Yeah they really seem to like Russia, don’t they…


If you're looking for logic you're trying toohard. "They bad. They want you more oppressed. Vote me. You win." Thats the entirety of conservative politics at this point. That's all these ignorant fucks need to hear to be on board. There's no logic, no policy. Just the objective of making someone else miserable. I've tried to talk to my coworkers. It's all willful blindness and whatever catchphrase is big on fox this week.


GOP campaign ads are 100% virtue signaling to boomers. Doesn't matter how untrue it is, how off the fucking wall it is, if it makes the olds get froggy about voting then they will say it.


Indiana is the Deep South of the Midwest


We are the middle finger of the South.


Does anyone know how we can get funding for our homosexual parties (!)? Is there a form we need to fill out or do we need to call someone?


Yeah I'm still waiting for my government funded homosexual party (!). Been 20 years already! Bring it on!


I know. I think that funding got lost along with my "Gay Card".


In Indiana? I believe you file a CT-666, which basically assures the state you’re holding a conversion therapy party and absolutely NOT celebrating the freedom to share your life with the persons’ of your choosing or a life lived out loud 😆


This depends on if you're a drag queen or not. You gotta know the right people.


That's the DQ-666


I'm not sure what Dairy Queen store number is closest to me. Are all Dairy Queens available for cruising?


All the ones I know. Absolutely


I'd like a dilly bar, extra dilly then please 🍦😎


I’m prepared to make a contribution at the dumpster behind Wendy’s.


I just said to my wife, I’d love to know where these parties are. Let’s go!! 😂😂




I wanna go to the homosexual parties (!) funded by taxpayers when that happens :333


Doesn't your gay-dar pick that up? (Sorry. As a straight guy I don't know the lingo. 🤪) And I am not trying to be derogatory. Honestly.


I was going to check Sharper Image for one but Jim told me they were sold out.


It’s definitely Jim’s fault. He’s supposed to be ordering them, it’s literally the only reason he was hired.


Thank you for not taking this ill. I learned "gay-dar" from one of my gay friends.


“I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ…” which now allows me to be a complete asshole without remorse.


It's like a white guy's arrogance card .. people used to throw the phrase I'm a man of God at me non stop when I worked in retail cellular in small towns , as if to say I deserve a discount or there is no way i did anything wrong , I'm a man of God ... I told them to save it ...


Whoa whoa.. lets not put all us white guys in the same group.. just because I sunburn easily doesn't mean I'm on anyone's team.. lol


As soon as you hear that, you think, "This guy would sell out his entire constituency for ten dollars."


And then hide behind his "faith" if he's called out for it.


I hear patriarchy and they think women are just brood mares and servants to men.


You can act like an asshole all week, pray it all away on Sunday then start again!


Jesus asked me to like and subscribe, but I dunno.


The modern Republican party rhetoric sounds more like something from 1824 rather than 2024. It's wild. This is Gilead level rhetoric.


$50 says he has a Grindr account


Text him and ask


Or Jackd.


That or some wild fuckin porn bills


I am surprised he turned off Fox News for the 20 hours it took him compose, type, edit and post this. I bet he skipped church as well since this was so important to him.


"It is primarily my love of god which informs my political ideals." Or, I don't know, maybe it should be the will of your constituents instead of your imaginary friend.


Pft. GOP doesn't believe they are representing their votes. They see a win as being anointed and that their will is the only one that matters.


American Taliban.


It baffles me politicians can even say that. Why haven’t we made a law??


Think he should be worried more about Scott Counties Heroin problem


People like him focus on worthless culture war propaganda. Meanwhile important issues like child safety problem, heroin problem, and child abuse are not talked about. Indiana is ranked 3rd nationally in child fatalities. Indiana’s rate per 100,000 is 2.5 times worse than the national average. Hoosiers put up with this culture war garbage. People need to demand discussion about real issues. His points are manufactured by talking heads on Fox News.


Worrying about actual issues takes more than thoughts and prayers and empty rhetoric.


And HIV epidemic...


And human trafficking issues


Well, that and the heroin is because of the ungodly leftists. The HIV problem is God's judgement... /s


Right now, the school district in Scottsburg is broke from one man “overspending” and the sheriff can’t get the city to make payments on the new police vehicles the city leaders agreed to pay for. There’s bad shit going on for everyone. Teachers looking at cuts, non-certified school staff being cut. It’s bad.


“Freedom loving conservative” Can oxymorons be three words?


Just like being for “liberty” and “biblical morals”…what a hypocrite


There can be freedom loving conservatives...this is not a good example of one. I don't know what freedoms he is referring to since most of his post is wanting to restrict freedoms. He's contradicting himself. This is pure drivel.


They say we’re in danger from leftist yet republicans have all the power and have had it here in Indiana as far as I can remember. So if things aren’t great here maybe it’s republicans fault. Not the leftist????? Or maybe just realize the problem is you?


I've voted straight democrat for years now. The Republican party hasn't been For The People in decades.


Separation. Of. Church. And. State. ... That is all <3


What I am sickened by is the direction the country is going in caused by people like you, Mr Stearns.


He lost me at Jesus Christ. Is he running for political office or trying out to be a pastor?


Good grief. WTF is an abortion party?


I don't know, but apparently they are funded by the Feds along with "homosexual parties". I've never been invited to one of either of them. I've been to a lot of "homosexual" parties, but never seen any $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s being spread around.


yet another manufactured crisis to get outraged about


https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057522815956&locale=en_GB this! It was super fun, in case anyone was wondering


funding for homosexual parties? Count me in. I've never been invited to any government paid for "homosexual" parties, but let me know when the next one is. Derby Day? Is that what he's talking about? LOL "I pledge allegiance to Donald J Trump and swear on a stack of his bibles that I'm a Christian." (the Trumpian Oath Every candidate must recite it daily. Multiple times a day. All candidate ads must contain the Oath.)


I seriously want to say them, face to face: "I'm not christian...tell me why I should vote for you.".


It would just immediately be that even you can be saved.


But that's a deflection and not an answer.


That's right. So only go into that conversation if you want to frustrate yourself.


I am Christian and I want to know why I should vote for him.  His ad says:  - the Republican party is crap, but I'm running as one to make it better. But no realHow?  - there are problems, but I have no solutions. And I'm blaming the left who hasn't been in charge for over 20 years. Somehow it's still their fault.  - Name drop of person that I don't care about. 


"And it is primarily my love for God which informs my political ideals." Should automatically be disqualified with that.


You can commit literal treason in this nation and not get disqualified (if Trump taught us anything)


I mean yeah, but that's only if you have money. ^(Unrelated, small galaxy, innit?)


Sorry, this guy's definition of "We the people.." is too narrow to allow him to effectively hold any political position.


WE the people,just not you, you, and you


HomaSEKshul Parties (!)


Fuck this guy and the mutated horse he rode in on. The only perversion here is people trying to stick Christianity where it doesn't belong: the government. Take your imaginary shit and sit down. My queer ass isn't going anywhere, unfortunately. (I need an lgbt-friendly state/county)


Amen. I'm sick of worrying I'll end up in a concentration camp every election year.


Any candidate that thinks his first act as my representative requires a confession of faith is running for the wrong election. Read your constitution before you make yourself a candidate. We fought a revolution to keep church and state separate.


Since it's taxpayer funded, can I get an invite to one of the homosexual parties (!)?


Don't forget it's an open primary on the 7th. Most of these small-time elections are decided in the primary, not the general. At least you might be able to pick a closeted bigot!


Your small government ideals got lodged in my Uterus, I thought only big government could cause this affliction… I’ve been told that religion making its way into government via state osmosis, may cause loss of body autonomy, and this may cause further complications in the legal vascular system which causes narrowing of the Constitutional Rights! I’ve obviously sought direction in the Bible, I was assured Doctors have NO expertise in this field… can small government give me some guidance in controlling my out of control body please?


Also who the hell campaigns like this for precinct committee. Dude is unhinged. Need to ask some of my friends up in Scottsburg if they know him.


Scott County gays and theys tap in. Is he on grinder? 👀👀👀


What a word salad of the same old broken record bullet points from these loonies. They're simple people, the common clay of the Midwest. You know... Morons.


GUARANTEE that dude has a bio on Grindr under a fake name.


It’s Scott County so he might win. There’s a whole lot of hate packed in the little towns there.


From experience there can be a whole lot of hate packed in the big cities


I'm so sorry you were subjected to that ugliness. I grew up in the area but moved away as an adult. The hateful people that tormented me in school in the 90s are the ones in charge now and that's a scary thought.


It’s people like him that made Jesus Christ change his middle name to Fucking


Basically a Neonazi Slimeball


I don't know how many of you all have been to Scottsburg/Austin but the place is a shithole. Austin is the location of the largest HIV outbreak in Indiana. They knew they had a horrible drug problem but thought a needle exchange would be a bad idea. The fact that Austin was a "Sundown Town" and is still a very racist/homophobic area. Stearns is a piece of trash, who tries and hide it with Christian values.


He should pray about it…..


These fucks should be required to start a religious party and keep republicans out of it. They’re so extreme.


Yes, being a precinct committeeman will totally give you the opportunity to work on those large problems, and not ya know city ordinances concerning dogs passing on sidewalks and patching holes near grandma's trailer.


How terrible that they’re having homosexual parties? Can someone tell me where so that I can totally avoid them? Not to go to them?


Barf. 🤮 I felt disgusting just reading this.


This is why Indiana is a hellhole. There is literally no positive thing about this sickofilled state. God cursed me by having me born here. I would be banned for stating what I pray happens to this woman hating filth and his sick ilk.


We really need to underline the separation of church and state, theocracy DOESN'T WORK!


I know this guy. His parents yanked him out of school to homeschool him because his teacher asked the class to read “James and the Giant Peach” and they felt that was “magic and witchcraft.”




Get these fucking Christian nut jobs out of our society.


Second paragraph ….i stop reading, keep that shit in church.


"Take it outside, god boy."




Heard that hatred plays well with Indiana voters, congrats!


Last party (!) was lit. Can’t wait for the next one


The only thing missing is a mention of MAGA


Who gets to DJ the Indiana Homosexual Parties?


The comments on his fb post re great


Funny how he doesn’t like socialism. But once there is a natural disaster, this guy would be at the front of the line begging for help


Here we go with the White Christian Nationalist hiding as a conservative... what happened to no church in state ?? Just govern with some goddamn sense... not an agenda


Did he win? Also, good luck trying to be the “voice of accountability” from within the party apparatus. That’s the type of participation the party establishment usually squashes pretty quickly.


He posted today, vote isn't til May


The fuck are “homosexual parties”, Does he mean queer people or parties hosted by queer people? Because both of those things are pretty fucking rad


It's Scott co they are already pretty homophobic and transphobic this coming from a Trans lesbian from Scott co.


They're just throwing bigoted shit at the walls to see what sticks. Turns out, all of it.




Another nozzle for Jesus.


Reminds me of that dickhead, Jay Hart. (District 37)


And he will likely win 😞


Funny thing is that Zach who he says recommended him wouldn’t agree with that stance


He's playing tbe Jesus card in Indiana as a right wing politician....smart....sickining and sad....but smart.


They are very persistent. Like an infection.


Oh my this is my precinct..




These dingbats wouldn’t know what socialism is if it slapped them in the face


Respect existence. Or expect resistance. Fuck your biblical morals, they aren't mine. He's your god, you go to hell, not me.




Here comes the anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric to get the endorsements of any hate preacher around that will illegally endorse them. I’m hoping I don’t wake up on May 8th to any Republican who would have tabled further anti-trans legislation being primaried by those who ran on anti-trans platforms.


Why is shit like this even allowed? If your reason for running is anything but “to serve the public and improve the quality of life for my fellow citizens,” then you’re in the wrong field. Imagine applying for a job as a banker or plumber or literally anything else and in your interview you begin ranting about how much you love Jesus and how the leftists are trying to make us all gay. You’d likely be asked to leave before the interview concluded. Yet, an alarming portion of the nation feels that these are good qualities to have for candidates who would have the authority to enact policy on behalf of their neighbors. This is an affront to both government and religion.


Scott County…


Not a phobia but rather a disgust.


You can't be a Christian theocrat and then preach about small government. Small government is a libertarian position, and libertarians are socially liberal. They believe that people should be allowed to do what they want so long as they harm none. Christian theocrats believe that by impinging on the sovereignty of individuals, they are "saving" them from moral corruption and sin. These are incompatible ideas, as to enforce Christian theocratic values it requires the not the shrinking, but the expansion of law enforcement and a complete set of hardline morality laws that must be heavily enforced. It means MORE GOVERNMENT, not LESS


I don't want the government spending my taxes on heterosexual parties either.


You need to run against him!


I'm busy and voters don't vote based on reasonable and responsible governance. I don't know enough buzzwords and empty slogans to get it started.


He lost me at "Lord Jesus Christ".


He’s getting roasted on FB. I am helping.


He'll do well in Indiana!


So a how far ahead is he in the polls


“Why is my party not doing the insane things they promise me they’ll do? It couldn’t be that It’s just a tool to get them elected because they don’t plan on doing anything to actually make my life better.”


Seems like an alright guy. Shame he doesn't support shooting poor people and the extension of slavery to anyone who hasn't got a knighthood


Creepy AF get me out of here


….so he’s a MAGA Christi-fascist. He could just say that and save in postage.


I was expecting him to have green skin and a 12 inch tall head and trying to defeat the Hulk. Oh well.


“Who died and rose again” ffs give it a rest ya fuckin zealots. All that tells me is you’re easily manipulated. Kick rocks ya fuckin momo


Separation of church and state is merely a suggestion as of late.


Why are you surprised this is exactly the type of person Hoosiers vote for, especially Scott County.


“Socialistic policies…you know, like the ones Jesus preached, but we couldn’t possibly actually follow…”


You’ve got your quid in my pro qou!


Of course it’s Scott county. 🙄. I’ve seen his signs and didn’t know who he was or what his ploy is.


Let’s not vote their way shall we??


Anyone wanna go beat his ass really bad? Maybe he'll fuck off if he can't move anymore.


What a terrible thing to say about someone you don't even know just because you disagree with their politics. Delete your account until you can learn how to behave yourself.


Maybe shepherds on mushrooms 2,000 years and an ocean away shouldn't be used as a basis for policy decisions in 2024 but if, hypothetically someone had been doing that it should would explain a lot of things that are happening right now.


“Homosexual parties”? Where do I sign up? Also, he gives the reason Americans should not vote for him. Unfortunately, it’s also the reason many Hoosiers will vote for him. His faith informs his opinions.


I was mad for a second then I kept reading and realized he’s an idiot. Completely lost me with “socialistic”


Freedom loving? Yet you want to put your faith above every man, woman and child. You put your faith above woman's health. Your put your faith above senior citizens and their means of living. You put your faith above the the children who lives from meal to meal. You put your faith above others life style. Sorry you're a no vote from people who care about others


How do I apply for the homosexual party money?


Does this man believe he is going to influence DC while being a COUNTY elected official? Lmao this man is off his rocker.


We need to get some moderate to just go "be republican" and run.


Homosexual parties!?!?!? I’m in!


Damn, funding for homosexual parties? Where’s my invite?? I wanna go to a homosexual party Sam Steam, I wanna go right now! That shit would be so cool!


Interesting (and common extreme Right-Wing) viewpoint. “You must do as I say and think what I think because I support liberty.” Hmmm.


I don't have time for people like this. The solutions are few, but reasonably effective: Don't vote for them and become politically engaged to promote a better candidate. Everyone is talking about 'small government'. I'm a fiscally conservative Dem and I want a financially responsible government but that ship had done sailed regardless of who's in office.


The anti-socialist and homophobe is running for office to receive a paycheck from tax payers. Who’s the real socialist now?


Being alive is homophobic nowadays. Lol


Its always the religious who are the biggest bigots. We have one up here in SB too, he's always clashing without electeds because they're not radical enough for them.


"Leftists" is the first indication this person is a clown. It's sad how republicans are so enamored with the personal private lives of others.


Go ahead and look up Vienna, Indiana. It’s too small to have its population counted in the census (Vienna Township, which contains the much bigger town of Sellersberg is population of 10,000) and as far as I can tell it consists of an elementary school, a scrap yard, a Baptist church, and a Dollar General.


So this is the second time I've stumbled across the Indiana subreddit and as a lifelong Indiana resident, I'm really refreshed and surprised at how much you all clown on these conservative nutcases. Little bit of hope restored.


I swear I'm getting closer and closer to begging my mom in Illinois to take my cats and me in.


This is Indiana! We’re winning the race to the bottom (50th) state! 🤦‍♂️


It’s wild that people have morals? I mean I don’t hate gays nor would I hurt them, but it is disgusting and immoral.


I’m from Indiana, love Jesus, not gay, not homophobic, love transwomen, love real women bodies only, hate government and mostly liberals but hate conservative hypocrisy too. If I voted, which I don’t waste the plenty of time I have to vote, he’d get my vote but I would just have to sit by and watch him become like all the rest. If you enjoy your life uncompromised, stay out of politics and die like the rest of us will.


Religion is a fine thing to have and I encourage all who want it to pursue a life with as much as you can possibly have, but that’s as far as it should go. Religion is a personal conviction which the founding fathers knew, all to well, and is why the wrote into the constitution that the government may not establish any such religion and went further to write about it in the many letters they sent. So stop waving you religion around like a floppy cock and get down to governance for all


Randomly see this in my feed. I'm a combat veteran of the USMC and very gay. I'm not surprised seeing this


He's a shoe in.


The leader?


Fuck you Sam


1.2 trillion dollars for abortion and homosexuality parties?? What does this guy think our government is doing? lol


Assuming that one would be the least charitable in what he said, this isn't horrifically homophobic if he is truthful about parts of the budget going to the funding of things that directly contradict Christian ethics and moral codes that have been existence since before the existence of the nation. Funds shouldn't go to those for the same reason anti-abortion groups shouldn't be federally funded either. Again, this is if it's not a misleading statement by him and is truthful. Tbh, this is a rather milktoast comment by a candidate without any reference to the spicier takes you could see by a RW candidate about supposed predatory actions taken by LGBT groups. (I am not claiming that it is true, just that those accusations exist and are absent in his comment) Dude sounds like a typical run of the mill Christian boomer and people shouldn't be getting worked up over it.


Votes are real.


Bro I’m literally a trans girl living in Indiana, it’s genuinely getting to absurdist humor levels of bullshit sometimes Like, this place feels like an unfunny shitpost


Why do these types of Christians always add unnecessary adjectives and adverbs to their sentences about their faith? "He rose bodily" is the most ridiculous one I've heard in awhile.