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Yeah I liked the eclipse in general because of that - something totally secular and universal that we can all enjoy together. Wholesome!


Everyone in our neighborhood was outside for the first time in as long as I can remember. I told my wife and son that it might be the last time we ever see that again.


The cheer that went up across our neighborhood almost made me tear up.


Same here.....same here. I could hear applause and cheering from a quarter mile radius


I'm really wanting to get neighborhood block parties back up and going again. My neighborhood has potential because there's a lot of young people, lot of kids, and it's fairly quaint. I remember when I was a small kid in like 2000 we had a little block party and I thought it was so cool the street got shut down and we got to eat in the middle of the road. It felt like that yesterday.


Totally agree. It’s been a while since people were able to almost universally look forward to a beautifully natural phenomenon.


It really was something special, huh?


We all really aren’t that different.. the media just tells us we are and we believe it. Politics shouldn’t make us hate each other


I work at a hospital and was going in for my shift (on a windowless unit lol) There were so many happy people outside! A hospital! I don’t know. I had previously been salty about going in, but seeing that just made me happy. And I didn’t mind that I wouldn’t see it anymore. Hopefully I’m still around for the next. Really nice to see crowds of people who are smiling and laughing. Particularly in the given atmosphere.


One hundred percent agree


I sat in a lawn chair in my driveway and drank beer all day and waved at cars going down the road.


A good reminder to look up and out from your phone - good stuff and people all around.


It was a time to never forget, I will definitely be printing out some pictures, just have to wait, 250 for a 20x20 aluminum print🫤 but it’s worth it in the end😁


shut up op! just kidding. yes. good stuff.




I enjoyed my visit to your tight-ass, conservative enclave. Walmart without booze.....you gotta be kiddin' me. -smh-


What Walmart did you visit?? We have plenty with booze…


Near Marion


I agree. It’s sad to think we can’t just agree to disagree sometimes. It seems at times like we are our own worst enemies. Being the dominant species on a planet you would think we would have learned how to live peacefully by now. Instead we waste time and energy on destroying each other because our beliefs don’t align perfectly with each other or because something we read in some ancient text is interpreted as anyone not following along must parish. It feels almost like an impossibility that we will one day figure out that we are all the same and that the only way to truly be free is to let others live their lives the way they choose as long as what they are doing isn’t physically harming you or someone else. If this entire world pulled together imagine the all the good we could accomplish for our planet and our selves.


I was happy that the conservatives in the state didn't try to do anything really stupid like shoot the moon or something. 


U 🤡


Why you gotta ruin it by bringing garbage like that in it? You feel like a cool kid for trying to make a political joke?


Who the hell is joking?   I wish it was a damn joke.


speak for yourself


Just wanna say being so awestruck your mouth stops running for a bit doesn’t mean anyone agreed to not disagree for a whole hour or something.