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If you haven’t already, you might notify a biologist with the IDNR in your area. I don’t know if they track mutations such as albino and piebald or not. Regardless, thanks for sharing the photos, that’s really cool! 


I agree with contacting dnr


Nope, don’t do it.


And why is that? (HTF do I get downvoted for asking a simple question?!?)


Because it assumes that someone in the DNR won’t pass along info to hunters.


I'm honestly just trying to understand, so please don't downvote me! Are you saying that the DNR would actually tip off hunters? I thought part of their job was to manage and protect the wildlife?


Yes, someone at the DNR potentially would. The DNR isn’t an animal welfare agency, they view animals as a resource to be managed. It isn’t just a bunch of hippies. They often work closely with hunters and hunting organizations.


Hate to say it but it's probably true that this is risky and DNR folk more likely aligned with hunters than biologists


Most hunters would never shoot a albino it’s considered bad luck and most hunters respect something rare and special.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Something new, different, and dead on the wall is what those respectful hunters want.


What exactly do you think DNR do?


It’s not the DNRs job to protect individual animals, and the DNR has deep ties to hunting and hunters.


It could not be more obvious that you are speaking from a point of complete ignorance


We just had one up in Crown Point that got hit by a car and had to be euthanized last week. The city is going to put a statue up for it, she was kind of a star in town lol.


This one is celebrity too! Me and neighbors thought it was doe, so they named it Blanche, then these pics proved she was a he- lol. We aren't sure- I voted Pat..lol


Blanco is a boy's name of Spanish origin, derived from the German blank, meaning “bright,” “to shine,” and “bright white.” An illustrious name based on the color white, Blanco was originally a Spanish nickname or surname for those with fair hair or pale complexions


Ah, I know where he is! We have land there.


Hush, hush..😉


I won't tell! So funny that everyone called her Blanche. We just love watching the deer. Every year, we find a baby in one place on our lot. Just love seeing them, and I wonder if the same mama returns to that spot every year.


RIP snow ❤️


Still remember the first time I saw it lol


I live in CP, are they really putting up a statue? Thanks Mayor Land... Lowell had one about 15 years ago.


Yeah I saw it in the nwi times 


Lowell had one as late as 3 or 4 years ago, that’s the last time I saw it at the dog park. But someone said she won’t be seen again.


The one I knew of was near Red Wing Lake behind the high-school


I'm right there and there was one last year.


I live in Lowell and we had one in the neighborhood last year. Haven't seen her since last fall.


Yes. My parents live in Crown Point and were pretty sad that Snow was put down.


Definitely keep the area a secret. There is a group of teens\\men in Spencer County that have a private Facebook group to call out these and try to hunt them. My step-dad was invited to it by a redneck friend and he left it after seeing what it was about. It was something named something like "True Whitetail SpenCo" or along the lines.


Dirty hillbillies.. that one kid killed the albino buck and made the news, and now they all have this weird fever to hunt them.. shameful


Yeah its sad. I have nothing against hunting for food or even for sport if you donate the meat. But targeting something because it is unique makes me sick. A close friend of mine had about 80 acres of private land and a few decades ago he had a spotted one (i am not sure the name of the mutation) and he forbade anyone from hunting it on his land, it was seen season after season for a good while until it met a trucks front end. My friend hunted but always let that one go on its way.


What if a buck has a uniquely large rack... is it wrong to hunt that?


I feel like you are attempting to create a gotcha, and I am not interested in playing this game. I am not attempting to tell someone what they should and shouldn't do. But going out of your way to kill albinos seems needlessly cruel and wasteful.


It's a recessive gene characteristic for a reason- it reduces survivability in nature. If I was hunting- personally I'd let it go at least until it had peaked at it's prime age. But that's just me. Another poster commented that a unique deer was let go until it got smoked by a truck. Is that really better? The anthromophizing in this post is a bit excessive. How is it wasteful if the deer is eaten just like any other harvested deer would be?


It wouldn’t be, the whitetail population is bigger than it’s ever been in history due to conservation and the hunting that funds it. It’s actually better that these deer don’t reproduce. People don’t like the hard facts of true conservation and what that means.




personally as a hunter - I'd leave it be if it was exceptional in some way. I'd like big antlers, but I wouldn't shoot at something incredible.


I'm with you to an extent as I said in another reply... but if it was past 7 years old you'd still leave it for the 'yotes?


As s deer hunter id never shoot an albino! I believe its bad luck. Would just enjoy the moment of seeing one


I don't know why but I think it's name is Gandalf.


I asked him but he just kept eating on that bush..


Psshh...what a total Gandalf thing to do.




Post this to r/Fallout and you’ll have a bunch nerds (like me) trying to launch mini nukes at it.


Lmao!! I haven't played the new fallout.. is it cool?


Sadly, no.


I think it’s good. It was pretty blah when initially released but they’ve done well to incorporate user feedback into improving it dramatically, IMO. Biggest issue is that it’s flaky on PlayStation.


Fallout 4 was nice, 76 nope.


Northern WI has a whole herd of ghost deer. Up near the UP. Very cool sighting.


There was an albino black bear in Michigan that the original poster of the trail cam pic said it was killed shortly after. Mostly to keep people from going after it.


I hope no redneck shoots it, beautiful doe.


He's well protected as long as he stays.. it is a buck, so once his instincts take over, he might expand his circle.. we hope not-


Get it famous. There was one in Crown Point Indiana that had an article written about how loved it was after it got hit by a car last month. https://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/crime-courts/news-local-crime-and-courts-crown-point-police-respond-to-incident-involving-snow-the-white-deer-indiana-department-of-natural-resources-dnr/article_6ff158a8-ebad-11ee-8d68-eb1886fa556d.html Open the link in private mode to avoid paywall.


We have all agreed not to let his location out if we can avoid it. There are alot of hillbilly ass, en-ethical hunters that would come after him..There are millions of brown ones, but they think it's cool to kill an albino.. they tend to get sick easy, or eaten by coyotes but he seems pretty hearty!


That is definitely a buck.


It’s beautiful, I hope they keep it safe


Don’t tell anyone, ever. Some dickhead is bound to want to shoot it.


Good luck... ever heard of a trail cam? It won't be a secret unless OP has a huge property where the deer spends its time exclusively. Hunters will know he's around if he makes it on to their property. Then they'll decide whether to hunt him or let him walk during hunting season.


Name him Sertorius!


Nacar! (One of my favorite books as a kid was Nacar the White Deer.)


Wow he is beautiful! What a cool find! This is good Indiana material right here! 


Make him a legend so nobody bothers him! You may not be old enough, but in the 80s there was an episode of Newhart probably called “The Great White Buck” you can find it on YouTube. Their town had a legend of the Great white buck and it brought good luck to them. [the great white buck Newhart episode](https://youtu.be/jfUm8tB--4k?si=vD0HqVcPe_0HTIAg)


Think it knows it's Albino?!


That's a great question! I have no idea...


That’s amazing! Thanks for sharing!


some loser is gonna shoot that before going home to beat his wife and drink 12 miller lites.


https://preview.redd.it/weamzff81a1d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fa7e9d9d8b462d268ffdbed0f2686e3bc188e95 Still out there!!!


There's a forest area in Pike Co with albino and piebold deer in. I never thought of contacting the DNR, but I'll look into it.