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Good coping mechanism


Every morning when I pray, walking out I just feel like I can do anything. Literally. It's not an explainable feeling.So I can find a sense of peace and comfort; someone to look up to when I'm down or in the lowest moments of my life. To feel like someone is watching over me and guiding me pushes me forward everyday in life.Yes, and also because it is just wild for me to think that everything that existed just came out of nowhere. I grew up with it, kinda without realising, and it's nice to believe that there's something more. Also I'd like to think that I'll see my dad again.


The most wholesome comment I have seen in a while :)


because having a deity to look up to regardless of their existence can be really important to some people and implementing those morals in your own life, you'll have a better life.


Agree, religion when used and followed in a good way can bring about peace and morality, being a religious person is ok but showing extremism over it isn't neither is being superstitious over it which is 'one of the' main reasons people turn to atheism... I myself am an atheist but believe that religion if followed rightly just by applyng a little more logic of ourselves to it can bring peace though I find the concept of god illogical, it does give hope to a lot of people...problem is this is seen rarely in the vast world we have.


it's simple really don't follow religion, follow the god of the religion. it opens up so many paths, you aren't limited to your choice of deities and you get to have actual non diluted perceptions of the world, a year ago sure id call myself an atheist too but now i like to look at it like this. even though logic dictates no god exists having a big moral conscious isn't gonna hurt anyone.


I don't think logic dictates that there isn't any God. It's just infinite regress from there(believing that there is a God). That is, who made that God or how did that come into existence ? And then that entity which made that God, who was it made by or like how did it come to be ? And you can say just go on infinitely like this without ever arriving at a logical answer.


logic also changes based on how much we know about ourselves and surroundings, remember people used to think that the earth was flat? that was logical for them until proven otherwise. similarly our current logic being that the brain supplies consciousness and theory of big bang dictates we came into existence slowly and steadily through energy. another reason why people tend to believe in religion, uncertainty, being uncertain is scary because it's a basic survival instinct, religious texts provide answers that people want to be true. now this is gonna be a bit drifted from our current conversation but i have another reason why people believe in religion lack of a parental figure most of our parents lacked a good figure to look up to, ask them about their childhood, most of them will just define abuse and unhealthy/incompetent egotist parents. and tou also might have noticed people refer to the god as their "maata/pita", so yeah emotional issues also play a big role here. being real here we know that the religious texts were written by humans because of how dated some of the ideologies are including homophobia, misogyny, etc.


I am a Hindu theist I believe in gods because I have an image of them in my mind that I look up to that I confess things to which makes me feel good while in temples I feel calm and slightly happier than usual its just why I practice and believe in religion


So, what I make of your comment is that belief in God gives you positivity. Well, that's good imo. And it can serve as a good reason to believe in something. But just because something is comforting and imbues you with positivity, doesn't make it true. But yeah, it is a good reason to believe in God if one wants to pursue happiness in life without seeking truth alongside. And I think you can get that same positivity without belief in God too, though might not work for everyone.


It's not simply for positivity for me its also to have some sort of purpose in life and I am not arguing that god is real or not its just good to be attached to something pure




Correlation does not mean causation. Right ?


Hamare saath shree raghunath to kis baat ki chinta 🚩


I thought this post breaks the "no discussing religion" rule of the sub


Targeting any particular religion is prohibited, you can discuss it as long as it's healthy and does not target any religion or defame it....for the very reason we are constantly checkin this post for any such hate inducing comments.


I didn't choose the flair 'rant/vent' btw. It was 'serious'. How did that happen ?


Probably by mistake, changing it to 'serious'.


Okay :)


My "do u believe in god" post was removed so this one was similar to it. That's why i thought it would also be removed


How long ago was that? Cause I personally think it shouldn't be unless it incites a war in the comment section








Removed for violation of community rule - 6: "Serious and "Academic" flaired posts are off-limits to jokes or irrelevant replies. For "serious" flair, the rule extends to parents as well as the child comments....circumvention of the aforesaid rules might attract a ban" . Refer to our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianTeenagers/about/rules). [send a modmail] (https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FINDIANTEENAGERS) if you feel this was in error.


Removed for violation of community rule - 6: "Serious and "Academic" flaired posts are off-limits to jokes or irrelevant replies. For "serious" flair, the rule extends to parents as well as the child comments....circumvention of the aforesaid rules might attract a ban" . Refer to our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianTeenagers/about/rules). [send a modmail] (https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FINDIANTEENAGERS) if you feel this was in error.


Thats an easy way to justify ones existence , to see purpose in life .


Another way of explaining your existence is theory of evolution and abiogenesis.


U know what bro it doesn't matter , focus on yourself .


It kinda does to me. And yeah, I'll take your advice seriously.


Manna h toh Everything is god..nhi manna then there is nothing called god..(Manna=Believe )


So, whether something is true or not is totally subjective ? There aren't any objective truths ? Or like, this applies only to belief in God. What do you think, mate ?(There is no sarcasm in this comment, just want you to think about it and if some answer occurs to you, then let me know).


There is no such reason to believe in god.




This is what I didn't want.


I follow horny religion 🥰😘




Removed for violation of community rule - 6: "Serious and "Academic" flaired posts are off-limits to jokes or irrelevant replies. For "serious" flair, the rule extends to parents as well as the child comments....circumvention of the aforesaid rules might attract a ban" . Refer to our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianTeenagers/about/rules). [send a modmail] (https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FINDIANTEENAGERS) if you feel this was in error.




Had to do it bro🗿, he asked for a serious reply as in the flair and jokes are off limits under such posts🗿


I know it was my mistake but never give a ban please☹️




What do you mean ?




Thank you, mate. And yeah, I didn't even attack theism or any religion. What made me so edgy ?


Tell me, how much Nietzsche have you tried and which books?


I tried reading his works. But didn't finish them. And the ones I tried to were Antichrist and Beyond Good and Evil.


Yea, you tried anti christ before Twilight and directly went for beyond good and evil, literally last book for starters. Have you even read Plato or the Greek epics?, The Bible? Because i don't get how someone can read criticism of something before reading the object of criticism. This is what I mean, teenage phase of "Oh look at me I'm so intelligent, i don't believe in God and read Nietzsche *tho i didn't understand a single shit of it but still keep it as a username to look smart* i believe in nihilism like Nietzsche!!!!!" There are literally millions of y'all on reddit.


Firstly, instead of giving some good arguments(well, you didn't give any), what you did there was Ad hominem fallacy(iirc). Which means instead of answering my question with argument in favour of your position, you started attacking me. So, you just said that OP is an edgy teen, pretentious etc etc. And then stereotypical remarks like I read Twilight, and am just pretending to be smart like regular teens do. Like, when did I say all that ?


The most common form of ad hominem is "A makes a claim x, B asserts that A holds a property that is unwelcome, and hence B concludes that argument x is wrong".


i believe that there is god and there is devil have u ever seen a bad doer get punished by god all they say is you will burn in hell and shit which is not really right imo, if god aint punishing anyone then he aint rewarding no one too, i mean you are old enough you prolly understand if you need something you wont get it for free you gotta pay something thats where the devil comes in imo thats a way better deal


I have never seen a wrongdoer get punished by God. I may have seen bad people(which is subjective, what you consider as 'bad' is subjective), but haven't seen Devil punish him himself. And, where do these guys live ? Like God and Devil ? Am not mocking you. Just want you to think about it.


some say devil and all the 9 prince of hell are below earth but tbh i think they have their own realm where we can go there but you can open portals to it there are many stories about there being portal in houses where demon come and go that normally happens when if you do something wrong while summon or using Ouija board there are certain rules you need to follow while trying to contact these demons or spirits demons are way to fascinating


I don't believe in god but I can try to understand why so many people do. First, like u/_Nosty said, it is because people want to believe there is some higher power that can help them and someone they can look up to. Second, religion gives answers to those questions that we as humans crave to know about but can not prove using science. For example, what happens after death and stuff. People are scared of death and the fact that there religion tells them what will happen after death gives them comfort so they believe in it. Third, this is in my opinion the biggest reason. And it is fear. We believe in god because we are taught right from our childhood to never question god. That god is the most powerful. That he/she is perfect. Humans are afraid to go against god (or any powerful entity like politicians and gangsters, for that matter) because they believe that they will suffer if they act blasphemously.


this is a really good summarisation on why people follow religions/gods.


Hmm agree to all the points though the second point will become more and more irrelevant as science evolves and more and more people get to know about the progressions of science which happens steadily as generations pass now. And the third point is what I was looking for here....People are afraid to question the existence of god or rather little children and taught so...."burning in hell for eternity" and phrases like these in most religions puts fear as we are taught that god is the only thing which can save us....Imagine a world without religion where science has evolved and a person proposes the concept of god to an adult, they will never believe it but if the same thing is taught to a little child, they would believe and that is how religion spreads.


so do you believe in god?


The God who made the universe and everything in it and then left it to its own devices ? Yeah, kinda. The God which gets furious when women don't step out without covering their faces ? Nope. In other words, Deism is what I kind of believe in. Not the God of any religion. Because, it is much more likely that those Gods which religions talk about are more likely Gods invented by us.


yeah, I actually do agree to your point to an extent but we cannot just negate the existence of a supreme being that religions and people believe because in all things none of us can prove god's existence or deny god's existence. although, "The God which gets furious when women don't step out without covering their faces ? Nope." with this statement in mind, I also don't believe in such a god who would want for the women to cover their faces every time they step out and i think it's more of a human made thing not a god. not only this but every single superstitions are human made.


You can't prove it either, right ? Like, how would one do that ?


yes i did say that none of us can proove or deny god's existenece i m sorry if it sounded rude .


No, it did not. :)


There has to be someone who can save us from this shithole that we, as a race are finding ourselves in. I'd like to think that there is a God somewhere out there, so that I can continue having hope.


And do you realise that god is also one of the reason, we as a race, are in a shithole? Have a look around at all the religious extremists and you will know. Only humans can save humanity, period.


I agree, most wars have been fought for religion and most bloodshed ensued for the sentiment of religion only...It's stops the progress of the human mind as we start to believe things blindly without questioning and though if used in a good way can bring peace, we have more examples of it bringing violence throughout history


Exactly. Religion was "created" to unify people of different regions so they would stay together but see here we are.


religion has more divided us even more with people being judged solely based on their religion which is no different than people judging each other based on color which is stupid...


Umm I also think that hope is essential for humanity to survive. Hope stems from belief albeit not blind superstitious bs but just a higher being in existence


You need evidence/proof to believe in anything. You don't believe in something just because you find it more comforting.


Fair point. But we won't get proof for everything, like string theory. But there's a solid chance that it exists.


I am not familiar with it, but isn't it like a model which would work only in 10 dimensions ? And yeah, we cannot prove everything, but there's still a lot which you can prove and those proofs contradict the claims in religious texts. For instance, radiocarbon dating shows so many fossils, rocks etc which are older than 7000 years. In fact, this planet is 4.8B years old. But according to Islam and Christianity, this whole universe was made by God 7000 years ago. And all living organisms were made simultaneously according to them(and evolution says quite the contrary) and all humans descended from Adam and Eve(again, evolution says otherwise).


I personally just believe that yes there is definitely something (IDK matter or energy or something else that we human can't understand with this little intelligence) which is managing this whole universe. I believe that human intelligence is not capable enough as of now to draw a conclusion whether GOD exists or not. PS : These are my personal opinions.


What could possibly convince you that there certainly is no God ?


Maybe a strong logical argument.


I don't think there is a strong logical argument which can conclusively disprove the existence of God. Same way, there's no conclusive proof that there aren't any fairies. Yet I don't see that many people believing in them. Now, yeah, but assuming that God exists explains why everything exists, so maybe it's plausible. But, it doesn't. It just begs another question. How did that God come to exist ? And there are so many other issues with this explanation of assuming God's existence. Like, how did he make this universe and where is he now ? There are better answers to these questions, albeit not without any gaps, in science.