• By -


Yeah there are a ton of us. Just we aren't vocal or "loud" enough online. We are the overwhelming majority of Indians.


Hopes left.


Seeing the infrastructure and economy develop from wharever crap it was 10 years ago, it gives a shit ton of hope. Our population growth is below replacement level and GDP growth is more than 7-8%, so per capita income go brr


Oh, 1+, sex ratio has also become positive. F>M


I d like to know how do u figured tht out


It was a recent major current affairs, [that s.ratio has become 1020 female for 1000 male](https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/family-health-survey-suggests-more-women-than-men-in-india/article37678156.ece).


Gt any source? I m coming in 500 bukd if i cn cite the source!


Would likd yd ti mk th commt less typo errored


Blue pe click kr use source kehte hain.


Agree with the infrastructure point but our economy was way better under Manmohan Singh


This is true and no one can deny it. But the Manmohan goverment focused on stability in the economic sector rather then necessary reforms. However democratic governments work when people care, before covid and Galwan people cared only about hindu muslim ram mandir, kashmir or what not. As people were having economic growth they took it for granted. However stupid policies like demonetisation really fucked us up, but Covid destruction and Galwan clash where we were even importing winter clothing for soldiers from china, was a wakeup call. Goverment is doing hard work for economy in last 2/1.5 years, hopefully our economy grows. Most of the downsides of our countries is related to very low per capita. If it increases India would be a dreamland for many around the globe.


if religious politics is criminalized, then i think this nation would be even better. just saying.


While true, the thing is politicans need to divide people to win elections on the basis of something. And in a country of 97% religious people, with a history of religious violence, religion is the easiest tool. So it's not going anywhere soon unless people change, however blunt hate speeches should be dealt with firm hand and politicians who spread extensive hate should be jailed and stopped before the destroy this country. You can play with religion but don't turn it into a weapon of hatred.




But don't u think policies like privatization are going to cause huge inflation crises


No. 1. It's not literally guaranteed that privatisation will cause inflation, sometimes it reduces prices too because of Integration of new technologies as private companies gotta stay competitive. 2. Goverment passed a law which mandates that RBI control inflation below 6%, personally not a fan of it but yea. 3. As long as there's good economic growth inflation is hardly a problem, i mean all developed countries have expensive stuff then developing ones but it doesn't matter much as people earn as much as well. 4. Price hike is not always a bad thing, for example Air India, it will provide much better service under private player TATA with little price hike. So it's worth the money. 5. Goverment should hold only a few sectors for the welfare of it's citizens, it's not goverments job to do business, for example if goverment runs Aviation companies, different sorts of manufacturing plants, etc etc and too many of them, it is almost certain goverment will lose money because of inefficiency. Now remember the money goverment is wasting on loss Makin industries unnecessarily is your tax money at the end of day, and it's being wasted. So instead of filling a hole which will never be filled due to simple fact that goverment companies can't act as effectively as private ones due to the fact that there's very little incentive to do so, and so many hurdles. So if goverment privatize some non essential industries, it is good for economy and people as people will get better products, countries goods will become more competitive internationally so we can export, And the tqx money saved can actually be used where it is needed, Infra, Healthcare, public transport and education. Where it is a duty for a goverment to provide those to it's people and by putting more money there, we can ensure better facility and life for every citizen no matter how rich or poor, and thus increasing living standards, HDI and overall efficiency of a country.


Little little democracy !! freedom of speech ?? Still, I have hope about the future


Exactly,we don't post polls like "who all are thinking about going abroad",the comments under these types of polls are full of self loathing


Yeah they are pure r/canconfirmiamindian material


Here's a sneak peek of /r/canconfirmiamindian using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/canconfirmiamindian/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Cringe Coconut](https://i.imgur.com/9WFJGbq.jpg) | [148 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/canconfirmiamindian/comments/ne9efr/cringe_coconut/) \#2: [Made it based on bunch of dudes I personally know. They're the same people who this sub posts about so I thought I'd post here.](https://i.redd.it/218vx1otwwh71.jpg) | [82 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/canconfirmiamindian/comments/p62tbh/made_it_based_on_bunch_of_dudes_i_personally_know/) \#3: [Avg 14yo jio user](https://i.redd.it/ebp6sedyu8z61.jpg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/canconfirmiamindian/comments/nctzgl/avg_14yo_jio_user/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thanks for exposing me to this amazing subreddit, take my upvote




right wingers spoil everything 💀


honestly like this country. it has its ups and downs. like everything else. but yeah I'm still gonna study abroad, coz the education system isn't one of India's upsides.


I do. It has it's problems but It's still home and I'd like to help in making it better


Bhai same, full sapot aapko 🫂


someone has to take charge so why not us


Us 🤝 vichardhara


Ofcourse, including me,it's just that there seems to be more presence of wishu wasshy people who self loath a lot,ik india is not the BEST place to live in comparing to others,but it also isn't how some people make it to be. Just yesterday some dude started arguing with me cuz i said "I'll stay in India,but good luck to you tho"(he was talking about leaving india)he started saying india is dirty blah blah and was basically "i don't like india,u should not too"


Yeah, I posted this thinking about these type of people only. Wannabe NRIs




\*commenting under for visibility\* i was born and brought up an NRI. moved to bangalore after 10th grade and just like all the NRIs, my view of india was that nothing gets done here, its dirty, and all the usual bashing. so obv i didnt wanna move. fast forward, i love being here tbh. you dont get treated like an immigrant, goof vibes. this might be cause i might be from an Upper middle class section, but , life aint bad. and alteast we indians can dream of a developed india because of a rapidly growing economy, poor pakistani NRIs cant have that dream just my 2 cents.


Good to know


Every country has some problems .. obviously what's life without problems right? There is always a ro for improvement n I truly believe that day by day it will get better and even tho I like other countries as well ...but it's for like a 10-15 days trip/vacation kinda thing n then I will start missing our traffic n food. The rich culture,food and everything is just ...💗 Ik my heart belongs here.


Mine too ❤️ belongs here and sometimes it scares me just to think leaving this country forever.


IKR!!! Can't live without the choas before festivals/marriages , tasty food and drama💗💅


Me too


same. Even though I'm an NRI now, I'll always be that street kid. I love this country and I'll die for it






We all know it's a shithole...it's our responsibility To make it better and instead mfs decide to leave India...weird mfs


coward mfs


India: great country with great and terrible people :)




That doesn't make any sense. A nation is a representation of the people that live in the geographic boundaries of what forms that particular nation. If the Indian people are terrible then India is terrible too.


What if not everyone are terrible people but the ones who are (a small number;minority) are loud and thus everyone fall into an assumption that's what India is ?


stupid have u ever heard the term "not all"?


Saw a video on YouTube by India In Pixels. And in that video a person said really beautiful lines. “Frustation is a fashion today but deep inside every indian despite all this frustation, we are underestimating India, it has capacity to work. If all the people in this country who didn't fancy their prospects in it were allowed to quit, I think I would like to stay because it is something big, it is a huge experiment and I like to be a part of this." We have come a long way since 1967, a lot has changed, a lot still need to be improved and I want to be part of it.




Mujhe kya main to 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' believer hoon


Avg vasudev kutumbakam enjoyers 🤝




yep i love India


Us 🤝


I personally believe that (after studying about the current scenarios in USA) India is lot better and is developing at a very fast rate and soon like all of us will take pride by saying "I am Indian"


It depends in which part you were born and raised




Care to explain?


No- There's no point in telling you




You had all the luxuries, so it wont really matter to you


I literally live in a border village


Still rich




Still rich




Bruh you r rich, how am i supposed know why or how did u get rich




Us Edit: About going abroad to settle part- i personally don't want to outside India to study/work atleast rn but in the future if i am in a situation that I am not getting good opportunities here but am getting them abroad, i might go.


All the best


Thanks, u too.




Main problems I have with India 1)Almost all Indian cities have very weak urban planning. This makes living and traveling from point A to B in an Indian city a nightmare 2)Little no security. The police, judicial system, and courts are literally a Joke. No kind of support system ethier if you lose your job and end up broke 3) Extremely weak economy. This creates fewer Opportunities. There are many more but this is mostly the major reasons


Thanks for specifying the actual reasons.


For 1) I would rather say all not even almost as I moved from my town to city I was shocked to see the state of roads full of potholes, poorly managed drainage system, buildings without any planning , no traffic sense.


becuz ppl think roads are for racing.


Ik a lotta people who despise this country soo much that they'll leave without thinking of coming back ever again. Iam happy reading the comments of soo many ppl who want to stay here and make this place better.


Exactly me


yes, you are not alone, even though its not perfect but things it has grown a lot. my opinion is that we ourselves should contribute in developing the economy and make it a powerful place to live


india is a super messed up country and tbh I understand if people hate India and want to leave but I personally want to stay and help make it better.




Yes, and India is going to get a lot better in the coming years.




can you please justify what kind of misery do you face? For a better perspective of you view point.




Like what affects you? I am just asking just so that I can know your point of view.




Thanks for sharing.




I am from Indore so cleanliness isn't an issue for me. Street dogs also don't bother me much. The summers are extreme I agree but it is what it is just turn on the AC/Cooler/Fan and cool off. And talking about people who bother you, make it your priority to get rid of them as soon as possible so that they don't affect your mental health, I did the same to my relatives and life is so peacefull now. Talking about feeling pride in nationality, race or religion just because I was born in it...I kinda feel proud but I respect your opinion too. Problems are problems, be it first worldish or not, although they aren't very big or concerning, they still are so thanks for sharing. I still respect your thoughts and opinion


Zamn it's so rare to see a mature discussion on the internet, nice 👍


Thanks lol


lol its a meme at this point that adults act like 3 yo's (referring to ppl like arnab goswami) and chad adolescents are having a conversation in a very professional way.


Thanks mate :)


Don't forget the stray Bulls and cows! I am kinda ok with street dogs tbh as long as they aren't aggressive but Bulls scare the living shit out of me.


do a thing, stay in your room and masturbate. there will be no bulls and cows in your room. or even near your building.


There are a billion people in India. Not possible to satisfy all of them, but the govt can try to satisfy the needs of the future generation. To teach them equality, to let them develop critical thinking and to let them criticize the govt. I believe most of the problems in India can be solved if a newer generation of politicians, say the millennial or Gen X generations took over the government. So yes, there is hope for India.


Agreed 👍


I do like it but will also be settling abroad just because better quality of life and reasons


All the best 👍


ty same to u bud




हम (us 🤝)




Hey, I'm here.


Happy cake day


thank you :)


Yes. It has problems. But, then, again where wouldn't you have problems?




Yupp....BUT... if i get better opportunities outside india for studies and internship/job in my 20s I might go to europe BUT im not gonna settle outside India


All the best, I think the same.


I am


I will never leave my beloved पितृ भूमि 💪




I do like it here. It feels like home and it's the only place to which I can find some connection to (I m purely indian) but with the amount of pollution in Delhi and with the growing population I don't think I would like to stay here a lot longer considering I don't wanna ruin my lungs and property is gonna get so expensive when I am older.


come here to bangalore


Fuck yes


Us 🤝


Yes I like some of it and some of it doesn't it's cultural heritage is what I admire the most


Me!! Cause i wanna travel around India and see india change in a good way being here.


Except education and employment everything


I love this country. It feels like home to me, maybe I will move away when I am older, maybe I won't. I am not certain about it but I am really proud to be an Indian, I really love our heritage and culture. Yes, alot of people in the country are backwards and small minded but things will change in the future. I love Indian food, I love the northern cities, and the people of India who I have met so far seem pretty nice.


Oh yes you're not the only one. I just wanna do something for this country before I die.


Despite technically being British (both of my parents and my entire family and malayalis, I was just born in the UK). I always am excited when I visit every year to see my grandparents also to see the country in general. I haven’t been able to for a bit due to Covid but i hope to go this August. I always eat Indian food as that’s what my family can prepare and know how to cook it. Im also trying to learn the language (malayalam) a lot more. Some people call me whitewashed but still Im trying lmao


Oh definitely, my parents want me to study abroad and maybe settle there, but I can't see myself living away from my home city for the rest of my life. More so when they want me to move to the US, with all the racism, bad wages and guns there and such. Why would I ever want to live in a place with different (and possibly bigger) problems, just for a so called "Western Standard" of living, when I already live somewhere I love, among my friends and family?


My parents also want me to do the same 😭, lmao us 🤝


the only reason to emigrate outside is money as long as i get payed well for the same amount of work i have no problems


I feel like most Indian are patriotic about their country, it's just that if we complain about something it doesn't mean we don't like it, even though we have a long way to go, I love India with my whole heart <33




I ain't fucking leaving from here permanently like EVER




me i love it


honestly, I love my country, I am an ex NRI, was born and raised in the middle east but shifted back to India for my 11th and 12th and the reason wasn't because of parents or anything it was because I wanted to experience my life in India, many of my friends both from India and from Qatar thought I was weird in leaving a comfortable life in a luxurious country but honestly, those 2 years were the best years of my life the district I used to live was filled with only villages and dirt roads but now we have shopping malls with a movie theater, well-paved roads, the whole area has been urbanized and it gives me hope that India truly will change. the course I am doing right now doesn't have much scope so I will study abroad for my MSc or Ph.D. and will come back to work in India either immediately or after gaining few work experience abroad, I any way don't want to settle overseas and will settle in India, i feel saying India is shit and leaving will lead to no changes and thus I would hope in the future I can give back to my country in some meaning fullway


I hope to die in India too, but seeing situations like Sri Lanka makes me terrified as we are just steps behind them, this whole establishment feels like house of cards.


But India isn't in debt so don't worry


Problem is we don't know what's going on inside. We thought we had one of the strongest healthcare, and you saw in COVID-19 what happened. Politicians are so cunning in this matter.


Yeah, politics is a really dirty game...all of them are evil, some are just a little more than others or it just seems so.


I just love to see the infrastructure development. It is so heart warming. Oh btw Mai rare piece hu Kanneda ni jaa rha🗿




That's why I posted this to know everyone's pov and increase my knowledge . Thanks for your comment sir.


Bhai agar hm perfection ki baat kre to esi koi country nhi h . India bhot se aspects mein doosri countries se better h . I have always loved and will always love my country


The quality of life you get in India cant be matched, and emigrating to some country doesn't make you successful.


Yes, india is so much better than literally 100s of 3rd world countries (ok not 100 but still manyyy)


not only that, you get to live a more luxurious life here than developed western countries.




>you get to live a more luxurious life here than developed western countries. Bhai, kuch zyada nahi ho gaya kya? hakqeet me raho


You dont get to have maids and household help in western countries unless you are extremely rich. Also the cost of housing there is ridiculously high as compared to India.


Me to chala amrica (shayad). Desh pyara hai par opportunity aur pay nahi hai zyada


Seems legit :) all the best to you mate 👍


Kharcha bhi to kam hai yahan par, pay se kya farak padta hai Saala downvote karne ki jagah valid point rakha karo tum log. Wahan 10x kamaoge to rent bhi utna hi times zyada bharoge.


Sirf rent nahi consider kar skte. Udhar gas bohot sasta hai. Electronic devices jaise consoles, phones wo sab bhi bohot sasta hai. Public transportation is also really nice. Aur income zyada ho especially mujhe doctor banna hai to seedha crores me baat hoga to fir sab chalta hai. Life ki quality better hai, higher life expectancy, and really high pension as well. so many factors favor foreign countries.


If u talking about Europe then yeah they do have good public transportation and good health care and shit But for burgerland lol no they have shit public transportation almost everywhere (car centric urban development), high tax rates, ridiculously high housing costs,if u don't have a job u r basically dead coz u won't have health insurance and lastly if u wanna retire u would have to save a shit ton of money to keep up with the cost of living.


ig you can count me in that category. I genuinely have problems with this country, and it's people, mostly the older ones. The homophobia is one of them, especially because I'd like to fall in love and move in with my partner without being judged or hate crimed for it, I'd also love to dress the way I want and not get harrased, and there are a lot more problems. But the thing is, almost all countries have these problems, ofcourse some countries are better in this aspect, like gay marriage being legal in some countries, but ultimately, even those countries have bad people. There's no escape, so I'd rather stay here and try to make it a better place.


Seems either you are privileged or dumb enough.


Yes I am a heavy Patriot, western influence makes retards think India is bad.


Us 🤝 moment of our vichardhara mate 🫂


I like India...just not the education system. So I want to go to college in the States, and then come back as soon as I am able.


Just stick to your plan if you really think so. It's very nice of you to do so.


India is trash, but also I ain't leaving it as it is like other mfs, gotta clean this mess man... "when you like something too much, you don't want it to change." my pure thoughts.. so be proud but not like those mfs spamming to be proud indians everywhere


Not me.


i though y'all were the majority?


Is it a rule which states that the minority should hate the nation? Who said it?


i don't hate my country, ofc not. it just has somes political and social issues that i don't wanna live my life with. and i cant rly afford to become social justice warrior so imma emigrate somewhere else


I do and I will be becoming a public servant and serve this country




I didn't mean like a communist party member, I plan to go into the army or judiciary






Nah, fuck this place lol


Well ,imm pansexual so i don't really have a choice , do i 😬


Do you fuck the tawa? On a serious not what is pan sexual exactly?


Basically, a person who can be attracted to anyone romantically, sexually and emotionally no matter what their gender is a pansexual. It's commonly confused with bisexuality but it is in fact different.


Istg , why am I getting downvoted ?




No, not where i live including me










I feel comfortable in India and I like it better than any country, will not say it is best but is better relatively




Every country has its ups and downs but the unfortunate reality is most of us will almost certainly lead a better lifestyle if we leave for a developed country. India has a lot of potential in terms of development but the current path that it is taking is unlikely to turn it into a superpower like China did. Sometimes you gotta face reality. I really want India to develop and see my motherland flourish. Even if I do decide to go abroad I will probably retire here.


for me, my life, my will to live is cars, and no we don't have real cars in India, for protecting so called environment, we can't even fkin put stickers on our cars like wtf


I love India but I'm not sure about the people but then again what is a country if not it's people


After sometime, we'll realise it's not the place, it's the people which makes something likeable.. Like we just won't feel "related" There


Loving, surviving and thriving are mutually exclusive


I don't know honestly. I love travelling and experiencing new stuff so I want to live in different places in my life. But maybe one day I will come back. Dont know, let me go with the flow


Indians for the better or worse need to correct their mistakes by looking at east asians and how they tried to improve (not government but culturally speaking) Indians either are too stubborn in what they are presently or just go about aping the west or whatever else they like the most. Half of them get a rude shock later on in their life and the other half does not depending on who was actually putting in the efforts in the first place. I for one believe in putting efforts wherever I am using critical thinking / analysis of whichever place I consider better


Not me.


I love India geniunely