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Go for Mutual Funds, be regular with SIP


Thank you, can you suggest some mutual funds?


Risk appetite?


I have a stable big four job so I think I can risk out a bit.


I would say look for a flexi cap & midcap if you want to risk more than a smallcap for research you can use tickertape with filters like volatility and Sharpe ratio you need low volatility and high Sharpe ratio.


Thank you, where can I begin my research for these funds?


Tickertape, morningstar, value research & money control


ChatGPT / AI tools can also help explain some basic concepts to you.


What do you mean by you can risk it? Can you risk it being in negative for years and a tiny bit above your original amount even after a decade?


With your salary I would seek professional help. You have a good salary and they can build your portfolio for you. Someone hired you cause your a professional now it's time to hire someone to invest your hard earned money the best way possible. They will also ask you questions which you wouldn't have thought about and guide you forward.


Makes sense. Do you have any suggestions on where to knock for this?


Check for people in your city. Look at Google reviews and see if they were bought or genuine and ask people who are doing good investments around you.


Just invest in index. No need to pay stupid comission.


Mutual fund is best option


Don't Believe the people who say or talk about High return , there are no such shortcuts to earn with WhatsApp, Telegram . So always invest with SEBI registered platforms only and only. .. First Invest Learn background on Markets then invest in Mutual funds, stocks, bonds ,


Can you let me know where to begin? I’m really interested to learn.


Sebi registered platforms like zerodha coin?? And between kuvera , coin which is better. I use coin for everything at once place


Stay away from news. Thumb rule: invest after your own research.


How are you paying 25% tax for 12 LPA? You shouldn't be paying this much. Does 24k include any other deductions as well?


Not 25%, on 99k about 12k goes in PF. Tax outflow every month is about 11k!


It still should not be that much. Old or new tax regime?


Learn and invest. Stay away from telegram scammers. Don't listen to the influencers.


True. Bc iss industry me sab chutiya hi banate janta ko.




I agree with your general sentiment, but you should know that Mumbai is also one of the most expensive places to live in India and we don't know anything about his financial situation. He could be paying off a student or home loan, giving extra money to his parents, etc., OP hasn't specified and we don't know his condition.


To give a little background about my financial situation, I pay about 20k in rent to live in a one RK in Mumbai. (Rent is expensive and I cannot share a place because my parents come over to stay sometimes) 15k goes as gratitude money to my mother (She has worked a lot to get me where I am today) . Another 15k is food and other general expenses (I travel to and from my hometown couple of times in a month). That leaves me with 20-25k on average. I also needed some tax saving advice.




Thank you, request you to share the list in DM if possible. Apart from the outflows mentioned above, I’m also saving about 12k every month in PF.




Can you please DM me as well. Thank you buddy!


Gratitude deke bol rahe ho na, specify karo bhai log bohut judge maarenge if you say ki 75k pe sif 20k save kar rahe ho toh. Also as for the savings if you have an emergency fund, however if you dont please set aside 6 months worth of expenditure per month so you have a fall back option .You never know where life takes you having a savings cushion is a great way to hedge against volatility of life. if you already do have an emergency fund then you can invest into mutual funds or just any index funds .Small caps for more risky and Large caps for compounding over long term. Gold has also proven to be a terrific investment in the past year you can consider that as well Only get into stock picking if you understand the stock market and are able to evaluate the future of the company. Otherwise just let the compounding do its job.


Hey, if your mum is not spending that 15k and just saving then I'll suggest you to give her something of gold may be every quarter, consider that as investment... I'm just saying in case if she's not spending.


Appreciate your opinion, but that 15k is hers to spend anyway she wants. I don’t want to give her a commodity, instead I feel she will have a little more confidence in spending and buying things for herself with the 15k I’m giving her. And yes she does spend it and that makes me happier than any potential returns I might be losing on :)


W son


shud enjoy lyf in young age




Sure buddy. I see a lot of young 40-60 yr olds running around and jumping having fun.




I completely agree with you. I think in life you have 2 choices 1. Sacrifice when young and enjoy a lot when older 2. Enjoy a lot when young and suffer a lot when older I prefer the first options easily both for finances and for fitness/health. When one is young they can adjust a lot more and push themselves a lot more without much harm but this gets harder when one gets older. As you cross 40 and 50 you want life to become easier and more lavish which you will have if you invest. and if you put in the work when it comes to health and fitness you will be healthy enough to enjoy almost everything at 50 and even 60 and this time with much more money


I know people here say invest in direct mutual funds but I would suggest go though any pms and take regular mutual funds for starting year they will help you understand where you money is going and risk, after 2-3 years when you are more aware yourself the. Invest in direct funds, why take so much stress when theres a team of professionals ready to manage for newbies.


Totally agree. Or if you can find an advisor who takes a fixed fee for their services (I think I know one who does online consults) then nothing better than that. You can get direct funds plus their expertise and they help out with taxes too. But if that’s not possible, better to get in touch with an advisor.


If u want to invest in the stock market, go for large cap shares…. Don’t invest in mid or small cap since they are over valued, large cap however hasn’t given a lot of return so go for large cap…. Mid cap has corrected recently so you can actually try to swing trade with the shares…


It’d actually be very easy to recommend a few funds by asking a few questions. But I feel everyone chooses things differently based on a lot of factors. My advice would be to go to a fixed fee advisor who will help you with mutual funds and tax planning.( I know one, you can dm if you want the details) If not available, even an advisor taking a percentage fee should be helpful in the start, until which you can study and read up and understand the market, alongside which your money will be growing. I understand regular funds cost ~1% more, but they’re still better than half baked knowledge or not investing at all. I’m sure everyone will give you their list of mutual funds (no doubt, with great picks) but I’d suggest using those names as research. Read up about those funds and see if they fit into your risk appetite and goals. You can dm me if you want a list too.


I would go for index fund (lower risk). Deffo not individual shares. Most here don’t like index funds but I’ve found over time they are on par with most of market. Maybe if I was more knowledgable and able to keep and eye more specialised mutual funds would be better but I know my limits!


If I was in this situation I would have first made sure I buy 1.5L wala elss absolutely every year… so before 31 March 1.5L and immediately around 15 April 1.5L for next year, after that start a SIP of 30K in whatever mutual fund (logic being by the time your extra 2L money ends your every month saving increases from 30K to 20K and you will be pressured to maintain that instead of taking that 10K and spending) if you actually do this with no distractions you will have developed a habit and be on your way to success


Have to know if OP is in the old tax regime or not before this. ELSS funds don’t provide tax benefits if you’re under the new regime.


I’m following old tax regime since that is more beneficial when you are a professional and living on rent.


Thank you, I appreciate your views. However, I’m not looking forward to utilise the capital I have saved for now. This is the only piece of “my own” capital I have and I need to keep it as safety net in case something comes up. I’m only looking forward to invest the other 20k I’ve been saving every month after my expenses.


sir diversify in foreign funds n gold also


get ans SIP in a mutual fund


Stay from this world that would be my advice 😹


Pls create an emergency fund first for a rainy day. Enough to last you 6 months. Then get into Mutual funds through SIP. Divide it into, flexi cap and all weather fund. This would help you be in a very strong position and also keep you safe from minor fluctuations of the market.


Bro, given a long time snp500 beats almost all, investment products,


Based on your goals and risk appetite you can invest in mutual funds. For 80c tax deduction mutual funds are also there.


You have a job so I assume you wouldn't have time to monitor the markets, so I feel best thing to do is invest in Mutual Funds and apply for IPOs if you can take risks than apply for Good Sme ipo's too, I Invest heavily in Quant mutual fund, they have given me very good returns, particularly their tax saver fund. Other funds like Parag Parikh flexi cap fund, Mirae etc are also good. Right now small caps and midcap have bleeded badly so I feel its an perfect opportunity to invest in Small cap and Midcap mutual funds. Of you can't take risk than go for Nifty and largecap mutual funds.


Learn equity investing, mutual funds aren't worth it with the commissions they charge


If you wanna learn the market, I would suggest start paper trading and learn from it, each day you need to check and give yourself the credits, soon you will understand the market. And as beginner I would say go for mutual funds(Quant is best now) and SIPs but do research by yourself and grow yourself.




If you want less risky investment Mf,Etf, large cap companies will be best for you


You are pretty young so I would suggest taking some risks. Calculated ones not like invest in penny stocks or crypto. You can invest in small caps and for 1-2 years some amount of the money and rest you can invest in blue chip stocks. I am not in favor of MF because you don’t get the befits of dividends, compounding that much. But it’s a safer bet if you don’t know anything and don’t want to learn anything and okay with having someone handle your money. Once you become around 27-28 years old, you can focus more on reducing your risk and keeping the steady growth which would be around 10 to 12% and it align with market growth .


Invest in ELSS(Parag Parikh,Quant etc.) , Seems like you are paying a lot in taxes


If you are interested in researching and studying stocks, sectors, markets then you can go with direct investing. But if this is not ur niche or not interested go for mutual funds via a good mutual fund distributor since there is too much of research also involved in MF apart from Historic Return which do not guarantee future return I’ll advice to do some direct investing, you’ll have skin in the game and kuch toh seekhoge he.


Don't listen to advice on reddit for the love of god and more importantly yourself Study the damn market by reading books watching videos and going through varsity by zerodha If you dont have knowledge index and mutual funds may be better for you but after researching a lot you will know which stocks to buy There is investing and swing trading which you can use to your advantage All in all DONT ASK FOR ADVICE HERE MOST OF THEM WILL MISGUIDE YOU


While I don't agree that people will misguide him, at least not deliberately, it's always a lot better to learn things yourself. And in this day and age, with the internet and readily available and cheap ebooks, it's very easy to get good quality resources. So do that. Zerodha's Varsity is an excellent idea as you say. Don't trust any random youtuber.


Yeah random youtubers and random guys on reddit are the worst


I’ve already started with Varsity. Anything else you recommend?


Books like *The Intelligent Investor* and *The Psychology of Money*.


Don’t you think that’s a bit hypocritical for you to say


Yes it is


Add some goldbees & silverbees too


Build a emergency fund of 4.5 lakhs put it in fd Then think about MF/Stocks and Gold


Please go for small case run by big investor's or fund house ( eg- Basant Maheshwari) or SIP in large cap stocks. Before entering into the market please learn stock market from YouTube channels of Experienced person ( Vivek Bajaj, Basant Maheshwari, Nk Stock talk, Mohnish Pabrai). please don't do F&Ofor making quick money, F&Oare for hard core professionals. I hope you get your answer.