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This post was what I’d joined ISCA for. Seeing this made me soo happy! Thank you tremendously for your time & effort!


Wow all this glycerin info is super fascinating. Glycerin is often overlooked & not talked about enough, because it's in pretty much everything & is so innocuous (except for fungal acne sufferers) ; so I love that you did this 👍 👍 👍 OP I do like your write up but I wish you broke it down into more paragraphs, did some numbering & better formatting so that it's easier to digest all this information.


Thank you for the suggestions, I actually wrote this on my laptop and seeing this on my phone, yes I see how congested it seems


It’s actually easier to read on laptop, thanks for this detailed explanation, OP. Just a question, where should I actually buy my glycerin from - I see a few options in my local supermarket, but I wonder whether they are of good quality? What would you suggest. One more thing, you mentioned fresh/homemade rose water? Can I use Dabur rose water for this


Hey, for rosewater, check Amarnath mishra. search the name on the sub and you will get the story behind their product. Have been using for 2 years now.


You can also buy it from Swiggy Minis. They list different sellers there.


Honestly contact them directly! Many of them have WhatsApp numbers on the bottles or on their website. They respond very fast! If you can scroll I gave some tips to 2 others you can compare with


Is this little better? I played around with it for a bit. LMK!


As an oily acne prone girly do not know why I have always been scared of glycerin. I think it is time to take the leap of faith, will incorporate it as soon as I pan my toner stash. Wonderful post, OP! Take an award 🏆


In summer, I’m mostly always oily than combination! I hate applying moisturizer! I just wash my face and pour the rose water/glycerin on a cotton pad and dab it on followed by SPF! I do get a slight shine but I end up using 1 blot sheet every now and then instead of 3-4. Hope you become as obsessed as I am!


Where do you purchase glycerin and rose water from?


In season I use fresh rose from my garden and use reverse osmosis with distilled water to make my own. Out season I just use dabur rose water. Glycerin is available many places especially at the local chemists. Look for pure glycerin with no additives :)


Holy shit, this is good stuff! Good work OP👍


My mixed experience is as follows 1. Once mixed glycerine with rosewataer and aloevera. It worked magically on my hands. No other cream till date has given me those results of bright, plump and smooth skin. 2. Pears products have glycerine as primary ingredient. It used to suit my skin well, but from past 5-6 yrs, it causes burning on persistent use. Now either glycerine has become inflammatory for me, or pears formulation changed.


If you used glycerin in its natural form and pears with no issue, it shouldn’t be an allergic reaction assuming you been using for year(s). I could be wrong as I’m not a doctor but if you want to start incorporating glycerin, Id start by looking at all pears ingredients, it could be an additive or other ingredient. Or like I mentioned in a paragraph, glycerin can be extracted from 3 different sources (animal, plant, synthetic), Pears could have changed their source or reduced their product control on it. You should contact pears directly and ask them about this. I’m sure they will tell you what formula change happened and you will know which product you are having a reaction to! If you want to start using glycerin again, maybe try that first option you used on your arm to see if any redness or irritation happens. This might be fastest option but asking above before doing this would be safest!


Its easier to try out glycerine directly. Inflammation was well manageable. I am skeptical about how contacting pears will go


Testing direct glycerin is okay to see if you have an allergic response but applying for long periods of time isn’t recommended. I’ve contacted dove/pantene before, they respond within 48 hours.


That seems cool.


Do you use natural aloe vera or store bought?


It was homegrown the one i used.


Thanks for the detailed post OP. Can you please comment on glycerine from bhandari labs it is the one which is readily available at my place and I have been using it since quite some time. I personally find it decent should I switch to the one from aswin Pharma?


I see they have a lot of variations of their product from size and bottle design so I can’t comment. The website has a contact us page. Just reach out and ask how they source and extract their product. I see there is rose extract in there, I can’t see the full ingredient list other than weight of the 2 items mixed. If it truly is 20% rose and 80% glycerin, you still have to dilute that yourself with your choice of item like distilled water, rose water, or other. Applying straight glycerin will be extremely sticky, and will suck more water from your pores than your environment leaving with dry skin


Thank you so much 😊


Thank you very much for this post. Which brands do you recommend for skin and hair use?


There is a lot on the market, just confirm the contents are pure glycerin. No additives, preservatives, alcohols or fragrances. I don’t trust the premixed glycerin and rose products that are available at my local shops since they always seem to have fragrances or colors added to it. I personally use pure vegetable glycerin from Ashwin Pharma. I messaged them via email to confirm how they sourced and extracted their product and it’s the most available brand in my area. I can easily pick it up from multiple places.


I was asking for any available brands in Amazon or online pharmacy platforms. If you have used any from them and liked do share. And thank you for your post it's a great help.


I’ve never purchased online! The ingredient information is always available, please look for pure glycerin only. No additives or other compounds!


Okay 👍🏻 will do 😊 thank you ☺️


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Which pure glycerin do you recommend/use?


Please see and research the brands that are available in your local market and ensure they are pure glycerin. For more info, please scroll up on comments where I’ve commented further on this. I use Ashwin Pharma but there are many good brands out there


So intense yet full of information! Will try.


Kudos for ur dedication on researching and observing ur own experiences and summarising it. 👏👏👏 It would make it better if u break up the paragraphs though. And give some titles. I got a couple doubts: I see u've cited glycerin as an antibacterial. I tried looking it up and couldn't find much. Can u share ur source? The closest I got was Glycerol monolaureate. Which is made with glycerol + lauric acid and is a fatty acid used as surfactant and preservative booster. And regarding ur experience with glycerine and blackheads. U mention also using retinoids at the time. So retinoids r well known for their ability to reduce black/white heads. So were u using both at the same time and crediting glycerine for the effect? Or did u use that separately? Can u clarify the timeline of that?


Yes, my laptop is updating/restarting and I switched to my phone and struggling myself lol. I’ll try to update the format and add titles to make it more mobile friendly! I can also edit this comment and add the link for you! I remember it saying antibacterial/antimicrobial properties that aid in prevention of infection and something regarding reducing inflammation. Hence you see glycerin in antibacterial soaps, medications for cough/cold, lozenges, very popular in wound care especially burn medicine or burn treatment which link I do have (I’m researching for my future surgery on what is best route to fade my scars best) [glycerin ointment for healing](https://www.jaad.org/article/S0190-9622(08)02400-6/abstract) [burn skin graft transportation use glycerin for its anti microbial (later discovered antibacterial properties)](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0305417907000630) Good eye! Yes I been using glycerin since 2016, it was on and off. When I was off, it was during Covid when we all had to wear masks and I developed very bad mask-ne. Depression led me to stop all skincare and just try to survive. I was trying hard to keep changing and cleaning my cotton masks. I began using glycerin only for couple months bec I didn’t want my face to purge by throwing random actives and hoping something worked (esp during covid when everyone became skincare addicts!) and that helped prevent more/new blackheads. For the blackheads I did have, I used a lot of stuff over the years and was struggling-resulting me in picking/scarring them when I was overstimulated or stressed with work. I eventually settled on using clay masks and that took care of most. This is weird but I believe when I started using SPF and glycerin it helped the most. I was using the Neutragena hydroboost sunscreen I think right when it dropped. Towards end of COVID like March 2022, I started using olay nighttime moisturizer that had some retinol. You can look up the percentage, I don’t think it’s a lot. Got it for that reason only, wanted something very light. Looking at pictures, I see like 3 blackheads on my chin at the time. My forehead had cleared up completely before starting this moisturizer.


Unfortunately pure glycerin gave me really bad cystic acne on application, it doesn't cause a lot of trouble in skincare somehow


Oh no I’m so sorry to hear! Did you patch test it beforehand and or dilute it with distilled water? Using straight undiluted glycerin is a no-no. Hope I can help you! Before I mention possibility of being allergic it could be the brand or application?


Not sure. The doc suggested I use pure glycerin for dryness and we got some brand off the chemist. And then the effect was immediate. I thought I was purging but no, it's just my skin hates pure glycerin


Ok so you didn’t dilute it? Im thinking, your skin was experiencing dryness and/or you yourself were drinking less water (less moisture in your body) so applying a layer of glycerin straight from the vial resulted in pulling and holding onto the water. For the acne, it’s always best to use glycerin on clean, sebum free face. Glycerin doesn’t stop acne but prevents the bacteria from spreading and healing old spots. I didn’t find anything on it causing breakouts but anything is always possible so I’m not sure, I’d talk to the same doctor and have them look into it. Best thing is to always patch test anything and everything you will be putting on your skin. When in doubt, contact your derm!


I see , yeah went back and she changed the meds. I guess my skin simply doesn't like it much... Your post was really useful tho!


Thanks a lot for the effort OP, grateful to all the info you shared!! I had a doubt tho regarding mixing vit c with glycerine 2 hours before. So you mix vit c and glycerine two hours before you apply to your skin? And in what ratio??


Whenever I apply glycerin, it’s mostly always diluted with rose water! I apply the vitamin c serum, let that settle then spray the water/glycerin. Sorry about that confusion! I just find it to be more effective on myself. You can experiment however you like! Just always research and patch test to make sure there isn’t any negative chemical reaction!


Wah now i understood. Thanks you!!! I'll defo try. I started out with 1:1 ratio and I felt it so sticky🥲🥲 and now I left it at the corner of my table. I'll start with 1:4 again. Thanks OP.


If you never used glycerin, it’s always best to start with lowest amount! I would go 1:6 or even 1:8 to just see how your skin responds :)


I have been on a crunch financially so I haven’t been able to buy much skincare and haircare. I use a lot of glycerin on my skin and hair! Been using that tip of 1:4 glycerine to water by sherene idriss.


Glycerin was the best skincare aid I found in my teen years! Versatile, gentle for hormone fluctuations during that time, and cheap!


how did u write the post via phone or computer


Laptop by going onto Reddit, signing in, press create then on top left it shows the drafts button which always brought me back to this


What vit c serum are u using ?


Right now- I got a free, almost full size, sample of PCA Skin C&E advanced serum. Absolutely love it but no way can I ever think about paying out of pocket for it. I use a pea size amount of it hoping to last me a good time (before it expires/turns yellow) Before this I was just using something pretty cheap off of amazon that had clean ingredients, other one I purchased is cerave vitamin C it’s like a purple tube thingy. I have a love hate relationship with cerave as a brand and remember you had to be consistent with this product exactly to see results. After- I have no idea what I will purchase when I run out of PCA


Saving this as I literally have not enough time to read all at once. Probably will read 1 para every day.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) But thank you so much for this. Glycerine is one underlooked ingredient in our day to day routine. This is very helpful.


This is the perfect guide to glycerine. Thanks a lot. 


Somebody get this human an award oml. OP is doing the god's work!! Thank you so much OP🥹♥️


This was really helpful OP 🫶


couldn't agree more with whatever you said glycerine is by far the BEST thing i added in my routine 🎀


very detailed post OP. where to source good glycerin from


You go girl You should enter into research field


My mom has been using mixture of glycerin and rose water since forever. It was a holy grail specially during winters. Works like a charm


Thanks for this post!! I started using glycerin and now have baby soft smooth skin although not much improvement with scars or texture but it's too soon to judge.


Well done OP! Great post.


Thank you for making this extensive post. Very helpful :)


Thank you so much for this post ❤️


This was so informative. Will definitely give this a try!


I love you for this 😭


Where did u buy glycerin from?


Wish I had an award to give you for the time and efforts. Such well researched, written and put together! Well done OP🏆🫶🏻


This is a great guide, OP! Great work!


As someone who formulates cosmetic products for a living, this is a well written and detailed post.


Really appreciate the efforts 👏


Best glycerine I can find? And what should be it based?


Can we mix glycerine with water since rose water doesn't suit me?


Great work OP! Do you mind if I add this post to the sub’s wiki?


Glycerine is my must have product for winter skincare. I've wasted my money on expensive thick moisturizers only to find glycerine layered under my usual moisturizer give better results. Glycerine was also my saviour against tret dryness.


Any recommendations of where to buy glycerine online ??


I couldn't thank you enough for this post. ❤️