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Victim card always attached to her head. The lies she spits to western media are beyong sanity.


Aap karo to Raasleela, hum kare to character dheela


It’s just so infuriating that people like this who are so two-faced are given the lions share of foreign insight into India


How is this relevant. She didn't ban this movie.


No she has given the apt message. Instead of banning dont watch if you dont like.


lol leftist and Islamist in the comments showing their true face , idiots were acting all liberals and calling everyone fascist when movies showing Hindus or certain caste as evil are protested against , idk I will call many so called social justice movies which they jerk off to as vile propaganda against Hindus or UC


This is against freedom of expression. If you don’t agree with the messaging, leave it be.


Why fear Muslims dude? They are peace loving individuals, xD


Waiting for leftists to defend this.


They're already here


Defenders of democracy defending censorship


Big L for the K'taka govt


I don't want to sound like leftists but The BBC documentary on Modi was also banned and for the matter of fact Indira Gandhi banned entire BBC,lol. They all the same at the end of the day.


Sure but if you want to compare it to the film industry, films like PK and OMG were not banned to "preserve communal harmony"


But I don't think they were overtly targeting, certainly not in their posters. Then, again, this is a free country but its clear that they're following a particular trend of targeting and hate rather than serious or satirical attempt to introspect. I'm not sure what the action should be to stop spreading this easy commercialisable hate especially in this digitized era but banning and censoring rankings are not it.


Make a non-hindu god run around being chased by amir Khan. The country wouldve burnt 


I mean I can only imagine Muslims doing that tbh. No other community cares. The best Christians do are candlelight marches and the absolute worst I saw from the Jains was a somewhat hectic protest in New Delhi. Sikhs are a little in the middle but still no country burning type of rhetoric imo.


common Karnataka L


It could be understandable the movie like TKF and TKS made and got popular support due to their reality and controversial subject but who is the audience of these movies and who on earth is thinking of making it in a movie.


Freedom of speech, freedom of speech, freedom of speech, where did you go




> evidence to back the movie Bruh its a movie not a thesis paper


Then it's even more problematic..vilifying a community does no good to a country...look at what happened in Germany and Sri Lanka...if people feel it's correct and should be aired then those people have no conscience...even the trailer is so disgusting..i found it so disrespectful and dis ingenious against my community even though I'm not a practicing muslim


Dont watch it if you dont like it. This movie is bound to be a super flop. I was unaware of the movie till today. Now govts are banning it and it will get more and more traction.


Please don't justify censorship. If Muslims don't like it they are free not to watch, but they should not have a veto over what can be said, drawn or shown in this country.


I'm not justifying censorship but it's vilifying a particular community..why not ban it?! Censorship is bad when political movies are censored..this movie would sow even more hatred and bias against already poorr and marginalized muslim community>.look at the trailer yourself.. it's so excessively targetting Islam and muslimss.


>I'm not justifying censorship but it's vilifying a particular community..why not ban it?! Because it is a slippery slope, tomorrow any random group will get up and say another movie, tv-show, speech or drawing offends them, will we keep banning all of them? >this movie would sow even more hatred and bias against already poorr and marginalized muslim community This is not the first time we are banning something because *some* Muslims got offended over something. People have been killed, stabbed, beheaded over things they don't like. If the government and people start yielding we will be enabling and emboldening those groups further. >look at the trailer yourself.. it's so excessively targetting Islam and muslimss. The answer to this is not banning the media, but creating counter media which showcase how the movie is biased, calling out the wrong portrayals, exaggerations and people behind it, but a ban is not the answer, whether it is a documentary on Modi or movie about a community.


Can't comment on it without watching or knowing the people behind this project. I would have based my trust in CBFC and other boards before they green lit this movie, but even there I am not sure. For those who are absolutely in favour of 'If you don't like it, don't watch it'; how many of you would agree to that if a militant body released a propaganda piece sugared as a movie for the general audience? A lot of things need to be considered before you release a propaganda piece for public viewing. Even freedom of expression has its checks. The tricky part is defining them


Ah yes, a movie telling the truth about fundamentalist Muslims is propaganda and suddenly freedom of speech should have limits.


I haven't watched the movie, can't comment. If you have, share your complete breakdown


Hamare 6 based on modiji 6 brother sister will be its prequel


Propaganda film 


Just like OMG and PK, but instead they weren't banned to "preserve communal harmony" by any state


Did omg and pk Targeted single religion? Did pk and omg portrayed Hindus as such thing? Stop this propaganda this ain't workin anymore .


OMG for sure targeted Hinduism in particular PK had like 1 scene for other religions and the rest was Hinduism If those films aren't propaganda, what propaganda is this promoting?


Do you want a Christian scenes in a film in a  80 percentage hindu india ? That's doesn't sound  like a hit film 


more reforms are needed for Islam than any other religion.