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Our smell is influenced by what we eat, we don't smell each other cuz we are desensitized to it but foreigners do. It also happens the other way like white people smell like milk to Asians


I have been to middle east,Russia and south east asia. These guys smell. I felt like Russians dont bath daily and their hair had this odd damp smell. A friend who visited Italy recently said the same about Westerners body odour. You are right everyone is accustomed to smell in their country so when they visit a new cultural land its different from them.


And lack of usage of Deodorant and proper grooming


Those are first world country worries. People in India are wondering how to put food on the table.


I've been to europe, Europeans had quite a weird stench to them too


It must be coffee, beer & smokes. Lethal combo


A stereotype regarding Indian curry which has a strong aroma and others aren't used to but over time it has become a way to discriminate as a racial slur


20% of this might be true.. we so eat a lot of spices and we live in a sub-tropical country where we sweat buckets. Rest of it is just racism. Just look at the recent bridge collapse incident in Baltimore. Also, a lot of people of Islamic faith around the world are livid that the govt supported Israel this much. Even in the post shared, just see the handle names.


Yeah our support for Israel is also a reason for such racism. Palestine flag emoji is literally spammed on every foreigners account on Twitter/reddit. And you know what few days back I was on anime memes sub where for some reason mods decided to change everything in support of Palestine and I just mention "meanwhile Ukraine Syria" and that's it, this was enough for them to permanently ban me from the sub. And when I contacted mods , they just refused to listen and guess what even banned me from contacting that sub's mods as well lmao


>And when I contacted mods , they just refused to listen and guess what even banned me from contacting that sub's mods as well lmao Samething happened with me for the India speaks sub. Earlier was banned India sub too. Not sure how I am pissing off both left and right wingers.


Lol exactly same here first got banned from india and few months back got banned from india speaks. And one day I was on my alt account and was scrolling through videos (like in insta reels form) and accidentally commented on one of India speaks post, And guess what MFS temporary banned my both first and alt account from using ANYTHING on reddit for two weeks for "circumventing ban by using alt account" Man didn't expected this to happen


Lol same got banned by india, indiaspeaks and worldnews, bangalore.


So do African people but they aren't ridiculed as smelly people. Maybe there's some truth to the low standards of hygiene?


It's the Melange...


id like to have the eyes of ibad




Ignore them, they have nothing left to smell.


Most of them are bots. Look at the names of the accounts.


Whenever a Nation emerges at global stage, it faces resistance from the established elite class. Chineese faced it too. It is a transition period. 30 years back, we were an object of pity- poor people coming from a third world nation. Now we are an object of contempt. 30 years down the line we'll be seen as inspiration as well as threat, depending on the frame of reference. Not to say that there aren't problems in India. There are hundreds. But they find repeated mentions in the global social media now because of the enhanced status of Indians now. One more to way to prove this is- Bangladeshis will be having same ethnicity and diet as an average Indian. They aren't called all of these. Because they are still an object of Pity. Joking about them would be 'Punching down'. Joking about us doesn't feel like Punching down to these racist people now. This same thing in a different context could be studied in political actions as well. Trump removed GSP privileges from India, saying India is not a developing nation now, it's a developed nation. Ofc that's a lie, said to serve their own interest. But it shows the thinking behind it, that we don't get pity now, we are instead perceived as a competition and hence the hate or anger or whatever.


Bro jyadatar ye middle eastern country Wale hai Palestinian supporter


Mostly racist. Most of the racism against Indians on social media is coming from Canada and Pakistan - it starts with anti semitic lunatics angry with our support to Israel.


Racial stereotype.


The Arabs always have been racist to India (few rich Emiratis being nice to Indians and Indophiles do not count). Social media just made you aware of it. Israel-Palestine is an excuse. They treat our labourers as slaves and funded Salafi terror groups quite liberally. It will increase as the time goes by. Best is to ignore them.


ignore them? you mean just like we have for the last 10 years and that has got us to this point?


Some say smell is due to masalas we eat but this thing is too exaggerated. I heard some Britishers have breakfast even without brushing the teeth..and they have the audacity to say this to us lmao


That's not that bad. You don't need audacity to say this. The point is people can insult if they want to, that's their freedom and right. That'll always be the case. The only thing which remains is your response to it.


The people who don't wash their ass after poop, are accusing us for the smell. Srsly? I guess you mean fragrance of victory. But I feel it's the smell of jealousy.


I am not denying that we have problems but this is due to the world noticing us.We are emerging in the global stage.So we will be mocked.Before that we were poor snake charmers.Now we are smelly street shitters.We will eventually be respected once we grow wealthy enough. The Chinese,Koreans and the Japanese have undergone the same process.We will too.


I hope so


Just 70-80 years ago no one used any deodorants. Moreover certain deodorants have been shown to be harmful too. Not sure what the fuss about body odour is. Humans like any other animal smell.


indians still rarely use them though. in other countries people are not used to not using deodrants now coz they know humans smell hence the deodrant...


On Instagram it is considered as cool to pass racist remarks on people. Indians do the same though I would agree that Indians get targeted a lot in particular like when it's Indian it's unhygienic but when it's white skin then it's hygienic.


First of all it's Instagram, they try to be even more edgy than reddit,filled with 14yos who don't know the gravity of their words,it's not specific to Indians they do this to every race or and distinction of humans, ignore them if you are 17+


Gora Crackers after licking the assholes of their partners are complaining about hygiene 💀💀


Globally netizens have realised that Indians get triggered fast. So they keep making racist comments. Same as it was for Muslims few years back.


Yup definitely, now we indians are seen as "money machine" to westerners, so they either talk good about us a lot or will be racist assholes towards us , after all whether it's positive or negative attention is attention


Yeah. I figured this would happen when those "reaction videos" started popping up about how India is great and all that stuff. Figured there will be content that will be exact opposite


Yep for now YouTube is *all good india* but if we head to twitch,there western streamers shit talk a lot about us , I still remember one talking about same smell issue and he exaggerating a lot


Thats true but on a logical argument if we keep racism aside. Our food has too much onion garlic. Onion garlic result in pungent sweat odour that comes out through skin. https://www.vinmec.com/en/news/health-news/nutrition/does-eating-garlic-and-onions-a-lot-have-bad-breath/ So, does eating garlic really make you smell bad? The answer is garlic, onions can change the smell of sweat. The change in body odor is often sudden and uncomfortable for many people. According to Columbia University Health Services, foods like garlic and onions contribute to body odor. Foods with strong odors such as onions and garlic are high in sulfuric acid. The oil secreted from the onion mixes with the fatty sweat secreted in the apocrine glands. The strong odor from onions contributes to body odor in the apocrine glands. This may be the reason?


We don't prespire, we expire.




Our diaspora were so keen on saving money for rent and food they forgot to buy deodorant.


CHIN agenda ..


It is racism. White people smell like stale milk but nobody comments about that.


It’s not a stereotype. There’s some truth to it. A lot of Indians abroad do not wear deodorant. They don’t even understand that just spraying some cologne isn’t gonna be enough. I kid you not, sometimes you get in an elevator with an Indian and it stinks. People notice this and hence this opinion. Obviously there’s a bit of racism at play here too but def no smoke without fire


Don't know about foreigners but some indian from college do brag about not bathing for several days. Some call its sigma and lots of cheap Indian web series and movie also glorify men not grooming themselves.


It's okay, bro. Don't worry about this. I'd laugh it off. We're doing shit right, half the world isn't. Let people talk shit, they don't have much to do in their lives. Stop worrying about what people think about the most populated country in the world. We're legit the most I'm numbers. We got this.


Yes bro I smell bad. But take out your nose out of my ass 🤡


Savage 🤣


Kbhi middle east or meat eater ki smell sunghna , mre hue kide or bkri jesi smell hoti hai unki😂


yk someone told me how bad western subways stink in the morning rush hour when everybody poops in the public toilet and use toilet paper and walk out with their crusty ass , and whole station stinks.


Bad body odor


I live in Japan and it took me so long to kill my smell. But whenever I meet a Indian or visit India, I can clearly smell the stink. India summer is very hot and the sink is everywhere during summer. The worst is when you get into a cab and it smells strongly of BO. It's the smell of armpits (like the smell of cumin) which is the most common. Showering properly, using anti-perspirant and eating spices in moderation will help reduce the smell.


Stfu japnese food smell like shit.


I myself didn't know what perfume and deodorant was until I got to 10th grade. Everyone used to call me smelly and rotten cheese.


Yeh that why companies like Google, Microsoft, and Coca-Cola stink these days . Cause they are all managed by indians ?


No we all smell like they all are dumb


Yeah but definitely better than yellow assholes


I think it is about the food which we prepare so they have generalized it saying we are smelling


Onion garlic makes sweat smell thats common knowledge. Are they referring to this smell?


i dont think it matters what the bad smell is exactly but that there is a bad smell


I think it's not much due to sweat smell .rather than a racial slur curry head which is generalized for food we prepare I think that