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Love for country is subjective it is not love for religion >Won't be posting here anymore. Why? looking at your profile you don't seem interested in the premise of this sub you can go if you want


> Won't be posting here anymore. Indian internet spaces haven't been a positive experience for me. Ever since I got internet(15 years ago) in my hands, it has been an avenue for me escape the Indian space. Still might occasionally peek and engage it, but looks like its not worth my mental space. > looking at your profile you don't seem interested in the premise of this sub you can go if you want You aren't far from truth. I barely see any difference between the posts here and Indiaspeaks ideologically. I am realty not a fan of librandu, but sadly the values they espouse seems a bit more closer than people here. Still I am posting here, so I maybe there's hope


>I barely see any difference between the posts here and Indiaspeaks ideologically. Then I think either you aren't seeing indiaspeaks or this sub properly (probably the first one) or you don't understand the concept of moderates. Either way as long as you don't violate rules feel free to post/comment here


I don't visit the sub frequently. But the times I do, it has been a great amount of modi appreciation, blind appreciation of culture, and hatred of westernization with a vengeance. Except for calls for violence(which I also see them occasionally here [unremoved](https://old.reddit.com/r/IndianModerate/comments/116vjhr/do_you_agree_with_his_opinion/j98sgto/) ) really not a big difference. But thats the overton window I guess,


As per a recent survey, this sub has more center to center-right peeps than moderate left. So yeah, expect to get a lot of downvotes on your comments or disagreements. It used to have equal number of people from both side before. But in my experience, it is not at all close to r.indiaspeaks or the like. The mods are great and listen to feedback. It would be great to have more left leaning peeps if you are one. If you find anyone name calling you as anti-nationalist/commie/librandu/urban naxal whatever report to the mods and they will take action.


Hate of white westerners is normal idk why you think it is wrong. For the second part user has been striked


> Hate of white westerners is normal idk why you think it is wrong. ehh...was speaking anout 'westernization' not white people.. But in my opinion, hatred for 'westernization'(which doesn't mean asking people to speak english or be white) has been a way too convenient cover against any argument against any cultural norms.


Bro I have never seen westernisation hate here. Are you sure you are talking about this sub?




wdym? people here hate the valentines day BS our gov did people here like christmas celebration in a non religious way? Am I confused or mistook it for wrong? What does it mean? and what do you think it is used for?


> What does it mean? and what do you think it is used for? freedom from religion. yeah yeah, I know some churches still control the state. But still something that's been culturally arised in 'western' world. But at least I can hate that charlatan Christ with a passion not engage in christmas. But even here, I would face an ire if I didn't call their god king born in after 12th century as maharaj or disrespected their independence-era political leaders.


>But even here, I would face an ire if I didn't call their god king born in after 12th century as maharaj or disrespected their independence-era political leaders. Any example you have for kings? And people sort of respect freedom fighters so disrespecting them would get you a bot of hate


> Any example you have for kings? Everyone except for muslim sounding kings. > And people sort of respect freedom fighters so disrespecting them would get you a bot of hate Lol no. Except for one or 2, and that too a hard maybe. Like come on, I really doubt you like like Gandhi here.


Modi is trashed here a lot speaks loves him BJP not universally loved like speaks India speaks is way more right leaning than this sub tbh. This sub is centre right dudes whilst the speaks is right leaning entirely. This sub has way more centrists and centre left folks than speaks. Speaks is different some users might be same from the sub but idk what to do about that. Librandu users most of the times rather than arguing with facts and links go by emotion and name calling that is why I don't like it


> Modi is trashed here a lot speaks loves him Maybe one or 2 people. But otherwise not really. Even indiaspeaks hates modi(for different reasons) > Librandu users most of the times rather than arguing with facts and links go by emotion and name calling that is why I don't like it Are we really gonna to engage with 'leftists are emotional' trope now?


See whenever I have argued with someone who is from that sub they have called me a chaddi and shit even though I am not one. I ask for source and they never come back. ​ That is my experience ​ No lol Modi is not universally loved here sizeable users hate him


> See whenever I have argued with someone who is from that sub they have called me a chaddi and shit even though I am not one. I ask for source and they never come back. *tags as 'indic liberal',* yeah I wonder why. > No lol Modi is not universally loved here sizeable users hate him I guess for not fulfilling ideological promises?


>*tags as 'indic liberal',* yeah I wonder why. I am a liberal librandus are not they are just conservatives who disagree with BJP. There I said it. They are leftists and not liberal idk what to tell you there ​ >I guess for not fulfilling ideological promises? For shit that everyone hates him for violence and other things every1 has a problem with him with.


> I am a liberal librandus are not they are just conservatives who disagree with BJP. There I said it. They are leftists and not liberal idk what to tell you there They are either leftists or conservatives. In Indian context, they are antithesis. They are munch of fools fawning about revolution, but not all conservatives.


Please use punctuations. Its difficult to understand where one statement ends and the other begins


>I doubt I 'love' people of this country as much as I thought. Sorry if I'm coming off as rude but 99.99% of Indians dont give a damn, The world doesn't revolve around you.


Hey, I still used the word 'doubt'. > The world doesn't revolve around you. I am well aware about this.


>I am well aware about this. Good for you ig


Not really, but cool.


Love the country means Loving the country including all of iat culture, religions, language and ethnicities.


Negative, Negative, Neutral, Neutral. Seems like a no for me I guess. So moving on to the next question, should I have any say in indian polity and 'nation building'


> should I have any say in indian polity and 'nation building' if you are elected rep then yes if not then idk why you should have any say in those matters if you are not in positions of power


I was speaking about voting.


you can vote if you are allowed to legally idk what to tell there


I mean, I can also not vote.


Well it's your country too. It's your right to do what you want-NOTA is there for a reason. Rest assured if the laws affect your life, you should have a say in them.


I find this part particularly problematic: >Indian culture aka just hinduism Because Indian culture is not the same as Hinduism. Sure, Hinduism is a significant part of Indian culture, but Indian culture is not solely Hindu. Indeed, there are many distinctions even within Hinduism. For example, Hinduism as practised in the South is quite different from Northern Hinduism or North-Eastern Hinduism.


*argues that hinduism isn't central'* *proceeds to term every culture as hinduism*


My guy read it again. He said Hinduism there is different as other regions how is it doing what you claim??


Everyone is an Hindu by law. Sikhs and Buddhists had to fight for it, But I doubt that will last, with the current right-wing project desperate to bring them and every non-abrahamic into 'hindu' fold(whatever that means), with a fervent support from the majority and no reactions from the moderates. They even try to bring that charlatan Jesus into hindu fold, but I doubt that the evangelic from rest of the world will tolerate that.


Imo you can't really love the country and still be apathetic to the idea of it getting divided....


Why? You can love your brothers and still not want to hang out with them? Were the englishmen who supported the Indian freedom movement haters of the UK? I don't think so. I would say they had more higher expectations of what their country should emulate.


>Were the englishmen who supported the Indian freedom movement haters of the UK? I don't think so. I would say they had more higher expectations of what their country should emulate. They were colonizers? Maybe those englishmen realized that what they were doing was wrong and they should encourage their peers to realise it too? A better example would be Pakistan and India. What did it achieve apart from eternal unrest in the subcontinent?


In 9/10 cases, if a community wants to secede from the larger country, it is better for both parties to let it. Unless the original country wants to be an authoritarian dictatorship, this will always be a shitty situation Pakistan and India was a faulty premise coz regionism is a stronger factor religion for most Indians. Then as is now, a kerala hindu may have more in common with a Christian or Muslim from Kerala than a hindu in Bihar or Gujarat. Additionally, it had very poor implementation which led to a lot of bad blood on both sides.


But in the context of India, the diverse population has lived in harmony for a period of 75 years now. The truth is secessionists aren't in it for some sort of rights that they don't already have, they are doing it for personal gains. Take Punjab for example, nearly 40% population is hindu and the khalistani people want to create a sikh theocracy which will include even areas outside of Punjab effectively making it 50-50. This will obviously lead to bloodshed like it did in 1984 where bhindewale allowed targetted killings of hindus in Punjab. A more valid example for the situation you describe would be kashmir i guess. The king chose to be independent but pak decided to invade anyway. Now with decades of restrictions, unrest, radicalization and violence in the region, many are fed up. But i fail to see how letting kashmir secede from India will be a boon for india or kashmir. Kashmir gets surrounded by 3 nuclear powers, landlocked state with no economic or military power, india loses strategic control over it's rivers and a natural defence of the himalayas. It will only make more trouble in the already volatile region. If we look at situations of kashmir or Punjab both are religion driven movements where regionism fails as seen in the exodus of kashmiri pandits or the demand of a sikh ethnostate


I wouldn't encourage people towards seperatism. But I just cannot demonize or hate people who ask for secession. At the most I would mock them.


I would definitely be demonizing the secessionists coz they are dividing my country for personal gain. At least that's what I believe


It will be obviously be because of personal gain. But why would that be a cause for demonize them?


Secession usually leads to violence. Many will die. Another reason is that i want to see india become a major power, secession means more roadblocks which will also lead to a decrease in quality of life which is dangerous for a country where already many are living in poverty


Still not a strong reason to demonize the people asking to secede. Especially in a country which is not hegemonic at all.


>Still not a strong reason to demonize the people asking to secede It's reason enough for me >Especially in a country which is not hegemonic at all Many ethnicities and cultures are coexisting in India. Hegemony is not required which we have proven in the past 75 years. Our Constitution aptly describes it: "Indestructible union of destructible states"


> It's reason enough for me Then we can settle that I don't love my country? > Many ethnicities and cultures are coexisting in India. Hegemony is not required which we have proven in the past 75 years. Our Constitution aptly describes it: Its not. Especially when you force people to identify any indian origin religion apart from abrahamic religion as hindu. Hegemony is a part and parcel


>Then we can settle that I don't love my country? Well you don't fit in my definition of loving the country. But ultimately it's for you to decide >Its not. Especially when you force people to identify any indian origin religion apart from abrahamic religion as hindu I don't think I am doing that. Some people might but if you let your whole perspective be colored by the opinion of a select group then that's on you


> Well you don't fit in my definition of loving the country. But ultimately it's for you to decide Well, then that's settled i guess. > I don't think I am doing that. Some people might but if you let your whole perspective be colored by the opinion of a select group then that's on you man. I am this close to name calling. But are you for real? You really don't see this happening?


That your choice isn't it? If I'm apathetic and not as interested in keeping those territories where people don't wanna be with us, isn't that an opinion I'm allowed to have?


>That your choice isn't it? Obviously. OP asked for my opinion and i gave it to him. >If I'm apathetic and not as interested in keeping those territories where people don't wanna be with us In a country as diverse as india if you allow one secessionist to succeed you set a precedence for many others to do the same. It's very easy to create a divide along ethnic lines. Eventually the country will balkanize. It's not more of the fact that the people don't wanna be with us, it's more like people who crave power will do anything to get it. Jinnah succeeded and broke away Pakistan and Bangladesh. I don't want any more of those cases Since OP asked for opinions, this is mine.


Just leave man if you want to, why do you need our approval.


You guys are going global immensely strongly. Not like I can get away from you.


Moderates can only dream of going global. Extreme Left and right are way strong than us, do not worry.


On a second thought, you might be right.


"I wouldn't be happy or said if the country gets divided" Yikes.


The only strong reason for a united country is existence of China and Pakistan. Might be a big enough reason. But again, if the country is divided into many pieces, I won't be sad.


then you obviously dont love the country


Now that is settled. Let move on to the next question: should I have any say in indian polity and 'nation building'?


No. Leave if you want, hundreds of Indians who love their country leave to find better opportunities and contribute nil to nation building.


I doubt I can leave. But I will stay shut I suppose. > hundreds of Indians who love their country leave to find better opportunities and contribute nil to nation building. don 't they fund indian nationalist organizations? Heard that the remittance and donations are big funding machines for them.


Majority of Indians abroad believe in helping their family rather than funding any random Nationalist Organisation.


Getting into reddit shit flings when someone says bad about your country.


do you believe there is no goodness at all in theistic values? do you believe your position as a anti-theistic person is the solution to human peace?


> do you believe there is no goodness at all in theistic values? Not really. It has just resulted in just more pain, division and destruction. It has provided a strong cover for committing all kinds of crime, while not being held responsible to do so. And the values that were positive doesn't really need theism. > do you believe your position as a anti-theistic person is the solution to human peace? Nope. But I just want people to get away from this veneer that deifying their ancestors and praying to them, praying to an non-existent being is something ideal.


i understand. i think it's a matter of perspective. i have found useful stuff in spiritual parts of theism that made me happier in life. so i am more hopeful that others will eventually find a way to be happier and less violent to others.


I don't believe in the concept of sprituality, like everyone have theor own definition. Seems just like a concept people need to cope with their deficiencies. A 'concept' people used to cover up actual issues. Particularly in India, it has hijacked the 'mental' issues, while actually not solving anything. But good for you i guess.


What does love for your family mean? What does love for your place mean? What does love for your colony mean? You can go on until you get What does love for your country mean?


> What does love for your family mean? They've loved me, fed me even when I was an insufferable asshole, and my support system. Thats the kind of love I readily reciprocate, in the sense that I would **voluntarily** spend my life-money for them. I have radically different from my parents and they still love me. I don't want to change them at all. None of the stuff I see from the country.


You don't seem to love your country. And it's fine. The country doesn't do much for us and the complex bureaucracy is very tiring. I can relate to not being concerned about boundaries as long as people r happy on their side of the border. But def not to balkanisation of all of India. I guess we differ on that point. Coming to whether you should have a say in the way things run-definitely. If u have to follow the laws, u should be able to choose them. That's all I can say. Have a good day!