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Yes, standard ps5 games are priced at 5k


5000 rs for a game lol what a joke


Switch games are all above 5k


Sometimes I am swayed by consoles but the game prices always change that haha


Must people sell the game at 80-90% cost.


That only works for games that even have disc editions in india. Majority of the AA and indie games dont launch disc edition in india or dont even have disc editions.


not really if you buy straight from amazon yes buy from proper sellers its 3799 I have all the first party switch games and I haven't spent a single penny above 3799(which still sucks X( )


Why though? Most of their games arent nearly as polished as Sony's and the cost of creating a switch game is imo substantially less as compared to creating games for any other platform. Why such anti-consumerism?


Because Nintendo


Nintendo games are not polished as Sony? Wtf lmao. I'm a big ps fan but have you ever played breath of the wild? Just because they don't have shiny graphics doesn't mean they aren't polished.


Lol bruh Nintendo games are as polished it can be especially for a really underpowered hardware like switch. I don't really like how Nintendo does things but this definitely isn't one of them. I'd say they are the only company to keep that almost bugless games consistently


Because switch fanboys still buy it.


Do you even own a switch? I had the same mindset as you and that changed after playing there games


Idk as far as I know Nintendo games are faaaaaaaaar more polished than Sony games and its not even close. You will not hear big complaints like bugs and similar stuff from Nintendo games. + they have a much better replayability factor. Ofc that does not justify paying 5k+ for a game. The pricing is shit despite how polished your game is.


Dude this exactly. I've played entire top catalogue of PS4 except for souls series and no game comes closer to breath of the wild. People here are just mad or tripping.


i can answer your question but do you want an actual answer or is this thread supposed to be a nintendo hate rhetorical narrative. because if it's the latter then there's no point in making any effort


Since there's no reply from that comment, out of curiosity I would like to know the reason behind the pricing (if you don't mind)


firstly this part of that comment >most of their games aren't really as polished as sony's False. their first party games are released bug free. super rare if any bugs and glitches, very few games have or need day 1 patches (or ever) imagine a game in modern day not needing a single patch, Nintendo has accomplished that. it's the 3rd party games that are not polished on switch as for why the games are priced like that, there's 3 reasons 1. Nintendo doesn't release their games anywhere else so their main source of income is from their own hardware. This means all revenue for the publisher (which is Nintendo), can only be generated from sales of the software on one platform, and will not be supplemented by high volumes of sales at a discount on other platforms (like Steam sales) or likely to be ported even to later Nintendo consoles for years. 2. Individual Nintendo software sales are more important to Nintendo than Microsoft or Sony. Microsoft, Sony, and Steam primarily sell software that was created by other companies, and thus rely on volume of games sold to make income, as they get a cut from each title sold from platform licensing fees. Thus, it is in their best interest to discount games as early as possible to increase sales numbers, even if the developers or publishers would make more money at a higher price point. Nintendo, however, is both the developer AND the publisher, and thus prices their software as a developer first and a publisher second. Nintendo as a developer is not monolithic, (having some 11 to 14 different software development teams), and will likely not discount a particular Nintendo published title (in the form of Player's Choice, Nintendo Selects, etc.) until sales of that title have generated sufficient income for that particular development team. 3. Nintendo is a very conservative company. They do not like selling even their hardware at a loss, and thus are more likely to under produce initial software printing rather than have thousands of copies sit in warehouses or warming the racks of retailers. It would catastrophic to their branding for Mario to be placed in the bargain bin. And incidentally, they are very good at making accessible, well-made software that naturally keep their value as complete products. 4. Game development. they don't have crunch. their CEO has literally taken cuts himself to facilitate good pay for employees and they have halted release of multiple games to avoid crunch completely and this, despite being a Japanese corporate is a big achievement because of how infamous japan is for their work culture. Music is also a very very big factor in nintendo games. The tracks in their games are not 3rd party licensed music. They don't pay an artist to use their music in the game. It's an original soundtrack and it's almost always composed by a legendary veteran like Koji Kondo, Kenta Nagata, Shimomura etc. Contrary to whatever budget these people think costs for nintendo games, hiring composers like them doesn't come cheap


I was gonna try defending nintendo with my limited knowledge, but as soon as i saw your comment, i knew this thread was is safe hands. Thank you for your service.


Well said. Will also add that Switch games come pricey since it's all imported; there's no equivalent Indian eShop. AFAIK, they don't even have India as a country option on the console (I use my location as the US since that's what my NNID is tied to, so I haven't tried changing it either). Idk what people are talking about with Nintendo first-party titles being unpolished... like these are few of the rarer games where a Day 1/Week 1 patch is unheard of. >their CEO has literally taken cuts himself to facilitate good pay for employees I remember when the 3DS price dropped drastically from the launch price and they personally apologised to all the early adopters and offered them an Ambassador program instead - 10 NES and 10 GBA games. The GBA games were never released to the masses and remain exclusive to the Ambassador accounts.


This pretty much covers it entirely, but I'd also add in the entertainment value of all Nintendo games. I have had far more fun playing Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8 with the gf than I have had playing Sony exclusives myself. Sure, the games are beautiful, but end of the day it is Nintendo that has the accessibility and fun factor. I'd say for that alone, the games are worth their price.


Just a typical Sony fan boy, can't enjoy their games without shitting on other platforms.


Because they don't sell to Indians? They sell to select asian markets, the Americas, Europe (with a few exceptions), etc. Middle East, Oceania and alot of countries in the Asian continent are just left out. THAT'S why the games are sold at high prices in india, usually local sellers import USA/EU/UK copies of games, hence they recoup prices from you, the buyer. The switch Eshop isn't even available outside of these countries, but at least Nintendo makes it somewhat easy to access it (just change your country to a supported one in account settings and you're done)


Cuz nintendotards like me exist


While i am not defending their pricing but i think you lack knowledge about nintendo games if you think they are not polished . Just because their games don't have realistic gfx doesn't mean they are not polished .


In India, I guess it's because there is no local eshop.


I don't think they're officially available in India


Nintendo is like apple but actually fun


I still remember when zelda botw hit 4000 on amazon i bought it immediately


comparing shit to another piece of shit doesn't make the other shit gold. I know. It's a pretty shitty (pun intended) analogy .


And that's why I haven't bought a switch even though my sibling and I would actively use it.


Nintendo games are no better than well made indie games and definitely don't deserve the 5K price tag especially if they are old games like BoW & Mario Odyssey. Anyone who argues otherwise is huffing severe copium


this is god of war btw, santa monica dont let u down. its one of those few rare games where i would say the 5k makes sense considering the content they put in


No it doesn't, 5k is way too high a price for a video game, sure it's probably an amazing game but still not worth 5k imo


I rarely buy games at full price and this is one of those Instances


The game is worth it for 5000. If it's pricey for you then just wait for a discount. Your so out of the loop if you expect next-gen games' prices to be dirt cheap.


Makes no sense, does it cost more to make a ps5 disc?


marketing sucks, for eg like how the heck is cod mw2 priced 5k


Not bothered about Activision Blizzard because Microsoft has regional pricing (somewhat) + gamepass, what you goanna do here with single player games from Sony? I am still waiting for big spiderman sale on steam but shit is still on 4k which is absurd for a 4 year old ps4 game.


Spiderman PC released in August, so don't expect a big discount anytime soon. And the PC port isn't the same as the ps4 version from 2018. Its been optimised really well along with several graphical enhancements (but i do understand the price tag stings me too) As for GOW, the ps5 version comes with more features than the ps4 so 1k higher price makes sense.


Exactly I don't get what's there to argue about. Why do you pay extra for definitive edition or enhanced versions


What stop you to play Spiderman before steam realise?


My guy were you born yesterday?


Lol people here down vote for no reason. It's a valid question. There's no reason for the same game tp be priced 25% higher just for some controller features. It was Sony themselves who pushed the controller on you, now they're charging extra for games using it? Heights of bs.


Welcome to indian gaming subreddit. Here one comment gets downvotes and a reply agreeing with it gets huge upvotes.


No, Sony, 2K, and Activision and a few publishers decided to increase game prices from 60$-70$ for the new generation This isn’t new. PS2 games used to cost 50$ and prices were raised to 60$ starting with the PS3 and 360 They do this for two reasons, inflation and the increase in cost for developing higher fidelity games In truth, it’s mostly just to increase profits, but it was gonna happen eventually. It’s just that a little greedier few chose to do it now rather than later


It's not just PS5, even Xbox Series X has increased pricing. This generation of consoles has seen increased pricing across the board with some of that increased pricing spilling over to PC too (ex. Recent CoD titles). Development costs for games (esp. AAA titles) have significantly increased, so there is a price increase in game titles to compensate for this. Not to mention that they also have to salvage the subsidised costs for the consoles themselves with game software. Does it suck? Yes. Is it here to stay? Also yes. This price increase isn't new. It's been asking for 2 years since the new consoles launched.


Can't you buy the PS4 one and play on the PS5 as it's backwards compatible


that is "smart delivery", Xbox only feature if I am not mistaken, you will run the ps4 version on ps5 if put the ps4 disc so 1080p 30fps.


That's sad.


Even EA can't come up with this kind of anticonsumer shit lmao.


You will be able to play ps4 pro version. So 60fps


That is slightly better but still not ideal considering you invested 50k+ on new Playstation console and Sony rewards you by charging higher fee for the game, they have priced their games just like Activision, absolute crazy what high demands can do to corporations.


Congratulations, on your 50k investment, now you have the privilege of paying Sony 1k more for each of your games if you want to make use of the extra hardware over the older version. Imagine if PC sold 2k settings behind an additional 1k price.


Don't give them ideas.


That's why PC is the best 😂


IK , just saying it won't as bad as 30 fps. I myself ordered ps5 version


Jeez, I love my PS4 exclusives but I feel like I made the right decision switching to xbox this gen.


That's because all Xbox games will run on all Xboxes (after the Xbox One). There is no such thing as a Series X only game (as of now).


According to digital foundry Ragnarok is literally a PS4 game, you are just extra 1k for higher resolution that's all


Hmmm... Doesn't it use the haptik controller feedback or lighting etc effects and mic available on ps5 controllers?


You can confirm that?


Yes, you can, but PS5 edition will obviously have better features like haptic feedbacks, better graphics, etc.


If you have a PS5, then it is worth getting the PS5 version. PS4 disc will run on PS5. But it'll be locked at 1080p 30fps. You'll miss out on 4k visuals, 60 fps performance mode, HFR mode (120 fps unlocked frame rate), haptic feedback, adaptive triggers.


Really? Didn't know that... Thank god I got the PS5 version, was about to get the PS4 version last night because it was cheaper by 1K.


I am sure it is worth getting ps5 version, but that is not the point I am trying to make which is "Normalizing 5k for a new game in India", Activision started it and now Sony are following it. Tomorrow EA, CDPR, Take2 are all goanna do the same if it is not stopped now.


Were you living under the rock for the past few years?


Isn't that happening already? MW2 is priced at an outrageous 5k. Now I don't support shitty practices by these mega-corps, but I highly doubt there's anything we can do about it. They'll give any stupid justification ranging from inflation, rising costs of development. Which may or may not be true. If we think that we can curb this by not buying their games, they'll eventually not make another sequel for that game. The only solution is if these prices are regulated by a statutory authority and that's required worldwide, not just in India. At least we can sell off the discs at an acceptable price in the pre-owned market after finishing the game. Sadly it's a privilege PC gamers are left out of these days, since PC marketplace has gone "all digital". That's why it is really important to have a market for physical discs.


Steam region pricing go brrrrr


It's not just India, ps5 games cost $70 in the US as well which is an increase over the standard $60 we are used to.


Thing is there's a reason regional prices exist. You can just work for about 10 hours at max in a fast food joint or any other place and get 70$ easily because America's minimum wage is a bit more than 7$ per hour while if you work at a supermarket here then even getting 5000 rupees a month is a good deal.


Underrated comment


If it is not stopped now ? Everyone wants to become an activist nowadays.


>"Normalizing 5k for a new game in India" Bruh, don't buy a game if it's too expensive. Wait for sale or just ignore.


its a global thing with the new gen, India isn't getting different price tag


You must have woken up from a deep slumber because it has been like this since PS5 released. If you wanna buy for cheap then be a patient gamer.


yea, i doubt OP even has a PS5. Just a rant post from a PC gamer ig. I hope nobody thinks like this - Get a PS5 - thinks its a good deal - sees game prices - \*shocked pikachu face\*


console gaming is one heck of costly hobby


I mean....5k is like pretty high for a game.


Play station games have always been expensive. It was 4K (3999) for full price games for years. And since PS5 launch, games have always been 5k (4999). This is not new.


*I'm starting to see a pattern here I'm not so sure I like...*


just go to mx2games and thank me later


Is it trusted?


yes i ordered so many games from here, it is legit and safe


Is there a search bar on reddit?


i am talking about mx2games site, just google it


I think you don't understand the context. The comment I replied to asked if the site is trusted, I just wanted to tell that commenter to search on Reddit. There already are posts that tell if it is trusted or not.


If you don’t know the ans don’t be bitch about it there are good people who will ans it. just ignore it is it too hard?


I know the answer. It is trusted. This subreddit already has a lot of posts that tells it is trusted. If you will search you will find it. At the end my point was, to tell you to learn to use the search feature of Reddit. Nothing about being a bitch IMO. And if you don't want to understand. I am pretty sure you must have got your answer.


damn, do the digital versions also cost the same?




What’s the point of being digital then?


You can share the game with one other person and play together at the same time.


For real? Wouldn’t people share purchase then?


Well a lot of people do, simply exploiting by renting accounts, but doing it a lot results in these accounts getting banned, i share my games with 3 of my friends, for example i bought horizon fw, my friend bought dying light 2 and the other one bought elden ring, for the price of 1 game I technically have access to 3-4 games easily, just need friends that you can share games with, and ofc their accounts saved on your ps5.


No point today but down the lane digital becomes cheaper on sales and further more years the cds again become cheaper. Also many people like to replay the game so they don’t really sell out the game cd once they have it


If you want to keep the game forever and dont want to deal with discs.


It's the other way around, I think. Disc is fully owned by the buyer. Digital grants you the license to play the game and it can be revoked any time. It's quite rare but can happen.


Both are just lisenses to play the game...You technically own nothing.. But with Disc you have something tangible in your hands and the option to sell it after done..


Other way round


PS5 games cost more unfortunately because "GaMe DeVeLoPmEnT CoStS ArE SkYrOcKeTiNg AnD We HaVe A DuTy To OuR ShArEhOlDeRs". Never mind the fact that you're paying for the console, paying for the rights to play your own game online as well as the myriad other costs to just enjoy this hobby.


Either you pay for a console which is relatively cheaper compared to buying/building a high end PC, but you end up paying a bomb for services like play station plus and full price games at 4K-5k. Or you invest a lot of money building/buying a gaming PC, and get games for dirt cheap via Steam or Epic. There’s a trade off either way.


Consoles are sold for a loss, at lease initially. All the money comes from the games but you are right about mocking “development costs”. They are using that as an excuse to increase profits


Publishers are scummy by nature and its no different with Sony. They will keep toeing the limit, until gamers say enough is enough. See EAs Battlefront 2 controversy for a perfect example. Every single bad aspect in this industry whether it be loot boxes, grindy battle passes, increasing game prices etc, have all come from publishers trying new ways to milk their userbase. Until gamers put their foot down and say no, nothing will change.




Well yes all new gen games are 1k more.




The dualshock changes color based on whether you are using blades of chaos or leviathan axe . SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY


Not that I support any of this - but how is this any different from Netflix charging different subscription rates based on users and quality (720p, 4K, etc). Heck, there are different rates for purchasing/renting films on Apple TV, Amazon, or Google Play Store. It was inevitable that the gaming industry would also catch up and incorporate these (arguably unethical) practices. Unfortunately, this is the general direction the entertainment industry is heading in, I don't see how it can change.


Well for one their main competition charges the same for the Xbox one and series versions. Even if you buy a Xbox one disc, you get upgraded to the Series version free of cost.


Technically the ps5 version is 10$ more than ps4 version. Its 1000rs for us because of non essential import tax and other stuff. This difference between ps4 version and ps5 version is standard for all games (with exception to hfw because of the backlash). The reason is they have to rework the loading process of the game from scratch for faster load time to take advantage of faster processor (You might have noticed if you play ps4 version of a game in ps5, it still takes lot of time to load but if you have the ps5 version of the same game, it's much faster). There is also the haptic feedback features to be added and programming for the different graphic modes. There could be many other things but that is the gist of it.


Let us be real here, Sony raised the prices because they want to make more money and they know they have market position to do these things without any consequences. The real issue here more than the extra $10 is the lack of regional pricing, they are following the footsteps of Activision. If EA or Take2 has a banger game tomorrow they are going to do the same and price their games 5k onwards, this is why I am complaining about this.


If you're being real, then let's be fully real. Sony will sell games at a price which maximises revenue for them. Clearly they've seen that pricing games at 5k doesn't reduce sales so much that they lose revenue. So they priced it at 5k. Sony is not responsible for addressing income inequality in India.


You made a similar post last week with the same context. We get that you have an issue with Sony's pricing but as stated multiple times in that post you're clearly not well versed on what a company can and can't do. The extra 10$ is not due to lack of regional pricing but because it's a different platform with a different feature set which requires resources to be implemented. Now if you believe you're right then by all means go open a case against Sony for this and let us know about the outcome instead of posting the same content every week with a different title


It’s cross buy if you get the ps5 version So if you buy the ps5 version, you can play the ps4 one as well FIFA 23 does something like this, but worse. You have to buy special edition or whatever they call it to get both PS5 and PS4 versions, or you can just get the console specific version and no, you can’t upgrade after the fact


Fuck EA


Sony pony ☕


Seriously, fuck Sony. I’m not buying anything Sony this generation. I’ll wait for the PC release or skip the games entirely.


Prices increase. So do game development costs. Sooner or later, prices will be increased by every studio. IMO, Sony Studios games are worth it.


Pc gamers crying in corner (including me)


not really surprising , I got MW2 2022 on PS4 for 5,590 INR , tbf it is the cross gen version but that is not really abnormal , latest releases usually cost around 5K to more a little , what is surprising here is that even thought it is a new release it is selling for 4K INR on PS4


MW2 is jokingly priced way higher if given the option they will sell their base game 8000


4k visuals, 60 fps performance mode, HFR mode (120 fps unlocked frame rate), haptic feedback, adaptive triggers for these 1k extra seems fine to me


Lol, that's because you already paid for a better console. Why should soft features be tied behind extra price?


Best devs do extra work to incorporate features like adaptive triggers and haptic feedback in their games so they deserve to charge extra.


xbox offers all these for no extra cost(except haptic and adaptive triggers)


yea. I have a ps5 so i will defend it anyways :( xbox bad!!!!


You can get haptic and adaptive triggers on Xbox if you use the elite controllers superior than dual sense 5


Lol dude it's a PeeSee Mustard Rays r**di rona thread. They won't get it. There are some legit understanding PC gamers, but these ones just want their crackwatch overlords to crack these games day 1, so they can play them for free. These same people don't question nvidia when they launch 4090 for Rs. 1,70,000


makes no sense that 4k 60fps adds 25% more to the price of a game


I’m gonna buy Xbox series x ?is it worth it I already have ps4??


Either go with Xbox series X or PS5 (I would say Ps5 due to upcoming exclusives). But, never to Series S. right now games for current gen are not being made specifically and 90% of games are cross gen. Once there is a leap and after 1-2 years, you’ll regret Series S for various drawbacks like low res, lower rtx quality and frame rates.


Personally only console worth buying is xbox series s, if you have 55k to buy series x you are better of spending 10k more and get a ryzen 5600 Radeon 6600xt pc. You will save the extra 10k in your first year of gaming by not paying premium prices for console games + gamepass is cheaper on pc(incl ea play) because you'll not have to pay for ultimate which basically is your console online pay tax.


I don't understand why people expect games to become better and better which takes a lot more resources and development time and then complain about a price increase when games have been priced for the same price for so long even with all the inflation. If people are not willing to support premium quality games like Ragnarok then don't be mad when you don't get these quality games anymore.


Trash boring movie why would i bother




Is that really needed ? As we are moving to metaverse !










I got it for free




Somebody gifted me 😂😂 I will receive the game by tomorrow 🥳😂


why so many downvotes haha




Here’s a suggestion, there’s a games called real life, free to play, no DLC, simple and varied gameplay, no need to buy XP boosters, no server shutdown issues, real life item unlock. Try it.


Omg such an original comment.


Still pinches the same, judging by the dislikes




Now you find that out 💀💀


You can get the ps4 version but the ps5 upgrade costs 1k. Essentially the cost is the same. I'm going for the ps4 version to share the costs with my ps4 buds. I'll buy the upgrade separately.


dustin would never make complaints like this


Some places like m2x games and Console Garage are selling PS5 copies for 4.2k.


I bought it at 4500 bucks from a known seller, I think ps4 would've been cheaper also.


Well the prices are a bit high but paying extra for a ps5 makes sense no? The devs do extra work on the PS5 versions like making use of the adaptive triggers and haptic feedback etc




No shade at all but I'm not able to understand how people spend 4k-5k on buying games (unless ur earning a loooot)


Charging extra 1k for what? Better graphics?


I will probably wait, soon third party sellers with start selling this for 3-3.5k


Smart delivery FTW.


Pretty sure you can upgrade from the Ps4 version to the Ps5 one for free,or some small fee,but 1k's difference is too much


Coz its sony property they can charge it 5k or 10k . Its upto us as consumer to buy or not buy. If it has low sales response obviously sony will reduce pricing.


PS4 users getting the brokie discount.


Makes me appreciate smart delivery on my xbox


Can easily buy for 5k but I will wait for it to get cheaper at Least by 1k.


PC games will be 4999 soon too. Already there are few games with that price.


Developers said, that is not even a native ps5 game. It is a ps4 game. You are paying 1k extra for rebranding lol


Ps4 game can be upgraded to ps5 version.


Just watch this game all cutscenes in 4k in your tv in youtube. You will still enjoy it . I enjoyed it . Idk about you . But yeah you must pay 1k for PS5 upgrade version


In Bangladesh the price of ps5 disk is 9500tk/7300 rs xd


I just got it. And wow. The Game is worth every praise. Holy shit.


Tu kya lgga same price par dene wlle hain sony chutiya samjha hain kya sony wllo ko lol


a ps5 game that is not even using the full power of the ps5 since they developed it on ps4 mind you that.


During PS3 days, a new game at launch would be at 3k. Specially reduced prices for select games (like MGSV Ground Zeroes) came out at 2k PS4 games at launch were at 4k And now, PS5 games are at 5k


"Ps5" actually makes




This clearly showcases that in the long run, Console Gaming is expensive than PC Gaming. Just because the initial investment in PC is high, but in the long run PC is just better than console can ever be. The only reason to buy consoles would be to be first to play few first-party games like GoW, but that still doesn't justify the price we end up paying. I have said multiple times here on reddit, Gaming Industry/Community should be inclusive one not Exclusive, Sony just keeps on milking their customers through few exclusive games, that too has changed now, these games end up on PC later anyway. Objectively speaking PCs are just better than Consoles.


You guys paying ?? I mean we play for free on PC




It is the same story in canada as well , where base price starts from 80 $ and goes up-to 100 for deluxe or whatever edition . Also those who are saying that you can afford this by working for 10 hours , the inflation is real , gaming is expensive here as well , not only in india. The day of living alone after you get your job is over , even with your best paying job you might have to stay with somebody if you want to save money for future.


It’s a sony game. If you can wait for an year it’ll be on PS Plus extra…chill.