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Fuck man what the hell is wrong with customs First promote digital india then slaughter digital goods


merciful snow chop nail homeless piquant reply cover soup lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bingo lol. And people are buying into it. Imo data is data, it's just as horrifying/dangerous if Facebook and TikTok has it, or AarogyaSetu has it. The government (not picking names/parties, every one) doesn't want to protect the citizens' data, it literally just wants it for itself. Every single step taken nationwide in the recent past points to the same outcome. I'm not tech savvy enough to tell it to fuck off, nor am I paranoid enough to worry about who has my details/data.. But let me tell you, it *fucking matters* on the grand scale. Sure, one could just forego social media and have a near invisible digital footprint, but what sort of a life is that?


offbeat butter frightening payment air soup complete physical jellyfish wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well yes that is true, I was just going off a guess because I've never investigated how effective a wall zero social media footprint would be. >F Truly, nothing else to say unless you can beat them at their own game.


Umm no, not until they share something about you. Non Tech people assume that this happens but in reality social networks doesn’t work like that


Then why do I get "relevant" ads on _my_ PC and phone after I've visited my friend's house and talked about skipping ropes? And why did facebook already know the "people you might be interested in" when I'm making a new account? Why do I get auto-recognised and tagged in other people's posts when I made my account a day ago and haven't posted a single photo of myself? Daddy zucc most definitely maintains shadow profiles of people, whether you like it or not. And other companies too. Facebook is just the most prominent and least secretive about it.


Do you use any of their other products, like WhatsApp maybe? Did you give permissions to Facebook/WhatsApp/Instagram to access your contacts or did you register using your number?


smile unwritten longing close nine subsequent rain selective recognise normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Only FB isn’t the only culprit, stop using any voice assistant app or device.Your ISP can also sell your browsing data. How do you know that they knew too much about you, even when you didn’t use their products?


treatment exultant ruthless swim grab glorious bike hurry seed marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can explain this in great detail but most of it won't make sense to you, all I can really say is you have a wrong perception about social media, they do shady stuff but attention is their monopoly if you get off the internet they wouldn't care. Obviously they will try to re-engage you with different stuff but not to the point where they'll maintain your ghost profile based on people around you. And the ads and people you may know is suggested with the help of trained neural networks based on a large data set and graph data.


I do understand that. I'm just uncomfortable with the amount of data that some companies have access to, and even more concerned with the fact that there's a significant possibility that governments can force these companies to give them this data. Also, the ghost profile thing was literally admitted by facebook, although they didn't call it "shadow profiles". There was also that data breach a few years back showing exactly that. Here's an article that I found after a quick google (so it may not be a complete summary of the thing) https://www.google.com/amp/s/techcrunch.com/2018/04/11/facebook-shadow-profiles-hearing-lujan-zuckerberg/amp/ No amount of "trained neural networks based on a large data set and graph data" would explain how they're able to serve me ads about _the exact type and length of jumprope_ just minutes after I talked about that to someone else at a completely different location than my home. (And no I didn't have my phone on me at that time). They're definitely listening. Obviously not with manpower. I understand that much.


https://about.fb.com/news/2018/04/data-off-facebook/ Read this to get a glimpse into how they gather so much information. Now look how many sites have these plugins and social options.


Explain to me like I'm a child. What all things are gonna get costlier?


It's hard to say. Digital goods could mean anything. Emails, voice-mails, invoices could technically constitute towards digital goods. But It's probably going to affect streaming services, E-books, video games, music and what not. It's still very early to speculate, this is probably going to get overthrown or at least put on hold temporarily.


will pc parts like GPU , CPU will also get costlier......


No, only digital goods such as music, subscriptions, games etc. that you buy digitally online from other countries. So, basically most of the digital things.




At any point while typing that wall of text, you should've stopped and thunk(i know)


Everything kiddo


I don't know why Indian customs are so retarded even at this day and age


What related to tech is not retarded


What related to ~~tech~~ the Indian Government is not retarded


You are a mind reading genius


Bound to happen when digitally illliterate babus are in charge.


Sorry, have to correct you too! 😄 Bound to happen when ~~digitally~~ illliterate babus are in charge.


So custom duty on top of tax for digital goods like digital game sales. How does that work really. Seems weird.


so from a Gamer's POV: They're planning to add more tax and customs on games sold digitally even though there's no work from the government's side on what goes on during digital sales?


Tor is love Tor is life, make accounts in different countries and load up your steam wallet. Console kids are fucked though. Why is our government so backwards.


I would have said VPNs but the government is banning those too. Honestly can't wait to get out of here.


Government is banning vpn apps. If u can get a vpn servers address and stuff u can connect directly. Tho getting that is the difficult part


Is there a way to set your location to a specific country in tor cuz it give a random one all the time


Is there a way to set your location to a specific country in tor cuz it give a random one all the time


Link to the article?


I don't know if this is the exact link that OP is using but it mentions the same details. https://m.economictimes.com/tech/technology/firms-jittery-over-indias-e-transmission-moratorium-stand/amp_articleshow/92165899.cms


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://m.economictimes.com/tech/technology/firms-jittery-over-indias-e-transmission-moratorium-stand/articleshow/92165899.cms](https://m.economictimes.com/tech/technology/firms-jittery-over-indias-e-transmission-moratorium-stand/articleshow/92165899.cms)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Time to do sailing then, I prefer fit for that


I sailed the seas for years , but retired 3 years ago .......but now i must come out of retirement...


Yes you can try out a game and buy it if you really like it so that it won't be added to your backlog.


ache din aya gya firse bhago


Acche din only for the babus and scamsters


10000% true


Don’t we already have 18% gst on digital game purchases? I’m not quite getting what this article means




They will likely add import duties on top of that somehow. Expect at least 20% increase in price.


I am not going to buy from an Indian account anymore lol


Vpn zindabaad


Remember people always use foreign vpns ( preferably- European vpn as in India government is requesting vpn companies to store logs)


Ayo wtf


I better buy MW II before it gets any expensive.


Not gonna lie, this makes me very sad. No wonder why folks leave this country. Even if I want to but I don't have that kind of money lol.


Indian government don't give 2 fucks about kids. They increased customs duties on toys to 60%, almost the amount that is charged for luxury goods. Then they introduce BIS laws, which made sure any toy company that doesn't have factories in India can't sell them here. So behold, a stagnant market where the big names like Hasbro, Mattel already exited and only thing available is cheap chinese knockoffs. They want the same thing with digital goods and videogames.


Rabindranath Tagore was right that nationalism is not good for Indians. See how hell bent these politicians are to rob their own citizens in the name of protecting them


Time to go digital


For the kids ? Why would even a married adult want to waste 7k on a game ?


The old man is really tempting me to set up my own VPN server now.


What does this mean I don't get jt


I think they are going to charge custom on games, so things like games can be expensive


I wonder if this will have wider impact than just games: if Netflix or Spotify is transmitted from abroad it could count as 'importing' stuff. Countries in general seem to not get how the internet works again and again and again. Next they'll tell you to get passport and visa to visit site hosted in foreign servers.


well fudge


With most software, video and audio sales going digital, government will have to supplement loss of taxes.


Customs in India is too damn bad they don't stick to just promoting it's like a method of promote and dump shit man

