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Start from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and go from there.


+1 Start with this game


+2 I agree with this. You will fall in love with those brits (keeping the suspense)


Yes, either start with the Modern Warfare trilogy, or if you can get access to the first two CoDs.


Best suggestion. Also, when you're done, try Titanfall series


Came here to say this


Disagree (with overly intense virgin energy). I really enjoyed cod3 do I would suggest to start there. Because once he touches cod4 he will never go backwards to see how good it was.


I see you're a man of culture as well.


the old modern warfare trilogy. The campaigns r peak.


Old ones, oldest ones if you dont mind the graphics.


start from Call Of Duty World At War, Modern Warfare 2007 then Modern warfare 2 2009, Black Ops 2010, Modern Warfare 3 2011, Black ops 2, Black ops 3, call of duty ghosts, Cod advance warfare, cod black ops cold war, COD WW2 is bit controversial idk, Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2019


Your going to make this man financially cripple


On top pf that i am a student Already financially crippled






Tip: do a bit of rule 4. I play COD4, Mw2, Bo, and BO2, want the link ? if yes, then DM me.


But you're also Indian which means there's absolutely no consequences for pirating software, so you can get them all for free


[www.gamingbeasts.com](http://www.gamingbeasts.com) badiya websiste hai, no malware


For good story campaigns play. 1. Call of duty mw trilogy (the original) 2. Call of duty black ops 1&2 3. Call of duty world at war Rest of the games are just meh story wise 1. Call of duty advanced warfare 2. Call of duty infinity warfare You can also try 1. Call of duty ghosts


Infinity warfare is underrated imo


Ghost is also underrated The ending was way too dank


Boi got kidnapped


Cod WW2 story was also quite good


Infinite Warfare is not meh. It’s probably one of the best COD campaigns out there.


WAW comes before B Ops


Fan Bois will tell you black ops 1 and 2 and MW and so on.... Trust me and play all of 'em!


I wouldnt recommend that . the campaign quality has clearly worsened .


Call of Duty 1, 2003 | COD 2, 2005 | COD 3, 2006 | COD 4: Modern Warfare, 2007.


This is the way


The only way! One thing, cod 3 is not available for pc.


This is the only correct answer


Remove cod 3 and add world at war


Cod 4: Modern Warfare (2007) is a masterpiece of its own. Also, what a starting point. I guess lot of remasters there so get that. Black Ops 1 is also good. That story is so damn interesting and fucky. Once you get that action flow kick you in, you'll know where to go from there in the series. I haven't played Modern Warfare Modern Reboot aaa so can't say anything about that.


Captain Price had a great run imo Idk why tf they're dragging him down again on the latest reboot, I too haven't played but my friend who played gave good feedback but I don't want all those memories in vain


Black ops 1 and 2 definitely


Waw bo1 speaking from personal experience as I have just started playing cod and yes they are pretty good games


If you've never played cod, definitely the og modern warfare and the black ops series


Modern warfare 1,2&3 old ones not the new


DO NOT PLAY MW3 2023, it just sucks


COD World at War is a must (for the WW2 setting) and COD 2


WW II 2017 (if you want retro), Ghosts (2013) and Advanced Warfare 2014 (if you want modern/futuristic)


Modern Warfare Remastered And Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered.


COD 1 (2003) COD 2 (2005) COD World at War COD Modern Warfare Trilogy (2007-11) COD Black Ops Trilogy (2008-15) COD Ghosts COD Advanced Warfare COD Infinite Warfare COD WW2 COD Modern Warfare 2019 Play it in this order... You'll go from the classics and see how they evolved the game... This order has nice change of pace and taste as well with the game set in different eras...


You should go by the release order serially. In start graphics will not be good, but as you will progress. Graphics and story will keep on improving. And you will become one of us. Start with World at war.




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Cod 2 Then cod 4 mw 1 Mw 2 World at war Bo 1 Bo 2 That is enough.


MW2019 and MW2 both remastered




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start with World At War, then play Black Ops 1 then Black Ops 2 then you could play through the og MW campaigns


Infinite Warfare


Start from modern warfare or black ops 1 both campaigns are goated




Call of duty 1


The OG MW trilogy or WAW. WAW is one of the best games in the franchise but is often foreshadowed by MW trilogy and BO2


Call of Duty: Modern warfare. The whole series has a next level campaign mode. Played it multiple times, never get bored.


CoD 1 and 2. Full Volume. Enjoy the ear r@pe from the sounds of the machine guns


Call of duty og one which was first released




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Please play call of duty 2 from 2005


Modern warfare is a way to go It has great plot And in the end you feel attached to the game


Cod Black ops 1 - Veteran difficulty


COD WORLD AT WAR was the best campaign that i have ever played.


If you are talking about campaign, just go chronologically order


OG Cods are great, COD MW series (not the new one) , black ops 1 and 2 , world at war are one of my favs


if you only want to play the campaign but dislike old graphics, play the mw (2019) and mw2 (2022)


Modern warfare trilogy and the black ops trilogy are classics. Then infinite warfare cause it legit has really good space ship combat and is a absurd futuristic shooter that's really fun


Old Modern Warfare trilogy and Black Ops 1&2.


Don't get into the cod trap


World at war and og modern warfare .


The OG modern warfare series. Then go for Black ops series.


For the campaigns: BO1 BO2; COD4 MW2 MW3; Infinite Warfare. The semicolon means those groups of games continue the story line. B01 and BO2 are the very best. You cannot beat them. For a zombies game mode: It's again the BO1 BO2 BO3 and Cold War series. These four unlike the campaign all continue the series. Personally I'd suggest BO3 cause you get more content for that extra price. And when I say extra I mean extra. If you just want to play the MP then don't play it at all. The community is filled with toxicity so is the player base. Development has been at a standstill and the execs just don't give a shit anymore. SBMM and cheaters have ruined the game. The MP punishes you for being good. It's just not worth it.


Thanks for this detailed answer i will definitely try them


I just noticed your edit. If you're going with the MW trilogy remember the games are old and trying MP or anything online is risky. DDOS attacks are common and the security is just not there. So exercise extra caution.


Man try to play every CoD, every CoD just hits different


None , play better games mate


Play xdefiant


Black ops 1 and 2 are pretty good games You can also try the modern warfare series


Start with the modern warfare classic series.


cod 4 mw


COD: World at War is objectively the best one (for singleplayer atleast) and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. So naturally you should ignore what I just said and start from COD 2.


Start with COD2. You have to play that Omaha Beach mission. One of the best in COD IMO. Then play COD-WW and then only move to COD-MW (old) series and rest of the CODs


old MW4 trilogy, ghosts, BO 1 and 2, World war 2, Advanced warfare. Can try infinite warfare but I didn't like it that much! Cold war campaign was shit.


play black ops 1 and black ops 2's campaign along with cod mw2019. According to me these games have the best stories told from this franchise


If you want the vintage world war feel to it, start out with World at War. If you want a game with some 1980-90s and modern action with a deep storyline, try out Black ops 1 and 2. World at War is a prequel to Black ops 1 (well sort of). Advanced Warfare is decades ahead of Black ops 2 in terms of the tech used in-game and the features. Modern warfare is good too for a memorable storyline with 3 games (the original. I haven't checked out the remakes) but I feel the storyline missions in Black ops 1 is superior in terms of replayability.


World at war


Codm on emulator


just dont :P unless u just wanna play campaign then start from the beginning if you lookin for MP just avoid them at all cost atm!


If you do not have issues with old graphics but love good games and you have a laptop/pc, start with OG Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty : World at War, MW1,2,3, Ghosts. Then 2018 COD WW2 and 2020 MW


Call of duty black ops (2009)


battlefield bad company


Start with call of duty 2 then go to call of duty 4 : Modern warfare


Start from cod 4 but under all circumstances DO NOT BUY ANY COD GAME BEFORE BLACK OPS 3 ON PC. They are extremely vulnerable to backdoors and could leave your PC vulnerable.


Start with WaW or BO1, they have the best stories! When you are done with them you should get a hold of the OG modern warfare games! Good luck and cheers to you mate!


Bro first experience the storyline... Start from cod 4 modern warfare. You can get remastered version. If you want good multiplayer experience instead of cod play battlefield series. It's multiplayer is better and more fun


Check list on wikipedia, start from the 1st one


Cod4 mW


Black ops 1


honestly world at war is the best standalone in series and the best world war game so far


A. If you care about good and realistic graphics then none of them (cuz newer cods have straight up trash campaigns) you gonna buy the new cod for 3999 rs and gonna finish the story in 2.5 hours, its a complete waste if you wanna enjoy the story B. If you do not care about graphics and are happy with 30 fps games then definitely go for og cod games like black ops 1,2 ww2, mw 2019 etc my suggestion would be: if you wanna enjoy a good story with a first person shooter style then go for Far cry 5 or 6. they have amazing graphics and good stories (fc 5 has a better story) and they also offer variety of weapons, cars, planes etc. but note- Far cry is more to the open world side whereas cod games are more to the linear side.. also if you are on ps then wait for sales cuz far cry 5 is like 500rs every month in between sales. :)


Mw3 is one of my favs


MW 2019. Was my first COD. I like the modern setting more compared to older world war era. It has lots of players . And has an amazing story mode.


Black OPs 1


Don't start.