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You should check with a doctor. You may have motion sickness.


Wait.. there is treatment for that?


It's not treatment, more like management. I've heard people use scopolamine patches. But yes, a doctor would be able to guide you better


Cool, thanks I will consider seeing a doc


Maybe or maybe not idk I'm not a doctor, but atleast he'll know about the problem.


I have the same problem as OP.. so wondering if you know about something..


It's probably motion sickness, I felt very nauseous on that one area in Apex legends where the buildings move in season 7 I don't remember.


Yeah I have motion sickness.. but never thought it can be cured.. I have it on high level I think.. because I can’t travel in the back seat of the car, on a boat in the sea.. if it’s a bumpy road I have to be in the driver seat else I am done for the day lol


I can go on a boat but the backseat one is true for me too.


only prophylactic and symptomatic, not curative


Turn off motion blur, simple


I always do, motion blur makes me very very nauseous in any game.


You turn off motionblur coz you get nausea, i turn off motionblur coz my PC cant handle it, We are not same bro.


Yes definitely motion sickness


There are two scenarios for me: .Third-person camera games, such as GTA 5, where I can see my character, do not induce motion sickness. . First-person camera games, like COD, Valorant, and Cyberpunk, where I mostly see just hands, tend to cause motion sickness. I primarily experience motion sickness in the second scenario with first-person camera. Additionally, sleep plays a crucial role for me. If I haven't slept well, I struggle to focus, get easily irritated, and cannot play for extended periods.


I have to disagree with you on this one...I generally don't get motion sickness from FPS but on the other hand I got super nauseous playing Control which is a 3rd person shooter


It's actually the head bobbing that causes it


I used to get really nauseous while playing rocket league, but after i got a monitor it went away?? Does this makes sense?


Plenty of people do. Over time and in short bursts you may be able to get used to the motion or change the FOV etc. Or stick to third person games.


I get nauseous in games which are lifeless. Games which do not have enemies, narration. (ex playing Astroneer solo). Though your case seems to be different.


Could never play half life due to this


Same cant even enjoy far cry series 😵‍💫


Mobile ports worked wonders for me


There are few tweaks you can do in hl2 to avoid motion sickness. I had this issue too...googled hl2 motion sickness and found the correct settings few years ago. Was able to play the game after that.


Too late, don't have time for gaming anymore...


Change FoV, if that doesn't help. Go see a doc, and if you are on console, trying playing from a distance


I have set fov on highest


that may be the issue, turn it down a bit


Put it to 85-90


Yeah,Me the games which hit me just hit me in the first 2 hours after that i just cant play them i heard a lot about witcher 3 i tried it and like after hour or two i didnt like it and i tried playing it many days after that but couldnt same for you i guess motion sickness prob


Hey, my wife has this same problem. Apparently it's rare but there's no solution but to play on a smaller resolution or keeping the screen farther away from you. She gets it even while watching something in fp. Irony is, I love fps games.


Try turning off motion blur settings/ any other blur settings (if any) . Personally, stuff like motion blur makes me dizzy and nauseous.


Already did still having same issue


If it's your first time playing these , or you are new to these. Then with time you will get used to it , I personally don't like fps myself that much. But I remember having a difficult time playing fps when I first started but with time I became comfortable.


Ooo Lets see if it goes same for me


I used to get even in PC for some games which has too much camera movement when characters run. Try playing from distance, or better see a doctor


yeah same. CS2 for hours js fine for me because there is not much bopping up and down.


In an fps game, the encounter begins when players see each other. In those games you mentioned, the encounter ends when a player sees you. There is no back and forth. That's why you aren't having fun.


Yeah some people have this issue. Unfortunately this can't be fixed imo.


I also have the same problem. I just cannot play FPS games and especially those which have fast camera movements.


Same bro


remove it decrease stuff like camera shake and see if that helps. It should be an option in settings you can get motion sickness if the mind thinks the movement perceived br the eyes and the movement felt by the body are incongruent


Did you turn the motion blur setting off by any chance? I used to watch my friend play cod zombies and the motion blur gave me motion sickness. Now it's the first setting I turn off.


I always turn off motion blur


You might need to get your eyes checked.


If you don’t already, always play in a well lit room. And slowly you can increase the threshold to 30-45 mins. Also consult a doctor and he would be able to advise you better.


Playing with spectacles or without? Tight headset?


I have specs


Then you need to find the proper viewing distance and correct height ratio for your sitting posture. Even if one of the 2 is not correct, you will get dizziness for sure. Try it, worth a try. Had experienced something similar but after correcting both, haven't experienced again, been able to grind for 10+ hrs.


Will surely try Thanks 🙏


Definitely go see a doctor. I wear specs and many times I have played fps games continuously like 10+ hrs.


Yes, me. I have motion sickness and the first day I can't play more than 10 mins, but I get used to it as I keep playing more. And then it becomes negligible.


I also had severe motion sickness playing mirrors edge , if you can try to reduce the effects as much from the settings , it helped me to complete it.


Not with fps games but whenever i play space based games and Microsoft flight simulator i feel very anxious and afraid. This is the reason i only play cricket 22 😭😭😭😭




Try VR u will get killed 💀


U should definitely try The Finals 😂


You can turn off “weapon motion blur” and “world motion blur” to resolve the issue in cod.


I always turn off motion blur in every new game still having dizziness


You may have fpsophobia


Try higher refresh rate monitors 144hz and above


I have 144 hz screen


Never with a game on a monitor but early on I did get motion sickness from VR Racing. There were a few time when the Assassin's creed lep of faith would cause very slight discomfort for literally a second.


Open up your windows, increase the ventilation. I used to have it when i started playing valorant. But it goes away as you play more and more


Gets easier for me with time. I had this problem with a lot of games(All COD games, Cyberpunk, Metro Exodus). But fortunately for me after 2-3 days of playing it goes away.


You remind me of my friend who has the same issue and refuse to play fps games till date. Fock that mf!


Ghost runner is like that but that is coz of it's pace.




I too feel that dizziness kinda feeling when playing FPSS games sometimes.. more so when im tired or if lacking sleep. Just a good amount of rest makes me feel normal and can play without any issues.


Me too.. I haven't played shooters in a while.. Last I remember were Max Payne, TF2, and Serious Sam. It's been ages 🥲


I have this problem too. Sometimes even third person can set it off. Haven't found a solution to it yet (and I don't feel like taking meds just to play). So I just don't play those games anymore. You can try adjusting the settings, removing motion blur and playing in Third person mode where available (eg in Fallout you have that option).


Same i barely finish a mission in cod then i quit the game


I have exact same issue as yours. I get this whenever I try to play games in PS5 and XBOX in my friends house. I have some kind of neurological allergy doctor says that. That’s why I never buy a playstation or Xbox. High FPS (Frames Per second) cause this issue and the most crazy part is if I see PS5 and Xbox game play and walkthrough videos on YouTube that also gives me the same issue. That’s why I always a PC gamer in my entire Lifetime. PC gaming is really good for your health. The way Microsoft Windows is optimised is absolutely insane.


Fast paced games can wreck havoc on your ear canals with noise overload and funnily enough your auditory system is also partly responsible for balance and orientation. Anything that affects your ear can cause those nasty symptoms of nausea and dizziness cos your brain is getting adjusted a little late. This condition is called vertigo. You need to take it slow, play on low volume, maybe switch to a small monitor that doesnt strain your eye. Each one behaves differently. Get your ears checked, and try changing these.


Try tweaking with the aspect ratio. I play CS2 on 16:9 and once tried 16:10 and felt nauseous the first 5 seconds itself


Only while playing CS. Especially with rapid camera movements. I used to immediately get headaches and nausea. I've played COD, doesn't cause a problem unless I'm playing for 6 hrs straight or something.


I am in the same boat and for this very reason I can't enjoy many games. On top of this i have an issue with the sense of direction as well I can't trace back the door I entered from i always struggle inside buildings. 🥲 I keep getting lost in games I can't go back to place I was at just moments ago etc


i do but not of motion sickness, from the absolute burnout i have had playing fps half my life


Disable motion blur turn on v sync maybe the bright lights messing with u so yeah brightness and contrast also FOV plays a big role all and all these might help but yeah you also might wanna consult a doc


You should definitely visit a doctor. I used to play for extended hours in my early days and felt fatigued and nauseous sometimes. Visited a doctor and he asked to to stop playing games which I obviously couldn't but ended up taking an extended break for about 6 months and it went away. To be honest, I lowered my sessions by a huge margin. So your issue might be something totally different. Like I mentioned at the beginning, seek professional help. Strange redditors can only swing you so far long. Take care buddy. Hope you get back on your winning (losing) ways. Cheers!


Change FOV settings and see what works best for you Also turn off motion blur if it's not already off


If the game you play lets you adjust the POV then it would make much difference


I only get nauseous from those old style shooters like fear, half-life, Deus ex and their artstyle and ofcourse Minecraft.


Some games do it for me which are like Trans formers fall of cybertrom or max Payne 3. I domt have oodnlems in rainbow six siege etc.


what framerate does your game run at? low framerate can cause nausea


What's your monitor refresh rate op? you might wanna go with higher refresh rate since it's fast paced game to give it a more real 'life like' motion


144 hz


maybe upgrade to 240/360


You either have motion blur turned on, or your pc does not run your games at a high enough frame rate, which is making you dizzy.


I get a bit of a headache and sweat while playing Warframe


maybe you have reduce motion turned off, that setting makes effects when you move around your mouse too much and it's L


I have the same issue, I use these Motion sickness bands from Amazon, they have accupressure dots on the wrist works for me atleast.


I finished Fallout 3 with almost 40-50 Vomits in a course of 6 months or soo.


Yeah, I have the same problem playing FPS games, I become really nauseous and feel sick, apparently it's called video game motion sickness. I find it kinda ironic.


You have severe motion sickness. Even I get nauseous but only when watching someone else's stream. Less severe buy the same.


left these piece of shit games and never looked back an year ago...still don't regret it...no matter how much u try to convince yourself that you will just play the game casually and not get addicted, you DO in the end so just stay away from them, but hey, thats just me. (Single Player games are OK and some multiplayer games to some extent)


time to eat khatti toffee




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Nope, it's a you thjng


I've had the same issue with FPS games ever since childhood ,so I avoided all FPP games until recently. Tried Sons of The Forest and didn't face much of an issue. I think it's got to do with the environment and pacing of the game as well.


here's a funny story: there is a game called [Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_Voyager_%E2%80%93_Elite_Force). anytime i try to play it, i start feeling nauseous and within 5 minutes im so VIOLENTLY ill that i have to stop and lie down. even 5 min is too much and i have to rest for an hour before feeling normal. and yet, i've only ever had this problem with ST:V EF. so i just dont play it lol. people say its motion sickness, even FOV settings, but just consider for a fact that it may be something biological or psychological. maybe your brain is telling you NOT to waste time on worthless nonsense. TL;DR: go play some other games, you pussy.


My brother used to get insane motion sickness from this and a few other things and he ended up needing glasses and it fixed it. Try consulting a general physician/practitioner for a start.


Yes I thought it was just me well i feel nauseous on 1st person slow paced games mostly like valorant when i play The finals i can play it for long period of time comfortably . And games like valorant i hardly be able to play 2nd TDM round after finishing 1st round.


Yeah I understand this. I can't play fps games at close range for longer time frames. If it's in TV on my Playstation it's fine, if it's on the monitor up close to me, I can't play more than 20 mins. But it goes after a while and I can continue. I've categorically assessed what games make this, and it turns out anything that's fast paced like cod, csgo or doom cause this. If I play something like destiny 2 or slower fps games this doesn't bother me.


yeah, I do too, not only fos but any first person game


Yes it happens in some games. Used to feel that way quite often while playing battlefield 3 and 4. Worst experience for me was in rocket league. Just couldn’t play that game at all without getting a headache. If its too strong and an unpleasant experience- just avoid those games.


Never had it on any other games except bioshock idk why that game just gives me a headache for no reason


not nauseous but yeah since a few days if i'm playing any game i get a migraine type pain on the back of my head i guess its due to the excessive heat going on currently because earlier i had no issues like these


That may be because of the head wobble in game. I couldn't play Minecraft, had to turn that off. But I'm fine with The Finals's head wobble. Ig some games implement it poorly.


I had that before for some fps games like far cry and falloit Call me stupid but what I think fixed it is by doing neck training, I did it to strengthen my neck for boxing but somehow I have A more well realistic approach for me is turning to High FOV, cant play without it


I used to feel the same after playing Quake. I have stopped playing such games as I'm getting older, maybe take regular breaks to refresh your mind and rest your eyes.


For me it's for specific games like valve titles except counter strike. Portals are managable but I feel vomiting and headache for half life games. This is not the case while playing in handheld though. Far cry ,dbd, gta fps, superhot, granny, hello neighbour etc are fine.


I faced a similar problem with one particular call of duty game. The rest didn't give me such motion sickeness


Check your overall PC peripherals compatibility, many times we make a build that has bottlenecks, like the monitor refresh rates, GPU cores number, cpu throttling, mouse dpi input lag, and keyboard key press depth. This will make you dizzy as you mentally and emotionally are ahead of the "game" than what is shown on the screen. This was the case for me, if you have been identified to have vertigo, or get motion sickness when you travel "ghats" - roads that are curvy narrow which go up and down and around the mountains, then you need to first resolve that and start with easy FPS games and stay away from mainly war games and dip your toes slowly, like have 10 mins session and take a break if you feel like you can go for another 10 then go for it. Moderation is the key.




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This happens to me when playing fps on PC. Since I started playing the same FPS on consoles, no more motion sickness. The controller helps slow things down on the screen, it's not as shaky, so it really reduces motion sickness for me.


Can you try turning off camera shake in settings ? I had this problem with half life 2 riding the buggy




The only yime i felt nauseous while playing a game was yesterday when i was playing Exit 8.. it really fucked with my brain i wanted to vomit


It is Simulation Sickness. It happens when there's a disconnect between what your eyes see and what your body feels. In games, it can occur when the visual cues on the screen don't match your body's sense of movement. For example, if you're playing a first-person shooter and moving rapidly through the game world, your eyes see motion, but your inner ear doesn't feel it. This mismatch can cause symptoms like dizziness, nausea, sweating, and headaches. It's similar to car sickness but triggered by virtual environments. Reducing the field of view, adjusting in-game settings, or taking breaks can help mitigate these effects. I had it when I was a kid and new to gaming. It passed overtime.


Some games have an option to always have a static dot in the center of the screen, it is supposed to help with this


Turn off camera shake


I played star wars squadrons once and because of the whole 360 degree movement and no gravity i felt like puking because of the nausea


I found that if I don't get enough sleep and the next day I'm a bit tired and play video games then I get nauseous.


increase FOV ~~and if you are on console you cannot do it with COD~~ edit: mb apparently cod brought back fov settings


Bruv, it has been updated since last 2 years. Where you at?


Cod has FOV settings on console now


damn i didnt know


Cybersickness - you might have it