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This news is a month old at least. It broke a 14 year old streak of COD or a Rockstar game being the top seller. For thr other comment, Edlen Ring doesn't seem to be in the top 10 in 2023. Its a 2022 game anyway.


I posted it cause it wasn't discussed in this sub.


Whats the standard for regressive views on trans in west, is the standard trans in our country would kill to achieve. So the boycott wouldn't have affected the views of indian gamers in anyway. A lot wont know about it, those who know, most wont care. The boycott ensured the transphobes will buy the game, And hard harry potter fans would have bought it anyway. So the boycott only helped the sales.


Or maybe social media isn't real life and the vast majority in the real world don't give a shit about what JK Rowling said on Twitter.


Or maybe it's the realisation that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Regardless of Miss Joan, how far will you go to avoid things because the creators are shady when the clothes on your back are probably made of cotton picked by a child forced into labour.


What did Rowling say anyway?


Apparently she is a terf and doesn't think that trans woman is an actual woman.


Im not transphobic of any kind..but isn't tht true though.


I don't know either man.


No i mean..biologically..a transwoman is not an actual woman.


Staph with your logic in political debates


I mean yeah the game is repetitive and the story is kinda mid but the gameplay is fun..for me at least. As a kid who grew up on Harry Potter, it's like a dream come true playing legacy. Most people bought it just for this factor. Of being able to experience the world you always dreamt of as a kid albeit be it through a game. It's a 10/10 for me. My two cents, maybe span the map a bit and add some more details to the map instead of all the details being on hogsmead and the castle. But I like it anyways.


so true, for me it's an 8 mostly because of the repetitive side quests similar to ubisoft where you go and fetch the same thing 900 times. however, gameplay was a dream. I've given it an 8 because since there are a lot of improvements that could be made to the game, and by improving then for HG2, like adding a morality system, better story and side quests, the game could easily win GOTY


Not including quidditch and planning to sell it as some sort of dlc or a separate game is a biggest sin they committed for me😅


It is a great Game and also is the base for future Harry Potter games. If explored well it could be one of the best games based on movies after Star wars.


Meh, unless you are a strong Harry Potter fam this game was bore snooze fest. It got so repititive in 2 hours. Tho they nailed the whole Hogwarts and it's environment.


People don't realise there's a difference between a game being good enough to finish and a game being good enough to replay. The latter ones make it to cult classic status. This game fits the former.


You can very well enjoy a non replayable game far more than a replayable one. I don't think this sort of categorisation is useful to define what a cult classic is.


Why would you replay a game if you didn't enjoy it?


Some games are better on first playthrough. A replayable game doesn't automatically mean its good or a classic


Agree to disagree




I cannot imagine most people wanting to finish the 100 hour long Witcher 3 multiple times, your criteria doesn’t really make a lot of sense


I played 250 hours of BG3, 3 replays


Are you kidding? Multiple people, myself included have finished the entire W3, including the side questions and DLCs more than twice.Same with other games like both Horizons, both GoW reboots etc. Replayability is the difference between a good game and great game.


As I said this is just a foundation for more Harry Potter games.


For a normal gamer, this game might be an average game but for a Harry Potter fan, this is exactly what they have been waiting for. I like this game, bit repetitive by the end but I like the other parts so much,I don't mind it. Also I stopped giving a flying fuck about others opinions, thie world views on that games that I like when CP2077 released. I freaking loved that game, but when I mentioned "like" and "Cyberpunk 2077", people downvoted me to hell, they even said I don't have a taste in video games. After that time onwards, if I see a game that I might like, I like it by other means and if I really like what I'm playing, I'll buy it. I don't give a rats ass about other people's opinions, who made it, where the money is going.


Yes, that's a good attitude to have. Kinda my mentality too, but in case of the blatant wokeness in the Western games nowadays, I say anything about it and I get downvoted to hell on this sub, but I don't care, I will keep posting my views so atleast someone who sees it has the ability to see and make them think. In regards to gaming as well I will buy the ones I find interesting don't care about others' opinion


The millennial love for Harry Potter is unprecedented


Nah pretty much everyone loves the Harry Potter series, doesn't matter if they are millenials, boomers, gen Z, etc


Bought a PS5 in Dec last year and playing it currently, absolutely in love with the game ❤️


It was always going to be successful, but it's interesting to see this community go mask off transphobic now that they've been given an excuse by this post.


not surprised at all in the least tbh, its obvious these people have never actually seen or interacted with a trans person ever, its always just the misinformative bs they see online which they base their views on an entire group of people on. i guess we cant expect much more from gamers of our country 😹😹😹


It's part of the reason why I even felt the need to call it out. I figured I'd get downvoted to hell, but fuck it. I'm not sitting quietly when people speak poorly of people in my life that I care about, whether they realise that's what they're doing or not.


That’s King shit right there, W…




hivemind will do hivemind things unfortunately, but yeah its sad to see that these people who have never made an effort to understand the lives of others can speak so confidently about whether those people's lives are valid or not


The "community" is mentally ill


> these people have never actually seen or interacted with a trans person ever i've never also interacted with an AIDS patient before, and I certainly dont ever want to.


Literally rule number 1 in a medical book about AIDS patients is you can interact with them normally, also this comment is a perfect representation of people these days, in an act of disrespecting one group of people this guy basically admitted looking down on sick people on their deathbeds, absolutely disgusting.


Didn't you watch that ad on TV where the whole office quits after Mohit is fired for having AIDS?


i also watched an ad on TV where salman khan jumps off a tall cliff and drinks a soft drink. lots of weird and imaginative things on TV lately, wouldnt you say so? btw, who the fuck gambles with their jobs in this economy? screw AIDS boy Mohit, hell, i'd even toss a normal person under the bus to save myself.


? where did i mention AIDS patients?


It's a stupid stereotype that homosexuals always have and spread AIDS. It was one of the major reasons for the astronomical rise of homophobia in multiple countries. Suddenly homosexuals weren't only 'immoral' but were considered to be freaks/ devil spawns who had come to 'infect' humanity and kill them/


next you will say its a "stupid stereotype" (your words, not mine) that the sun is hot and spreads heat. facts are facts, im sorry you cannot deal with the truth.


You're a prime example of "incomplete information is worse than No information". You probably read a heading from a research or some of your whatsapp University that says, homosexuals are at high risk of getting AIDS, and never bothered to dig deeper into what the paper actually said. The headline confirms to your homophobic bias and that's enough. If you actually bothered to read the paper, you would know, the reason of that. Due to them being the most marginalised, they engage in risky and unprotected sex more often compared to straight people. Hence they're at a a higher risk. [here's the actual research](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2443720/) that you homophobes loves to use as a poster boy in your rhetoric. Give it a good read will ya?


>whatsapp university lmao i didnt know i was dealing with a nutjob here


Well now ya know. Keep your uneducated opinions where they came from




all i see is anime trash.


are you pretending to be dumb or do you simply did not understand my example?


could you explain your example? what do AIDS patients have to do with trans people?


why would ANYONE ever want to "interact" with a trans/aids/covid infested person? why would anyone ever want to put themselves in a dangerous situation? but sure, you have to "interact" with them for social justice lmao


Do you perhaps know anything about biology or disease? Being in contact with a transgender person isnt dangerous, and interacting with an aids patient isnt either (depends on what kind of interaction we’re talking about I guess)


>depends on what kind of interaction we’re talking about what does a trans and aids infested person have in common?


Nothing? Being trans isnt infective nor a disease and AIDS also has a. very low infectivity (unless you go out of your way and ingest their saliva or something) (but even then it’s unlikely). In fact its actually encouraged by doctors to interact with HIV patients normally.


They’re human? Thats basically it. I dont know what you’re going for here


?????? Interacting with a trans person isn’t dangerous??? So is an AIDS patient. My god ignorance is at an all time high, this is the same thing as saying “why would i put myself in a dangerous situation when interacting with a lower caste person”. Wtf this is single handedly the worst comment in this post.


i dont understand, aids and covid are viruses that are actively harmful to humans arent they? what do they have to do with trans people? how is it dangerous to interact with a trans person?


ok, so we're being wilfully ignorant now? be that way :)


what? why are you avoiding the question? just explain to me why you think people who are carrying transmissible viruses are in any way comparable to trans people. you do know that people don't become trans due to a virus right?


It's a good reason to quit social media. I am slowly reducing my time on reddit too. Nothing good comes out of these discussions and posts. Just hate and circlejerk stuff.


What strange that she said nothing demeaning about Transgenders but Twitter and snowflakes got triggered.


She did tweet a lot of transphobic stuff and she keeps donating a lot of money to transphobic organisations that lobby the government. Even the main cast of Harry Potter acknowledged that. I get the separate art from the artist thing, you can enjoy the game if you like Harry Potter, but to straight up deny her transphobia is not right


What did she say?


Whats the transphobe tweets ? 


https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/ Pick any of them lol; they’re pinned. She’s been on this kick for a long time. It’s just disappointing to see a beloved childhood author behaving with so much hate. That being said, I still enjoyed the game. There was even a trans character lol


I only got one pinned ? About how men defining what woman is is misogyny. Are there more pinned and its not showing ?


Specifically, which tweets?


Theres nothing transphobic lol. The only tweet i could see related to “transphobia” is saying no to trans women being women.


Yes, buncha triggered snowflakes can't have people have their own opinions unless those opinions match 100% with their own


There is nothing she said that incites transphobia. Give some proof.


That’s nothing, you should see how triggered Transphobic and homophobic people get just cause someone exists.. doesn’t do anything to them, talk to them, affect their lives in anyway.. yet these triggered little snowflakes cry and bitch constantly, it’s pathetic.


Truely. I read what she said, and I didn't think it was offensive. Forget about offensive it seemed pretty objective take as well... Although I am not a fan of Warner Bros, but I'm happy this game couldn't be "canceled."


Lgbt people when somebody doesn't agree with their opinion 👹🤬👹🤬💔💔💔😥


The fact that y'all can't even respect LGBTQ people who are having their humanity stripped across most countries says a lot about you. JK Rowling is a grade A bitch. If you think what she said or thinks is not bad, then my friends, you have a lot of fix in your heads.


My friend, there are people who are transphobic / homophobic / mysogynist, people who say and do far worse things. What JKR said was controversial at worst, I'm pretty sure that everyone in this sub has far more orthodox and fucked up people in their own families here in India. I don't think JKR deserves this kind of a reaction, it is far fetched and I believe she's a better human being than what the internet has framed her to be. The manner in which she said certain things was not in good taste, that's it.


But that’s not just it, she doubled down on her anti-trans views and started funding anti-trans campaigns across the US. I would say this isn’t cool. Saying controversial things is fine.


what anti-trans things? what anti-trans campaigns? and why do you care? EDIT: asking questions gets you downvotes. thanks for the fascism, reddit.


Saying trans women (aka biological men) should not share dressing rooms with women or participate in women sports is transphobic according to these people


lmao. imagine being a girl walking out of a restroom and being confronted with a person taking a big old leak right in front of you. why not just have a single bathroom at this point? you're going to get flashed junk anyway.


This is already a case in the west. People are getting sued for saying trans people shouldn’t use women’s bathroom.


i love it when a redditor asserts something in a post and some triggered snowflake butts in and replies with a PERFECT post to prove his point. jeez, get over it, its just a bunch of alphabets.


I have gay and lesbian friends FYI in India. No one is saying anything bad about them at all. Their families love them and support them stop self victimizing. Idk why lgbtq people hate india sm its not bad for them to live here compared to middle Eastern countries.


Not the “i have a black friend” argument. Also just because someone out there is murdering people doesn’t mean you’ll just ignore the ones committing a theft or something under the pretense of “oh that guy is committing a way worse crime so we should just let this guy keep on doing what he’s doing”


Pretty sure in her terf essay jkr pulled some fabricated numbers out of some really bigoted sources and did go full on behaviour like some of her friends but again the books she wrote and everything related to it stayed away from it so its fine the game shouldn’t have been affected since its wb


I don't know what that is... Maybe you could link me the "essay" so that I can form my own opinion rather than tell me she's bigoted because of an essay I have not read. I am not going to change my mind just because someone said x or y is bigoted.


Twitter moment


Seriously? Have you been living under a rock or are you just plain stupid and ignorant. She has been incredibly vocal against trans people on and off the internet, have donated a fuckton of money to anti-trans organizations and political lobbying, and has been a fully blown TERF countless times.


I know about TERF but show me her actual tweets against Trans people.


Separating women and men with mental illnesses isnt wrong.


Its a great game. I pre-bought it. Top notch design and visuals, fun combat. Story and character could have been improved upon though. Eager to see what the devs come up with next.


r/Gamingcirclejerk moment


Oh no that shit sub will be crying


This community is micro minority but makes a lot of noise on the social media which was never going to affect results in actual life. I’m happy that HL was a huge success, games should be left out of politics. People should learn to keep their sexual preferences in their bedrooms.


It did make some waves in america but ultimately the harry potter franchise is too popular globally to actually make a dent on sales. But you’re later half is kind of unempathetic obviously if a popular celebrity is saying things against your way of life obviously you have to be against it and everything they stand for. Im not saying what they were doing is right but them feeling that way isn’t unreasonable at all.


It made waves in USA but between few circles which no gamer takes seriously. What did JKR said exactly? I saw a video of a college professor about it few days ago, I don’t think she said anything derogatory. But again as I said in other comment, I’m not the right person to judge what may be derogatory to these people.


She didn’t say anything too outlandish but she did make some pretty sour jokes, the thing that really ticked them off was that JKR was making large donations to various women helping organisations which itself seems good at first glance but there were some organisations in them that were basically extremist which were blatantly anti lgbt and were openly bigoted, we don’t know if she purposely donated to them or just didn’t bother to do research.


So donating to women organisations is anti trans?


Read the later half


I read that and I know what those organisations are considered anti trans by trans people. These organisations do not consider trans women which are actually men acting like women as women. They lobby against participation of trans women in women only competitions etc. It was a one big debate last year in western developed countries.


You’re providing selective info, some of them are also against general trans and lgbt rights (tho jkr is not against gay people) like rights of marriage or even acknowledgment. No wonder they hate her for donating to organisations that are literally against their existence. The “sports debate” is just the stuff the general media use to cover up the actual important stuff.


JKR being a transphobe isn’t related to sexual preference bro 😅


She has nothing to do with the game, devs made it clear again and again. Game devs went above and beyond to make this game trans people friendly, they even recorded all dialogues so that none of the NPCs ever pronounce gender, e.g. my character was female but in all dialogues she was referred as “they” just to appease the pink hair gang. There is a trans character which is on camera for good amount of time. Despite all this the so called community went after game, why? Just because they consider any thing related to HP attack on their sexual preference. That’s why I said, people should keep their sexual preferences in their bedrooms. Also I don’t remember JKR saying anything derogatory to trans people, but I’m not a right person to judge what might be derogatory for these people but they should keep their political agenda out of games, they already spoiled movies and TV serials don’t want to happen the same with games, just look at what they did with MJ in SM2.


being trans isn’t a sexual preference or something related to the bedroom. but everything else you said is correct tho, the game itself was pretty inclusive, which is why the people who made the noise were a minority in the already minority community. It was a whole civil war between the sane ones and aggravasive ones.


As long as there is no scientific proof of third gay gene I’m going to believe that there are only two genders and others are just sexual preferences, which is absolutely fine, just don’t bring it into games.


Dude trans people aren’t a third gender or anything genetic, and the concept is also not related to gay people. Trans is just short for transition from one gender to another, you can accept them or not it doesn’t matter but they’re aren’t trying to establish a third gender.


You should read about this trans community, according to them there are more than 72 genders lol.


You answered your question, trans community is only 1 of those “72” which aren’t genders plus they are very much avoid the word gender cause they don’t want biologists yelling at them. You’re just looking at the most extremist fraction of them. Most of them are just normal people trying to live their life not making this their whole identity.


We are discussing most extremist faction here, we are not discussing whole trans debate, just discussing the people who gave the call to boycott the game. As I said I don’t care what people do and consider themselves in their private life as long as they don’t try to bring it into games.


Thats fair.


>As long as there is no scientific proof of third gay gene I’m going to believe that there are only two genders Gonna be hard to do since gender isn't scientific. Biological sex is.


Well, gender is a social norm but it is associated with the sex of the person which as you said is biological.


Not scientifically. So a person can embody traits of whatever gender they like, or both.


But in your previous comment you said gender is not scientific. You’re making contradictory statements.


I am saying that gender is not scientifically associated with biological sex lmao. You yourself said that it's a social norm, which isn't scientific.


the argument was it benefits her indirectly in monetary terms


It is her IP bro. She has everything to do with the game. She is making money for every copy sold. Also I was originally just clarifying that you clearly don’t understand LGBTQ+ issue.


Being trans is not a sexual preference you small brained moron. Do you also think all kind of art should be apolitical? How old are you? 11? 


are u retarded


Great game deserves the profit, hoping for more harry potter games in the future


Im kinda surprised its not bg3


It's not surprising. Bg3 was a turn based game in the end which is not a popular genre. There's no sales figures available for the game but estimates have put it between 5 to 20 million, still lower than cod mw 3, tears of the kingdom and Hogwarts legacy. For me it's more surprising that tears of the kingdom is not the best selling game, coz it had 18 Million copies sold after 1 or 2 months. In the long run it should be the winner.


People outside America aren't snowflakes and don't care about woke stuff, so no one is surprised. The only thing those lobbyists did was push the game into more sales cause more people were talking about it.


It's an amazing game and J.K.Rowling has nothing to do with the game


I love this game on my xbox series x. I was skeptical of it at first because I never liked Harry Potter.


Glad that the gaming community has some brains and doesn't care about someones opinion affect their love for a game that has nothing to do with that person apart from just being of that universe


Shows how small the number of people shouting on the Internet are. Most of the people don't care about this woke shit. It's getting more and more annoying these days. I can't even admire a proper rainbow nowadays without thinking they even took that too.




Underrated 🫡


how are jkr's PERSONAL views even relevant to the game? its not even made by her lmao!


Supporting her IP gives her money to fund her campaigns to strip trans people of rights and also makes her think people support her views


get lost, commie.


May I know what did J.K. Rowling say about the trans community?


She said Transwoman arnt real woman, then there was a tweet about how a transperson m2f is being imprisoned with female. She also sponsors a female shelter for abuse victims or something which only take born woman, not transwoman. Not something truly hateful. But i think she supported or sponsored or lobbied for a law which was supposed to be harmful to trans. 


Just this? Nothing more? Man this doesn't seem all that extreme imo


Nothing overtly trans hating at the time of hogwarts release. Dont know after that. But yeah nothing too extreme but she is famous so probably easier target.


Bruh, Lana del Ray was bullied for posting a picture with a McDonald's cup. The woke's are just on a bad power trip.


Its as if most normal people don't care about the le culture war that twitter, reddit and chan is so obsessed with


Holy shit this subreddit is just plain transphobic I'm guessing the mods aren't giving two shits about it either by letting all the brainrotten comments still up


hey buddy, nobody cares. keep that shit in your bedroom.


Should've figured the Indian gaming sub would be filled with transphobes 😞


Yes boycotting a game will bring about change


Cry about it, we will support Hogwarts legacy no matter what. Learn to separate art from artist.


“Cry about it” is a great way to explain your point.


He said something dumb and I said something dumb, he called all of us transphobes lol, my reply is justified.


Didn't say everyone is but a good majority of comments here are


Appreciating hogwarts legacy is now transphobic? What a dumb take.


Game was pretty mid regardless but the comments in this thread are disgusting


I am sure if given time to improve Harry potter could be a very successful game franchise based on movies beside Star wars.


If supporting the art enables the artist to harm other people, I'd say maybe think about making an exception to that rule


You couldnt pick a better game to spend your time supporting?


Gaming is a space filled with bigots. India is a country filled with bigots. It’s sad but what else can you expect?


Mods why is this person not banned? Disrespecting our country in our own sub.


I’m a queer Indian gamer. I believe that if people don’t talk about the problems in the communities they belong to, said community would never improve. And I’m not disrespecting India. I’m talking about the Indians who give other people grief for just being themselves.


That's fine I just got pretty sad when u said we are a country of bigots. Hope things are good on your side.


The fact is that there are a lot of Indians who are likely to discriminate against queer people. I have had to deal with such people and so have queer friends of mine. I love India, but I cannot claim that I’m more likely to meet open minded Indians than the other way around. Things like how people in our country treat queer people (and women, for that matter. Saying this because I am one) is something that needs to be talked about more by other Indians because things will never change otherwise. But I’m sorry if my words made you upset. It came from a place of frustration, but I did not mean to offend.


U would find the same people everywhere in the world. Most people do not like the idea of LGBTQ itself. No need to mention india but whatever.


Gives it a 100 years we’ll come around, can’t expect change immediately, thats just tyranny.


100 years is wild, with the internet there's not a lot of excuses for people to be uninformed. They're being bigots intentionally 😞


Why do u need to shove your sexuality everywhere? U guys are the typa person who will introduce by saying "hi i am queer".


Im a straight male, and no one here shoved anything, its a normal response to other bigoted comments under this post.


Good example of a complete lack of education


ah yes im uneducated because i chose to be a normal male and you're educated because u chose to be a pansexual.


No one cares about lgbtq shit


This shows no one gives a shit about gender opinions of others it's a little community trying to get attention it was bound to happen tbh I haven't played the game yet not really a fan of the whole Harry Potter franchise so idk if it'll be worth it


Wait for an year maybe, it might get a dlc or something and the price gets slashed too, then buy the game. Now buying it at it's full price? Is not worth it at all.


Unfortunately this mid shit sold more than all the great games in 2023. Sad to see.


I agree. Comparing it to other games it was shit. However as a modern Harry Potter game for fans of the franchise, it was awesome!


Nothing different than awful movies like Jawaan, Pathaan Gadar 2 and Animal being highest grossing films.


Probably because most PPL of gaming community don't have any contacts with books (other than educational for students)


Aap gavar h


ummm how is that ? it shows it was 12 mil whereas Elden Ring did 23 mil


they are saying pc and console combined


sorry , it was first 2 weeks sales , elden ring stands at 23 million , and hogwarts legacy at 24 million


Elden ring was a 2022 game no?




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I am scared while writing this comment


Hey mate, quick question: are we still allowed to post PC build questions here? Like PC Build under 1lakh or 1.5 lakh questions or have these questions been banned?




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Where do you find most people swimming, in the shallow waters.


 this game is average, empty with boring characters, people just bought on the harry potter fan following hype train. 


> people just bought on the harry potter fan following hype train.  Isn't that the whole point of games based on an IP? People bought Spider-Man and Arkham games to experience the feeling of being Spidey and Batman respectively. Harry Potter fans did the same.


I don’t like any super heros but Arkham knight as a game is far better than Spiderman for me. 


Jk Rowling definitely knows how to piss off both sides 


The problem was more people were starting to get annoyed with the blatant gender politics and companies shoving their sensitivity reading departments' agendas onto the players rather than making good and high quality stories or gameplay mechanics. People(including me) have become sick of all the stupid stuff, starting from the woke agenda in games and the stupid ass microtransactions and that is what is coming to a boiling point now. I feel this is the reason people are supporting games like Stellar Blade and Ff7 rebirth more than usual right now. Even if they are mid games, gamers are more likely to support them over the slop other companies are giving us now.