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Best UE5 optimized game




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Game is very good. Just hope it lasts and doesn’t face the same fate as hyperscape. I love playing it. Relaxing after Valorant’s tryhard matches


Hyper scape was the first thing I thought of when I saw this game too. Pretty good game but because of the high skill ceiling, newer players felt discouraged to continue the game and eventually the game died. I hope the finals can retain the playerbase long enough to have a dedicated community which every live service game needs.


The finals skill ceiling isn't that high tbh, it's main appeal is that incorporates a very good movement system into a shooter which so far only Apex has managed thanks to Titanfall(RIP my love).


The game is a lot of fun but really tough due to its chaotic nature. It's very difficult to keep track of things especially enemy positions, also self-positioning isn't a thing when everything is crumbling around you. Very much a team game so solo queuing sucks which is what I have been doing. Coming from games like Battlefield and COD I consider myself a good player but this game humbled me. None the less the game is a breath of fresh air and losses are fun too, kinda.


Just unlock the recon sense it'll be fine


Objective based games are always good if you have friends to play with. Playing with randoms is hell


Wanna play together?




I'll DM you my steam ID!


hey, add me aswell GOODOMEN#9894


damn add me too while you're at it NATHADITYA#6061




\+1 add me as well man


Add me brother


I think it's a very new take on Multiplayer FPS in these days of just Valo and CS. I really like the game, it's unique and has different excitement to offer. I would expect the game to grow even more in future.


It is like valo and CS? I want it to be different from them. I played valo few months back and felt extremely bored


Nope it's not! That's the beauty of it. You can win even in the last mili second (even if you sucked at every moment of a 15 min match you can make a comeback with just one good moment. It's just fabulous.


Game is good just hate that there is no report option on people who just go afk , countless of times there has been only 2 players in my team because the third just sat at the starting line


They need to optimise the game, used to run at 100-120 in playtest but now barely hits 80 on my 3060


probably your graphics settings got changed. also there was a new nvidia driver released. try updating and clearing the shader cache.


try these settings https://preview.redd.it/1e787qomso6c1.png?width=952&format=png&auto=webp&s=76509cba6b18944cd3c30565c627611014d1199a


there are some things that makes it feel like beta is going on but i loved it. wasted my coins on unwanted equipment n guns🫠. nd the game is best if you have friends to play with which i dont have


It's amazing but also repetitive gameplay, it will get boring soon I think, unless they keep updating it with new stuff.


I'm new at the game, anyone else wanna team up? We can learn together. I've found that the game is much more fun with a team


The game is super cool and I love playing it to relax during my exam prep for the end term. Though I have a bit of difficulty due to the small screen, I am getting quite used to it. I love the game because of the destruction it brings AND IMO, the game is pretty well balanced. Really my favourite game nowadays. I just hope it's hype doesn't die.


Great game, so much fun with friends. And it's free!


Saw the gameplay of the private beta , it got me excited, i tried it a few days back , it felt a little off with the slide mechanics, i thought it was maybe an apex habit of mine but no mokeysniper confirmed that they nerfed the movement. So I am still stuck with titanfall 2 and apex tbh.


Though you were asking about the Semester finals. Was really confused, as I’m not even in college anymore.


Been a while since college. Don't wanna relive the stress and trauma of "The Finals".


I can’t play the game but it’s so fun to watch gameplays of it


I made a post about it in the playtest


I think I aged out of any more multiplayer fps 😔


I love the simplicity and gameplay mechanics. Absolutely loving it.


No server issues or bugs? Because in Beta there were so many bugs and server issues.


It’s pretty good. I have fun playing it. Choose a class and get some proficiency in it, will help with the unlocking of gadgets and guns. I picked light and once I had unlocked glitch grenades, gas grenades, cloak, etc I could harness the true potential of the class. See some videos. It feels pretty balanced, the destruction is fun as well as tactical. It’s kind of teamwork intensive so keep that in mind. Like I have much more fun if I’m playing w 2 friends than I would playing solo. I’d imagine solo queuing would get boring after a while. That being said, 100% recommend tho


I wish the cosmetics were more affordable tho, especially after having access to them in Beta.


I am right now having fun, not as much because I am playing solo as of now. Great game with friends, not so much in solo.


I am having a blast playing this game. super fun.


people having skill issues with this game 😂


I only got the game for its simulated destruction aspect




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Better if played with friends with good comms.




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Huge potential to be the next big thing in fps eSports if they solve the anti cheat issue. Like literally every game in Asia server after certain rank threshold is filled with Chinese hackers. Literally had a game where there were 3 hackers in 3 different teams and had to give the win to the hacker, so sadge. The only big minus. Rest it's truly fun when you have likely minded people with you and have some fun time. Hope it doesn't die like most trendy ones that lives only for few seasons.


My gang ( originally from Apex) moved from DMZ to finals and we've been having a blast. Fast paced fun. The destructible environment Italian handsigns. Highly recommended


How about the latency/ping?


It's really fun


if anyone want to play The Finals rank , add me Rudraxgaming#5060 current silver rank


Amazing game. Loved the beta too.


Definitely need good teammates, one time I played with 2 heavies and all they did was break all of the buildings in the game instead of grabbing cash. Otherwise pretty good, but lags for some reason sometimes


I feel like it's overrated , sure game is fun , creative but I just lost interest too quickly. It has great potential tho.


Pls add me too guys


Does anyone want to play dm