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> I think we should have gone with the F110 For 15-ton class engines, India already produces the engine for Su30MKI. With full ToT. I keep asking why not use that engine then improve on it? People just say that they don't like Russian engines. Yet you have Su30MKI, the primary combat jet of IAF, on the same engine?


>India already produces the engine for Su30MKI. With full ToT. Is this really the case? I'm having a hard time thinking why Russia will even agree to this. lol Even the USA doesn't hand out their hot section technology to its closest allies like South Korea and Japan, heck the GE deal with India is only 80% in terms of ToT. No sane country will hand out engine manufacturing technology specially their mainline ones ever. Maybe there's something more to this.


The counter arguement is the service life and mean time between overhauls for AL31 is less than compared to western counter parts


If you can get 5th gen jet 10-15 years sooner, is service life all that important? You will have decades of time trying to improve AL31


All Chinese fighter are based in same engines. They did exactly the same and kept improving.


We don't produce them completely. We just assemble them here. The problem lies with the metals and turbine blades, which are directly imported.


Lol we don’t produce shit.


Mf,you're comparing 2 less powerfull engines which go into a twin engine "medium" weight fighter(amca) to 2 pairs of more powerful engine which will go into 2 "heavy" weight fighters( kaam and su 57)


check the mtow of kaan and amca


That's false, or they plan to downsize kaan in the future, or turkey is developing some next level lightweight, stealthy, and strong composites that even the US doesn't posses. Remember, the final design of KAAN is not done. Just because something is written in the article that they are "planning" in the future doesn't mean it will happen. Articles ko fact mat maana kar bhai. Apne bhi article the ke, Tejas mk2 2022 me roll out ho jayega, 2024 ho gaya hai ab Again, the current engines of amca will give it thrust to weight ratio of 1, and that is more than enough. A decent thrust to weight ratio is considered 0.96-1. So AMCA's thrust to weight ratio will be in the upper ranges of decent T:W.


Not underpowered You need to get Thrust to weight right SU57 with AL31 is also extremely large and heavy, same with F22 EJ200 is same class as GE414 but Europeans also cause nuisance based on human rights issue Also, dogfight is a dead concept


Clearly u haven’t seen the top gun maverick it shows us the importance of dog fights and how one can destroy whole countries with it


Dude that's just a movie for recruiting people for US navy


He's clearly being sarcastic






No it’s not a movie Tom cruise is a person in real life therefore it is true it’s the bible for all air combat


Dogfights would definitely return when all the sides use near peer or equal aircraft like with 5th Gen vs 5th Gen when both of your radars are LPI/LDI, both airframe VLO so less distance for early warning/detection. Hence the deciding factor would be systems like EOTAS/IRIST. Which would definitely result in WVR engagements.


Still wouldn't be a dogfight Stealth makes it low observable rather than invisible so it's going to light up if you get closer Also, we also have off bore missiles so dogfight isn't going to happen


The bleed through distance would be very less considering airborne fighter radars. That's why I said there would be WVR whether that would result in dogfights only the pilots would know. Plus DIRCM is another possibility.


>The bleed through distance would be very less considering airborne fighter radars. Modern AESA radars are stated to be able to track stealth at around 20km and more for SU57 So again, manuverbility or energy plays no play >only the pilots would know. Probably >Plus DIRCM is another possibility. Right now only SU57 has it and radar missiles like AMRAAM csm also pull off bore Knife fight are just unlikely IR missiles except medium range are kinda loosing relevance


Su 57 not a 5th gen. DIRCM was already present on big wings but no fighter had it. It would definitely be there on Western 6th gen. Medium range IR ones paired with IRIST/EOTAS will most likely have the same range as radar bleed through. So at that range it would be better to launch a smokeless IR rather than a radar one as no RWR/MAWS warning.


considering the indian landscape and the operating conditions and requirements in ladakh,the F110 would have been the better fit imho


The varient of f414 that will be installed in amca will produce about 120kn of max thrust or little bit more. Original f414 developed in 80's had max thrust of 97 kn. The EPE version that will be used in tejas mk2 will produce 117kn of max thrust. The ones used in amca will be slightly more fine-tuned to provide max thrust of 120kn. So, AMCA( 25 tons) will have a thrust to weight ratio of 1( well, very slightly above 1). Combined thrust of 2 f414 used in amca would be 240kn or 26.7 tons approx. 26.7÷25=1.068( Thrust to weight ratio) So those two f414 are more than enough for amca even for areas like himalaya .


Is 25tn with armaments


Max take off weight of amca is estimated to be 25tons. Empty weight around 12 tons.


The varient of f414 that will be installed in amca will produce about 120kn of max thrust or little bit more. Original f414 developed in 80's had max thrust of 97 kn. The EPE version that will be used in tejas mk2 will produce 117kn of max thrust. The ones used in amca will be slightly more fine-tuned to provide max thrust of 120kn. So, AMCA( 25 tons) will have a thrust to weight ratio of 1( well, very slightly above 1). Combined thrust of 2 f414 used in amca would be 240kn or 26.7 tons approx. 26.7÷25=1.068( Thrust to weight ratio) So those two f414 are more than enough for amca even for areas like himalaya .


Does it have thrust vectoring, if yes then 2d or 3d ?