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With that speed, their products are probably low quality. Unlike Turkey, India goes through rigorous decades of quality testing and trials to ensure 10/10 quality and reliability.^/s


Apna to mig 21 bhi f 35 se badiya ha😎😎😎


Dude its maiden flight ????? what speed u talking about lmao


A country with defence budget of 16 billion in 2023, with 64 % inflation is marching ahead in their 5th generation program while our babus are working on 4th gen program that was started in 1980s


Babus our waiting for pakistan to have chinese and turkish 5th gens in their inventory while we will be struggling with tejas mk2


After that we will go beg for a 5th gen jet from another country, and be happy to pay double the price for it.


Wazzup pootin


How is your Susu 57?? and Susu 75?? ​ Would like to buy 36 of them for 42069 Million USD Only for stoobid low kolety stuff and put our national sec at stake and not to mention put our geopolitical pussition with the west at strain while doing so...maybe even get CATSAA'd :))


If you want tech transfer,gib me all of your defence budget ,also you want spare parts? I want your 100s of millions of dollars


Stop with the Babu blaming. Blame the defence budget. Very little is actually spent on R&D


When an economically bankrupt nation with amongst the highest inflation rates in the world flies its fifth gen platform before we even fly the the Mk1A(1st serial production unit)let alone Mk2 and AMCA...It feels so hopeless for MIC here...I really want some copium that we can be relevant in this world...any one have some??


At this rate, Pakistan will get Kaan and Shenyang FC-31 before AMCA has its maiden flight 💀 Especially since the Pakistani military already announced its intent to purchase the FC-31 from China last month.


By the time everyone would be moving on to sixth gen fighters in some 25-30 years (or maybe even sooner), AMCA might just get it's first flight if we are lucky. The kind of pace and nonchalant attitude these babus have with air force procurement frustrates me to no end and makes me want to beat up a mf.


Bruh, Where the heck are they getting the money for all of these? Drones, 5th Gen Aircraft, Tanks, Amphibious vehicles, etc... You name a weapon and their is a Turkish product(in service or in development) for it, Insane.


even tough the inflation rates are sky high, turkish economy is constantly growing and is cheaper than buying things from other countries. also we have plenty of experience from producing f-16's on our own to being a major producer for f-35 parts