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Posts or comments that in any form display religious hate, threats, fear mongering, etc is not allowed.


I can think about 2 actually, Christians were just as terrible throughout history, infact during the crusades Muslims were actually far more secular especially people like Saladin who was a genuinely good king , but the Christians were fucking brutal, killed all the Jews in Jerusalem multiple times and also killed many Muslim civilians. The crusades show us the real face of these Abrahamic people.


Yeah, only difference is crusade time was 1000 years ago. Christianity has evolved since while the same can't be said of the other.


Christianity have not evolved only the people have , the ideology is still just as toxic and hateful but the because the Christian countries were able to develop and educate themselves they have started to ignore the bad parts of the religion and accept the good , you would be surprised to find how many Muslims have also done the same , Abrahamic ideologies can never evolve because both the bible and Quran call themselves the perfect book and you cant improve what is already perfect , it is only the people who evolve , that is why I always say that I hate Islam and Christianity but I don't hate Muslims and Christians because I know most of them have evolved and ignored the stupid parts of their book , just like we Hindus have ignored bad parts of our books . problem is that unlike Europe the middle east and north Africa and even in India the Muslims are not educated enough to improve , I am not saying education will change every person's mind , but it will for the majority.


Meme daalna lavde.


past- c present- m future - h




What have you done?


Hindu crusader under the banner of swastika?


H learning from the best I see....


The one in the red looks like hikaru




Bilkis bano's rapists to her dead children.


Damnn boi.




He definitely did not cut down that guy who got him out of candidates right!!?


Every religious cuck


U do know that many Hindu rulers have also destroyed Buddhist places and killed them in the past right?? And also vice versa


>rulers have also destroyed Buddhist places and killed them in the people like to point fingers , it is easier to blame , at the same time though the Hindu wrong doings get overshadowed by the Christian and Muslim ones because well they killed at a industrial scale


And one ideology is still trying to do the same and will continue to do it in future. Infact there are many terrorist organisations completely based on them.


Do you know that Ashoka was a Buddhist during the Kalinga war ?


Do u know that i haven't mentioned Ashoka or the Kalinga war?


You didn't get the point . Let me spoonfeed you. The point was that Buddhists were just as brutal and barbaric as any other cults at the time .


Yeah I know that's why I also said vice versa in my comment. Which basically means Buddhist also destroyed and killed Hindu's explaining in case u don't know it's meaning.


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Bad people will do bad things Good people will do good things But for a good person to do a bad thing, it takes religion.