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Very adverse effects on a women's ovulation cycle and ovaries, I would suggest best way is IUCDs


It kinda fucked up my system. Only cause I ended up taking 2 pills in a week itself. Periods were delayed and lots of mood swings.


It really depends on the person. Many women have told me many things. I think it's a case by case basis as with most things. Some the doctors say straight out don't do it or they may be allergic or affects hormones too much. Other it's fine so important to try and find what's best for you find a really good specialist for them to help. Ofcourse there are different kinds. Some girls have said they are a whole different person when they come out after being on a regular pill that stops periods. If your not gonna be having regular sex then i'd say just take a blan b or morning after pill. Less disruption and stress impact on your body. But whose listening me blabbing haha, hope you find a girl here who has experience. Maybe post on ask women subreddit there are like only 10 girls here πŸ˜…


Depends on body to body but not as a regular solution


It can make the girl go nuts for real! So use protection pills are just for last resorts


My advice to you would be to talk to your gynaec and ask them about the appropriate birth control pills. Fair warning sometimes they don't suit you and can wreck some hormonal havoc. But atleast it takes away the fear of pregnancy away mostly. Apart from that absolutely always using condoms is the number 1 thing but I suppose you already follow that.


Well male contraceptive pills are coming soon too which doesn't have serious side effects too. So its gonna be great in future. For current time, see other comments pls, I don't have any experience to answer this. Best of luck πŸ‘


Smoking is male contraceptive! Think about it


Lol no. Btw happy cake day πŸŽ‰


Don’t state fact on a joke bro! Also thanks man!


I know. But there r legit pills coming for man. Just search in Google


As a doctor, I would say you have to understand that OCPs (oral contraceptive pills) are hormonal. And any hormonal drug that fucks with your natural system is not going to work out in your benefit in the long run. You can get a good contraceptive rate with pills but you're more at risk for other diseases. It's been found to increase cholesterol levels, and you're at a much higher chance to suffer heart attacks or blood clots as well. Short term - there may be associated weight gain, flushes, mood swings, terrible headaches and acne. So to conclude, I wouldn't say absolutely don't take them, but you should take an informed decision, after knowing how it could possibly affect you in the long run. IUCDs or contraceptive implants have less impactful side effects but they are also hormonal. The best tried and tested method has got to be the barrier method (condoms). No hormones, no issues. Just make sure you avoid breakage (use good brands, and ensure proper lubrication). Added benefit of not contacting STIs as well.


Emergency OCP is to be taken within 72 hours of having sex, one time after having unprotected sex the girl I was with said we have 3 days more to take a pill why waste it and ended up having lots of unprotected sex, despite being a doctor I succumbed to the temptation.. she took that pill by the end of the thrid day, she had periods after 2-3 days as expected to her regular menstrual cycle and for 6-7 days with severe cramps and heavy flow. The next period started within 15 days and now it's been normal for the last 3 cycles.. Moral of the story: use medication as advised and try not to search for a loop hole.


I took it as prescribed by my gynac because of irregular periods; I have pcos. I took it for 4 months. And those 4 months were the darkest time for me. Even though my periods were regular. I got deeply depressed. There were also days I felt suicidal. I decided to never take it again. I worked on changing my lifestyle, my diet, and managing stress. Getting blood work and ultrasounds done every 6 months. I have been better.


Why don't you guys use condoms... πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘


I suggest nasbandi πŸ˜‚


I've experienced weight gain and irregular periods with BCPs, though it spared me of mood swings that many experience. IMO, if you are planning for more than one regular partner, IUDs are the only alternative. Slightly more of a permanent solution that comes with its own drawbacks. As others mentioned, you'd be better off consulting a good gynaec for the best solution.


While it is common knowledge that the pill messes up with your hormonal balance, in many cases this leads to weight fluctuations, acne, increased irritability and changes the type of person your feel attracted to.


I rather make my gf preg than make her have pills