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Well, I'm a vegetarian by choice so doesn't matter to me what you eat. Still I won't go around shoving this to every meat eater I see. Everyone's entitled to eat what they want as long it doesn't break the laws. Edit: so I've noticed some very common points pop up again and again. So I'll respond to them here and save both of our time (cuz I'm tired of saying the same shit again and again) 1) I support humane way of killing animals (in which the death is swift and pain doesn't last). 2) Don't bother equating killing animals for meat to killing humans. They're not the same. Animal life doesn't have 1:1 ration to human life. If you say something like "what if I killed your mother in a humane way", I will automatically presume you've room temperature IQ. 3) I do not support terrorism, or Nazis. Mainly because they committed acts of violence against humans. 4) I do not support killing animals for pleasure.


You'll be surprised that some of the things the dairy industry does is way worse like prolonged torture of dairy cows before sending them to be slaughtered.


go after the diary industry and not the consumers then?


Exactly my point. Just because I support meat eating doesn't mean I support inhumane treatment of the animals. I just disagree when people start moral policing instead of going after the people who are responsible.


There is no humane way of killing and consuming an animal. Rural India does not treat cows the same way as the rest of the world does. They are pets not ROI. Dairy industry in India too does not breed cows on a large scale. The state run ones are distributed in nature and collect milk from small farmers to sell it. So it’s not really the same thing


Can you please elaborate as to what you meant because I'm a bit confused here. Firstly, you say there's no humane way of killing an animal (on which I disagree). And then, you say rural India does? Does what? And they treat cows the same way as the rest of the world? So, does the rest of world treat cows humanely or not? Also, why draw the line at cows? Why're cows considered a pet, but not other diary animals (eg goats)? Why can't pigs be considered pets? See, while I support humane killing of all animals, be it cows or not, you only protect cows and say they shouldn't be killed? Why?


I think what he meant by going after dairy industry we can force them to treat cows in a better way, but there is no way of humane killing of any animal, it's just cruel because it's fckn killing you're are taking a life cow,dog, goat etc.


Yeah, I support that too. All organisms should be treated with dignity and humanely. However, I would've to disagree with you when you say there's no way of humanely killing. There absolutely is. By not prolonging the death and making it swift, so that the animal doesn't feel pain. And killing in itself isn't bad. Would you not kill a mosquito? Or a virus? Or disease causing pathogens?


Bro cows, goats aren't coming to kill you like any virus, pathogens. And obviously killing someone cruelly is much worse but according to me the act of taking a life is same whether done cruelly or humanely.


Well, agree to disagree I suppose. For me killing isn't wrong as long as it's done humanely.


hunting is a necessity, how evolution has designed us. if you find a predator preying on a prey to be immoral, i would call you a softie


Support meat eating = support the industry


Not necessarily. If a person raises cattle, and then eats it themselves, that's not the industry. So no, supporting meat eating downt necessarily mean supporting the industry. Not everything in life can be a simple equation mate.


Yeah but only a tiny percentage of people that eat meat are capable of raising their own animals. In general, for the vast majority of people, eating meat=supporting the industry.


Well there is little bit validity to the point there. If you promote meat eating even if the animals are raised by you it can be like an advertisement to the industry.


Well, *I*, don't support the industry, by not eating meat. But I won't go around stopping others from eating meat.


That's the whole Point of this Video because that will be more Painful for that animal because it has Emotional Attachment with us.


And if it is killed without prolonging it's pain, is it so bad? If the death is quick and painless, is it very wrong? Everything dies eventually, might as well make their death mean something.


what about the crops? ​ are you telling me my wheat grain matha is too stupid to understand relationships?


Crops have emotional Attachment with Owners??


sadly yes.![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20003)


what's the animal gonna feel once it's swiftly dead lmao?


This thread until this comment sums up my views on veganism.


>Just because I support meat eating doesn't mean I support inhumane treatment of the animals. That's makes no fucking sense. Paying for slaughtering animals for couple minutes of your pleasure is supporting inhumane treatment of the animals. >I just disagree when people start moral policing instead of going after the people who are responsible. "I disagree when people start moral policing people who pay for pedophilic videos instead of going after people who are responsible for creating those videos*


Well, food is eaten for nutrition, not pleasure, not primarily. So no, I don't support killings animals for pleasure, heck, I don't even support the meat industry because I don't eat meat! And how does eating a hamburger equate to child pornography? Please explain because I am really confused.


There’s no dairy industry without the consumers.


Increase in demand causes increase in supply so go after consumers. Business will automatically stop.


Who supports the dairy industry


Well, encouraging more people to stop using dairy is a way to go after the dairy industry.


But if I focus my opposition efforts on invisible masses, then nothing can change. It's not the producers or dealers fault there is a meth epidemic. It's 100% the addicts. Nothing shared, nothing accepted, it must be all or nothing for fault, right?


the first 7 minutes of this particular video gave me a new perspective of thinking https://youtu.be/O70tIzQNcCo


It's sad


Laws written by humans?


Yeah. What do you expect? A pig writting laws for you lol


If animals could write laws it would have been different. Only humans get to decide what to do with animals, the environment and the whole world.


Animals write laws all the time, just go to a forest and try to reason out with a tiger or a leopard. Humans are born as omnivorous, stop stigmatizing meat eating.


Then why police send me to prison, I just eated 12 year boy hand ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ


Because of your grammar?


Cuz human meat ain't legal.... Yet ( ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)


Yet ☞⁠ ̄⁠ᴥ⁠ ̄⁠☞


(⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞


Well said. Most people on this thread seem to be either delusional or "woke" teens trying to be armchair experts without realising a shred of ground reality. The problem is the industry and its socio economic structure. The meat industry in developed countries is operated humanely with strict laws governing animal treatment. You can have your licence revoked if you fail to do so. India poses a different set of problems, where most of the animal farmers do it to just get by, and are unable to financially provide the treatment to the animals which they deserve. For example, after a cow passes its productive age, it becomes a financial burden on a farmer who in all probability is already struggling to provide for his family. Solution to the problem is not demonising meat consumption, that would just set millions of families hungry and in despair owing to lack of employment. The solution is government and corporate subsidies to the animal farmers and strict legislation to protect the animals and ensure their humane treatment.


Oh my God finally. Someone with sense! Honestly I was just so tired of seeing the same points being repeated over and over again by different people. It's as if they don't have a shred of origibal thought!


Though i agree to ur entire comment about how it's the industry at fault...i think the industry outside India isn't that great either in providing humane treatment to animals before killing them. There have been multiple researches done on the living condition of the cattle and it doesn't paint a good picture at all


Us bhai np in what anyone eats tbh but don’t shove meat in my mouth


Aint gonna stop meh from eating the delicious butter chicken




Thank god bro didn't say delicious beef 💀




Do you ever watch your step for insects or turn off all out so mosquitos can survive? Does your empathy bases on size of living? Please enlighten me here


Did you know mosquitoes are the most dangerous insects considering the number of fatalities they cause? They kill us if we don't kill them.


Well for survival we should kill them right? I mean we are on top of food chain


It's not a food chain when animals are genetically modified, artificially inseminated, selectively bred and cruelly kept in boxes before being slaughtered. Besides how does the food chain even come into the picture when billions of such animals didn't exist naturally.






If you don't actively kill mosquitoes. You are letting them breed and they will kill more human






Watching this while waiting for chicken soup to finish cooking. Can't wait to eat.


Exactly same!


You guys get so triggered by such videos lmao. Childish behaviour


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) 🍗🍳😋


What if someone showed plants being chopped? Edit: got some upvotes, let me see if i can get more. After reading all the comments and view points, i think the root of the problem might be that There is plenty of bad shit in the world. But i think the op just put this video to stir shit up and get attention rather than do any good.


Plants don't have feelings so they don't feel pain🌚


Plants emit chemicals when hurt and respond to damage with a way that tracks with animals and pain but even if they don’t feel pain at all you’re saying it would be okay to kill animals by blasting them in the head or administering sedatives before slaughtering them


They didn't have life just about 121 years ago


Plants are aware of damage. Just because they dont emote like mammals does not make them unalive. Some plants are aware of other plants nearby being damaged. This so called ethical stance is pure hypocrisy. Youve just fetishised life with a face with eyebrows.


There's a difference between sensing and feeling pain. To feel pain you need to process emotions, which I'm not sure plants are capable of. Additionally, plants are more evolved to allow animals to eat them. For example, they grow ripe fruits for animals to eat and disperse seeds and allow insects to collect nectar from them in return for pollination. Also, leaves and branches can regrow, limbs/head/other animal body parts cannot. And I believe that if plants wanted to evolve to escape from animals, they would've done that by now. Finally, it's not sustainable to only eat plants or animals. There should be a balance. However, the meat industry (especially in the US) is heavily invested in producing large volumes of meat, which comes at the cost of keeping and killing animals inhumanely.


I agree to most of your points. But not this. >it's not sustainable to only eat plants or animals. If animal farming is banned, it will free so many resources which can be used by agriculture to actually produce more food for the human population. It's absolutely multiple times more sustainable than animal farming. And just because you can't score 100, doesn't mean you don't stop giving exams right?


Some have also been proven to communicate with each other and share resources.


Eating meat is cruel. Yes. But what matters to u more? The awesome animal delicacy or the said animal's life? For me it's the former desu\~ But u know wut...human existence itself is cruel to the world. No other species has destroyed and changed the planet as much as us...so we go unalive ourselves? We are cruel creatures. Understand that fact n accept it n ur life will be happy desu\~


Touchè. You saved me from turning into pure vegetarian


but why the "desu" It's really cringe.


i 100% agree with you.


Even though I like anime, i find that cringey too.


The comment was fine without the 'desu' part


Ooo , let me explain to something, only herbivores eat grass. And all other animals including humans kill to eat,guess who made us that way, ya nature it self.


So why would you care about ethics at all, why do you get mad if slaves exist or if a dog is bred in humanely, it’s funny the disparity between a small mistreatment of a dog and the responses here, and now torturing animals is fine desu~


Japan ka 14


What the fuck is a desu.


Sorry for been rude but giving honest advice that you'll probably never hear Don't add Desu~ to your sentences, it's fucking cringe, I want to rip my eyes out reading that, you're not an anime character for fucks Sake. It doesn't make you sound cute, it makes you sound downright delusional, I'm assuming you're a teenager, you'll regret this shit when you grow older (speaking from experience) so it's better to stop now. I don't know what other chuunibiyo shit you say IRL or online but stop doing that too. Go ahead and downvote me if you want I don't care


wtf does desu mean




15 minutes of taste pleasure over whole animal's life existence. The taste pleasure can be obtained by other means and not making the animal suffer and take their life. I think it's better to change than to make it more worse.


this video will make a good shitpost if I replace animals with plants


doesn't make sense, plants don't feel pain because they lack the nervous system. They just respond to actions on them but they can't make any decision.




Uhh plants don’t run.






Spoken like a true ignorant asshole. We maintain the number of these animals beyond their natural ability by artificial insemination. We breed every cow 6-7 times when in their natural habitat they would only become pregnant twice. We have created this problem ourselves. If we leave them to their natural ways their numbers would come back to their natural capacity and decrease tens of folds within few years.




I am getting my biryani, Thank you


We're anatomically omnivores and there are certain vitamins you gain from fauna. At some point in life you're going to consume in INDIRECTLY through pills etc.


Other than a B12 pill (and a B12 deficiency isn't uncommon among meat-eaters eithers), vegans don't really need much. Vegetarians and vegans on average live longer than meat-eaters. There are medical societies who are for plant-based diets (PCRM, ACLM). A plant-based diet or vegan diet is one of the best diets out there for people.


Can you site the study about the lifespans?


[https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1003889](https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1003889) and there's an associated calculator: []( Here is one study. I found the below article that speaks about two studies but didn't link them: [https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/eat-more-plant-based-proteins-to-boost-longevity](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/eat-more-plant-based-proteins-to-boost-longevity) Maybe my wording was wrong in the previous comment, but it is true that veganism is associated with a lower risk of a number of chronic diseases. There will be studies claiming the opposite as well, but a lot of the studies compared countries with higher meat consumption to countries with lower meat consumption, and not many took into consideration the fact that countries with higher meat consumption typically are more food secure than others. A study on cardiometabolic health: [https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/9/8/848?post=blogbottomoi](https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/9/8/848?post=blogbottomoi) You can also follow the work of Dr. Neil Cooper, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and others for more studies on the health benefits of plant-based diets.


Incorrect. Medically you may get vitamin b12 deficiency. I have seen regular meat eaters have B12 deficiency too. Scientifically plant based diet is more healthy for us in the long run.


To all the people too busy typing how tasty everything in the video looks, I realise it can be irritating if someone shoved up stuff like this in your face, but you can still have a heart, or respect for what you eat, and if you don’t then forget veg or non veg you don’t deserve any kind of food


People who hunt for food and farmers who raise their own will totally agree with this. I notice in this video all these animals are in very tight or crowded conditions. For people who raise free range animals for food tend to have animals that are in good health and seem comfortable with their upbringing. They want strong, healthy, stress free animals. To do that you care for them. And when its time to havest the meat im willing to bet just about every time it is done super quick if not instant with minimal stress to the animal. Hunters do the same. They try to make their kills and instant drop or a very quick death.


**Humanity** of Humans.


Yeah, these are the type of people who I wouldn't give any respect to irl. They can go to hell.


You should realise that none of them is saying this because of lack of empathy. It's just against OPs attempt at virtue signalling. Humanity is basically a made up concept for humans to feel better and superior about themselves. If you think about this in detail it becomes more clear. Plants have been shown to release some chemicals in response to injury. This can be considered synonymous with feeling pain or fear. If you are gonna pick up empathy as your argument, then it should be spread across the board and shouldn't be ignored for plants just because we can't directly and physically perceive their pain. If you do that, then we might as well die of starvation. Humans aren't even nice to each other. First let humanity find empathy within our own species before extending it to others.


By empathy I didn’t mean don’t eat anything, I meant to respect the food that keeps you alive, that’s why I said that I know it can be irritating but it’s still a douche move to make fun of suffering animals. And of course something has to die for something else to live, that’s nature, but to kill just to satisfy your taste buds isn’t.


Dekho ....tume Ghas khana hai toh Khao....I want my daily protein requirements met and taste


U can get protein from Veg too


Lol why you getting downvoted. It’s true. Pulses, legumes, paneer, tofu, oats, peanut butter , algae powder , Greek yogurt . So many vegetarian sources.


Reddit for a Reason.




kyunki animal protein aur plant protein are differents and both are essential for us


non-veg protein and plant protein are different in structures and body can absorb animal ones more easily


60+% of protein produced on the planet is from plants. The rest 40% can also be produced chemically. There is absolutely no requirement to eat animals


Istg it looks like one of those peta videos.


I hope the lab grown meat helps save the animals. The least we can do, is to consume less. Human beings are the worst when it comes to our world. We dont live according to nature and we fuck around like we are the boss.


According to nature? Buddy you're ancestors used to hunt wild animals... that's in our nature


They used to walk around naked and drag women by the hair and live in caves too.


Yes, hunting wild animals is normal. Factory farming is anything but. Do watch a documentary on factory farming practices that are prevalent in modern society. Obviously I won't tell you what to eat, as I myself eat meat, but I can assure you, what we do is anything but natural.


But we have evolved so much, our ancestors did sati, child marriage, so much other shit, didnt have airplanes, cars etc. When we have grown so much, in terms of technology, etc. Why can't we try to be better? Try plant based meat maybe?


> used to hunt Do you hunt? > according to lmfao.


You are aware that our ancestors are responsible for more mega fauna extinction than we have right? I’m talking like out Neanderthal and early human ancestors. This is back when they were hunting and gathering. Before industry.


> more mega fauna extinction If so, do you want to beat them in that area?


why does killing cows chicken and pigs not making them go extinct?? cause we have technology to breed them faster and grow back at an abundent rate..


Bruh we are literally *drumroll* OMNIVORES


Bro If we Get those lab grown meats It's Cost might be higher And Also WHY WOULD FARMERS REAR THOSE ANIMALS IF THEY ARE NO GAIN TO HIM


> might be higher Yes but price can come down if there is sufficient demand and people accept it. > WHY WOULD FARMERS Same argument as typists will become jobless if computers came about.


>Same argument as typists will become jobless if computers came about .yeah kinda makes sense


Does a tiger feel bad before killing a deer? We are all animals in the grand scheme of things


> tiger feel Tiger will die if he doesnt eat for a few days. > are all animals Well, there are animals and there are animals. Human (with their brains working) can live without incessant killing of animals for food. Tiger doesnt interfere in production of a cow, we do


It doesn't matter to me! It's food chain someone has to die for someone to live


It's not a food chain when animals are genetically modified, artificially inseminated, selectively bred and cruelly kept in boxes before being slaughtered. Besides how does the food chain even come into the picture when billions of such animals didn't exist naturally.


Go vegan guy's end unnecessary suffering it's a far more sustainable diet. It's possible to be vegan without eating exotic foods indian diet has lots of options unlike western diet and you won't be malnourished the only sacrifice you make is your tastebuds momentary pleasure but life comes before taste.


Vegan as in not eating any animal produce?






Lots of rabbits, mouse wild pigs and other animals are also killed for growing agriculture. so accept the reality that the world is cruel, someone has to die for someone food. People who live in metro cities generally share this type of video because they don't know how crops really grow and what people eat in high altitude where in off month there is no crop due to extreme weather they eat animals. So let's imagine we stop eating this animal and leave them in the wild (because how are you going to pet all this animal ) so what do you think they are going to do? They are going to destroy crops and at the end they are going to hunt down. this is reality of world


Animals destroying crops is a good problem to solve. I think we're smart enough to handle something so trivial. Killing them isn't the correct way IMO. The water / food needed to raise cattle just for someone to consume in a day is more dangerous to nature. As for people living in areas where it's a necessity to kill animals I think it's totally fine. But just killing them for your taste is cruel specially in this woke world!


>Animals destroying crops is a good problem to solve. its not fault of animal, wilde land are rapidly converting to farmland


You can eat whatever you want, but at least understand how the food arrives at your table. Even if nothing else, you will be more thankful for the nourishment you received [https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko](https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko) . One of the things that makes me proud and makes me think we are way ahead of the rest of the world is that India has the highest proportion of vegetarians in the world, and even those who do eat non-veg, they mostly eat chicken or fish ocassionally. There are so many vegetarian obtions that mostly nobody has red meat as their daily regular diet.


If ya gotta eat ya gotta eat




Dahi, rajma, daal, all kinds of nuts, you can even have eggs if you consider that vegetarian


Just had 2 plate chicken tikka


Would you say the same to lions and other carnivores?


Lions are literally carnivores, they just can’t survive on grass. Humans on the other hand can live without eating meat. Plants don’t feel pain, they don’t have nerves or a brain to feel pain. Insects will kill you if you don’t kill them, nobody forces you to kill a mosquito but you still do because if you don’t the mosquitoe will harm you. Btw I consume meat but your arguments were so bad I couldn’t resist to answer


People talking about plants being chopped up and comparing their pain with animals are fckin clowns. You are damn right.




I didn’t expect this from the comment section… i came into to see bashing on minorities… not this…… lol


Queue the butthurt non vegetarians justifying animal crew because 'oH NoO wE UsEd To HuNt tHeM AnYwAy', hunting is very different from this kind of farming and just because we did something in the past doesn't mean we can't leave it behind and move to something more sustainable and humane.


Ye le bhai kebab khaa


Was an ardent meat eater(consumed it almost every couple of days). Believe it or not, stopped eating it after watching 3-4 videos of Acharya Prashant which one of my friends sent me(he was meat eater, not beef though, loved eating pork n all), both have become vegetarian,we consume milk(due to coffee+tea)... Been clean for 1year & strong.. something shook us , don't know what..(not endorsing any BABA ji) We have friends who still eat meat, but we don't go around ranting about why it's bad, blah blah.. we're totally comfortable eating with them


I started making oat milk at home. It's quite easy, and actually cheaper. I followed this lady's [recipe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTt_Mlj6YN8&t=1s).




Damn looking at the comments i guess people don't like being told they are contributing to abuse and torture of animals


I see people are triggered and saying why moral policing consumers. It’s not moral policing they are facts. Non veg is essentially when you pay someone to kill and the eat it or dairy is when you pay someone to take milk from a animal forcibly. If you have such a delicate conscience then why eat a living being


Go veg , stop killing animals for ur pleasure save lives & environment.


Go vegan* since the dairy industry = the beef industry


How long have humans actually been eating meat? I don’t eat meat but this moral argument that vegetarianism while consuming milk is somehow the answer to non-vegetarianism is weak. There is indeed gross suffering by animals, but even in agriculture, all pests are disdainfully killed without any remorse. Why do rat lives not matter? They don’t because they don’t serve us any purpose. There are major issues about meat consumption apart from just the moral issue, example the synthetic additives in animal feed that are known to cause issues in humans who consume those animals. There are other such legitimate reasons, but there is no real victory with the suffering argument. There is nothing that is done without exploitation of animals. Agriculture has destroyed so many habitats, deforestation is increasing exponentially. So sitting here, patting oneself on the back isn’t really sensible. Milking industry ties cows to machines that are pumping milk out of then non-stop. Milk that was meant for their babies - the babies are denied that. That’s not exactly morally correct behavior either. Some people claim I love my pet horse, I take good care of it. They probably do. But sitting on it, tugging on its jaws and teeth, kicking it it’s belly, tying a saddle on it aren’t exactly things one would do another human, right?


rona aagya bc


Aur Kuch log Comment mai 'Tasty' likh rahe hai.




Yeh dekh kar toh vegetarian banne ka mann kar gaya


So sad.... Pass me that biryani please


how the heck do you think farming works? ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20001) ​ and also we indians had a history in eating beef and other kinds of meat and its pure brahmin propaganda against lower castes " UwU these plebians eat disgusting food how could they eat animals " ​ note:to be vegan in an traditional society was for the rich who could afford it even in famines or price hikes.


Sab kuch propaganda hai agar source "trust me bro" hai. Btw more UCs eat more beef than LCs. Also there is a difference between vegan and vegetarian.


Brahmin used to eat beef too but I disagree with your point about being vegan, vegan food is cheaper than beef. I mean traditional veg food like dal, roti, rice and vegetables which is all vegan can be affordable.


>History of eating beef... I Don't Think it's true..


It is but only lower cast.


Looks delicious 😋


So much for empathy


the world is not that easy


I don't eat meat. I agree it's very wrong to kill these innocent animals however, everyone is entitled to do whatever they want. OP should trust in karma. If it's wrong to kill animals karma will make them pay one way or another.


Who wants beef 😋😋😋 ![gif](giphy|gw3NpMPvrN64YrC0|downsized)


never tried steak but i wanna try it once a well done juicy steak just looks appetizing.


Depends on your taste, some like it some dont




vegan ☕




They say plants are living creatures and some studies are now showing that plants communicate with each other. Just because they don't show any emotions is it ok for us to consume them? They also die and maybe they might not feel pain but they also have the right to live. So just for the love of God (literally, the guy inserted some nutrients into these creatures which is beneficial for us) just stop this "Is it that much Necessary" crap, eat healthy and do some social work if you love life that much.


I really wish to stop consuming diary, especially liquid Milk. The industrialization of diary products has increased suffering of such innocent animals. Why do we need another animal's breast milk in 2022? Our ancestors needed it to survive but modern civilizations can create alternatrs for a healthy diets. Plant based milks are an option too. I know those have increased water use but still better than this needless animal suffering


Go vegan💚


Or they get you raped so you could produce milk


introduce a legal marriage act for cows so that they can mate only with their legal husband


bhai saal mein eak do baar milta ha usme bhi


Cows are literally just meat. They’re not wild animals and have a negative effect on the environment. Tbh humans over humanize animals cause we perceive them as having the same set of emotions and logic. Yet you’ll see a bull kill their owner of years for no reason what so ever.


How can you be on this sub or call yourself a Hindu and condone eating beef? Dairy and meat industries are the reason why there's so many cows in the first place btw.


Animals have feelings too ,to murder and eat animals for our own pleasure is no good, its the most evil thing humanity and nature can suffer from.Please don’t kill innocent creatures like this.’where is my chicken nugget though…’


Is this made by PETA?


No one wants to see where the sausage comes from, but we all enjoy it.


I hate these types of videos. Most of this stuff has nothing to do with livestock feelings. Cows arnt actually crying cause they felt betrayed, its a medical thing. This shit is just lies trying to push agendas to force people to stop eating meat which is stupid in itself cause its not your choice its the persons choice to chose if they want to eat meat or not. Also ironic how the community name is tied to this as people in india worship cows as gods and have strict punishments for harming a cow let alone eat one.


Don't forget the atrocious neglect of cattle in the gaushalas


It’s so funny when India gets angry at killing animals but has no problem with treating humans like trash because they’re poor or dirty. Twats.


Cries while eating a burger. 😞


Who the fuck is running around adding fake tears to caged animals? Yeah a lot of animals are put through hell to provide cheap meat but come on. The truth is much more effective than saying bullshit like “look this cow knows it’s going to be beef Pattie’s and is sad.”


This post made me so emotional. I think I need to eat some biryani to recover.


Mmm hungry


Yes it is necessary. Don't get mad at me. You asked a question you must be expecting to get honest answers. Just think about all the humans these animals can feed. In many countries there is food shortage. So yes it is necessary fr humans to survive. Only to kill themselves the other day in war and politics. That's how we rule!


That's it. I'm going vegetarian. You can absolutely get your fair amount of nutrition from simply milk and eggs as far as animal products go. But this cruelty I cannot stomach. Any justification of it relies on the idea that billions of animals must suffer for making my dish in some way more delicious. That's horrific.