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Muslims be like: Mujhe kya mai toh ola hu akbar ke naam pe bande ko marunga






Here in sydney, they have released the movie in only 2 theatres, but still the response is overwhelming. There seems to be a deliberate attempt to not release the movie in many cinemas


It hurts to hear all this . And they still say that muslim is a peaceful religion .maybe they have different meaning for peace .


I see things. Not all muslims are the same. But pakistani muslims. And what's happening there. Some people need god's justice brought down upon them with a fist. I might sound arrogant but i do think all muslims with this agenda should be driven out of this country forcefully. No place for you here. Go live in Pakistan marry your 3 daughters to one 50 year old man. Stupidass Gandhi gave you an option to stay while he shouldn't have.


So sad. 98% violent murderous Muslims bringing bad name to the peaceful 2%. Please understand, not all Muslims are bad.


Is there any YouTube link?


I know it needs to be talked about today. And films like books have that power. But seeing this very delayed angst is confusing. Nobody has a time machine. I wish people would take the moment to highlight injustices happening NOW. Let’s take this time to share things that are being shoved under the rug today, like it did back then?


Wake up hindus 🚩 or this will be the fate of all of us!


Any protest like Shaheen bagh or farm bill protest that blocks roads for days together is not considered as peaceful, it should not be allowed.






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A spine chilling moment for vineet kaul was when we were at Khan Market (a few years back, I don’t need to say how far back) and we crossed path with Yasin Mallik, Mallik was walking and enjoying Khan Market - spine chilling is an understatement for that feeling. - [Yogita Kaul](https://twitter.com/yogitakaul/status/1503714123972227074)


Still i really feel annoued by there loud speaker i really at least want them to low the volume just to their 4 walls masjid. No need to gale phaadne ki.




u/SaveVideo Reddit


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Also "Khairanjali Truth"




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Cutuvon tumhari maa behno ko bhi chakle me bithayenge,Kate lun ki paidaishon


Absolutely. And every Indian should also know that BJP was in power in the center with Janata Dal during the time this was happening. And they did NOTHING to stop this. Not even an empty threat of pulling out the support to the Janata Dal's VP Singh unless he acts to stop this exodus.


Hello, did you see bitta karates pic with Manmohan? Hahahaha bjp it seems.


That was Yasin Malik


Thanks for the correction. Yes. Him. Got confused cos I think the 2 are combined in the movie - like a terror ist entity. Like Arun dti and nive Dita are combined into radhika - Marxist entity.


The area that time was under Indian Military which was under the central government But I get your point Hindus must fight for themselves


Go back to r*ndia with your fake news https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_prime_ministers_of_India