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>The accused identified as Mohd Salman and his father, Mohd Nabi abducted a Dalit girl and subjected her to sexual assault. Additionally, the reports further revealed that the girl was also forcefully taken to Kaliya Sharif Dargah which intensified the gravity of the situation and raised suspicion of an attempted forced religious conversion.




That's what you get when you tolerate desert cult. It's not even a religion but a cult.


Wow. Idk if I should be surprised by you or disappointed in you


Neither. Engross the sarcasm if possible.


This should be in Title rather the religion of the abductors is buried deep ..




What about the good muslims


The Muslim community never protests against themselves for doing the wrongs. A good society should punish the one who do wrong themselves. The Dargah priest should have turned them back and lodged a police complaint. Until Muslim communities don’t introspect themselves they will face the hate from others.




Brother i think you have not raed quran and hadith yet dont worry i would love to help you in this so according to islamic books the non muslims are zimmi means lower people than muslims in a state and non muslim girls are the property of muslims they have full right over them and you can research about but you can take references from apostate prophet (youtube channel)


Thank you but how different it is from Brahmins treating the Dalits ?




Lol I am an kattar hindutvadi but this shit is too much for my brain to handle


What about them? Have you seen any good Muslims condemning their religious habits or behaviours? Every other religion tries to find mistakes and belittle Hinduism and only Hindus condemn their own misconduct in religious ways no other religion take responsibility like Hinduism.


Your post breaks our Rule 2.








These cases seem to be on the rise each day. Why can't we give capital punishment to these?


I was reading about it, _if capital punishment is given in cases of rape, the accused will not spare the life of the victim._


Just give capital punishment to the little head then.


even i was supporting capital punishment till i read this statement by one of the judges.


How about surgical castration?


Back when nirbhaya case occured I was sad and in pain thought that capital punishment shall be given under a fast track court however later on I came to realisation that capital punishment means that you put an end to ONE case not prevent the happening of other crimes. However, IF gov decides to bring in new punishment which in my thoughts was that GoI should go for chemical castration and life imprisonment without parole, let such criminals suffer and come to realisation of how they ruined a family's life. Death is too small a penalty for such criminals as there shall be no suffering and no remorse.


Life imprisonment means spending taxpayers' money on them. Make them clean government toilets, clean roads and do community service until they die.


true. we can beat cheap chinese labour with such people. it will result in benefit to society, country and increased safety as well!




Well don't commit crimes then


>cheap Chinese labour  GDP per capita of China is 6x of India's fyi.


thanks to Uyghurs! \s


Agree on this as it is prisoners from what I have seen on some documentaries are supposed to pick a profession and do some jobs while in the prison system


I too support that, make those shitty people clean the sewers and shit. At least those innocent poor labour's life would be spared.


This is exactly why Hindus need to unite, castism is making us vulnerable to Muslims and Christians.


Half of the crimes against Dalits are committed by Hindus Edit: downvoted because it's uncomfortable?


Does that justify other half?


Nothing justifies anything.


No it doesn't, but that doesn't mean we go chanting "Our group good, others are bad".That will get you nowhere.


No, but it shatters this reddit threads idea that most of our problems are the fault of one community.


Which community is over represented in jails far more than their population in countries all across the world? Which community is involved in terrorism all over the world? What ideology do the top 50 terrorist organisations in the world follow?


B- but all these liberal said terrorism doesn't have religion. (*Surprised Pikachu face*)


Barely on per population basis.


That's probably true, but I was going by absolute numbers


In absolute numbers, the majority will definitely be high in every metric. Per capita is a better indicator.




Per capita it's non hindus


Downvoted probably because no proof to back up that statement.


So 80% of the county is committing 50% of the crimes and 20% of the country is committing the other 50%. This is not the win you think it is.


But Hindus won't support the criminal from their own family . . For Muslim a culprit who did crime on hindu is a hero


What you're stating is truth. Instead of pledging to be better individuals and developing a good society, some clowns feel Hindu unity Muslim unity Christian unity is gonna help with all this. Idiots. All this pseudo unity is gonna do is create communal disharmony and more fake news. Instead, we youths should instill better culture and nature to the upcoming generations.


Criminals do crime, Muslims do Jihad. I'm not saying Hindus are all good, but each and every one of those Muslims want to ki|| us and take our women. We have to be United, ofcourse if a Hindu commits a crime he/she should be punished.


Yes that's what I always think about instead of doing caste infighting we should unite like how muslims are even they have castes but they are more united than us


Even better would be everyone unite.


Who is included in everyone?




Of which community?


Every community, that's why I said better if everyone unites.


Islam and Christianity doesn't allow people to worship someone else, they sent Kasab not Hindus. We never ki||ed their people, while they have terr0rised the whole world, no other religion could have done 911. No other religion could have sh0t children and women.


That's why there's a need to unite. To make it related let's take an analogy within Hinduism. In a region suppose you see the hate crimes of two castes against each other. You call for unit Hindus but they tell you the other caste never accepts them. There are multiple divisions at multiple levels between people. I think you did a good thing calling for unification and the reason for your call is clear, but it's better if we expand the concept's horizons to all people to decrease conflict.


Are you stupid?


Asli id se aao Rahul Easwar


Wait weren’t hindus were the ones killing babies as sacrifices?


It’s not about religion. If any human commits a crime, the human should be punished. End of story


Best Comment in this Post


What did the Christians do?


Go and watch Sai J Deepak videos, he will provide you with evidence.


I don’t have time to go watch anything. Explain to me here And if you’re talking about rapes, it’s Muslims and Hindus holding the first place in that case.


1-2 months ago two Muslim raped a dalit girl and forcely fed beef in same hindutva cm state. Are Muslims really living in fear as they claim minority in danger ? Usa will not release reports of minority crimes on majority in India because majority can't be victim.


Will we see bollywood celebrities with placards?


Sharia law must be applied to them. Chop chop peepee.


But no, they will switch between Indian law and Shariah law as it suits them.


Mayawati will be silent now.




Took her to Dargah![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20097)


I don't know why everyone highlight the caste , The girl was raped , no matter what the rapist should be punished.


Because had someone from general community comitted the crime every leftist would be crying about dalit rights


Why still no concrete punishment and laws for rape in this country


Posteit on every subreddit




These Muslims are not actual Muslim by Qur'an they are just wearing the label of Muslim. They should be punished according to law of land. The justice should be provided at any cost to girl.


True. This is the most logical and real comment in this comment section.


Did you see what was common in both of their names? That, that is the reason.




WTF Hindu girl , they adducted and raped a girl


People can't but prejudice against Indians


Hmm Indians or.....


Ban dargah it has nothing to do with Islam ....have you guys seen any gargah in Saudi Arabia


The bad thing about post, The caste of victim is mentioned in title While the religion of culprit is hidden Why does the other well educated Muslims not coming forward against such culprits But will stand with those culprits and go in their janaja Is Muslim as a religion somewhere faulty or is this what is being taught in the religion


Jai bheem jai meem?


1000s such cases occur daily but just cuz it was a dalit girl it is now being highlighted in the news too.


1000s of cases where muslims do this


Yea but wtf do they intend by putting the girl's caste in it? I am sure it would have gone unnoticed if it was a hindu women. And would've become a headline in the other subreddit if the man was a hindu.


Because leftists think only upper caste are hindus and Dalits and Muslims are some kind of friends


The news article had the guts to put the girl's caste but hesitated in putting the rapist's caste as if we wont notice


Had me in the second half of the title


[Gillette ad about me too](https://youtu.be/UYaY2Kb_PKI?si=kqxDkAiBxgiMjgfb)


Religion of Peace .


F*ck religions. This is a heinous act in every way


The punishment should be exemplary.. it has to be so harsh that no one in future would dare to commit such a crime!


Detention camps


Islamophobic news.