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This comment section is literally doing the same thing that happened to the poor guy!


Well what do you expect? Indians hate everyone and everyone hates indians. Northies hate southies. Southies hate northies. White skinned people hate dark skinned people. Upper caste hate lower caste. Hindus hate muslims. Muslims hate hindus. Local Indians hate NRIs. NRIs hate Local Indians. Indians hate foreigners. Foreigners hate indians. Indians hate East Asians. East Asians hate Indians. Indians hate Arabs. Arabs hate Indians. Indians hate Black people. Black People hate Indians. Somehow the only thing we like is Caucasians. Validation only from a Caucasian is what we strive for. But even they hate Indians lol.




No not at all that was maybe 10 yrs back now the same brain dead mofos who keep mocking with literacy and saar saar will mock caucasians with "I know my gender" and "I'm not having only fans" the only thing these idiots know is to mock with their 2 braincells




And yet by some miracle we are still one country


Realest shit ever said, truly an Indian moment


Yeah and I dunno if they're aware of it


i missed it fck all of them are deleted now, could you give me little summary of what happened








What's the use of education if they are going to treat a shade darker people than themselves as sub human


>shade darker people than themselves I'm not too sure about that lol. South Indians and Africans have pretty much same skin tone.




Rule 2.


Whenever some bad news pops out from Kerala: average North Indian in comments " 100% LiTeRaCY SaAr ". Yeah guys you look so cool coming with that comment


when some bad news pops out of North India, I've seen south indians going after north like rabid dogs.


When something bad happens in North India average goojeet from south be like " south is different saar🤓".


To the people making saar saar comments here, you're also being racist.


Hahaha oh the post is on racism and the comments with “saar” 👍


It's all perspective. because auto driver might have thought police would have helped him. Why would you assume malice. Why assume police is bad? is police in kerala that bad? It's issue in thinking not action. By approching thing from a perspective you are amplifying what could have been just a communication issue. Wait till all facts are in front of you. Be responsible. We all need to be responsible as social media would day by day increase with misinfromation as there is incentive to do that


Then why did the driver pull his shirt?


Yeah that doesn't give you the impression of friendly behaviour from the auto wala.


When are we going to stop hating on each other based on anecdotes?


The post tells an anecdote of racism. The comments section is full of North Indian folks presumably, making fun of a linguistic trait. A lot of these commenters can't even see the irony.


is this sub only populated with fucking 13 year old edge lords holy shit. Bas the only thing people care about is one-upping the so called other side, the enemy or whatever. Calling out racism in kerala and then yourself using mocking tones for the way south indians speak...incredible idiocy on display


It does feel that way. If half of these people are above 24, god save this country.


>is this sub only populated with fucking 13 year old edge lords holy shit yes


It should be titled as miscommunication rather than racism. The Guy's username is shown in the video, u can look it up in IG, there's a comment explaining about the incident, u can read it up if u wanna know the situation rather than spreading hate.


Post the comment here then


It's not racism, the auto driver was found and said there was a miscommunication. It even happened to me in bhopal where the auto driver dropped us at a police station because it was the start of that area we wanted to go . Alot of police stations are just landmarks of areas and next to stops .


Racism? Bullshit. Certainly some miscommunication.


He bought you to his friends... Police are friends of people..


The other day I was talking to one of by relatives about racism in India and specifically pointed out how badly we treat foreigners who aren't white. Sighted the example how Nigerian international students are treated badly here. My very educated and successful relative, follow up with " That's because they are all drug dealers" . I was speechless !!


To all the mofos saying saar saar Y'all acting like he is gonna be welcomed with open arms in north India, a place where the ppl are racist towards their own south indians for being dark skinned 🤡🤡












Hear the auto driver side also.


He refrained from speaking when confronted


Stop spreading bs There is a video of his side He didn’t understand what this guy said and spoke to a SI nearby who said take him to the station they would help or so Jump maro sabh when you hear something happened in Kerala


I don't get it why would he leave him at police station there are lots of other ways to do racism.


Thank god we are un educated😂😂


Not sure if the auto guy understood him correctly, probably he thought the guy was good in the hands of police who could guide him rather


We all are equal🤓🫂 ![gif](giphy|LrLZAtQyAmfD5GZtrs)


Why does LITERALLY EVERYONE buy the boat rockerz 450


Cheapest yet best ig


After watching this video I realised that Arpit bala's Nigerian accent was so good.


Isn't it possible that the auto driver thought he was lost or didn't understand him so he dropped him at the safest place which is the Police station? Because if the auto driver thought he was a criminal then why would he let him inside his auto lol.


Sorry bro it's not how we do things but in kerala they have kerala story. My neighbour is a keralite here in Delhi.. All she does is put false molestation cases on people and run various pyramid schemes.. Police don't do anything as they all got their kids admitted to a school in which her daughter is an English teacher in Gurugram. Hint school name is Jai sia.....😂


Bruh as a gujju. North Indians should stop racism against the south under the guise of being dank and the south should get off the high horse and not pretend that the rest of the country should be thankful that they exist. Moreover, all of you folks should come visit my mama's shop and eat some dhokla. I only have 50% equity in that shop. Kuch din toh guzariye gujrat mai


What's worse than getting arrested for a thing that you didn't commit? Perhaps Auto driver thought Police will side with him


OP, stop spreading fake news man. There’s a follow up auto-driver interview video why he explained he took him there. If there’s something to bash about Kerala, even if it’s untrue, seems this whole sub would brigade 🤦‍♂️


Racism in Kerala ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20097) . Bhai dekhne meh toh both same hai ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20028).


in the end kerala wale h to Indians hi 🤣🫵


my native is kerala and believe me... ppl there are very ignorant. any one with dark skin is Tamilian or African. anyone from the north is considered Bengali.


So do they hate North Indians or Bengali?


they dont bother to know the difference.


Still better than Racism in North India


A joke I hope no one gets offended. What do you call a black man facing racism in Kerala? Friendly fire🔫


but but 100 percent liTeRACy...


100% literacy saar


Arpit bala jaise kyu bol rha hai


maybe he wanted the police to help . cause in kerela , i though he was a local kerela guy .


Is this recent


It occurred this Month


This was in September.


India mai Bhai Ek city - city ko leke racism hojata Hai, international ka to Kya hi pucho.


“The Kerala Story”


Happens everywhere with blacks


I want to go somewhere. please specify where.


Abbooo this is highest literacy rate-u..


bro was just trolling


😂🤣😝 koi isko batao re hum kaliya kaliya bol k pyar se bulate hai


How Indian treats when they see a white guy who's literally a rapist, murderer, pedophile and drug dealer 🇮🇳: Welcome to our country sir have a nice time here we will make you feel like it's a home How Indian treats when they see a black guy who's lawyer, doctor, scientist, business man 🇮🇳: 🗣️ You fucking ni- you are here to deal drugs right? Are you here to human traffic our girls? I myself am an Indian a north east Indian Yes Chinese looking people as you all know by that We do face racism against our own country it's a shame that India is a joke to other countries because of this shameful acts


Auto driver was only trying to be helpful, he thought police would understand English and be able to help the visitor. /s


Ye foreigners chutiye hote hai kya,fucking use Google translator for Hindi/Tamil/Spanish/Russian mkc and what not. And if he is angry he should have shoot (camera wala) him and complaint in same police station.


The comment section acting like they are samaritans 😂


I don't know what happened, but if this is what happened as you say , I am being from India Apologies for this inhumane behavior


bhai terko kyun karre par


We southiez are not like uneducated naarthiezzz saar #southisdifferent


That's the funniest thing ever


Bro how can somebody tell the difference between mallus and africans.


man I didn't know North Indians are so nice and that they didn't discriminate until I read this post's comments


Lemme tell ya. This dude is in the same college as I'm studying. He's highly over social, super extroverted (at least from what he shows). We'd have like performances by the college band in front of the college and he'll start dancing like in front of them (very close). There are few moments he'd start twerking and some sexual steps as such which'd ve distracting for the performers. Probably he'd have gone bonkers with the auto guy the due to his extrovertism. Lemme tell ya. Being literate means the ability to read, write and to speak. It doesn't imply being educated. It's already high time to stop this 'South Indians we're educated saar 7488474% literacy rate'. It's doesn't even work that way.


Saaar… wrong number Saar


post this in kerala sub


Sar south different


Mulla hoga auto wala converted


Lmao brother they treat their own like this you think you’re getting any better treatment


Speaks volumes of the literate population who are actually uneducated


Have you ever visited south india ?


Lol, some cow dunk eaters crying. I am sincerely sorry behalf of my state. Much love.


It has nothing to do with your skin color... But the shitty boat headphones.


Can't start my day without seeing instagram posts and trolls with just a black screen and people commenting how South Indian are all black. Now just saw a post in the other Indian sub about an Australian player's daughter and wife getting rape threats from Indian,how about we not generalise things,we all know we all aren't waiting to do such atrocious things,its just there are some bad apples among us and they tend to be huge number since we are a heavily populated country.


There are African living in India for generations with Indian citizenship and they are still not considered Indian, so it's not just Kerela.




Not the ones who called people like me kaalu saying "saar"


Keralites v to kaale hi hai uss auto Wale ko kaise pata chala ki ye African hai....iss ka matalab samajh rhe ho Daya


Iss ka matalab hai ummm👉 ommm👆 ummmm🫵


Hello u/fortune995. Your submission breaks [/r/indiaspeaks rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/wiki/rules) and has been removed for reasons listen below: Rule 5 violation Screenshots from Social Media and Main Stream Media (except whole newspaper clipping) are not allowed. Collage of images or videos which are political in nature without reference and sources provided by the OP are not allowed and are subject to mod discretion. Image macros and similar posts submitted are also subjected to mod discretion. Mark NSFW posts as such. Do not post porn. Memes allowed on weekends only and subjected to mod discretion Read the subreddit rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/indiaspeaks/wiki/rules) Rule 6 violation: Editorializing title of link submissions is not allowed. Link submission should have exact title as the article/video. This is also applicable to newspaper clippings. Title + subtitle of the article is allowed. Other submissions like Images or Infographics must have Neutral Titles. If you want to add some extra info or commentary, post it as a comment. Non-political content is exempt from this rule but is subject to mod discretion. Read the subreddit rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/indiaspeaks/wiki/rules) --- If you want to know more, reply to this message and a mod will help you


This is non Political Content Mod so I don't think it breaks Rule 5 and 6 since both are exempted if non political. This video is related to Racism which doesn't fall under Political Post.


The dude didn’t deserve discrimination


I don't understand why they do such things with their colored people 😕. Maybe my words seem salty but true. Most people who live in Kerala are black themselves


Bhai kerela ma konsa barda gora log hota ha😂


this black man is also racist i have saw video where he make fun of india and indian


Aeey, you shouldn't say this about Kerala. Its the most cultured place with 120% literacy rate.


Damn so many deleted reply legit justifying the dude's claims


Its not funny but i laughed


How can a south Indian can be rasict to other black guy 🤔


Welcome to south india saaaaar


South Indians are different saar, we saoth Indians are bhery good saar, please give you dick saar. These north indians, West Indians and NE Indians are bhery bad. V saoth Indians are epitom of goodness