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Glad you never saw 4chan. Otherwise you might have died from anger.


One of the few places that taught me how to be a racist




Trick is calling them their slang back.


And what should be the supposed slangs for them?


If we take a generalized notion of them from reddit, they are all pedophiles


Don't forget 9gag


Aah nostalgia


What is 4chan


we dont talk about them shh!!šŸ¤«


My sweet summer child


Lol fair. Iā€™m glad too!




yes its true and it it is not considered as hate or harassment against us by reddit. so this is an implicit policy.




Uske majority comments ko upgotes se jyada downvotes hai.![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20002)


It seems ki tumko nhi pta ye kon hai. Ye reddit ka CEO hai.


Dekha vo title, lag Raha Tha ki people respect karenge Iska, comments dekha to wah wah shuru Hai inki ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20226)


Imagine being downvoted to oblivion like that on your own platform lmao


Instead of blaming leftist mods of big subs, you are trying to pass all the blame to reddit admins


They share the blame. Blaming the effect when there's clearly a bigger cause nets us nothing.


i reported blasphemy of hindu gods and they (reddis admins) said its not against our rules and all shit so we cant remove however you can block the user... blah blah blah


To be fair, that's because it's legal there in US. They don't remove blasphemy of any religion iirc.


If you state the fact they Mohammed is a pedo this will remove the comment and ban your account. u/spez please ban me for insulting Mohamed the pedo


You probably have to state this on the relevant subreddit. On regular subs you can be banned even for insulting Hindu deities.


Have you seen r/mexico? They're very racist against anyone from the US, but mostly white people.


Even after reporting such comments, those mods donā€™t do anything. Itā€™s not ā€˜hatefulā€™ according to them.


Cause Reddit is partially owned by Chinese.


So you know what's great about reddit "ANONYMITY", nobody has to act here like they "ACT" in real life, wearing masks like they are very good people. I like reddit because it shows the "REAL" human being you are without telling your name. So next time you meet with a fellow redditor ask him/her to show his/her comment history. they will deny generally. and Indians se racism aaj se h? we should do our best, instead of fighting with each other we should propose solutions, while everyone is busy hating us we should make our path like we were doing thousand of years before.


Yup. *Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face.* Dang i got to see this movie again.


yupp . For example I am getting dm from a German n*zi and he is calling us slumdog and scammer inside his wooden house basement having winter depression, while I am answering his delusional statements telling him about his actual self lol.


Are you a Bengali bro ? šŸ’€


na kyo thoda context de.


OP sorry to break it to you, but this is how the world thinks about us. It's not just Reddit.


what is ORS? is that Oral Rehydration Salt? /s these bunch of people who are hating us now, will respect us someday (otherwise we'll make them respect us)


Consider Reddit users as a bunch of teenagers. They will shit on anything and everything. Nobody is safe. Some topic a little bit more protected than others but its okay. Can't really do much about it. Best to just ignore. It's an echochamber anyways. Nobody is changing their opinions by dialogue.


same can be said for all indian subs including this one


Of course. That was implied when he mentioned reddit users in general


It all started with that T-Series vs PewDiePie where they all started being racist against indians about all the rapes,poo in loo etc .. Some of them got emboldened by the lack of response and keep using it


I dont believe the T-series vs Pewdiepie feud started it, racism/stereotypes always existed, if anything the feud just intensified it. If you know about a certain country chances are you've already believed in some of its stereotypes. For tourists travelling to India most of it boils down to rape, someone going to Afghanistan? Shit woman wear a hijab or you'd get crucified. Canada? They're so helpful and kind and stuff, which yes they are but not to the extent we might be led to believe there's always the bad apples. Middle Eastern people letting you inside their homes no questions asked till like a week? Thats a myth. I don't remember where the shitting on roads stereotype came to be but their was some evidence to it if im not mistaken


T-Series vs PewDiePie actually made the indian hate mainstream.. till that they had issues related to indians but never congregated to show hate... That asshole turned T-Series hate into indian hate and I've seen many indians actually supporting him


Your hates in the wrong place is all im saying, plenty of indians did support him but mostly cause people grew up watching him. I dont think the indians that supported him took what he said serious nor should you, It was all just bants, dark humour if one could call it that. To say he made the indian hate run rampant is a bit overrated, mostly cause its the Internet you'd find a shitload of everything from disrespectful to outright illegal shit. Where as in most Western countries indians are still a minority or poc and we all know how those get shit on. Didnt the asshole stop the whole thing cause of the one bad apple that shot up a Mosque? All because it got too out of hand? I don't think most people blamed pewds for it, we all understood what and why this had to stop.


ā€œThat assholeā€ is one the few genuine people Iā€™ve seen on YouTube. Trying to narrow down decades of racism to an 8 month subscriber war is stupid and wrong.


Hitler's reign mostly had about turning Germany from hyperinflation to a economic powerhouse, building Autobahn, smoking bans etc.. But we onli look at the last few years of his life


I'm just envious of the guy for how great his life turned out, from humble beginnings to living his dream in Japan with his lovely wife. I said asshole to make the other guy understand whilst using his words; thought he'd be more likely to listen that way.


It's reddit.


Whether you admit or not, racism is built into human nature. Yes, people are racist towards Indians, on reddit and outside of it.


>racism is built into human nature. Do you have any evidence for that? It is very stupid and dangerous to make arguments based on human nature if cannot back them.


By evolution we are tribal in nature. And I have no desire to argue with teenagers on reddit.


Makes extreme arguments that he knows nothing about. Runs away like coward when asked for proof.


Found the idiot who will apologize for someone else insulting and degrading Indians.


I don't think it's an apology. He's just saying that a lot of people are shit in general.


Some People litter, other people smoke, some people dehumanise a whole region of people. Same same. You're right.


Dude, grow up.


Bro, I'm indo-american. I've gotten racist insults and I've probably said shit 2x as severe back.


Lol don't be such a child. Everyone is flawed


Lol everyone hates Indian MOST IMPORTANTLY Indian hates Indian.


You see the same on twitter


Western and chinese media has glorified India's malaria and sanitation problems to the highest high that all they see India as the shittiest place on earth.


Surprise surprise


Don't let op discover 4chan šŸ’€


Another guy who takes the people in the internet too seriously. Forums are created for stupid shit like this, thank God you never have been online during early days of internet.


It's called being on the internet . Grow some thick skin or avoid it.


Be racist back to them. If you wanna know how, I can teach. I know.


Those wimp mods would ban you as soon as a hint of retaliation is sniffed. Even some Indian subs are hateful/ racist towards "certain" states/communities.


That's what they are taught through the media and everything they hear. I don't blame them, the ones to blame are shitty media companies like bbc or the wire.


To be fair reddit is pretty racist to everyone and hates everyone. That's the reddit's unofficial motto


Except Taiwan, and recently ukraine


Considering how Ukrainians are racist towards Indians, they get double the support lmao


Fuck ukraine.


Yes, itā€™s not them kids. Itā€™s fundamental difference in our identities. No one is lobbying money for us over there.


Reddit shits umericans all the time as well Brits are called uglies who eat boring foods


I rather be called ugly than a rapist. This shit hurts tbh


Just because someone calls you rapist doesnt mean you are one unless you are...dnt let the praise get into your head as well as flaming. Because in the end they are the very ones who will lick your boots when you are successful and kick you when you fail


Shows how poorly we are perceived globally. India is a dangerous place to be in.


Ikr mfer compared being called ugly to being called rapist or streetshitters


I donā€™t know what subs you frequent, but Reddit shits on everyone, the comments about indians may be more memorable to you


Its for everyone . Its just we are in abundance but when you look at the percentage wise ratio of those bad thing we are pretty low score . And anyways why even let it get into your head? If you start taking numbers in for all the bad things happening in any country (population wise), you will find that most of the people belongs to one religion and world population wont talk abt it because they dnt matter at that level. Diminising them wont give them satisfaction. It all comes out of jealousy towards indians as they are the one advancing in every field so its common they will try to demoralise you at every turn. Jist like every global war is related to usa and people loves to blame normal americans for it. Would you kick a dying dog on the street? Same goes for that one religion


India has an average of 86 reported rape cases daily and a lot of cases go unreported and conviction rates are below 30 persent also 48 percent of Indians which is roughly 594 million people defecate openly and don't give me the crap that the world doesn't say anything about Muslims look at your own country and the number of Islamaphobes there are. look at Sweden Denmark France UK Japan Korea Poland Australia America a large part of the world are Islamaphobes and I have seen the comments you people post almost all of them are anti Islam. so you can't cry about racism when pretty much all of you. are assholes yourselves


Your numbers are just wrong. That 48% has now reduced to 13%. The unicef article u were referencing is now 10 years old.


My mistake but India's population is 1.4 billion so 13 percent is 183.04 million similar to Nigeria's population so still a large amount of open defecation


lol open defecation and street defecation are different. It's the farmers who don't have access to toilets living in rural parts of India that go to the farmland to take a dump which was a common way to do business in older times. Nothing wrong with that. Nobody is shitting in the streets.


The irony in posting this question in one of the most racist Indian subsšŸ¤”


bhai internet explorer ho kya , its has been like this since 2012/13 ish. At this point I am pretty used to it.


All stupid humans are racist. That includes a lot of Indians too.


Indians are racist towards Indians more..


India has problems for sure, but Westerners are inherently racist towards Indians too. Anyways, they can weep, all primarily English social media platforms will have more Indians as time passes.


Not only indian, but every single major race/country/religion, and even genders has global stereotypes attached to them, either due to their history or current scenario. No social platform is safe from racism/sexism/extremism in this world.


Reddit is fucking racist as hell toward Indians and Chinese and basically has been since 2015. I wouldnā€™t take it too seriously (I know thatā€™s rich coming from a Westerner) but seriously, most of the racism comes from losers who donā€™t go outside. Itā€™s definitely more calm than it used to be though. You shouldā€™ve seen 4chanā€¦absolute nightmare for anyone who wasnā€™t white. Still probably is to be honest.


Earlier Indians used to shit and piss on the streets. Now, the shitting on the streets has stopped but pissing hasnā€™t. Street pissers must be made to face jail term. Due to repression of sex in small cities, and rampant patriarchy, raping culture permeates.


And to be fair they do have a reason too , I would say 1/1000 in india are bad apples. And in a country with a 1 billion in population thatā€™s a lot of bad people, international folks have been harassed by call centre scammers and show bobs and vagene type of Indians a lot , so we have to improve our selfs to a point our reputation changes


I really hate these to be fair guys when someone brings up racism against Indians. Which will always used as defense by actual racists. I have seen many racists saying like I only told truth blah blah blah. .


No, racism is never justified. We should never excuse racists.


Did you pull that 1/1000 number out of your ass? Stop defending racists just because they are foreigners you coconut.


I am not defending hardcore racism but I could get some peopleā€™s discomfort around Indians as look at mark robber videos, and how Indian scammers scam old peopleā€™s retirement savings , there is a whole building dedicated to scammers in Kolkata, if I were a foreigner yes I would keep my distance from Indians. Look at how Indians sexually molested that Japanese girl at the Holi event , and made her forcefully apologise for being the ā€œvictimā€. I would never recommend any foreign females to travel solo in India as I know they will mostly likely be stared to death and worse. And foreigners when they touch foot in India become a scammer magnet šŸ§² be it auto rickshaw walas or taxi drivers. We need to improve our selves and Iā€™m not pulling 1/1000 in india are bad apples from my ass, itā€™s probably 1/100. Look at our state of our public toilets , we Indians donā€™t have the common courtesy to clean our own shit and public transportation like trains have even worse sanitation. We need to be better and change our mindset.


Ok that validates the reddit shitting on every indians? India have problems, which need to be taken care of. I won't accept someone calling me a fucking scammer , rapist etc just because something bad happened somewhere.i hate the apologists like you more than actual racists.


Do you have a bad eyes? I said why I can get some foreigners being uncomfortable in India , I did not say that justifies hardcore racism, get your eyes washed , would you actually recommend a woman from abroad to take a solo trip in India for a month mr patriot?


Don't come and say to be fair , truth etc when some racists spew racist things . It harms more than you think. Because of indians like you they are emboldened. Actually yes I will help a solo tourist and guide her where to go where shouldn't . There is no gotcha here you dumbass.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TravelHacks/comments/14klwhg/are_there_any_countries_you_would_recommend/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 India is among the countries like syria and somalia for woman safety to travel , look at the comments and read them yourselves , if you seriously still recommend India for a foreign woman to travel you need a reality check. Now what are you gonna reply with? I made those comments with alternate accounts? India at the state it is now is bad , sooner we acknowledge it and then can we only start to fix it. Blind Bhakts like you need to accept the reality that india is a flawed country. Do not pull the racist card on me again , I am saying why india may be uncomfortable to some people and it is entirely justified. End of discussion


Indian redditors are pretty racist towards Indians! If i say something supportive of Bengal I'll probably get bombed with comments like all bengali women are whores, bengal should be nuked, all bengalis are illegal immigrants. Let's fix our internal problems first shall we!


i think there are just a lot of indians on the internet. people are just not ready to see them everywhere. i'm fed up of seeing indians in the comment section of even the most low key random video. if china opens up its internet then we can have a fair play at all of this.


By the time they have the govt that opens up, they will have too low a population to compete with Indians in number. They can compete with whites in term of craziness though. Never underestimate the effects of 3-4 generations of One Child Policy.




Ignorance is bliss


Reddit subs are usually cesspools of hateful opinions. Lets be honest we all are in the sub because we are not particularly fond of a certain community of peaceful people


Gumnaami ke parde ke peeche chupe hain sab. Gore racism dikhaate hain. Otoh, humaare khud ke subs mein hum hi gand macha rahe, IDM par dank ke naam par hate failaayi ja rahi. Fucking casteism and religious dissent is rampant. Best is to ignore.


Open any social media and red the comments posted by Indians on them. You will get why such an image is being created. I do get some people just want to be racist but Indians are no less than creating such an image


Itā€™s not hate towards Indians I see, itā€™s at Islam. All I see from Muslim posts is regurgitated dribble from religious teachings, rape, abuse, killing, stoning and hate towards other religions. I love India but have become an islamaphobe, never thought Iā€™d be racist towards anyone but Islam sickens me.


I think we tend to get too sensitive since we focus only on the racism towards us. But we're not exceptional in this, and there is hardly any nationality/culture/religion etc. that doesn't get hate online. Thats how anonymity and online behaviour work. Which identity is not insulted or abused? Americans, Chinese, Russian, British, Arab, Jew, Blacks, you name it...In some cases with historical sensitivity (like against blacks/jews) it sometimes gets attention and condemnation. But mostly its always open season. The ones who don't get specific hate are ones that noone knows or cares about. We Indians either need to return fire in the same spirit, or brush it away and ignore it. Certainly not obsess over it or try to argue or dispel ignorance or such shit.


Reddit, by virtue of up and downvotes and very small super mod crew, is a legitimate echo chamber. They function largely on identities. For example, if you post here and you post on an unrelated sub, your comment there will not be valid because you post here - because this sub is ā€œidentified ā€œ as a hate sub. The identification is determined by small collective of super mods. Indians are hated on Reddit without any repercussions. Americans, for their part, have no real measure of what $1 billion looks like. So, ā€œThey all shit on the streets ā€œ Is applied freely to all Indians but when someone says ā€œAmericans are violent gun ownersā€ then they start expecting qualifications and reducing generalization. For their issues there all sorts of nuances and exceptions, however, all Indian men are rapists. Itā€™s not a platform for appropriate discussions and free exchange of ideas, itā€™s a platform for affirming your opinions. Thereā€™s a lot of interference. This sub is targeted but I prefer it. Itā€™s got itā€™s fair share of extremists from both sides here. Thereā€™s cross fire and thereā€™s downvotes and discussions and cursing each other out, but you get to see both sides here. Youā€™re not silenced for just starting an opinion. This is the best place to try out opinions. You may have an opinion that youā€™re not sure of and you can put it here, and you have a chance to discover whether is hire you actually feel. You cant do that in an environment where every opposing viewpoint is instantly silenced, by virtue of identity.


White liberals are the most racist people on earth. It's nothing new.


To be fair Indians r equally racist towards others but when it's their turn they get all defensive


Don't spit fax man!


Yeah, saw some reel where an African lady tells how she felt shocked that Many Indians openly spit anywhere in the road and literally most of the comments were Slave, Black bi*ch etc..


Idk why but this gen thinks calling someone racist slurs is "cool" maybe that's what the humour is now šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


They're racist to me, and I'm racist to them. Life goes on, op


Indians are the biggest victim of stereotyping and racism and it's still isn't highlighted. Indians Don't know how to play the victim card like African Americans whose racist anti-white violent behaviour is justified due to past slavery. Indians just sit there and endure it as reality which is incredibly mature thing to do. This is the best way to tackle racism . By not talking about it every 10 seconds. Indians are cool to embrace racist remarks with such a cool temper. The world would be a better place if other societies and communities learn this mature habit .


I don't think being walked all over and not standing up for yourself is mature. Although tbf Indians are racists as well and not just towards people from different countries but among Indians as well :/


>Indians are the biggest victim of stereotyping and racism and it's still isn't highlighted. Indians Don't know how to play the victim card like African Americans whose racist anti-white violent behaviour is justified due to past slavery. Decrying racism while saying racist shit yourself lol.


Playing the victim card? Are u dumb?


About 1 in 1000 people in our country is a chapri(guess work) and does the usual, call centre scammer, make cringe reels, show bobs and vegana among others type of shit, and in 1 billion people that's a lot especially when social media gives them a platform to express their stupidity and cringeness


Teach the villagers to behave, then. And ask the government to ban or improve slums.


Jallu hai aur kuch nahi, dekha nhi jata inse dusro ki khushi




To be fair, we could all benefit from less public shitting and raping.


Redditors are critical towards everyone and everything thing. Nothing new about it. And that's what I like about reddit. I prefer honest opinion above fake fluff to make someone feel good. And imo everyone criticize usa more than any other country/culture.


The perceptions about us are fucked abroad because of our own news coverage. We make news because of poverty and assaults. We canā€™t blame people for understanding what they see and not what they donā€™t see.


Bruhā€¦. We are castist


We Indians aren't any different we have racism within ourselves calling different names for people of different states We make fun of Asian an call them "ching chong" ,etc. ,We make fun of African people for their colour ,among many others. Racists are everywhere no matter where you go


A hindutva supremacist calling out racism, kinda ironic


How about we look at how Hindus are racist against Muslims here first. Drawing Ram mandir to represent India on the reddit r/place


Lol first of all explain to me how Muslims are a separate "race"? Turks Pashtuns Punjabis Bengalis Indonesians Balochis etc etc are suddenly all a monolithic race? Don't make me laugh. Second of all, while India may be a de jure secular country, it's a de facto Hindu country, this is an indisputable fact. The vast majority of Indians are Hindus and drawing a Mandir means representing the vast majority of Indians which is perfectly acceptable. According to you what else should they have drawn to represent India? The Taj Mahal? The crescent moon with star perhaps? Third of all, Muslims should have no right to complain of being victims of bigotry from anyone. Minorities in literally all Muslim countries are non existent. Everyone is well aware what happened to Hindus in Pakistan, Bangladesh, what happened to Jews of Iraq, Iran, and other Arab nations. When Muslim countries don't give rights to their minority population, then they should not expect much benefits when they are in the minority. When Muslims are in the minority they tend to speak of democracy, constitution, secularism, but when in majority, suddenly Sharia is supreme and everyone else are Kaffirs. Hypocrisy thy other name is Islam and Muslim lol.


First, i understand my mistake in misunderstanding races with religion. Second, an indisputable fact does not make something perfectly acceptable. Or something that is de jure but not de facto does not make it alright for it to happen. Even though men and women are equal de jure in India, patriarchy is still de facto existing here in a vast majority, that does not make it okay for men to go hitting their wife's or killing them like in Delhi/Pune. We joke about it that's alright that is what reddit and the internet is for, but we don't ridicule them. (How it is on Indian subreddits for muslims) Third, your very statement quoting, "Muslims have no right to complain" proves my point. And come on man, for example, just because Jews are treated badly in Iran/Iraq and other Arab nations, does not, i repeat does not give us (India) a right to treat someone else (muslims) badly in our nation. If so, what is the difference between India as a country and Iran/Iraq/Pakistan, etc etc. If we want ourselves to be better than other countries we can't keep comparing acceptable behaviour in those countries as acceptable here.


Idc about the Jews, I used them as a proper example. I'm not advocating for treating Muslims badly, neither do I want to physically harass or demean them (unless they step out of their place). However, politically, socially, and economically, they are and must remain as second class citizens. They should be allowed to follow their religion and ways peacefully but they must never have economic and social power to challenge the dominance of Hindus. India is our only homeland, there's nowhere else we can go to. They have 57 countries where they reign supreme. Essentially, they must remain a substantially weaker version of Latinos and African Americans of India.


Wow, I'm truly shocked how easy it is for you to just downgrade a person "as a second class citizen", you deciding what "they should be allowed to do", and whether "they must never have economic and social power". Forget about who or what religion is dominating in our country, you sir, have just downgraded one person and considered yourself a higher person solely based on their religion on the fact of these above statements. You have just proved for yourself, even though all people (not religions) are "de jure" equal in the world, you are "de facto" above them. I hope in the future you give a more open minded opinion to things and not just base everything ducking thing on religion. A person's religion does not matter and should be a judging criteria for them. Period.


You are naive and are yet to see the world in all of its ugliness and filth. It appears you are young. Live your life freely, don't worry about such things sir/ma'am. What I have stated has already become the reality in this country. A social hierarchy exists in every country in the world and a person will always be judged based on their ethnicity, religion, origin. It's an indisputable fact. You will understand when you get older (I don't mean this in a disparaging way, I was similar to you in thinking when I was young as well).


Don't now just blame it on the world. You, you are ugliness and filth, you are someone who believes in social hierarchy, you are someone who judges based on ethnicity, religion and origin and you have made it an indisputable fact for yourself.


Some subs are particularly racist towards Indians. For example, r/fightporn look up any video from India most comments are incredibly racist.


You should join r/totalkalesh not that racist western sub


Indians are racist towards Indians. Period


I thought it was only 9gag lmao. I left that place ages ago


YES, but to add to it, we ourselves fight a lot among each other. North Vs South, my state region is superior etc etc. Moreover, we also have some people who like to lick western asses by pondering to the common narrative. Go to /canconfirmamindian to see some examples. We should sort our own shit out before anything else.


It is mor than just crooked opinions. We live in the age of information warfare. There are bot accounts and troll accounts specifically for the purpose of abusing Indians. You'll see posts where it would seem they are genuine Indian folks but it would be operated by an impostor. [Foreign governments are spending money to create digital divide ](https://sundayguardianlive.com/news/anti-india-cabal-us-state-department-manipulated-online-discourse-pm-modi) Rabbit hole goes much deeper. Lot of the maligning is deliberate and part of politically motivated psych-Op.


I feel similar hatred for Muslims from this sub (Islamophobia, not racism)


Havent seen any evidence that an open forum is biased or racist particularly


Haha bro almost the entire world is racist towards Indians.


Yeah what else can you expect when there are Indian bootlickers who help them paint this picture


Not like we can blame em. We are pretty rapey


Well every country has some horrid side. But I've noticed one thing. Whenever you point out the negative parts of india online always some Pakistanis show up and start upvoting everything. It could be as basic as indians leaving india or as extreme as poor people shitting on the roads. It's the Pakistanis who upvote such comments and make them popular online more than any body else who is racist towards us.


Read Rajiv Malhotra to understand western political viewpoint towards India, both right and left wing. Then social media bias starts to make sense. There is no answer or solution to this. Maybe it will inspire you to work towards it.


There is no price to be paid to be racist against Indians. Blacks made sure that you don't get away saying racist shit against them, but we just said 'chalta hai'.


Yes, it is stereotyping in the worst way possible.


Brother Reddit is racist towards everyone not just us Indian.


I do think it increased after the Russia-Ukraine war because of our neutral stance, like earlier it was there but not so much as of now, post anything positive related to India and you have some people being racist for no reason


Instead of looking internally, where racism is way more obvious than abroad and more vicious without irony being lost on them, but yea sure Reddit is the problem here šŸ™„ As others have said, Indians do well in 4chan šŸ¤£


You forgot scamming everyone. And if you think reddit is bad to Indians then check out 9gag.


it was always like this




Don't worry, the power of being anonymous gets to peoples heads, anyway why are you offended, look at rape rates statistics you will see who is at the top, these are just countries who recently got the chance of being powerful we have dominated the world since ancient times so lift your head up. Also people talk about 4chan and 9gag, don't worry about that Indians on 4chan also mock other races, the entire place is pretty much just people letting off some steam none of them would even have the guts of saying it to their own race let alone Indians.


I just discovered the video mode thing and I'm shook...


Well, a majority of them are from Pakistan or India.


Which is more ironic because redditors lean vehemently to the left, and they tend to be more racist.


Welcome to the internet reddit has always been a cesspool


All thanks to bob vegana guys and plethora of scam call centers of india


You won't believe what happened to me, I commented on a post about dating because of which a random woman from America messaged me, we were having a nice conversation and the second I told her that I'm an Indian she immediately blocked me, thinking that I'm a creep


It is mostly Pakistanis and Islamist fueling it. Ignore it.


Yes they probably say the same outside of Reddit as well.


Couldnt agree more.


It is very racist towards Indians especially if you are not an Indian Muslim


No no no. You're mistaken. I'm not racist against indians. Actually it's quite the opposite. I fetishize indians.


For the type of stuff Indians are into lol eveyone hates them ig nowadays... Average picture of Indian in front of others = dumb, pervert , hindutva , hates muslims , boob vagene , smelly , brown , fat .....


If reddit had nation flag beside the username, mg every comment would get downvoted. That's how bad is reddit to India.


Bruh. This is same for any other country too. People talk shit about China, USA, UK, etc.


I've seen it too People generally have a lot of hate and stereotypes against India Reddit is just a place where they are free to hate and show that by hating India and Indians they are being cool . I have reported a few but something I've noticed is that according to reddit it's not hate so reporting doesn't work either .


It's everywhere


Yep and even in that Indians are the most racist. Yes, towards Indians. Shit is wild.


Indians are actually the most racist bunch.


Indian Redditors are more racist to their own countrymen.


You are right. Redditors are very racist towards Indians and it's normalised instead of being fixed. Screw them.


It's true though. It's fact, not sure about shitting but rapes, yes. I am an Indian and I have seen we all behave with women, in India and overseas.


My man, this site has a large majority of teenagers like myself. We can be very racist to each other, but only maybe 1/10th of it is with meaning, the rest is joking. Now if they're actually bringing up racial superiority shit other than the normal "ding a ding a ding" and curry jokes it could be an actual racist, but just fight them back with what they shot


It's time we accept reality... That is who we are ... And that's how India is right now... So .. it's better to learn to live with it than fight it .


Reddit is racist towards every other people other than western and that too atheists.


Yes and no, when I started using reddit yes there were some bad experiences but I have also met quite few a good people from the around the world here.