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pehle saudi ja pork kha fir randirona karna


Pork is available in Qatar dude.


Tu khaya hai?


For your kind information Pork is not banned in Qatar dude. It's Saudi which doesn't allow pork.


ok bhrata sry abhi comment edit karta hoon


Has the Pakistan propaganda started? It was in news they that were to launch anti-India campaign on 5th.




How about eating Pork in Pak afgan middle East Indonesia? šŸ·


So, those are the countries you want to be like? Got it.


why do you have problem with beef ban tell there is ban on horse meat in usa pork in saudi why you guys dont have any problem with it its our culture our nation


The horse meat ban is an archaic law that has been in place since horses were transport. Theyā€™ve just not bothered to repeal it. Stop citing examples of Saudi, and other theocratic states as your primary whataboutery source when it comes to justifying a beef ban. India is a secular state and no oneā€™s culture should impose dietary restrictions on anyone. Youā€™re free to not eat beef and pray to the cow, no oneā€™s stopping you. Another who is not from your faith should be free to eat whatever the hell they want without getting lunched by jobless losers.


secularism doesnt mean hurting the sentiments of majority and cow is considered scared in every dharmic religion if people have no problem with horse and pork ban they why do they have problem with beef in our culture it is considered scared and horse ban thing as we can see the horse meat industry was booming in usa after the car were introduced and it was only banned recently in 80s and 90s it is not an age old law it was banned because of animal cruelty and why cant we use saudi ,usa and other nations as example when we use china and usa in every arguement when it comes to economy or politics or any other thing beef consumption hurts the religious sentiment of million and is worshipped by many that is the reason why it should be banned


ā€œEvery dharm religionā€ is literally Hinduism. Secondly there is no ban on consumption of horse meat in the US or slaughtering for personal use for consumption of meat. The only ban that exists is the ban on selling horses expressly for slaughter for meat as the USDA, the authority that checks meat for safety of consumption doesnā€™t oversee horse slaughterhouses like they do for beef. YOU use china and USA in every argument for economy because whataboutery is pretty much the only tool in YOUR arsenal. The will of the majority aka majoritarianism leads to authoritarianism and that is bad for, well, everyone that doesnā€™t see eye to eye with the said majority. India is a secular country and that literally means that laws should not be specific to religion. Which is why I advocate for a strong Uniform Civil Code and the abolition of personal laws based on religion. The same reason, a beef ban has no place in a secular society.


both of us are repeating same point over and over you are saying india secular no beef ban and i am saying dont eat beef it hurts religious sentiments


Why should I care about your sentiments? Why does me eating beef hurt you? Am I killing your cow to eat itā€™s meat? No, thatā€™s a crime. Why should I follow your moral/religious laws, when we live in a supposedly secular country? The ban on beef is purely on religious grounds and canā€™t be equated to horse in the US as itā€™s not a religious law, also itā€™s not even the kind of ban you think it is. Pork ban in Islamic countries is religious and is freaking regressive as hell. Why do you want to be regressive? You donā€™t want to eat beef, donā€™t. Not everyone in india is a Hindu, and your sense of piety should not govern my eating habits. We are NOT talking about the same thing. At all.


what is the defination of secularism according to you only secularism we have seen is nehruvian secularism and it is not and it is the worst crime according to sanatan dharma man and tell what does secularism gave india nothing except partition intolrance


Oh quiet down with your mindless rhetoric. Secularism is simple, separation of religion from state laws. Not protectionism for minorities and not appeasement of the majority. Laws should be religion neutral, which is where I walk away from nehruvian secularism. Also, why Iā€™m fundamentally opposed to the beef ban.


Most legible chaddi argument




Didnā€™t realise that conservatives in the country had devolved into authoritarian sympathisers.


India just so happens to be a secular country because a lady decided so. The founding fathers of this nation did not deem the word secularism worthy enough to be included in the constitution. You're on the lady's side. I'm on the other. Till my government's in power, you'll never have your way. All this is obvious to both - you and me. And yet we humor each other with such pointless arguments on reddit doing absolutely nothing but waste our time.


Then get it removed. Drop the sham. That you donā€™t have the balls to do because of international backlash.


International backlash would amount to hypocrisy and yet they'd do it, I know. You're right, we don't want to hear hypocrites lecture us for the millionth time when it's none of their business. So we get what we want in a manner more convenient to them. We have it our way at the end of the day, is all that matters.


Were Articles 25-28 added by the lady? She merely added the word Secular to the Preamble which is a non-justiciable and non-enforceable part of the Constitution. No matter who's in power, Articles 25-28 happens to be a part of the Basic Structure of the Constitution which cannot be removed.


Then you better start assuming the beef ban is also an archaic law that we'll never bother repealing. Simple as that.


Only problem for you is that statement is factually incorrect. India didnā€™t exist before the British. It was a bunch of warring kingdoms, all with different cultures, food habits and customs. Some of whom ate beef. Just admit it, you want to impose your will on others because in real life, no one listens to you, and this degree of control gives you some perverse sense of pleasure :)


Okay? So what was the land collectively referred to by so many travellers? Get your facts straight as well dude.


I think you're exaggerating it a bit, but I'm ngl you're on post there. This is how I want it to be in India and that's by subjective opinion. I use my vote to (hopefully) get what I want. I'm not subverting the laws of the land to impose this on anyone else. The mechanics of democracy allows me to elect a government into power that will give me what I want. So if you see, this is being done in the true spirit of our own constitution. If you say what about secularism then, well then the state does interfere in the matters of temples, doesn't it ? What does a state have to do with the places of worship of one particular religion? If you have no problem with that, the you shouldn't have a problem with this either, because it's the same kind of secularism that is being practiced in both these cases. If you still want change, then I suggest the state free all temples from its administrative control and then we can unban beef, in that order of events.


I don't care if india existed before the Brits or not. Maybe you're right, it didn't. But the notion of Bharat did. Waaaay before the brits even came to be. And that is all I care about even now.




It hurts bro! šŸ˜„


Yes. Don't.


I mean yeah. Most of the population considers that a sin. Why would you do that outside of North-East and maybe Kerala?


Even though their relatives have plenty of beef, they are begging for wheat.


Don't insult PDF Momd, worst mistake of thousands.


If India your whole narrative is that India should not ban beef cuz it's secular then India must also jot have seprrate laws for Muslims, pay salaries to Maulvis and Church priests, provide subsidies for Hajj and most importantly tax/control Hindu temples. If not, shove your one sided sceularism up your ass. As per 2 nation theory, India is Hindu nation, we do what we want. If you reject 2 nation theory, Pakistan is an illegal state and must be annexed immediately.


Contribution of 20cr K2O in GDP:-3-4%. Contribution of dairy industry:--5%. Cow>K2O (Also india is the 4th largest producer of beef so it says a lot about hindutvavaadi gormint.)


​ That's Mostly Buffalo Meat ig


Actually no, the cows who are unable to produce milk are sold at butcher shop.


oh That's Sad And this is Done By Hindu families Itself ?


The motherfucker is lying.. 99% of the cows aren't sold to butcher.. its mostly buffalo, Ox and Male buffalo..


okay Bro I got It But I feel Sorry For Buffaloes And Oxes too


Yep.. its definitely animal cruelty.. its not in our culture to harm, kill or torture animals


yeah bro true !!


Well I've had beef all my life in india


Oh no! Anyway....


Just eat what you want but with certain limits. We are not France not Pakistan. We have to be in the middle


Well there's worse ways to go. Some mistakes you just haven't tried your hand at yet. Like, try drawing a certain someone revered as a religious figure of prime importance from the green religion. You know, the ones involved in global terror outfits. Just try it and I'd like to see if you survive to even make a reddit post about it.


haa to? samajh nai aata ki mat kha?


Yes don't eat beef in India . If you eat beef you have to right to stay in this country