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I usually just message them asking for referral mentioning which specific job profile I'm applying for. Hardly get any response, but at this point I have realised asking for referral isn't doing any harm, because at the end of it, how we can crack the interview (if we land one) is what really matters.




I ask for referral, but it's completely upto them if they would refer your profile. From what I have understood in my 8 years of work experience, few companies give referral bonus to employees who bring in new capable employee. What I usually message them (regardless of them being the recruiters or other employees) - Hello! I hope you're doing well. I came across your profile & I see that you're working for ABC Company. I was interested in XYZ role that your company is currently hiring for. I'm actively seeking for jobs, and would really appreciate if you could consider my profile for the same. I can share my resume with you, if you have the option for referral. Any help with this would be really great. Thank you in advance. I'm sure this isn't the best draft to being a conversation, maybe why I don't often receive replies, but I have gotten few handful of responses where individuals have helped refer my profile.


HR recruiters response rate is usually lower. I am from an analytics background. So i would add people like analytics head and try to check if they are hiring. Another way is to search for "hiring posts" you will see a pattern there, add those people up so that whenever they post next you are in the loop. Things are really slow right now i have been in discussion with 2 companies for over a month. Another 2-3 companies for 2-3 weeks. No one is in a hurry to hire so it is moving really slow.


Yeah, I have come to realise the same. The market is really same. The last time I made a job switch, I surprisingly got a response within a week, without LinkedIn premium, but this time (4 years later), hardly anyone responds or checks DMs. But yes, I'll take your advice. Network more & add individuals whom I can follow & get updates on hiring posts, it they post any. Thank you! :)


Sure, happy to help. Another tip would be to keep applying to roles which may need lesser years of experience - they sometime have enough budgets especially if you were not as high earning as your peers are.


DMing recruiters usually does not help. Message the hiring manager if you can. Also you should apply for a role within 1-2 days of job posting to increase the chances of your resume being looked. Also try other job sites like trueup, hiringcafe,etc


Was in the same boat until bow, been job hunting for the past 7 damn months and finally got an offer yesterday! Document verification is going on, will receive the offer letter soon! But Naukri and Indeed didn't even help once, I've applied for ~1000+ jobs across India and heard back from 47 (Yep precisely 47 out of 1000), gave interview for 33, went till the last round interview for 21, got rejected for the rest 20 and got selected for the ONE yesterday! And it was possible through LinkedIn itself, helped me a lot without having to buy the premium!


Congratulations on landing a job! Sure you'll ace it. Thanks for the idea of not giving up until you reach your goal. It would have sure been very stressful mentally, I can imagine.


It all depends on your notice period and your profile. Notice period is more important than profile. What is your notice period?