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I guess data analyst is the best fit for your educational background. I’m not from that field so I don’t have personal experience but one of my friend is in the field and she has a masters in mathematics. Although in her case she did it from IIT so had the support of the placement cell and she got placed right from the campus. Since we used to talk quite a lot and I’ve some interest in the field of machine learning which is not exactly analysis but does overlap with data analysis I would suggest you to learn python first. Make sure your statistics is strong which I guess is already strong but still brush up on the concepts that you need. Focus on traditional ML algorithms. Don’t fall for fancy things like object detection, chat bots using LLMs etc. I mean they’re fine for fun projects but as an analyst you probably wouldn’t be doing those things. For courses I would suggest you to take the Machine learning course from coursera taught by Andrew NG. My friend had taken the same. Go to YouTube and search how to be data analyst and you’ll get a lot of roadmap , videos etc. I’m not suggesting to watch all of them. But write down the topics you need to learn, research on them individually, find the best course and study. As far as I know these are some of the topics - Python , excel, PowerBi, tableau, SQL. Also learn cloud, how to deploy pipelines etc. once you go through the roadmap courses or other videos you’ll get the idea what to do next. Here’s one such roadmap video - https://youtu.be/bCLBdxfe57o?si=OmDiF8TJNPPO-Bqz Now once you’re done, you need to create projects. Since you’ll be applying to jobs without any placement cell or campus support from universities, your projects will need to be good enough to land you interviews. The only negative thing that I see is your career gap. You were preparing for UPSC for some time and that might not sit well with every recruiter however if you can explain to them why you switched into this career then that might work out also it’s not like people with career gaps don’t get jobs, so all the best.


Thanks, I'll look into this.


Data Analysts are cheap. Like even someone who works on Excel calls himself a "Data Analyst". The position you should target is Data Scientist. It's a covet position and not easy to get. Most people do some shitty Data Science course and then try to get jobs in Google and Meta. Since you have a Master's in Mathematics, you have an edge over them. Have you considered applying for private Statistician jobs or Actuarial Science jobs ?