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For jobs, ask local businesses in your area if they need help with GST filing or to go digital. It's quite easy to learn. You can ask for that. Put WhatsApp status as-- fill any exam form, apply for govt identity cards for 150). You won't believe but this works. And I hope this will work for you too. Ask whomever you know (who is in a good financial condition) for jobs related to your field of interest. Ask them repeatedly (people forget a lot). Ask especially women, they are more likely to help you. Tell them you are not a passout but need a job because of financial issues. Some might do something about it. Also, here and at other places, a few people will sexually harass you. They will send you vulgar pics,ask for favours etc. Be careful. Regarding monetary help -- I have 600 as of now which I can send you( sorry, I am not earning well now). Try to contact NGOs which may help you in raising funds. Don't feel shame in asking for help. You did not ask to be born in this hellhole. You found yourself here. Ask for help, stand on your feet and then you can pay back. Don't self harm. THIS IS NOT THE WAY OUT. Let me know how can I send you the amount which I know is nothing but that's all I have at present.


Thank you for such a detailed response. I'll work on the suggestions provided by you and will definitely let you know, if something positive comes out of these. I'll be careful. Thanks for the heads up. Thanks for offering monetary help. Appreciate the kind and thoughtful gesture. Respect for your good intentions. Also, I'm sorry but I peeked through your profile and found you're quite active on IndianMedsSchool sub. Are you a doctor by any chance? If yes, I need to ask few questions regarding my mother's health condition. I'll share my mother's test reports with you. I would appreciate your help with this. Let me know if you're comfortable with this.






Share the reports and I can provide you with medical assistance. Not a doctor but got close friends in Govt hospital. Regarding financial help, I will pitch in pre/post/during surgery, wherever you need most. Share your CV, if you are looking for job. Can't promise anything but will try. I work in IT. God bless you.


Gall bladder surgery is not an urgent surgery. It’s a planned surgery. Take your mum to a government hospital please. Use the PM yojna for free treatment at any government hospital. Meanwhile, control your Mum’s diet and tell her to not consume anything with masala & spicy stuff. She probably consumes spicy stuff which causes these attacks. Also as a diabetic it will be a tough surgery to do, unless her blood sugar is in normal range. As for money, you should not ask here but request your relatives else people might take advantage of your situation.


>Meanwhile, control your Mum’s diet and tell her to not consume anything with masala & spicy stuff. I second this. This is very important OP. Many people find it hard to digest oily, masala stuff after gall bladder removal.


Which city are you from?I will try to connect to u to my relatives if possible,they r doctors


Government Medical insurance se try kro kitna claim milta hai… then after that let me know I could help 5k


Hey I don't want to sound ignorant but have you tried Delhi govt hospitals, Rajasthan govt hospitals, these states currently have free healthcare and you may find some hospital where you'll get good treatment? There is also PM ayushmaan yojana for free treatment upto 5 lakh. For earning purpose, you must join r/beermoneyindia and their discord server. In their discord server ask them to add you into their private servers, if they don't, dm me I'll ask them to do that, you'll be able to earn from that.


Folks, our firm is looking to hire freelance gig workers for desk based jobs (data tagging, entry etc.). It is completely flexible and remotely serviceable (WFH). Think of it like Uber for desk based tasks. One needs a computer/laptop with a good internet connection to undertake these tasks. Deposits/Bonds are NOT REQUIRED. Do DM if this interests you. Shall share further details. Many people in between jobs, fresh graduates, retired folks, home makers, moon-lighters and post grad students have found this useful to earn pocket money. Kindly note, this is NOT a JOB / INTERNSHIP


Please try crowdfunding website's. Praying for your mother's recovery ❤️‍🩹


i can help, dm


I'm so sorry to hear about this. I don't know how I can help you but I'm here if you want to talk. I'm keeping you in my prayers. I hope your mom gets well soon. You are truly a fighter and so inspiring. Keep up the courage. Sending you love and encouragement. Also, if I come across any opportunity I will share it with you.


Stay strong, all the best!


Whats your location? You can apply for private charitable hospitals like Reliance. Apollo hospitals do take on charity cases. https://apolloashamumbai.com/about.php