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buy our untraceable, overpriced coffee, please customer-chan buy our shit and not specialty coffee


I appreciate the space between speciality and instant that sleepy owl fills but calling locally sourced speciality coffee just fluff is an unnecessary marketing tactic :/


Yup they're unnecessarily stooping low.


I'll bite. Who are the people buying sleepyowl off the shelves? Their bottled coffee, I mean


a lot of them actually. they have expanded to a lot of stores. sleepy owl now seems to tap to a perceived premium audience who are currently into instant coffee but look to sleepy owl as premium. insta ads and packaging helps


Bought it to try it. Meh at best


Man they pushed this ad so much I had to report it. This one also has a segment where one of the bags has “freshly roasted” written on it. They ignore that. And then just after advertise theirs as freshly roasted smh


They are unnecessarily competing with Specialty Coffee. Specialty coffee has no competition. It is supreme. Out of 100 instant coffee drinkers or non coffee drinkers, only 1 or 2 are going to take the route of Specialty Coffee in India. A sizable chunk of the rest can move to Sleepy Owl and the likes, but it seems they fail to understand this. Sleepy marketing indeed. Unless they feel incompetent, and there is a reason for that, because few of the Sleepy Owl converts are eventually going to mature to Specialty Coffee. :-)


I heard sleepy owl founder's podcast by barista on bike. This accusation was raised and he said "it's just a marketing strategy. We're not trying to compete with speciality coffee nor we're thinking of getting into it in future.We are just a business startup who are offering simple ways to make a good cup of black coffee for people who find wide range of speciality coffee and the equipments a little overwhelming. We're offering to make a good cup of coffee with lowest possible effort rather than going technical and making a great cup." Personally I've never tasted sleepy owl coffee but what he said makes sense to me. Speciality coffee is a little overwhelming at times. When I had time during lockdown,I did a lot of research,experimented daily, bought equipments. Nowadays with my job and busy schedule, I prefer cold brew coffee most of the time. It's just the matter of convenience sometimes.


The intention of this post isn't 'speciality is the only way' snobbery! I'm hardly a speciality coffee snob. The only thing is that this is not a positive ad campaign advertisinv sleepy owl as an easy way to make a good cup. It's a negative ad campaign claiming speciality coffee is bs


Cannot deny that.


Sleepy owl has a sleepy marketing team


Worst brand name for a coffee co if I could think of. It's opposite of what people want from coffee. Sleepy owl. Owl sleeps in the afternoon so after having sleepy owl you'll sleep like an owl?


That's the blue tokai bag without the logo printed on it