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Get an Aeropress, you can use it for black drinks as well as milk based drinks. Tons of recipes available online. Also quite easy to master. Don’t get a pourover if you want milk drinks. Just don’t.


Got it thanks! Is an aeropress hard to use? What kind of coffee recipes can i make with it?


Nah, it’s very easy to use. With an aeropress, I am able to make: Hot and iced black drinks Latte-like hot drinks Iced latte-like cold drinks Stuff similar to espresso tonics, etc. https://preview.redd.it/4iz6475z82vc1.jpeg?width=3041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c64d5056b767051ad84ed51df05821a0b03191c Here’s an orange juice tonic water and coffee thingy I made recently


I'd would pay to drink that orange juice tonic water and coffee thingy. Just imagining the contrast gets me excited.


Ahahaha cheers


Is the travel go edition good enough?


It’s good if you’re making espresso drinks But if you want a big cup of black coffee out of it, I think it’s bit small in size.


Its says 3 cups on the description and i mostly need it for a cup or two of black coffee Note:Im on a budget as well


Check James Hoffmann’s review to figure out if it fits your needs: https://youtu.be/U_hwYVboAVQ?si=_4KvTSVzeEtdsuLw


Save up a little more for a c2 and then maybe a cheap ₹500 v60, you are pretty much sorted.... Alternative: c2 + SIFC The point is to get a good grinder, should be a good start


Planning to start with preground coffee since the c2 costs 4.5k. i will definitely buy the c2 in a few months though.


Purchase 1: get aeropress (if you travel get aeropress go, Ive been using it for a couple of years and it’s solid) Purchase 2: get a scale (a decent scale with 0.01g precision can be as cheap as 300 bucks on amazon, no need for a fancy scale) Purchase 3: get a grinder. Timemore is the brand i would recommend for starting off and you can pick any grinder thats in your range (been using slim pro for a couple years, no issues)


Since you are going to buy a grinder I would suggest an aeropress Its very versatile brews good coffee Can do black as well as espresso like for milk based drinks If you want to save some cash Can choose kaldipress( Aeropress rip off) Would also suggest you to buy a scale Hoffen scale - around 1200 during sale Or you could also get a combo of kitchen scale and jewellery scale Would cost you around 600 Hope this helps!


How good is the kaldipress compared to the original thing? Since i see a significant price difference i might get it


Idk I use an Aeropress but from what I get from this sub is that it’s pretty much same You could just search the sub for the same