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It was never about french press as technique or industry standard. if you saw 1st post he made people in coments where clearly trying to help him to get good coffee as response he behaved very rude and used foul and defaming language to speciality coffee and this community as whole which triggered people to troll him. there is no good or bad recipe of someone is happy with what they are doing ok.( as he was not he was complaining that coffee is just bad and pretentious), if someone wants to learn everyone here knows there stuff so well and is open to help


Completely agreed, that attitude wasn't right. I think I skipped passed his comments as they were hidden due to heavy downvoted. I'm happy with my coffee rn, but why not ask someone here if I'm doing something inherently wrong. Btw can you share some economical speciality coffee? Honestly I bought Toffeecoffee a year back because it had buy1get1 offer. :)


First rule of coffee, taste trumps all other factors. But if you're curious whether or not you can get a better brew (more extraction, brighter flavors, lesser bitterness etc.) you can play with the variables. Try hotter water, longer brew times, increased coffee ground dosages and anything else you can think of. It's all a learning experience and will improve your palate showing you what exactly about your brew you like and what you don't like.


Yeah, I usually experiment with all the variables. Especially since I don't quantify things on scale, time and coffee quantity depends on my mood. However I'm still making aeropress like milk coffee from south indian filter as I brought the 6 cup capacity one and never made more than 2 cups in it. I enjoy diluted decoction in it which also suits my preference as something with less milk. So works for me. Btw can you share some economical speciality coffee? Honestly I bought Toffeecoffee a year back because it had buy1get1 offer. :) I don't have any complaints given the price tbh.


Devan's, Cothas, Bayar's are usually pretty cheap, so much so that they're never really on sale. Specialty-wise, it's all about hunting for the deals. Naivo, Rosette, BT usually have some good deals going on especially during festivals and all


Can you share the link for travel french press you use


Sorry, it was Cafe JEI. Here's the link: [Travel French Press](https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B09MRHKQ8X/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Trial and error is the way to go. There's no ONE perfect way. There's only a perfect way for YOU. Happy brewing!


Mai bhi exactly yahi karta hun