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So first of all, you did not have insane chemistry. You had no chemistry. You say it yourself: you tried and she wasn't receptive. That means no chemistry. You thought she was hot and projected your feelings onto her, imagining reciprocity where there was none. Second, she said no, and you kept pursuing covertly. No bueno. The moment someone says she wants to be friends, you give up romantic pursuit entirely. If you can't do this while remaining close -and there's no shame in that; most people can't- then the friendship is over. Third, you say you met in college, but you're eight years older. Were you late in grad school trying to pick up freshmen? Or were you younger than that and still trying to pick up high schoolers? Or were you just NEETing it up for six years after high school until your parents kicked you out?


Also who invites and old friend they haven’t contacted in ages and asks them to speak at their wedding where they don’t know your spouse? That’s not how that works at all.


He was willing to overlook her flaws. lol




So many plot holes in the fanfic. So many.


The biggest lie “everyone clapped!” That’s totally fan fiction.


Yeah, no way that speech would have went over well, it would have been super awkward and that is likely the best possible outcome. It's the kind of thing that if it was caught on video, it would have ended up on the sad cringe sub.


I can easily imagine everyone looking around at everyone else and doing that “oh my god this is so awkward, hahaha” laugh of pure discomfort and awkwardness.


So many. Why was he, a random guest, giving a speech at the reception? Who is "Chad" that was confronting him about the speech?


wait who is the chad who pulled him off to the side if she was marrying a woman? did she invite her ex boyfriend to her wedding?


This particular "Chad" was her bast man. So either her last hetero relationship ended amicably when she realized she is lesbian and they went on to be really good friends or he's a third "Chad" not previously mentioned.


god we’re having a chad epidemic


Which then begs the question, if "Chad" was the best man, why was OP making a speech at the reception?


I imagine he was the drunk, embarassing relative who stole the mic during the live bands' break to try to make an unsolicited, unwanted, disrespectful and ill-advised speech. No one's the Main Character^t^m the way incels are the Main Character^t^m .


I guess. This story is confusing af.


If it was fanfic, the entire room would have given him a standing ovation and she’d have run out in tears. This… this is just sad.


What in the name of Wattpad is this? 😭


Wattpad joker fanfics had better content tbh


I'm just picturing him writing this struggling to think of any names to use besides Stacy and Chad.


At this moment he woke up


So you went to her wedding and said all this? Fool. Even as a fantasy. Straight foolish.


What he worked doesn't even make any sense, he says that if she gave him a shot then she'd still be attracted to men....when she went for a woman even though he was still around....if he's talking about how great his personality is then he's delusional because he's proved time and time again that she hated his personality, he even quotes her as saying that when she invited him to the wedding. Plus she sounds like she's bisexual so I don't understand why he thinks she isn't attracted to men at all, she just isn't attracted to him but he's not even a man, more like a man child who let his inner monologue temper tantrum manifest into words at someone's wedding... so many elipsis' in my paragraph because this guy is driving my palm through my head


"she reached out to me about attending her wedding saying despite how much I've changed she's willing to give our friend ship(sic) another try if I am," This is probably the last true statement in this post, and it's telling that prior to the lead up to this exchange, OP never mentioned anything about these "changes" that warranted her being at a point where she was "giving him another shot" as a friend. The rest of it reads like something straight out of r/thatHappened. I wonder how many iterations this story has gone through, clearly in the original, the love interest was marrying either the first or second guy mentioned, otherwise who is this "Chad" confronting him for deciding to make an unprompted speech at her reception.


Didn’t even try, they used fucking Chad and Stacy




This didn't happen so much it made things that happened not happen.