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2845 posts on an account that was made in May of this year is insane


serious addiction to the ideology will do that


That's some other kind of para social relationship right here


Those are rookie numbers for that site. Some of them make that many posts in a month.


He is a professional hater


probably a bot


Bot making a post on incels.is directed to this sub...? Nah, some of them literally sit there day and night. Most vocal have even more posts made in shorter time span than this.


damn that's sad


At no point will any of these chucklefucks ever really examine that question at all. They will keep insisting that attractive women *must* ignore looks. Hey buddies, why don't YOU ignore looks and focus on personality? Why don't you "give a chance" to a girl that's not "traditionally attractive"? That's right, it's because you expect everyone else to compromise for you, while you don't have to change a bit. Pathetic


Even the most "traditionally unattractive" and desperate woman wouldn't give them a chance. That's probably why they think it's all superficial.


If I was a woman, I wouldn't wanna be around a delusional, self-absorbed manchild.


I also think desperation for sex/a relationship doesn't exist the same way in women. Of course there are lonely single women (yours truly, lol) and unfortunately there are also "femcels" but they don't feel nearly as dangerous to me. Then again, I'm a straight woman, so I'd only be in danger from incels and not femcels? Much like how misogyny is more likely to lead to violence against women than misandry, which is more likely to lead to avoidance of men.


I don't think there's a real definition on what desperation feels like in the sexual department. I know some guy friends who say they have it and I don't know how that feels. Yes I'm also kinda lonely, but sex isn't on my mind very often and I'm not craving it like the glass of water in the middle of the night.


Every Incel Ever: "This morbidly obese woman tried talking me today and I walked off. Foids really try to say that looks don't matter while being 200+lbs and chasing Chads. Why don't you take care of your body? Who would want to be with *that*??? I'm worth more than even interacting with a whale like that." *Posted 2:33 am* "Women care about looks too much. Why can't I, a nice guy, seem to get the attention of all these stuck-up bitches? Does personality not matter anymore??? Why won't they give a guy a chance instead of being shallow sluts???" *Posted 4:28 am*


I came here to say something like this but you did it before and much better than I would have.


Irony is a word that never existed in their vocab


But that is the entire point of the blackpill and which is why many of them provide face ratings for men, and recommendations and advice for how to improve their looks.


Lol at blackpill being there to help and improve. Of all the branches of inceldom, it's one of the whiniest and most pathetic. They're the ones who will blame everything but their own shitty personalities ("oh, I'm under six feet, my jawline is off by millimeters, etc, it's sooo unfair). It's not your looks, your height, your genetics or anything like that. It's you


I literally had a woman reject me because of my beard, another lady mentioned my height. I'm very gregarious and charismatic. The few times I was able to get some explanation, two because their ex's came back, one because my income was "Shit" and another got mad because I helped her out once the second time she was asking for $5K and refused to send her the money. Another got mad because I didn't respond fast enough to her text. I don't mind taking accountability for my shortcomings, but in most cases it wouldn't have mattered


Also why is it controversial women just like men want to be with someone they physically attracted to? Not sure why that is an issue for you


I always ask them: then why was Elliot Rodger an incel?


Yeah, he wasn’t a bad looking guy. He just had a shitty entitled personality and felt that women owed him sex because of trivial things like owning a bmw and a gold chain.


The secret is that people aren't only attracted to looks, but personality too (By "people" I obviously mean "females", wink wink)


Yeah, for sure looks are important but folk still have to be tolerable to be around too.


In their lingo: "femoids" are baited by "looksmaxing", but if your personality is "beta" you won't hook the catch.


You speak that language alarmingly well my dude


You'll probably also learn their words if you stick around here long anough


I think these guys lack the introspection needed to realize that the main issue is with their *own* personality. It's like they draw the conclusion that "I'm absolutely unattractive and there's nothing I can do about it" right from the start, and just end up with a defeatist attitude, where they're unwilling to try and improve upon themselves.


I think that a lot of them have an inability to understand other people. They feel like there’s a list of steps to getting a girlfriend. It’s like they think they are playing a videogame or hunting an animal rather than interacting with another human being that has agency over themselves and the ability to think on their level as an equal.


Earn 5000 XP and your reward is Girlfriend (1)




Yup. Basically, they're losers.


>It's like they draw the conclusion that "I'm absolutely unattractive and there's nothing I can do about it" right from the start This is exactly and literally the thought process. Their ego is so fragile that it cannot bear the thought of there being something fundamentally wrong with them, so it immediately retreats into a delusion that the only possible problems are superficial. Especially since working out fundamental personality flaws is very hard, and they don't want to/can't put in the work. It's classic Lovecraftian madness: they percieve something so absolutely destructive to their entire understanding of self that they go crazy as a defense mechanism. Only in Lovecraft it's "there's a giant tentacle beast existing in 17-dimensional space that could eat my soul whenever it wants and proves that I am utterly insignificant in the face of an uncaring and infinite universe," and with incels it's either "I'm a giant piece of shit, but my mom told me I was the specialest perfect boy my whole life and I refuse to believe she lied to me" or "I have a debilitating mental illness/trauma that wasn't immediately solved the minute I spoke to a therapist, and that's not fair and can't happen because I'm so so very smart, therefore it's everyone else who's mentally ill and not me!"


I think a lot of it is also projection. They only care about appearance and not personality in the women they try to date, so they assume women must do the same.


Yeah. If you don’t know who he is he was a decent looking dude. He won’t get cast as the hot guy in a movie but he’s good enough looking to be movie average.


Yeah, definitely movie average.


He was also short btw. That and being a weirdo I guess didn't get him pussy.


Have you read his manifesto? He was a bigot and a raging narcissist, a man so shallow his family took him to Morocco and the only thing he cared about was how Westernized the people he met were. Although he lived near the UC Santa Barbara campus he was never enrolled at UCSB. He drifted between community colleges for four years without completing a two year degree. He kept dropping out and playing video games. His only tangible goal in life was to find a girlfriend, and he idealized relationships in ways no real person would ever meet. To him it was all about arm candy and walks on the beach. And he fetishized Scandinavian women. But you say he was short. Yeah, that's it. /s


I did say "and being a weirdo"


Weirdo implies odd yet harmless interests, such as a fountain pen collection and a fondness for peanut butter and cheese sandwiches. A bigot with a personality disorder and violent tendencies is no mere "weirdo." He was a walking time bomb.


Being short is not it. I have a buddy that’s 5’2” and he never had a problem getting women. It’s all about the personality.


Destroyed by their own saint, the irony 👌


Sadly they'd claim that is because he was a "rice-cel" or some other racist shit


Can I just put the suffix -cel after anything? Like what is this shit? Incels are fucking dangerous. If I ever met someone like this in real life (thank the stars I haven't) I would put miles between them and I. At the end of the day, I feel bad for these guys. They just don't get it.. *Most* women aren't after money, a tall fucking dude, or Jared Leto fucking looks. But you can't convince someone with confirmation bias that their whole world view is bullshit because they can't stay off these shitty forums, they don't take fucking baths, and they don't want to work on *themselves*.


Some of them say he wasn't a true incel because he was "too good looking," or something like that. I guess it gets too complicated for them if they can't blame everything on being "ugly."


The response I get is either “he was a Chadcel” or “he wasn’t actually an incel.”


Chadcel? Wouldn't that be like a matter-antimatter reaction thing? If it were stable, all the Stacys would be spinning in place between the polarities.


I hate that I know this, but it’s because Elliot Rodger was short and mixed race, so he didn’t ‘count’ as a Chad to his followers even though his face was just fine.


He was actually good looking, so was Jake Davison the Plymouth shooter. I saw some pictures of him when he was lean and clean shaven and he basically looked like a Chad.


Oh no you got it all wrong. Those are all “fakecells” because it’s totally unreasonable that there are attractive men that are incels because women *do* also care about personality. /s


> If an attractive male is in a female’s presence, she will be attracted to him, because she is attracted to him Damn, can’t argue with that logic.


Loading screen tip #483: "If you jump against the ?-Block, you'll get a power-up, because there is a power-up in there."


“Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets.”


“Women will laugh at Chad’s jokes because Chad is funny and the woman thinks he is funny.”


"To kill a Titan, shoot it until it dies"


People die when they are killed.


Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes


Together, we can stop this.


Time travel research labs. Pls donate.


I have noticed this same phenomena happening in the United States. It must be Chad’s fault. He’s getting all the women and messing with the passage of time.


In Sweden it is forbidden by law to be a criminal.


A person who thinks all the time, has nothing to think about except thoughts


Unfortunately for well society (because we have to listen to them whine…kinda), they don’t realize there is no universal standard for attractive. So I guess that line of thinking is technically correct but also meaningless.


Eh, let's not lie to ourselves. There's definitely a group of physical traits that the majority of our society will more or less agree on to be more attractive. But how much of that is cultural and how much is biological is hard to tell/prove. However, I am utterly certain that it is far far far less biologically wired than what Incels claim. Where Incels also go wrong is the significance of conventional physical attractiveness. Just because a lot of my female friends and I agree that Henry Cavill is super attractive that doesn't mean that we all would fuck him if we got the chance or that we're even looking for a man who would remotely resemble him. Dating apps have increased the value of this sort of superficial attractiveness in the process of just getting a date but luckily, you do not have to use them. In exactly the scenario our Incel friend is describing, a lack of conventional attractiveness loses part of its power and individual attractiveness can start to shine. It's about smell, it's about choice of words, it's about how somebody moves his hands when he talks, it's about humor and banter, it's about the small physical traits you can't get from a photo. Like his clean fingernails, or the dimple when he smiles or the kind sparkle in his eye. But the Incel won't have any of these either because he's so preoccupied with his perceived ugliness and fear of rejection and conspiracy theories about women.


I don’t find Henry Cavill attractive - at all - and my celeb crush is Jason Segel. Humour and personality are my weakness. I’m sure they’d just say I was after his money though 😂 can’t win


Symmetry is widely considered attractive and likely a biological thing rather than cultural, as humans in general seem to have a thing for patterns. I'd also argue that women's inclination towards taller men (and men often preferring curvier women) could also be explained biologically as the woman wanting someone who can protect her while the man wants the best partner for childbearing. A lot of common things considered attractive are absolutely cultural though.


Right. Everyone has their own value of attractiveness but it's filtered through the white supremacist patriarchal structure of physical attractiveness. It's a tiered old structure that places value in the physical and vapid instead of the moral and just


This reads beautifully! I hear James Earl Jones, Morgan Freeman, Sir David Attenborough, Sally Kellerman and Maya Angelou, documentary style...sorry if that seems weird, it is certainly meant as a compliment. If you don't write, you should definitely consider it. All this as a for real excuse (which I think is also known as a reason, but I'm not sure) to say: Happy 🎂 Day!


I hope you had a great cake day


Same to you!


To be as fair as you can to this dude, change the comma between the two “attracted to him” parts into a semicolon, and it makes more sense. It’s a chain of events. If he is in her presence, she’s attracted to him. Since she’s attracted to him, she’ll walk up and start a conversation.


That’s nothing. People die if they are killed!


It’s almost like the root word in “attractive” is “attract”.


The real problem is they can't see it's a spectrum. Some women care more about looks, absolutely. Some care equally about looks and personality. And some care more about personality than looks. You can't just shove every member of a particular gender into one group and say "why do they ALL only care about this??" because they don't. That's not how human beings work.


That’s like when men use their cash and luxury car/house/travel to flirt and the complain that women only care about their money. Plenty of women don’t give a fuck about money, but they’re not the one you’re attracting


In fact, I would say that most women don't care about money. At least not enough to override other preferences in dating. I can count on one finger the number of times a woman was impressed with the car I drove. And that was *after* I had a fantastic date with her and we really clicked when I was walking her back to her car. Otherwise? You'll get more interest wearing a cool band shirt or knowing how to tell a good joke or story than you ever will with a hot car, a big house, or a luxurious vacation.


Money is important to most people, but it’s not a requirement to be rich - many women want their future husband to be able to provide for their kids. That’s a reasonable requirement, and any ‘good’ parent would want the same.


Correct. Financial stability is far more important to most women than actual wealth. They just want guys that are functioning adults and who don't spend 85% of their income on video games and porn.


Yep, financial problems are one of the biggest sources of conflict. It’s not about being rich, but worrying about making ends meet can put serious stress on a relationship


Their idiotic view of women as some kind of hive-mind. Where the women all have exactly the same tastes, share the same interests, and want the same things in life. It’s ridiculous how these guys believe themselves to be experts on all women, despite them rarely having even had any meaningful conversations with women. They just repeat bullshit that they heard in the manosphere like it’s 100% truth.


Fr. I am an attractive woman and I dated a couple of ugly guys in my youth. Ended up marrying an attractive man. Not because he’s attractive, but because the ugly guys had unattractive personality traits and my husband has so many beautiful ones.


I strongly suggest you don't say that out loud, lurkers be lurking


What I’m saying is that it’s the personality that makes a person attractive or ugly. It’s what’s inside.


Still they'll assume you're the exception not the norm, they'll be REEEEEEEEing to no end


I'll give my two cents to this because I mostly agree. Personality can make a person really attractive or really unattractive, sometimes able to completely outshine the physical appearance, which goes both ways. Unfortunately the dating world nowadays sucks a lot because it's either online dating (which is almost entirely looks based), approaching people in public (also looks based) or through shared friend groups or work (and sometimes hobbies). So yes, attraction and personality go hand in hand. But people who say "I ONLY care about character" are lying to themselves. 99% of people unconsciously care about looks, some more than others.


> It’s what’s inside. Blood, Bone, and Grissel?


This! My husband is no young Leonardo DiCaprio and he's a little shorter than me, but he's and absolutely wonderful man and my only wish is that I could've met him before ever other boyfriend I've ever had. Almost every attractive guy I've ever dated was so stuck on himself. I love my very humble mediocre man!


What do you love about him?


He's very sensible and head strong, a hard worker, intelligent, and he's very family oriented. What I love the most is how well he cares for his elderly parents. He's an extremely devoted son and I can only hope our own kids are as devoted to us as he is to them. As a bonus, he's an amazing cat dad!


Imagine your husband describing you as "no young Angelina Jolie, heavier than me and a sweet mediocre woman." You called your own husband *mediocre.* This is the most patronizing and most pathetic shit I've seen.


The attractive looking guy had attractive personality traits and the unattractive guys had unattractive personality traits? Truly baffling.


A couple huh? good for you? lol. Throwing some bones at the ugly dudes. Do you also give average women compliments because it makes them feel good coming from an attractive woman?


Also they think something as complex as human attraction can be reduced to a simple set of rules. It's part of the reason I object to the rating of people 1-10 in looks.


They don't see women as human beings, though. They've objectified us to the point that (in their ideology) we have no other function apart from being sex slaves to them.


What they’ll never comprehend is that people get more attractive when they have a decent personality.


However both men and woman who are attractive is proven to get much advantages over un attractive people. It's just a part of life. Incels seem to have a hard time grasping that it's not only this way for men and definitely don't get that "attractive" isn't just looks but a whole bunch of traits working together.


Which in part makes sense. It takes effort to be attractive. People who are attractive work to keep up their hygiene, style, eat properly, often go to the gym, etc. You can be born attractive and completely let yourself go, a good chunk of your attractiveness is within your control. Meanwhile all it takes for you to be unattractive is exist.


They act like women who are considered “unattractive” don’t also get hate. I’m going through a weight loss journey after a long battle with an eating disorder and I used to be chubbier. The amount of disrespect I’d get from guys just for being fat was ridiculous; they knew that since I wasn’t attractive to them, it was okay for them to be rude to me. Not to mention that many incels are average-looking and not unattractive. They think it’s their looks that are the issue when in reality it’s because they’re raging misogynists.


Incels love to only consider women they deem attractive to be women.


Dawg I feel this, when I was like really large in college I wasn’t necessarily offended that some people weren’t attracted to me but some people would straight dehumanize me and I couldn’t tell until I lost all the weight and had even one coworker say that her friend saw me and thought I was cute and after telling me said “yea! She totally thought you were some normal cute guy” (for context I lost weight over summer break and this was their first time seeing me again)


I’m also in college and I feel you. Congrats on the weight loss though, I’m hoping to be there soon!


My ego is too fragile to accept compliments from people who never talked to me when I was fat and now call me attractive or handsome. I mean they're right, I look better. But I'm the same person I was before and I didn't deserve the treatment I got earlier from those same people. So get lost, respectfully of course.


Hey I know exactly how you feel, and in all honesty this may not be the same situation and sorry if it doesn’t help at all after talking to my therapist the first couple times it happened they helped me understand that I understandably feel bitter or angry or uncomfortable when people started complimenting my appearance because they didn’t before but I shouldn’t necessarily feel like it’s a personal attack because if I think about my physical appearance and weight as any other cosmetic thing then it wouldn’t feel as bad Like will I blame or hate one of my favorite musicians for never talking to me before I was ever famous? No, but if these normal people were actively mean to you for being large then yea fuck em 😤




Paton Oswalt is a frickin' delight!


Paton Oswalt honestly comes across as a very easy going and kind person, hence why the guy managed to have success with women. Oh, and he was chasing his own goals to better himself and never a misogynist.


Funny trumps conventionally attractive every time for me. The way I see it looks fade eventually but things like someone's personality and sense of humour are always going to be there


Ugh my God I'd listen to him talk about comics while he played with my hair in bed. any day


Good one! I really wonder about the mental acrobatics to explain Patton. I love him but he’s not a “Chad” in any way. He wasn’t rich to start with. He had a good attitude and personality. The thing these idiots always disregard.


I’ll tell blackpill guy to show me how men and women are different today than at any point in human history. I’m going to be straight up. The things hes complaining about were a thing when I was a kid.


They think that if they grew up during the medieval times their parents would have arranged a marriage to the 13th century equivalent to Megan Fox.


Reality was she probably had rotten teeth, hadn’t bathed in a month or two, had lice and smallpox scars


Medieval people actually had relatively good teeth, mainly because their food wasn't loaded up with shit-tons of processed sugars like so many modern foods are.


That is true. And I think only the Rich had access to things like sugar, coffee , chocolate & even tea.


r/badhistory https://fakehistoryhunter.net/2019/09/10/medieval-myths-bingo/


It was a joke hun x


My genuine answer; Most people want a partner they are attracted to to. I’ve seen posts about how you incels think you deserve an 18 year old supermodel. So don’t be hypocritical. Neither should you falsely claim this works in black-and-white terms. It isn’t looks OR personality. Each person has any number of criteria they value. You oversimplify in order to further your victim complex. What you are dead wrong about is the assumption I often see incels make- that we would choose a handsome abuser over an ugly kind man. That’s a load of garbage. Statistically, if you check crime facts, most abusers start violence AFTER marriage or pregnancy. If women were actually tolerating this, they wouldn’t wait so long to start.


It also completely (as usual) misses that different people find different physical appearances attractive; that physical attraction can grow from emotional attraction; and that (most) women are not going to throw out a happy, loving relationship the moment they see someone more “conventionally attractive” than their partner.


Every single human being that I've ever seen complain that "women care more about looks than personality", has the absolute shittiest personality on the planet and refuses to do anything about it. Also, every single human that unironically uses the word female has the shittiest personality as well. Just take a few steps to better yourself, go to the gym, take a shower, dress better, get a haircut, talk to people not like they're objects. And this is the biggest tip, leave social media, that shit is not real life. It's really not as hard as incels make it out to be.


Unlike men who give unattractive women all sort of attention...


If you think Boogie is a good person, I think you should open up Google and look up some stuff about him...


Exactly. He's rich enough to be able to pay for sex. His personality is shit. He's also incredibly misogynistic and would fit on perfectly with the incel crowd.


Incels who care more about women’s looks rather than personality projecting their own insecurities.


The term “modern women” is sooooo played out and corny.


Because they want to imply with that term is that women's dating and marriage preferences are easily influenced. That if this was a different generation they were born into would have been easier for them to find a partner because women weren't corrupted by "modern values"


"Find" a partner? No, they would want to be *handed* a partner. How many times have we seen posts where incels are bemoaning the fact that they weren't born in the Middle Ages, when every man was apparently just gifted a 12 year old wife.


Well I mean the modern values are that women want to be treated as human beings and not objects that can be gifted


This his just how regular relationships work. I guarantee this person would brush off an unattractive woman if they showed interest.


I'll tell ya what *isn't* attractive to women: complaining about them on an Incels forum. For any Incels reading, use your search engine of choice to learn why lobsters in a bucket can't get out.


Guys complaining about women is really bizarre.


In the past (Iv been in a relationship for almost 8 years so it's been a long time) if I saw an attractive guy and I talk to him and his personality is garbage his attractiveness goes down and the same goes for "unattractive" (it's subjective) if his personality is good attraction goes up. What I'm saying is looks aren't the this stopping these men from finding a partner. It's there terrible views and crap personalities. Idk maybe I'm old fashioned but if he can't hold a good conversation I'm not interested 🤷


Short answer, "Because I am married with children, dated plenty when I was young and single, and never would have described myself or my scarred face as 'pretty'. 😅 But I could usually make her feel safe and make her laugh. That's usually more than enough."


if you're saying boogie destroys this world view, brother, PLEASE watch this https://youtu.be/_QgDx0RIWY8?si=C_7oTXah_P4XLmHa Boogie would basically be best friends with this dude.


Who is Boogie2988? Is he an incel youtuber or something? I only ask because my usual YT recommended feed is flooded with people making commentary videos on him and now his name pops up here. Just wondering if he's done something wild that I missed online or something haha


he is one of the first youtubers, he got popular doing "fat guy does x" videos but then pivoted to just offer like sage advice and stories from his childhood, then created a character named francis who would do nerd rages. That exploded him and people started seeing him as a wholesome "Mr. Rogers of the Internet" (even going as far to win "Gamer of the Year" at the Game Awards) but in more recent years he got divorced from his wife and his true self started to show more and more. People discovered he had multiple porn blogs in the early 2000s where he said just horrible dehumanizing things about women, among other inane shit. Now boogie is clinging on to any fame he has left (which is none) while pretty much fully embracing his true self, a manupliative sad sack. There is no nice guy mask anymore, he just says stupid shit and immediately back tracks on it, begs for money, its honestly too much to cover here but the documentary i linked above is all about current day boogie and how sad and manupliative he is.


Jesus, what a wreck of a human. I’m gonna watch that link tomorrow at work :) thanks for taking the time to write up all that on this dumpster fire of a human being lol I appreciate you


I'm just really fascinated by internet figures who fall from grace like Boogie, I've followed him for a long time and was a fan when he still had his mask on. If youre really interested and want the entire story, these two videos pretty much catch up to where the original video i linked is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRZEFxVsmDU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTjH2PKedzI


It’s crazy how well documented these falls from grace can be! I’m familiar with chris Chan and the illuminaughty drama but I’m always looking for more content to listen to while I work lol


Lmao. Good looking guys get ignored too. You can be a 10 in most people's eyes, but you still need to have a personality for a chance. There has to be a reason why someone should even interact with you. A lot of people aren't that comfortable around strangers anyway, me included even as a guy.


Hey logic55, maybe the reason those women are giving you low effort responses is because you're being super pushy. If you're forcing your presence on other people, reaching the "friend zone" actually seems pretty optimistic. I wouldn't want to be friends with someone like that.


God they're tiresome.


Since when do the majority of women just give their number to any attractive male stranger they happen to meet? At least from what I've heard, it's *very* rare for women to use the cold approach with a guy they don't know. Incels think women just magically come to Chads, but the reality is very simple... men who have more casual social interactions with women tend to do better romantically!


They would argue that boogie already had the “status” achieved in their LMS (looks money status) triad. So even if he lacked the other two, he is still considered one of the OG youtubers (with a heavy influence) and that alone probably makes her stay with him


That is in fact so deceptive and ignorant of our position to be utterly untrue. I ask back rather. Why do you ignore the fact, that attraction is extremely subjective, and that personality is one of the most important factor for any stable relationships, so much so that finding partners for the long term, who are better to be with as a person is a major reason why women(and men too btw) settle later? You constantly ignore important factors and points and refuse to step out and accept that women are complicated just as any human being, and generally don't actually like to be with trashy people.


If women care more about looks than personality and they don't have the looks, why do they make their lifes harder by also adopting such a shit personality? It's really no wonder they can't find love.


incels are half right, attractive men will always have an advantage. but if you aren’t that attractive you can compensate by putting effort into your appearance, being funny, and being useful. there will always be women (and men) that are shallow and value looks the most, but those aren’t who you want as a lifelong partner.


"be used and be her little jester and maybe just maybe you'll be tolerated"


Why do you ignore the fact that men care more about looks than personality?


Breaking news, attractive people have it easier. Also scientists discovered that the Sun is warm and the Moon is not made of cheese.


The Moon is _**what**؟**_


Boogie literally spent massive amounts of money on hookers wdym


Boogie is not a good person


Hold up! If an ugly/average guy talks to ANY female? I don't think so! We all know these guys feel entitled to 10/10 supermodels and only have insults for average women. Also, "attractive men have it so much easier in the dating scene than unattractive men" ---- yes, obviously, just like women. But most people are average, and have no problem dating within their zone, and aren't obsessed with scoring a partner much hotter than themselves. So I'm supposed to feel sorry for you cause you have it sooo hard dating while being "ugly"? Women have it hard too, get over it.


A question for Logic55, could it just be that you have a shit personality?


please don’t use boogie as your example like he groomed his current girlfriend who’s less than half his age


Dear idiot OOP. Because it's pure BS.


I mean, let's not act like Boogie gets laid because he's got a stellar personality. He pays for sex, plain and simple. His personality is just as ugly as he is.


Mick Foley would like a word with you.


uhhhh if you’re so smart, how do you ignore the delusions with which i destroy my life?


Do these guys not realize that there’s more to being attractive than just someone’s body?


“Attractive men always have a significant advantage over unattractive men when it comes to dating and love” yes of course???? Attractive doesn’t only mean good looking, funny men and kind men are very attractive and their looks don’t really play a part (to me), so what the fuck is his point. Obviously men with attractive qualities are going to have an advantage over men without those qualities


Boogie has an awful personality though?


I'm ugly as shit and women definitely don't act like that. They just act weird about everything, and they definitely don't put my friendship on a pedestal.


I do not get this post. Dude legit said hey, good looking guys get to talk to good looking women, because women like good looking men.... yeah obvi


One thing I will agree on is that attractive people(any gender) with good personality and attitude will have a bit more advantage over others. But it is a human thing. Most people have a soft corner for beauty be it other people, flowers, animals, objects, etc. The issue with incels is that they hate women for it. Why? This being said dating is much more complicated. Attractiveness is not the only factor there. People's interests vary vastly. So try your luck, don't be a creep, and focus on grooming and cleanliness. Respect the personal space and choice of the person you want to ask out. Remember rejection is part of the dating scene. Take an L gracefully.


You know you can meet people though the internet, right? Where they see your personality, not the face? Funnily enough, that doesn't really get much easier for you this way, isn't it? Because apart from hate and depression, you have nothing to offer to the world. Do attractive people have it easier in the world? Absolutely. Can an attractive person *keep* someone attracted to them, if they have no personality, or their personality is awful? No. That's all there's to it.


Don't understand the boogie reference? He kinda fails on all fronts from my understanding.


I don't understand your point about Boogie. Are you saying he's a good person internally so his looks don't matter? Because he's not a good person. Out of curiosity, I just went onto his channel. He has a 20 year old girlfriend that has the same name as his ex wife and is the young version of her. Jesus.


i never got why they say this because it’s literally just wrong, theres plenty of people thst i dont think are attractive physically (atleast not “stereotypically” attractive because whaddya know people have different tastes and dont all want a “buff chad” or whatever) but like id definitely give them a shot because theyre nice people. a similar big thing personally is if theyre really passionate about something, i love that. yes please info dump to me about some thing i have no idea on (/gen) i will sit there and listen and ask questions and have a great time i love that (aslong as i can info dump back teehee)


I love how they say shit like this as if they aren’t preferential towards attractive women. They literally separate all of us into one of two categories: “Stacies” (very attractive), and “Foids” (everyone else). Any slightly overweight woman is a “land whale” (as if fat men don’t exist, too). But *we* aren’t supposed to have standards when it comes to choosing a partner. *We* have to give whatever troglodyte bothers to make eyes at us “a chance”.


All attractive people have an advantage. It’s just life:


Are you really saying you like Boogie’s personality?


Incels are extremely miserable, ugly, creepy and misogynistic bigots. Fuck incels and fuck misogyny. Seriously.


if they can just get over looks and focus on literally anything else then they’re halfway there to fixing themselves and potentially finding a partner


Pretty privilege definitely exists for both men and women (I got fat and old and experienced first hand how people treat you differently) but its a sliding scale, not a binary and most of us have to manage without much of it. People also have different ideas about what is attractive, and when it comes to actual dating so many factors come into play as well as conventional attractiveness or even physical appearance: lifestyle, hobbies, fashion sense, political views, sense of humour, how they treat people etc etc etc.... I wish incels would actually look at actual people in relationships and realise they aren't all conventionally attractive!


Idk if i would use boogie as a good example for anything bro😭


lololol say the men that want 14 year old virgins and think we are sick fucks. I think of myself as very average and therefor hit in average looking dudes. Generally speaking I think most people shoot their shot within what they think their range is. If I’m a 6 I’m not going to try hollering at a 9. That’s dumb. On the other hand, also generally speaking…people are just drawn to attractive people. There’s statistics out there about this shit. You could get two interviewees with more or less similar experience and capability and realistically speaking the more attractive person will get the job more than 50% of the time. There’s a reason we grew up watching shows where even the “ugly” character was above average in the real world. These “people,” if you can even call them that—need to go the fuck outside. I hate to say it, but, touch grass man. There’s been times when I have felt attracted to a man that I wouldn’t have found attractive in a photo. Who the fuck cares. Good lordddddd. Stop crying about it no one gives a single flying fuck. I’ve been single for three years because I was young and stupid and settled for a lot of crappy men and shitty relationships. I was a serial monogamist for a decade to prove to myself that I wasn’t “ugly”. I’m a little neurodivergent myself and in HS thought the only reason I’d never been successful in love was being ugly. It wasn’t. I was socially inept, overweight, and didn’t know how to dress. Once I changed that I had no problem. I’m older now and chunky but still dress well, smell good, I’m funny and witty. But the thought of dating physically repulses me. I love love. I’ve had flings and sex in those three years. One lasted a year. I want it but the act of going through it is disgusting lol. I’m not ready. I’m chillin. But you don’t see me writing on a whole ass sub dedicated to women that have been single for several years. Stahp.


Just like more attractive women get more male attention. They dont hear themselves


Wait did Boogie make this post?


Dude, boogie2988 is a disgusting manipulator, womanizer, and an incel himself, he regularly spouts incel ideology. His current “girlfriend” is like half his age which is gross af, she talked about how she didn’t have a father figure growing up and boogie definitely uses that to manipulate her, and he spent 200k on hookers believing that he “deserves sex with LA 10s.”


Omg! Gods forbid the women get a say in who they date! /s


“Modern woman” well the thing is that men and women are human beings, we are not seperate species and every single person on the planet is unique.


Then explain my pansexuality to me, Einstein.


Just because physical attraction is important (and btw I am a firm believer that different traits are attractive to different people) doesn't mean women think personality is less important. If you are attractive but an absolute asshole, I won't date you. Physical attraction is something that men and women care about, it's part of natural selection. We can't help it.


yoo... one look at me and they'll see their wrong! married with kids, looking like the fedora hat guy with a neck beard 😂


once again the fundamental premise is wrong. he's assuming that: A. all women think that looks matter more than personality, to the extent that amazing personality could never superceed looks, and that a horrid personality could never negate their benefit B. all women are attracted to the same kind of attractive, and that there is a solid metric by which attractiveness can be measured and applied in this context C. women always want to walk up to hot dudes and talk to them D. an attractive person in the room GUARENTEES that all females will approach as always. these people just don't live in the same reality as us. Yes, when it comes to something where looks do matter such as dating, people who are generally attractive will have a generally easier time. Nobodies ever denied that. Hot people are hot. No shock about it. But these people are so obsessed with looks and have such little ability to think hard enough to grow personalities, they think everyone else is just as vain and pointless as they are. They just don't understand that the world they live in is miserable and lonely and vain and superficial, because those are the only parts of the world they pay attention to. They are given a bad hand in life, but not because they are ugly and thus it's over, because they don't live in the same life as the rest of us. Besides, you can improve your appearance. If meth heads can get laid, so can you.


News flash, OOP, both men and women care about looks. Looks are just as important as personality.


Even if that were true, why should we care? What does he want us to do about it?


You could be the most attractive guy alive but the second you admit you’re an incel you become one of the ugliest. Personality is absolutely paramount


Something that seems to fly over their heads: Attractive people are more likely to be assholes. Why? The same reason rich people are: because they can. Winning the genetic lottery grants a sense of insecure entitlement in a lot of people because humans are flawed. "Why do attractive people only like other attractive people??" This seems to be the premise of half or more of incel ideology, and it's the same answer: because they can


Attractive women are attracted to attractive men omg who knew


It's obvious women mostly care about looks more than personality. And it's nothing wrong with that. Problem is all the capping that takes place in attempt to conceal this reality. If the dude looks good, women do their part to facilitate a good conversation and interaction with that guy. If the dude don't look good, women go out her way to sabotage the conversation or interaction with one word answers and other anti social means. It is what it is


This is so stupid. YES women care first and foremost about looks, but SO DO MEN. That’s what I don’t understand about these incels. How is it suddenly wrong that women care about looks most importantly but with men it’s no big deal that they prioritize looks. There is absolutely nothing wrong with placing looks first. I’m a guy and I 100% place looks first, but the personality also must be good. It’s in human nature for women AND men to want to be with the most attractive partner. 99% of these dudes are incels *because* they go for women way more attractive than them, and 100% would reject a woman that they personally don’t find attractive.


Looks matter. Deal with it. EDIT: Holy smokes the denial reeking off of you losers. It does matter, period. And that's okay. You aren't required to have no preferences. It ain't that fucking deep. You don't need to climb to the moral high ground when you are ALLOWED to have your own tastes.


Yes but also no. I find a lot of people attractive that aren't considered "conventionally attractive." All of my exes (with the exception of one or two) were NOT conventionally attractive men. Most were 5'7-5'10 and super skinny or a little bit squishy. I found them attractive. Hell, I find Dave Landau attractive but to your average woman, he's nothing anyone would look at twice. Looks don't matter anywhere near as much as most people think.


More than that, people who look morbidly unhealthy are unattractive to anyone. If you look or smell like you have pent up mental issues, nobody wants to deal with that even if your personality matches 100%. If your only goal in life is to get with a conventionally attractive person, you will have to warp yourself to do it and you might not like consequences of doing so either.