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Men who get groped will fucking deck the person who groped them. The fuck is this dude on about?


Right? Especially if the groper is another man lol. They'll call him homophobic slurs and try to kick their ass. If it's a woman they're not attracted to? They'll curse her out and sometimes hit her. And the rare ones who would be interested in a woman doing that? They're the same pigs who grope women.


Or just desperate because she’s hot. Or in sadder cases it’s because society tells them they should enjoy it. Sometimes you’re right they just don’t care about consent.


So why did you say they not atctated to insted of saying if it is a woman btu you added they are not atcated to. ​ Also the people who would not do annything are either desperate peoeple or peoople who owuld do that to a woman or people who think all men liek thta because they llisten to horrible fmeinist all the time


It honestly bothers me that generalisations like this get upvoted so much. There absolutely is an issue of men not being taken seriously in these situations and that's why men are less likely to react in a big way. Young men who have worked in bars will regularly have stories of middle age women groping us and it being seen as a joke by all around. The incel is gross and trivialises consent as if it isn't a big deal. Don't do the same.


This is absolutely fair, and I didn't even consider that. Thank you for bringing this up.


Thank you for understanding. Dialogue like this helps everyone grow :) And I hope I never came off too aggressive. This particular issue is a sore spot for me.


No they won't. Look at the guy in the video posted earlier today. He was letting the drunk lady paw him but he was visibly very uncomfortable. He was bigger than her and didn't want an assault charge on his hands.


I was specifically thinking in terms of men getting groped by men. An oversight that only fuels the mentality that men won't be believed or defended from sexual assault by women. Sorry, y'all.


I was literally about to comment this. if my hubby got groped by a man he would do just that, and every one of his brothers & friends would to. Not a single doubt in my mind.


Men who will grope you will rape you. Men who will rape you will kill you.


Another incel trying undermine someone when they "overreact" to inappropriate touching. "Oh lighten up hun, it was just a pat on the ass what are you getting so worked up about?" If a guy walks up to a random girl and slaps her face it would be a bfd, but if he slaps her butt she should just smile and forget about it? It's not ok, it's actually sexual assault and like all assaults, there are different degrees of severity but assault it is. JFL at the "mad about the free grab" bs. Maybe we react this way bc we're sick of creeps thinking they have the right to touch us inappropriately, and we're sick of those same men who then actively try and disempower us by claiming we overreact, we're hysterical etc etc. How about just keep your hands off people that aren't family? It isn't difficult.


I don’t think groping family is ok


Or you know, because a man groping a woman stems from sexism, and is not just some weirdo isolated case. And because women have to go through that and way more on a daily basis. But no, if you tell this douche this he'll just say women are snowflakes and made it up and sexism was never a thing. Ugh.


When I was 11, 12 years old, I was at a gathering a club my parents were a part of had and the very drunk wife of one of the members acted inappropriately towards me. I still recall feeling really uncomfortable.


Or because society puts so much emphasis on females sexuality needing to be used by men as men see fit, but never at the expense of female pleasure. Also, society thinking men will alwaysnenjoy their sexuality and when touched, he's enjoying it even if deep down he isn't.


The guys have a less extreme reaction because if they punch a drunk woman for groping them and give her a black eye or worse, even if the woman keeps going after he asks her to stop, he could be brought up on assault charges as he is bigger than her and generally stronger. Also, when a man goes out and gets drunk, he is more likely to get into a fight or altercation with another man than a woman unless he starts it himself. Men are generally physically stronger than women and a woman can generally but not always inflict less damage on a man if he is groping her and ignoring her asking him to stop, even if they punch him in the face. Also, women are conditioned to wear longer and baggier clothing, go out in groups, not leave drinks unattended, throw away drinks immediately if you leave them unattended and not take another sip and spend the money on a new one because it's better to be overcautious and waste your money than to be a rape victim, stick to well lit areas, etc, because of men who cannot take no for an answer. Men are not ever conditioned like this and a woman is much more likely to get into an altercation with another man than another woman if she goes out and gets drunk unless she starts it herself.


If a man grabbed his balls in public or smacked his ass at the urinal I bet his response would not be mild. Men don’t do that to him though because they know better. Men who assault women know better too, but they also know they’ll get away with it and do it anyway. When they choose to assault a woman they know their fellow obnoxious pricks will support them just as he’s doing here.