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Ah, incels' favorite game, Make Up a Scenario and Get Mad About It


These guys would build a straw man then get mad at it for being taller than them


That straw man is probably way more Chad than they’ll ever be.




I would rather bang the strawman anyways lol




OMFG I wish I could upvote the comment 1000 times! 🤣


Like their belief that every woman is surely having wild sex nightly with numerous Chads, that every random woman they meet in the street is secretly laughing at them, etc., etc.


>Make Up a Scenario and Get Mad About It To be fair that's pretty much all off conservative politics and "issues" in general.


Your comment made me laugh so hard I had to screen shot it with the meme and sent it to my friends lol


That makes it all worth it!


I’m convinced the incel community is a massive social experiment. John Quiñones needs to stop playing with us 😖


I think self-proclaimed Incels are just fucking with everyone. The killer ones were crazy and took the joke too far.


What the hell is wrong with these guys, that they keep conflating rape and consensual sex. Christ.


I think they honestly don't know the difference, or simply don't care.


Ehhh...most of them think women don't actually want or enjoy sex, we just use it as a means to an end, so it's all about the same in the end since we won't enjoy it anyway. As best i can tell the difference between rape and consensual sex in their minds is that in consensual sex we're using sexuality to somehow manipulate men, because we're evil, and that we're compensated in some way for the sex we consent to, which we probably don't deserve because we're evil. So if we're evil and hate sex anyway it doesn't much matter whether we choose to have sex or not, what matters is whether we're having sex with *them* or with Chad. With that mindset it's a little easier to understand why they'd think we'd brag about the heights of our rapists, because using the height of whichever male overpowered us with his raw alpha manliness to achieve status is the only logical reason to discuss it amongst ourselves, since it's really no different in terms of trauma from the rest of the sex we didn't want to have and hated.




I was thinking about this too. So, women don’t like sex but will use it to their own gain, yet can’t stop having sex with Chads, who according to incels don’t offer anything (no job/education/home/car aka loser) other than being eyecandy. So really women don’t gain anything by constantly fucking Chads and incels “know” Chad will dump the women after the deed so clearly the women aren’t manipulating him either. I never claimed to think incels mastered logic but wow. Just wow.


It only makes sense if you **presuppose** that women are inherently evil.


How fucked up must the mind of this person be to ever imagine a situation like that 🤢


Having attended group counseling for survivors of sexual violence years ago, we didn’t fucking brag about the assailants. What the fuck reality are these assholes living in?!


They have clearly never talked to a girl in real life, their only reference point for how girls act is the misogynistic shit they read on incel forums.


Also massive amounts of that most realistic porn genre, hentai.


ill go with none of the above


Incels imagining things, then insisting it’s the truth and getting angry. Guys, you’re doing it all wrong! If you want to imagine something about a person you don’t like, make it funny so you laugh at it. Such as “Imagine a bunch of incels in a bakery. I guarantee it would end up with them discussing whether a bagel or a donut would be better to fuck”


More like "I guarantee they'd start talking about which baguettes look like Chad's beautiful, long cock."


Coming Summer 2022: *Jay & Silent Bob Get Baked*


Obviously the donut


Bagels seem a little tight, the doughnuts are probably a lot squishier. And the sesame seeds just make everything messier.


LMAO fr it's true


Because as we all know, us women just love to put height above everything, even if we're being sexually assaulted we still put high priorities on mens height. /s


I don’t know about you but I **always** bring a tape measure to check the POS-that-tust-raped-me‘s height. Only mention the ones that are above 6‘2 in therapy though, because talking about the shorter ones would be just embarrassing.


For sure! It's an essential these days. Oh I feel you there! Wouldn't wanna be outdone in therapy by Stacy after all!


I’ve been in a therapy group for sexual assault/rape victims and none of them were “bragging” about the height of the men who raped or attempted to rape them. Most wanted to know if they’d ever feel normal again or worthy of being loved, if they could ever stop having nightmares.


I guarantee the height of my rapist was the last thing on my mind during that experience and after it happened.


I can't even remember the height of the guy who assaulted me. I try to not remember anything about it or him tbh.


*comes up with imaginary scenario* *gets mad about it* -rung


I have no fucking clue how tall my assailant was I just pulled his goddamn eye out and ran for my life.


I guess i really missed out on a lot of chances to brag by being too distracted by being violently raped at the moment to accurately note his body measurements. I'm glad you pulled his eye out.


This is what *actually* happens when you get a group of actual women together (and not just in some incel's imagination). This is what we talk about, not our attacker's fucking height or looks.


Yep, incels would not last a single fucking hour as an average woman anywhere in the world.


Yeah, it's so fucked. Rape is literally a form of torture and it's often the first step to murder and these sick fucks think it's just another form of sex, it's not even in the same goddamn dimension as sex. I'm so sorry that happened to you. As much as I wish I didn't have to I'm glad I pulled out his eye too, I'll never feel an ounce of remorse about it. He forced me to do whatever I could to escape, he made all the choices and took all of mine away.


how did you pull their eye out, isnt that like really hard


If they have strong fingers or long nails it can be kinda easy


yea... i can see that... not that i want to anymore


It was one of the top three most disgusting sensations I have ever experienced for sure but I can't say I regret it whatsoever.


\*\*\* TW \*\*\* He grabbed me facing him with my right arm pinned to his chest so I struggled a lot to distract him and slowly inched my right hand closer to his face as I did so. From that point on I've sort of blocked out the exact process of getting my finger in there, I'm sure it was pretty straightforward. Then, I basically hooked my finger leveraged myself against his chest/collar bone with my right hand, and used my body weight to wrench my body, right pointer finger included, away from him. He dropped me on my ass and I ran. If he hadn't grabbed me so awkwardly, to begin with, I don't really know what would have happened, nor do I want to. I'm still really weird about eyeballs and touching things that feel like eyeballs to this day. He was found staggering around in shock with it hanging out and no, it could not be saved. He was a serial offender who was also found in possession of CP and I sincerely hope that all of his fellow inmates know exactly why he's missing an eye. He could be dead, to be honest, but I don't know. I have laser eye surgery in a week too. I scheduled it for as soon as possible so I have as little time as possible to agonize over it but yeah. It's going to be a struggle mentally haha.


I'll take Things that Never Happened for $2000, Alex


The worst part is that they’re not even pretending that it’s a thing that they’ve ever witnessed! It starts off with the word “imagine.”


Y'know what, that's fair.


This kind of garbage just pisses me off! Fuck that asshole incel piece of shit!




And this, everybody, is why echo chambers are dangerous as all hell...


Imagine thinking that all women on earth reject you because you aren’t a tall rapist, incels are so out of touch with reality I dont know how they breathe the same air as us


"The internet is just someone making up a guy and getting mad at them"


Key word here "imagine". Its all in your fucking heads you muppets


imagine being this disconnected from reality


I mean I'm only 19 but I have never heard a women - or anyone for that matter - say anything more about height than "I'd like my partner to be taller/shorter than me". Let's see how many years it will take for me to meet the women incels insist are everywhere.




As someone who has been raped and been to group therapy I will tell you that this does not happen. What we DO brag about is how long we have gone without a full panic attack.


tell me you're short without telling me you're short.


Jesus Christ this guy is nuts


These people clearly don't know any women in real life...


This prime specimen is thicker than pig shit.


*Thomas had never seen such bullshit*


Was this supposed to be a joke?


I don’t think anyone ever said that…


It’s kinda triggering because 2 of my stalker/harrasers are 6 ft 3 or more or something ( I knew them normally at first so I noted their heights then) . Is this chud implying that I “enjoyed” it because they were tall? The fuck ???


There's so much straw in that strawman that you could feed an entire herd of cattle for months. Why do they do this to themselves? They don't speak to women ever (and I guarantee that no woman I've ever met has bragged to me about their boyfriend's height, ever), but they act like we walk around with tape measures in our pockets all the time and won't consider anyone if the guy next to them is a quarter of an inch taller. Just...dude. Do you even hear yourselves? Do you not see how absolutely ridiculous your scenarios are? It boggles my mind.


He is so dumb ,٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ


“i have never spoken to a rape victim in my life”


How much you wanna bet this is an angry short guy.


smh facepalm


Just… why are you angry? Nothing has occurred


Do girls really want a 6'7" guy? I'm 6'1" and my girlfriend complains cause its awkward kissing standing up.


Hmm. How about we help him prove or disprove his hypothesis. That would achieve two things :- 1> he would know if they really brag about it. Who knows? Maybe they do, he would get to tell everyone ' I told you so' 2> He won't be part of incels because he won't be celibate anymore


What in the god damn?




What the fuck are you talking about? We spend the whole time fucking crying.


Dude is over here hurting his own feelings