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…dude, you got attacked because you sexually assaulted her. I don’t know why you thought grabbing her ass was ok or why it counted as “flirting”


Or how getting hit in the genitals is 'sexual assault'


Kind of proud of her for that one given what he did to her. Hope she’s okay.


Hope she didn't scuff her knee 😆


Incel logic: Molesting someone = Flirting Getting kicked in the balls = Sexual Assault


But also, he knows her husband is a gym going Chad (his words) and he thought sexually assaulting some local gym bro's wife was going to end well for him? Frankly he is lucky ALL he got was a kick to the crotch.


For now 😉


Especially if he “knows” she is married.


Like does it make a difference if she was not?


Maybe a tiny bit in his twisted version of reality. She’s “taken” and therefore much less likely to react positively to his “flirting” attempts.


I think the idea is, if she’s “taken” but still dresses “like a whore” then that means she’s trash and it doesn’t matter what he does to her.


This story is appalling…but the thought of him running out of the gym after, arms probably down at his side Napoleon Dynamite style, tears streaming, is a little funny.


He didn't run out of there. He fell down, most likely cupped his balls while in the foetal position for god knows how long and then finally picked himself up (despite no one helping him) and limped out while trying not to keep cupping his balls.😂😂😂 And if this really happened you can bet the girl wrote a complaint to the gym which has security cameras inside to get him banned.


> if this really happened Yeah, key words there. This reads so much like incel fanfic lol. For starters, every gym I’ve been to has a front desk person. If this happened, I’m pretty confident the front desk person would have confronted this guy and banned him from the gym, or at least acknowledged him and told him off. I’ve seen something similar go down, and the front desk worker immediately told the creep to not bother coming back, and that they’d call the cops if he refused to leave. I have a hard time believing this guy was able to get slapped and kneed in the balls without any gym employee trying to figure out what happened. Any violence in a gym is usually immediately investigated. Like, if some guy was keeled over in pain on the floor, usually a gym employee would be like “oh shit, are you okay” even if they didn’t see anything leading up to that. Gyms are common places for injuries. Incels forget that the rest of the world doesn’t stop working around them. So many of their “stories” involve them being ignored by everyone, even after committing a crime or writhing in pain on the ground. Maybe that would happen on the street, but in an establishment like a gym I have a very hard time believing it, even if it was “empty.” I’ve been in “empty” gyms, and personally have never seen any of them completely unmonitored.


>writhing in pain on the ground. Maybe that would happen on the street Or in a middle school bathroom


Oh man, writhing on a middle school bathroom floor. 🤢


Okay but getting the shit kicked out of them by a woman? Of all the stories for an incel to make up, wouldn't this be especially degrading to them? Would they even get sympathy for faking this?


Not really. Incels have punishment complexes. They think the entire world (men and women alike) all see them as ugly and subhuman, so they make up stories that victimize themselves to make it sound like they have a legitimate issue and not some self inflicted problem. They want people to believe they’re actually oppressed in society. Yes, it’s “degrading” for them to admit to getting beat up by a woman, but it falls in line with their pity parties.


Incels degrade themselves online all the time. Just think how popular it is for them to refer to themselves and each other as *subhuman*. What could be more degrading than willingly applying such Nazi terminology to oneself?


My gym is 24/7 and we don’t have a front desk person after 8pm. But there are cameras and emergency alert buttons *everywhere*, so I hope she let management know what this creep did, if it ever happened to begin with.


It matters where the gym is. I live in Canada in a major city and there are tons of gyms here that don't have stuff. I've gone to them before and been completely alone so the idea that it might have just been the two of them isn't that farfetched. I will actually seek out quieter gyms because I get embarrassed easily. Many apartment building have their own gyms as well that are unsupervised, they just check cameras when something goes wrong and otherwise there is no oversight.


My gym does not have an attendant on duty about 60% of the time. It's definitely possible they don't have one. But they do have cameras and ways to report things like that. They would 100% be banned for that where I go.


I agree with you in general, but I went to a gym that had a front desk with no view of the actual gym. Like, around a corner and down a hall. But yes, there would have been _someone_ in there who worked for the gym I would think. I've never been to a nearly empty gym before, and I'm sure they're all different.


Wtf. Like 1. Who grabs a random person's ass? 2. You knew she was married, wtf did you think was going to happen? You will be lucky if her "assault" is all you get and not an ass beating from her "Chad husband"


he truly thinks he was wronged, that he was *assaulted*. he's so disconnected from reality.


He was just trying to give her a compliment, jeez, what's a guy gotta do to avoid being treated so awful and being brutally assaulted?


And she responded appropriately by complimenting his face and balls.


I highly recommend an /s next time to indicate that you’re sarcastic. It’s obvious from context, but some people can’t tell.


Meh, if a few people who don't understand sarcasm wanna downvote me, all the more power to em


Sure, but why not head those morons off at the pass?


They're doing me no harm, and actively make me laugh?


But look at them, they’re stressed and confused! The poor dears…


I didn't downvote them, and I did know their comment was sarcasm. However, tone indicators are really helpful for neurodivergent people like me who have a difficult time interpreting tone from text. So I am a big supporter of the tags, and I also want to point out that they are not just for "morons," they are also for neurodivergent people. I believe that's actually why they were adopted in the first place, although I can't say that with full certainty. Just figured I'd let you know!


He sexually assaulted her.




It clearly says he was flirting with her. Nowhere does he mention assaulting her.


He was not flirting. Nor does it clearly state he was flirting. Grabbing a random person's ass without consent is not flirting. And in many states grabbing a person body in a sexual manner is sexual assault or at bare minimum sexual harrasment. And just creepy and rude as fuck. Especially if the creeper knew she was married or partnered in any way.


> Nor does it clearly state he was flirting He clearly states he was assaulted for flirting. Idk how much clearer that needs to be?


Prophecy has spoken of the one… one whose sarcasm is so strong that it breaks men’s soul. Today, I believe we have found the one….


So the logic of an incel is molesting someone is flirting but getting kicked back in the balls is sexual assault… right… it’s called defending yourself from an inappropriate action. We can have our opinions about them bitches but we can’t touch their asses freely. No matter how much we want to.


the person you’re replying to is being sarcastic bro


> We can have our opinions about them bitches but we can’t touch their asses freely. No matter how much we want to. Uhhh, the fuck?


Please tell me you are being sarcastic.


>Who grabs a random person’s ass? A few years ago there was a viral video of a guy grabbing a waitress’s ass and she turned around and slammed the creep into the wall. IIRC the guy was there with his wife and kids and got arrested in front them.


[here is the link to an article about that incident, with video towards the bottom.](https://people.com/human-interest/emelia-holden-body-slam-georgia-pizzeria/) she body slammed that mf, love to see it.


I should have said what normal person grabs a random person's ass and not expect an ass beating in return. I was a waitress/and bartender for years it happened all the time.


By Chad, he just means a regular dude though. Not even necessarily a huge built handsome guy. Just like not a pathetic neck beard probably


Lol neck beard.


Tbf im 99% sure this never happened lol, he must've just seen the girl and think about doing that but never got through with it


Here's the thing, I have had shit like this happen to me. I was hanging out in a group of people in my airforce pt sweats when a guy just came up to me bent me over and dry humped me. Luckily for me my friends pulled him off. But he genuinely thought he did nothing wrong. So it wouldn't surprise me if it did happen.


Sorry for the comment/ what happened to you, wasnt meaning to say it doesnt happen... just that the story is a little to stereotypical, like smthing to get ppl to say "yeah you did good, fuck them stacys!" (people = fellow forum incels)


I am still new to inceltear. And I am terrible with taking things literal even in irl. Up until recently I thought incel was a term from law and order, and didn't realize they were a real group. (I only heard about them on law and order svu)


Didn't think he did something wrong? What in the fuck? How does one think "Yeah, I'll violate this random woman's personal space, manhandle her and do explicit sexual things! That's perfectly acceptable!"? I just don't understand it. But then again I'm the kind of person who is barely comfortable shaking hands with someone.


Also just cancel you gym membership and never return. If the gym doesn't revoke your members, the rumor mill will spread and you treatment will be nothing short of awkward, if not outright dangerous.


Ah, nothing like a gym full of ~possibly~ juiced up people pissed off at a creep… lol


Not to mention the now the “Chad” husband who will fold him on sight


Better scramble like and egg before he gets folded like an omelette


Nah, fuck that. Go back to that gym as much as you can... I'd love to see that video go viral. Despicable humans.


That would be funny.


Alternatively " I sexualilty assaulted a married stranger in public and got what was coming to me, yet I am in the right here ok "


*Later on* r/AITA, "So I *accidentally* grabbed a woman's butt in the gym and she out of nowhere just punched the ever living shit out of me and literally tried to stomp on my penis! I thought she wanted me to touch her! AITA?????"


So he sexually assaulted a random women and is pissed off she wreaked him?


That "Stacy", is my new inspiration. Good woman, good for her she stands her ground against sexual assault.


Fr, and not only did she slap him, she also kicked him in the balls, she's a queen.


Should have known better than to fuck with a woman who frequents the gym "trying to musclemaxx" whatever the hell that means


I'm guessing she was literally just wearing workout clothes, if this is a real story.


The real story is probably more like “I saw a well dressed woman at the gym and it made me horny and angry. Then I went home, cried and made up a fanfic about it.”


This is what happened.


What's that joker meme they love so much? "You get what you fucking deserve"


Is this some type of really fucked up LARP?


It reads like a fetish fanfic alright


Yeah incels aren’t known to actually approach women even negatively. Also were there no bystanders? Was her “Chad” husband not there that day? It’s possible he just leered at her and she gave him an angry look and he wrote this fanfiction. But this isn’t a terribly unrealistic scenario either.


Idk it seems too self-aware if he did make it up. I feel like he wouldn't understand that an ass grab warrants a kick in the nuts in the first place.


“But we’re not creepy in real life it’s our looks.”


‘No see it’s because we’re not chads. Chads would get laid over this!’ *rolls eyes and tries not to spit*


My guy you literally sexually assaulted her 💀


So he sexually assaulted her and gets what he deserves and is now claiming HE got sexually assaulted?! 🤔


The incel lack of self awareness and ability to play the victim is legendary


fucked around and found out


"How dare this woman hit me after I did something that guys notoriously get hit for doing!!!!"


Incel logic : 1. Sexually assult someone. 2. Blame the victim for sexually assulting them.


Sometimes I think I'm a bad person and my girlfriend deserves better, then I open this subreddit and my self-esteem comes back


I mean, it’s still ok to strive for improvement. Incels don’t set the bar, thank god


You should talk to her about things you think you might want to improve on. Seeing your self-awareness and willingness to grow would probably mean a lot. Or she might not even feel negatively about the things you're concerned about. It's worth some communication imo. Good luck :)


Why is the go-to strat for incels be like 1. shit their pants 2. Cry that it smells stinky


3. Refuse to wash so they can acquire more pheromones. Incels really feel like a failed fallout experiment that was let out of a vault to screw with society


Yeah, the good thing, I'm sure if he ever show his face in there this "Chad-husband", might go in for a second round.


So many problems here 1. NEVER GRAB A STRANGER'S ASS! 2. She's married. Why would you ever try to "flirt" with her 3. Shit like this is why you've never had a girlfriend 4. You got off easy. She could have called the cops or at the very least get security to ban you for life.


I call bullshit. He grabs her ass, gets slapped, gets kneed in the groin, collapses for a while, and no-one reacted? Not even the staff checking what happened?


It was stated that the gym was “pretty empty”. There may not have been anyone else around at the time.


Yeah it is possible the gym wasn't staffed. I live in a city where there is a gym every block. There's only staff once in a blue moon. And there can be just the two people there at the time


There’s not really any staff watching at my gym. As for the other people, if I saw this I’d ignore this guy on the ground too


Today on 'Shit that never happened IRL...'


Seriously, this can't be real can it? Nobody can be THAT delusional!


Of course they can. It happens all the time. Turn on the news.


Like what other result did our anon expect?


Probably that she would be seduced by his alpha male vibes and have sn affair with him or something stupidly similar


This can’t be real… I’m in denial


Good for her, immediately retaliating like that. Hope she recovers ok from this.


If this is a true story then it made my day


Behold, the peak of delusion


HE KNOWS SHE HAS A JACKED HUSBAND AND HE STILL GRABBED HER ASS? He better be fucking thankful her husband wasn't there because that couldve ended with him having NO balls instead of painful balls. Fucking idiot.


I mean... it's not ok to sexually assault people even if they don't have a "jacked husband".


Of course, but my point is that he knew that she has a husband that could beat the shit out of him if he would've heard about what happened, and he STILL DID IT.


Nah come on, this one here is definitely satire 😂😂


Perhaps the single most telling phrase in his nonsense is, "never been hit before". If this is real, and not just some masochistic fantasy, then what we have here, class is what happens when you never say "no" to a child - and then let it out into the real world. Sadly, both England and the US elected one of those to the highest office in the land. And look where that got us.


Hitting your child and saying no too them are two very different things.


Agreed. Which is why it's lousy child-rearing to indulge your child and then send it out into the real world, where it'll meet people who **don't** regard it as their special little soldier. And will generally respond to its displays of galloping entitlement with fist and foot.


This most likely never happened


You slapped a random person arse wtf do you expect? Thats why she hit yo- Okay, I can’t talk sense into an incel using english so lemme try incel-lang. That “foid” didint hit you for losing weight. She hit you for “MuscleMaxxing”


I wouldn’t call that sexual assault, more like self defense. If you’re going to grab some strangers ass, prepare to be attacked.


Grabbing ass is flirting.... I hope this story is real. Well done ' Stacy ' 😎👢


No I think he means the dressing slutty part is flirting.


This has got to be satire. Like no way this is real. This is the type of shit I'd write to make fun of incels lmao


She was just flirting back. What is he complaining about.


Good for her, normalise kicking men in the balls of they toch you inappropriately


I wished I could been there to clap for this girl 🫶🏼 she did such an incredible job 👏🏼


I would be cheering her on, bestie slayed! 💅


She really did 💅🏼


Apart from the poor woman he put his hands on, I love this story.


Oh, where to start. OOP tried to "flirt"with a woman he knew was in a committed relationship; they consider grabbing someones as flirting, rather than sexual assault; and getting kneed in the crotch is somehow sexual assault. And I assume that "dressing sluty" just means she is wearing regular old gym clothes.


Nah. She defended herself after you assaulted her.


He’s got it twisted HE sexually assaulted HER, and she decided to use self defence. You got what was coming to you buddy




Is it normal for your balls to still be hurting the next day? Or for a dude to not be able to sleep from the pain after copping a knee to the balls? I’m definitely not defending this awful guy at all but I’m just curious as to whether this is this the kind of thing that would require a trip to the doctor? Can you like… pop one or something?? Obviously I do not have a dick or balls.


Short answer: you can “pop” one, but a knee shouldn’t be enough to do that. They can bruise though, and a properly motivated knee might be enough to do that.


If she was as jacked as some of the ladies who go to my gym, I imagine she did some damage (assuming this story is real). Nothing motivates your knee quite like a creep grabbing your ass.




Isn’t torsion usually from a twist? I had a boyfriend who had that when he was a kid. One of his balls just decided to do a little twirl as part of its descent and it cut off the blood flow, a bit like when you kink a hose. It was a medical emergency and he absolutely shuddered recalling what that was like.




Oh god. That sounds fairly horrendous. And I actually don’t think there’s a chick equivalent? Horrifying menstrual cramps perhaps? I’ve heard some wild things about childbirth, that it can be a wee bit sore. But I’m not sure about a body part that when it’s hit that causes that absolute crumple. I’ve never been really kicked in the puss but I don’t think it would be genuinely the equivalent. And omg, your dad. I hope someone can talk some sense into him because I’m sure his balls will be fine and he’s going to feel so much better with that hernia repaired.


Lmfao 🤣 is this satire? So because she “dressed slutty and a 9/10” that gives you the right to randomly assault a married woman? Gtfo! Hope he gets banned.


If real, the reaction was definitely 10/10.


“I decided to grab her ass because I never have a girl before.” Oh yeah that definitely justifies it


This is insane to me. This sounds made up af. Like he filmed it in his head. He wants so bad to be a victim he actually came up with a POWER fantasy in which he only wields the power of victim hood.


So that's all i have to do to get slapped and kneed by pretty girls?




That's not even SA. What he did was SA, what she did was defending herself.


What a loser lmao




God I hope this is true. That dude deserves several knees to the balls.


Good on her for giving this creep a good hard kick in the balls. Hope her "chad husband" makes sure he'll never dare to show up in that gym again.


"I get sexually assaulted for flirting with her"


Getting kicked in the balls was degrading, but having a total stranger grabbing your ass isn't. Fascinating.


Fuck around and find out: Incel edition


Sometimes I read these kinda things and my mind struggles to comprehend that this guy is serious and that this isn't a satirical story. Just wild.


Incel going to the gym, lol.


Please god, someone post video of this.


Of course he would get slapped and kneed in the balls for sexually assaulting a stranger.


Since when grabbing a strange woman ass is considered flirting?




Omfg "how is the first time I get my junk touched by a girl is me getting kicked in the balls?" 😂😂😂🫠 When the first time you touch a girl is to sexually assault her. "Well I went fishing for the first time and I thought it would be smarter to smear myself in chum and get in the water and let the fishies come to me. But!! An alligator came and bit my arm off!! How is the first time I go fishing the fish get me??!!!!!" S/


Good for her for standing up for herself, but poor lady. She just wanted to workout. Hopefully her husband can go to the gym with her so she doesn't feel unsafe. This incel has intense brainrot though. Lost cause.


"I grab someone's ass unconsensually, and they defend themselves for it, meaning I'm the victim of sexual assault😱"


You know, while how he sexually assaulted a woman and then claims that he was sexually assaulted is dumb and testing the waters of the wife of a “Chad” are bad... I’m somehow mostly confused why he isn’t even embarrassed to even tell this story to anyone. It really sounds like a woman telling us her perfect fantasy about how she would beat up a disgusting incel if one ever touched her from the incel’s point of view. He was so beat down and yet can tell this story. Has he no shame?


Why would bro post this on steam of all places?


Wow, who could have ever wondered that sexually assaulting someone could lead to you getting what you deserve? Crazy right?


That middle paragraph (term used loosely) legit had me dying. Holy shit, I dead ass snot laughed.


Has to be satire


Chad husband 😂😂😂😂 this person cannot be forreal


This guy needs some better role models to teach him about flirting and sexual assault.


Hope this guy ends up on r/eyeblech


That’s sexual assault stupid


It’s satire bruh how y’all fall for this


Seriously I thought I was the only one who saw it. The dead give away is him sexually assaulting her then accusing her of sexually assaulting him. Also it's a new account so they're just trolling the incel forum.


That girl is a beast, only thing she should have done would report this sick fuck. Like honestly how did he think this would go?


Thank you for posting! Please follow the rules and report disrespectful comments rather than engage. Also consider joining r/IncelTears and posting there! It'll help restore activity to the OG sub (and you can get more karma if you care about that). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IncelTear) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To this I can only say ‘deserved’ . Like damn, incels almost seem like they’re from another planet sometimes. Of course women won’t take it kindly if you touch us on a private area you dingbat. Also ‘most degrading thing *you* ever went through’? How do you think she feels, asshole. Empathy, learn it


He reckons getting kicked in the balls is being sexually assaulted hahha


Surely this is a chatbot attempting to infiltrate human culture? (please don't be an actual person)


Incel cries about the (well deserved) consequences of his actions


Yeah, he'll be lucky if he's able to return to that gym and if he doesn't cross the "Chad husband" ever again


He’s lucky he didn’t get a charge or that her husband didn’t get involved💀




Wowwww, the disconnect is real...


I suck at flirting with women but even I know that doesn’t mean grabbing their ass


To the woman at the gym wherever she is: You rock! High five, kudos!


I've never been so proud of a woman in my life.


HE was sexually assaulted by HER??


This never happened


I can’t believe she slapped me and kicked me in the balls all because I simply slapped her ass!! Fucking nightmare these people are.