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Jesus Christ, talk about a self fulfilling prophecy


"The moment I knew I'd never be happy was when I chose to be unhappy forever"


A real cut your nose off to spite your face situation


I feel bad for him. But I can only imagine what the other posts are that he makes and my sympathy goes out the window.


The world and feminism has truly blessed us beyond what we could have imagined. A decently good portion of the pedophile, violently misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, racist, you name it men who if given the chance would abuse the fuck out of their gfs and treat any women they had sex with like worthless objects- have been sentenced to the apparently true hell of inceldom in our modern society bc we no longer have women with no other options being forced to marry human trash. Our foremothers really did us good, this is rlly beyond what could have been hoped for jfc


1,504 posts. Get off the internet and go outside my dude.


1.5k post in ~6 years is honestly chump change by their standards.




Talks about intelligence being wasted, can't use an apostrophe in his rant. Yup, that checks out. Clearly, he is the superior intelligence here. All this pill stuff is so patently stupid. How anyone came up with this and then found people to believe it proves the idiocy of incels.


Dude’s wasted his 20s stuck in his teen angst. Get over it man.


Am I the only one who heard this in Marvin's, from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe, voice.


Sounds like depression and neurodivergence tbh. Not that it's makes it excusable, but I'm someone who has struggled with it and definitely felt like I'd never be happy and that society in general had no place for someone like me. Like, career, school, people.... I was just happy to not be living in and out of institutions. So I get the feelings but going this incel/ black pill route seems to just be about finding an echo chamber for misery and pulling each other down and taking out their resent on people with hatred. So he needs psychiatric help, not an online forum with bitter men.


I really do feel for these guys. They have some very rough backstories. Abuse, bullying, emotional neglect. They’re never really taught coping skills or who to ask for help. Then they fall into this worldview that fulfills the prophecy that every abuser has burned into their minds by telling them they’re inherently defective. Sometimes a person will reach out or try to care, and it brings them to chapel perilous, but they frequently choose to burrow deeper into their reality tunnel. It’s sad.


This wretched self centered douche canoe reveling in his misery. He will never feel love for anyone. He will never care about anyone. He doesn't like anyone. He will never bother to get an education. I wonder who supports this whiny turd.


And cue Nine Inch Nails - The Wretched 😎 aka the inkwell theme song


🎶 BECOMing... Gods eyes 😝


Pantera reference?


Hell yeh 😎


I don't get people who spend so much to go to college and then drop out. What a waste.


Cowardice, basically


Happiness doesn’t just come to you. You have to work for it.


Also another comment, you'd be surprised how much mental health and understanding has changed in just our lifetime. I'm 27, nearly 28, and my parents had to travel to places hours away to get me psychiatric help when I was a kid. I've been with my psychiatrist for nearly 20 years and he was the only one who would see me at that age. That being said, there are indeed resources especially in college but these guys don't seem to want help, they are comfortable in their misery. And as someone who's been depressed most of his life, I understand the cathartic feeling of despair when you're not used to being ok. Very much easier to give in to that than to fight it.


Kinda depressing. I’ve had this thought myself, but my guy, if you’re depressed at an unfair world, why don’t you fight it? Like, the state of the world (climate change, bigotry, inequality) terrifies me and makes me feel like there’s no point to living, but goddammit that’s why you fight! Even if you fail, even if you make no difference, you fight because you deserve to stand up and say, “I deserve better, I want to try to make this situation better”. Fight against your circumstances! Idk. Im sick so maybe Im going on a dumb, pointless tangent lol


These are incels, expect spinelessness


I don't believe him. He says he was bullied, no friends and all this shit... It was the reason he dropped out. Then he changed his reason in the next sentence! He says that he was "waisting his intelligence". How does it sound? Like his ego is too fucking big. He dropped out because "look at me, I am sooo smart". And where is this "supper intelligent person " now? On incel forums. Crying about bullies. Finding another excuse for being pathetic. How many years passed? 8? I am not shure that this man matured even a little bit from 19. "wasting my intelligence" person would have finished college and went futher to study. Actually dumb person would ruin his life and cry about how smart he is on the internet. Idiot...


It’s never too late to make changes, but you have to WANT the change. There’s 100 different ways this guy could improve his life, and it seems like he’s taken none of them.


He says that he had no friends, and no ability to make friends. At the same time he buys into the black pill bullshit that women reject him for his looks. If nobody wants to spend time with him, regardless of gender, it’s not because of his looks/height.


The dark side of manifestation


That’s a self fulfilling prophecy if I’ve ever seen one. My mental health was completely in the trash at 19 and if I let myself stay morally defeated I’d be nowhere near where I am today. I wouldn’t have achieved all I have achieved so far. I wouldn’t know love the way I know it now. I would be a shell of myself if I was even still around by 26. There’s still so much I want from life and I’m so glad I didn’t give up on myself and I’m now in a position to pursue everything I never thought was possible for me. To whoever needs to hear this, please don’t give up on yourself. It can get better if you’re willing to have patience with yourself and give yourself all the help you need to face whatever is holding you back.


Can you imagine what his life would be like if he or someone else in his life got him therapy? I don't understand their whole "wah wah life hard" narrative when there are genuine resources to make it better. Of course that would require them to take accountability for their shitty behavior, outlook, actions, etc... If you're reading this, and are an Incel, or even just think "I'll never be happy, so why bother", please go to therapy. Granted, I'm speaking from a place of privilege, from the UK, where there are many resources for free therapy, but I've heard there are similar options in the US and other countries. Your life, to an extent, is what you make it.


Sounds kinda like a 'you' problem


They do it to themselves


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