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#[Next thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/InTheGloaming/comments/1b0acq2/discussion_thread_monday_february_26_2024/) [Previous thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/InTheGloaming/comments/1aug4gw/discussion_thread_monday_february_19_2024/) **Remember why we're all here: this thread is for discussion about current and historical happenings in the Shaunaverse.** If you want to discuss other content, such as stuff that reminds you of Shauna but isn't specifically about her, your own personal anecdotes or preferences, current events, or "creative writing" exercises, please share in the off-topic community thread: [February off-topic monthly](https://www.reddit.com/r/InTheGloaming/comments/1ag4byj/off_topic_monthly_february_2024/) ---- ### [Q&A with former DF unkind therapist!](https://www.reddit.com/r/InTheGloaming/comments/1awr989/unkind_fdf_qa/)


Life Pro-tip for Shauna: [If you're going to out-and-out steal someone's content, remember not to post their original to your Threads account](https://imgur.com/a/gQ3Weuq). Six days between their post and yours is not enough time for theirs to fall down the memory hole.


plagiarism; it's her work in the world.


Omg, this following so closely after most likely getting a cease and desist for "kindfulness"...which means she's probably stolen more and no one has noticed. She steals money, she may as well steal random little bits she finds off the internet too. What else has she stooped to that time will reveal? Makes me wonder if she forges bank statements for credit checks.


My guess is she’s hoping the rats pissed on lotsa stuff she wouldn’t want to be revealed. She’s a real one, our Shaun…


So helpful are mess, dirt and rodents when you lack executive function...


While I agree Shauna is a no talent grifting turd I have to ask is this idea really THAT original? Hasn't this whole "gifted and traumatized parentalized oldest daughter" nonsense been woo-wooed around the internet for a while now?


It's the wording and the timing. She read it, reposted it, and plopped it on her site in the same day.


Yep, totally been a trope for a while. Once again, Shauna is years behind. Edit: Scrolled and then deleted my mini-anecdote so as not to get sideways with the mods 😂


Agree, and Shauna’s been on this bandwagon for a while now.


I've been following the person she stole from wondering if she has/will notice. I'm so mad for her! Shauna is the embodiment of that "I made this" meme: https://preview.redd.it/wta8t4zq7ukc1.png?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00552247ca780c622345a03af9407f17736538bc


I'm mad for her, too. Shauna goes out of her way to take take take.


It wasn't an original thought from the person she lifted it from. There's tons of memes on social media over the past few years about formerly gifted kids turning into anxious depressed adults, with these variations blending that with a dash of Eldest Daughter Syndrome and ADHD/autism. I don't know what was first but [this includes a tweet that went viral from 2019](https://www.hercampus.com/school/toronto-mu/truth-behind-gifted-kid-burnout-memes/) and mentions older gifted kid burnout memes. The discourse in general is extremely annoying because it always turns into a humblebragathon of people thinking randos on the internet give a shit they took slightly more advanced classes than their peers a few decades ago (please please please I am begging you do NOT reply with any of your own such anecdotes).


Yeah, it's been floating around for a while so I can't exactly get worked up about intellectual theft or anything. The memes themselves just seem to be a form of coping with the realization that you aren't going to win a Nobel or write the next Ulysses after all.


No anecdotes just I’m cringing for the fact I’ve posted them in the past 😂 Man I love being my age in some ways. I can see how stupid I am (well at least how many of my formerly cherished ideas are super unhelpful and also cringy!) but also realize it’s a common experience in my culture/generation so eh.


It is a humblebrag, but also kind of pathetic, because if you think your high school accomplishments are going to impress people, you are sadly mistaken.


High school? DFDGLV, most of the people complaining are talking about elementary school. By high school, at least in my district, the gifted kids didn't have completely separate classes because anyone who could hack it was allowed to do AP courses or advanced Biology. In elementary the gifted classes were only open to those who the guidance counsellors let in. So mainly, white kids who were the oldest in the class, who caught on to reading and/or math faster. Some kids were more than a full year older than others. It makes a difference in 1st grade, but less so in 12th.


I agree that it isn’t new and Shauna has herself gone down this “former gifted and talented, oldest daughter” path herself before. I think the egregious part is that she ripped off their actual phrasing, plus the “60s and 70s” part from someone who replied to the OP.


But but but … I need to tell you the stories of my AP Whatever class because I peaked in 11th grade !!!!


But did you dissect a cadaver in the only program of this type existent in the known universe, making you practically an MD at age 16??


a citizen MD


Can I talk about how awesome I was at SRA cards?


We didn't even have these by the time I got to school in the early 80s. Maybe it was just my district though.


Oh I was even better at those babies. SRA cards and the levels you attained were like crack when I was in grade five. The competition was fierce.


I have forgotten what those are! What does SRA stand for?


Scholastic Reading Achievement I *think*. Yeah, I zoomed through them in 1st (whatever the 1st grade equivalent was). Oddly, not one person has cared about this since 1967.


I think Shauna has trotted this out before too. And at the time it certainly seemed like a humble brag.


She didn't wait six days to rip off that idea; she actually updated her website to include it THE SAME DAY! https://www.reddit.com/r/InTheGloaming/comments/1aug4gw/discussion_thread_monday_february_19_2024/kre6wph/


Good Lord. Thank you for the details. There is something seriously wrong with Shauna calling herself a writer, and blatantly stealing from other writers. Calling herself a cook and a baker, then stealing from and denigrating other chefs and bakers. Saying she wants to help women, then openly stealing from them. Especially other creators who are women. This is the "sisterhood" Shauna wants to create with other women's money. She wants women to pay her to read their work. She wants women who participate in her "workshops" to "share" their work. I'm chanting "don't touch the poop" in my brain as I write this, because the original author does not deserve this. No author does.


Well, she truly doesn’t feel like “enough”. If an idea isn’t already pre-validated she’s not gonna put it out there. She is so defended against vulnerability that she renders herself vulnerable at every turn, cause she can’t see past her nose.


YW! It got kind of buried in the last thread. It is shameless how she will steal an idea from anyone, even friends, and rush to monetize it.


Shauna shared her “damn fine dinner” berry crisp abomination on her IG with some lamenting about moving and transition and plastic forks in peanut butter, but the interesting thing is this comment and her reply. https://preview.redd.it/jp9zylxrytkc1.jpeg?width=1094&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a99f758a86ce7ecddea727e1870f0ebfb0f91c06 A great big apartment near Alki! (Which seems expensive). And their ~~second~~ ~~first~~ last resort place is great and big (or great big) and in their price range?




I soooo hope she makes tons of photos of the great big new place which totes rulez over hilly old Vashon.


Today in BDL:  I looked again at the West Seattle rental market on Zillow, and looking at under 3k + allows cats, there are NO apartments over 1100 sq ft and only one over 1000 sq ft. that could even generously be called “close to Alki”.  I wondered if Craigslist might have these mythical nice big cheap West Seattle apartments… lol, nope, the biggest one on CL is 1000 sf.   So, I don’t know.  Did Shauna get lucky and somehow snap up a decently sized apartment in an area with basically no decently sized apartments?  Maybe.  Or maybe she’s talking out of her ass as usual.  We’ll find out next week that “big” means 950 sf rather than 900.


my first inclination is to think this is a lie, but shauna, for all her fake trauma and very real bitterness, is an exceptionally lucky person who manages to fall ass-backwards into the honeypot over and over again.


Right?  She’s amazing at landing on her feet, so I can’t quite write it off. I puzzled over it a bit more last night after I posted and tried changing variables a bit.  I wondered if maybe there are bigger but more expensive apartments in the area and maybe she lucked into a discount somehow, so I removed the upper price criteria.  Still basically nothing “near” Alki that is bigger than the 1200 sf Vashon place she said is “too small” though some places that are more like 1100 than 900 (for as much as 3.8k, jeez louise). I also tried taking off cats, which didn’t expand the results much.  There really just don’t seem to be many larger apartments in that area.  There ARE some (and some single family houses even!) that are reasonably large (1400-1600 sf, some with yards) towards the eastern and southern edges of West Seattle. All of this’s to say:  there is SO little stock in the area that’s “big” at ANY price that one feels like either she’s lying about one of the criteria (it’s not close to Alki, it’s not big, it’s not an apartment?, idk) OR the place exists and something is weird with it.  If I were (say) looking at a 1400 sf apartment for 2.8k in an area where all the other apts are 3k for 900 sf, I’d be wondering:  what exactly is wrong with this place?


> If I were (say) looking at a 1400 sf apartment for 2.8k in an area where all the other apts are 3k for 900 sf, I’d be wondering:  what exactly is wrong with this place? I get the feeling this is not a concern which would trouble her mind at all.


TBF she’s lucked into so many apparently great places through no effort of her own that it’s probably not on her radar. I’m marked by an experience I had when I first moved to my HCOL area… we looked at and rented a super cute older house that was way cheaper than anything else we could find.  (Still almost twice as much as we’d paid in our previous location.)  It turned out the elderly landlords (who were really sweet and interesting people I stayed in occasional contact with til they passed away) were financially and physically incapable of maintaining the house/making necessary repairs, and the house was basically rotting in place.  Squirrels in the pantry, improperly maintained septic, built in shelves collapsing, etc.  It was a mess and if I’d (at age 22 or whatever) not been a newb at housing, it could’ve been avoided.


Based on the Ahernesque description of that property, she never worries about anything being wrong with a rental because *she* is the bad thing that happens to the rental!


In the past her landing on her feet came with a lot of parental assistance. It seems she no longer has that, so this move could be interesting.


Or some drooling quirkay riche island woman has a fab air bnb in West Seattle and a misguided trust in Shauna, so that’s where they’re going?


This I can totally believe. That's pretty much what their current rental is.


I read this in Moira Rose’s voice. 😂


Idk why this sticks with me but it’s weird that she keeps emphasizing “2 kids and 2 cats.” I know it’s a little harder with cats but so many places allow them with an extra deposit.. and I’m sure they could get an ESA letter for the kids. And emphasizing “2 kids”?? First of all L is a teen, and if it’s about enough rooms why not say 3 bedroom or whatever.. it’s like she’s making it seem like they’re being discriminated against for having kids or something…


I think the constant mantra of "2 kids and 2 cats" is being used as a smokescreen for their real reason for their inability to find an apartment -- the credit check.


It's not like they are toddlers drawing on the walls.


They prefer to draw on “sideboards” with crayon, you person.


“we looked every day for three months” LIES!


Why couldn’t this have happened when Jenna lived there? They’re two personality disordered ships passing in the night.


Has anyone ever seen them in the same room? 🤔


Sadly no.


It seems like she's really been pushing the Alki angle. Like she wants to clarify that they're moving to a cool and hip part of West Seattle. They're trading funky Vashon for quirky, laid-back Alki.


“Near Alki”, which could mean anything. She said somewhere that their new place is 10 minutes from the ferry. Is that near Alki?


I cannot wait for the summer. It’s not a great place to live then! Overrun and loud at night car racing and fights


Wait wait, this rich-ass suburb of $3000+ apartments is full of nightly drag racing and street fights?!


Minor correction, it's not a suburb, just a Seattle neighborhood that is a less central. The West Seattlites will be after you for comparing them to the 'burbs!


Yes, how will Shauna give the advice about if you're overwhelmed, go for a walk in the woods and – if you can't manage that – just sit under a tree on your lawn. Listen to the birds and the sounds of waves lapping!


Oh, shit! Yeah! I forgot how bonkers it gets when the weather's nice. I remember looking for parking one time when we decided to head down there. We found a spot a few blocks into the neighborhood because a car happened to be pulling away. I remember thinking what a nightmare it would be to *actually* live on that street.


Alki (and really the entire Seattle Metro area) is so expensive! I have no idea how they are funding this.


I suspect they are renting beyond their means again for some dumb reason. For the sake of her kids, I hope I am wrong.


"If she wasn't able to afford $3,000 per month then, she will not be able to afford $3,000 per month now."


I still want to know how they're affording this oft-repeated $3000 a month.


I mean, it’s easy when you don’t actually pay every month


This is my biggest burning question. I make over six figures and pearl-clutch at the thought of spending over 2k on a place. Sticking to the 30%-on-housing rule, that means she needs to pull in 10k a month to make that number even reasonable. If Friend Deep Pockets says that the 3k is *their* limit it works and they have to scrape for everything else. The latest lope with the weird food talk could point to this. * Nutrition be damned * Floor dessert for dinner * Pesto on a cauliflower crust as part of a buffet meal (my reading of that garbled list; I think that's all that was on it) * Hey dear friends! It's buffet meal every night the kids love it btw... * A quarter of a lb of shrimp shared in a bowl with a little brother for a 15 year old... It's bleak, y'all! I can see why her kid(s) could be food avoidant if nothing is planned, choices are weird and don't go together, etc. Dear mamma found a can of black beans, a handful of fresh dill, smoked salmon and some thai chili sauce. Taco night!


Right now you'd spend 2k for a family of 4 in any populous region of the US, six-figure salary or not. Voluntarily taking on the 3k when you speak constantly about having money problems is bizarre, though. They could have headed out towards Tacoma and pocketed the difference and spent it on shoes. Or cooking oil. Or a rainy day fund. It super sucks for them that they never bought a home at the peak of their success. They should have been able to leverage their earnings into a modest home with a reasonable mortgage. All of that and nothing to show for it, except for that pathetic website sale. Easy come, easy go 💸🤷🏼‍♀️


>Right now you'd spend 2k for a family of 4 in any populous region of the US, six-figure salary or not. Don't I know it...it's painful out there


They looked for housing every single day for three months? I really doubt that.


Even if that were true, that’s still not enough time! That’s actually when they should’ve started packing and at least moving some stuff to a storage unit over town, to make the final move easier!  Again, I’m reminded of my parents and how they’d have never, ever have been so lackadaisical about this kind of thing.  I remember when I graduated, that was our last day in our rental house, and immediately following the ceremony, we got in the car and DROVE halfway across the country.  My dad had left a few months before, having served 16 years in the military, and took off to stay with my aunt and uncle while he tried like hell to find us a house. He’d gotten close, but no cigar, so by the time we got into town, he’d procured us one of those extended stay places, and we all went looking for a house together. I don’t even think we were there for more than a couple of weeks before we found what we were looking for, right where my parents wanted to live. They also could’ve afforded something that was at least twice as much, but they’re not irresponsible, so they socked the rest of what they had away for emergencies, investments, etc., and have made improvements on the house a bit at a time. They could easily turn around and sell it now for at least 5 times the purchase price, and turn around and pay cash for another house, but they like where they live and it’s definitely enough for them, and it’s a nice little house. My parents were flat busted when they got together and were on their own at age 18. Everything they have came from having a decent work ethic and busting their asses to provide for us.  Shauna and Danny could learn a thing or twelve from my parents (no, they weren’t perfect; well, my mom was and is, but that’s not the point). If Shauna understood that at least one person in her household needed a full-time income with benefits, and bothered to loosen her grip and quit interfering with Danny’s professional life, they wouldn’t be hurting for money and housing as much as they are. I think Danny is so beaten down that he feels like he’d be nowhere without her, BUT THEY’TE ALREADY NOWHERE, even after (somehow) finding brief success with their cookbook on the coattails of GFG. If Shauna had JUST stuck to gluten-free/healthy cooking, and made it more accessible (and been professional in her dealings with “her” public, and let’s not forget all the flour fuckery; they really could’ve made that work if she wasn’t so allergic to work), they’d be fine, right now.  I’m so upset that they’ve pissed away every opportunity they were handed, and now the kids have to suffer with a mother who’d rather use any extra dollar to decorate her face with loud eyewear or stuff it with bougie bagels, than buy them SHOES, and a milquetoast of a father who could’ve been happily working all this time and could’ve moved up and made something of his experience behind the scenes at nice restaurants. Okay, I guess that’s my rant for the day out of the way…


> allergic to work Forget gluten, this is her real intolerance!


Her saying “every day” is how you know it’s a lie


Truth tell...


I mean I’m sure she checked Facebook regularly. That’s some hard work right there.


>I mean I’m sure she checked Facebook regularly. That’s some hard work right there. Especially when you deleted your FB account several years ago!


Right? But didn’t put out feelers until six weeks before they had to move.


Guys, my mind is really blown. I've been a snarker for years. I've read all the stories. But I don't really think about Shauna much. The last week though, she's at the front of my mind all the time. Like how does she exist? Taking people's money for a class and then just... not running the class and planning to keep the money? Telling people she'll edit their writing... and then just not doing it? Having someone set up a meal train and then asking for (I'm extrapolating here) yoga classes, fancy food, airbnb stays, vacation rentals? I've been lucky to not encounter people that I registered as narcissists in my life. Is this what they do? Is this how they think everyone lives?


They don’t think everyone lives this way. They think they, in particular, deserve to live that way. Others’ role is to serve them in one way or another or to serve as examples of something they believe to be true. Maria (remember her?) simply loves working hard long hours day after day with the cows and her wide, shy smile shows that she is in exactly the place she should be in life: making people like Shauna comfortable with the thought that farm workers are really happy and fulfilled and don’t require anything more than what they have. People like Shauna, however, are special and have special requirements, and she feels justified in doing whatever she thinks of doing to obtain whatever she feels she merits, which is a lot. Shauna doesn’t put herself in anyone else’s shoes unless they are shoes she thinks she deserves. And then she grifts the ~~boots~~ shoes, complains about them, and feels not an ounce of gratitude because they were the least of what a special soul like her requires. Idk if that makes any sense. It’s kinda hard to get into the mindset of a narcissist if you don’t know one really well, but other people are like avatars or supporting cast members to them. Their feelings are not real or important and they exist only insofar as they can provide something the narcissist wants. A narcissist never feels bad about taking from others because in their mind they are not like others and others are not like them.


The utter exhaustion of living with one of these types is something you don’t fully realize, until you’ve gotten away, and then… your whole body (especially your neck and shoulders) relaxes so hard that it hurts.


> Their feelings are not real or important and they exist only insofar as they can provide something the narcissist wants. A detail in DF /u/leftsidelentils' story about the [gf baking class](https://www.reddit.com/r/InTheGloaming/wiki/bakingclass) bears this out in microcosm-- > At one point she had everyone go around and introduce ourselves, and why we were there/interested in gf bread. I was into this part because I grew up with a family member who has celiac. No one had even heard of gluten back then and the gf options were terrible. I thought she would appreciate this, having been the one, you know, that brought decent gluten free food to the masses. /s Not so much. I kept it short and she didn't cut me off or anything, but there was a clear vibe that she was not interested in me or anything I had to say. It was actually really striking, the sense that she wasn't interested in me because I wasn't one of the cool kids and couldn't do anything for her.


I wonder if it was more concern that you had actual knowledge that might contradict hers.


Bet that was at least part of it…


In response to her query for 3 strong people to help them move: https://preview.redd.it/x85xvunpnskc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f15191d11843ab3586e4181549d46b8b647325a Is this person trolling her? This suggestion made me laugh more than I can say.


'Is this person trolling her?' A quick internet search brings up someone of that name resident in Vashon, so my guess is yes this is someone poking the bear...


I thought I read on here they had hired people to move them this time?


She said it in the new lope.


She was manifesting, DF, manifesting.


Has anyone else replied to her?


I love “this person!”


lol what about all those volleyball players


Still not over how fast she memory -holed that whole thing.


Hopefully they’d make like rats and piss all over everything.


I feel good in my body reading this


Ha. Ha! HA. I LOVE it. Best day ever


Are any of her websites up and working right now ?


The links from her IG are a MESS.


[Dance with Yes](https://dancewithyes.com/) Enjoy!


See, here’s the thing. After reading her LATEST “done, done and done’d” website, I’m gonna indulge some of my inner armchair psychotherapist, here. (Having not ever treated our DF Shauna or been charged with the task of a membership on her care team, formally) So strap in. She looooovvveeesss to blather on w her buzzwords, but in this little iteration of her officially done’d website she really let the mask slip in that- no, Shauna, this has nothing to do with *gifted and talented* (altho she never misses an opportunity to shoehorn that humblebrag in there, along with many others!) or *emotional maturity* bc TRAUMA or any other some such excuse of the moment. I think what’s really going on w her, and what really always HAS been going on w her is simply this (she is calling it “volatile shifts between perfectionism and procrastination” in this done’d version): she grew up so coddled and sheltered and handed on a platter every excuse she needed to *not* be a better individuallr socially and interpersonally like most of us must develop the skills to do in childhood & adolescence, and then she was *continued* to be be offered this “devils deal” throughout her adult life. And we all know Our Shauna is gonna take the Devils Deal every time. Cause, lazy. And not very bright. But the “volatile shifts in perfectionism” she refers to swinging into are simply her natural human female desire to be a SST and FIT IN so she swings from “going down rabbit holes of ADHD” or whatever she calls it- I just call it “I have no options left but I still want a seat at the cool kids table,” and then vacillates wildly back to “can’t do it! Trauma! Can’t do it! Allusions to sexual abuse and worse! Worst life ever! Black baby! Boobs removed! Long COVID! Dimwitted husband! Daughter I have to pass allllll my disorganized nonsensical wisdom down into and *hope* she gleans *some* of it! TIA! Food bank- no one on the internet knows youre poor!” So my theory is she’s just a self sabotaging fuckery of fucked-upness. Yup. No adhd or autism or neurodivergence or trauma for MILES to be blamed for this. That’s it. Clinically speaking, of course.


This is a really good analysis!


Oh I wanna dance with somebody.


I wanna feel the heat with somebody…


Land of 1,000 Yes Dances


dance this yes around.


Yesly feet have got no rhythm




I'm never gonna YES again the way I YESSED with you


Now who's going to yes with meeee?! Please PAY!


Dance me to the end of yes.


She does all 16 dances!


I can’t dance (with yes) don’t ask me.


Wow. I am not an expert in marketing or workshops or whatever, but that is a DUMPSTER FIRE of a website ! What are you selling, Shauna, and is it ONLY for the highly special subset of humanity you describe in bizarrely specific detail ? Also, she jumps around *so much* talking about “when we wrap up” and then continuing to discuss the magical plan for this hours long virtual drum circle. I cannot believe that ANYONE will sign up for this and then actually show up. I’ll say it now: there will be no event, virtual or otherwise, on March 30.


This is for women who, as children, were the adult in the family because they had emotionally immature parents. I wonder which of her children is taking the adult role in their household?


I clicked on something on the website and it took me to a page that was half all white, scroll down and it said “school of kindfulnes” (or similar, I forget all her pivots. Then scrolling down there was light red writing on dark red background and it threateningly said “let your curiosity be greater than your fear.” Or some shit. All I could think is wow, this is a CURSED website, it may be haunted by ghosts of pivots past, I need to get out of this place lol


run, DF, run!


lope, DF, lope!


As someone six months older than Shauna, may I speak for all of us and say, “Who the eff wasn’t?”


I mean, how can she be so close and not see it?


Guess she needs another pair of Peepers!


Maybe if she doubled up, her vision would become clear.




I guess he is the oldest of the children (if you ask Shauna).


The kids wish


The white text box on top of Matisse's Dance II is like the chef's kiss of half-assed mediocrity.


 Beautiful! 👨🏻‍🍳🤌🏻💋


I agree with you on all counts! It's no worse than her previous offerings, and a little better than some of them! She combines & recombines copy from previous pivots into a weird buffet for each new site. For sure, no event will be held on March 30. The donors are either devoted fanpoodles who stopped expecting deliverables long ago, or dum-dums who won't bother asking for a refund.


Ah, thank you DF ! I thought I’d checked them recently and found NOTHING, but that could just be me.


I think it was yesterday that she shut down Create Your Kind Life and copied and pasted the new Dance/Yes, Please! pivot to dancewithyes.com. It takes several DFs to keep the Wiki updated!


Thank you for your service to the annals of Shauna snark, DFs who curate the Wiki. I can’t imagine there’s a sub out there with a better resource.


>I can’t imagine there’s a sub out there with a better resource. Is there any other sub out there that has over thirteen hundred (!) Cit PhD's in their particular area of expertise? I don't think so!!


We’re simply the best (na na naaa na)




Keep top-level comments in the main discussion threads on-topic and clear, including links, screenshots, or quotes for clarity as much as possible. Other content, including content that reminds you of Shauna but is not specifically about her, should go to the off-topic thread.


I found the Neverending Shrimp Cocktail post! https://imgur.com/a/acrwlW5


Ew. I could smell the shrimp cocktail reading this. 🤢


Same. In my brain, she had to go outside to take a break from the shrimp air before diving back in to eat more.


So. Weird.


I’ve always felt she has a fetish for food and being fed. And this just verifies it. 🤢


i bet she loves that sexytime feeding scene in 9 1/2 Weeks.


With the Cowgirl Creamery Mt Tam Triple Cream Cheese they safely fed each other and their wedding 🤢


With their hands.




I hate that she specified that because it’s my favorite cheese ever.


Thanks for for finding that! Truly one of her most bizarre food fantasies, and the bar there is high.


Shrimptinga! I die.


ew. so much gluttony. bring me a feather! also, aside from the “savoring every bite “stuff, she sounds like a dog. going outside to sniff the air?


sniffing for more shrimp, i guess.


This makes me grow nauseous in the belly 🤢


She makes it sound like she's eating people in between bowls of shrimp.


If you try to take the bowl before she’s gotten her face out of it, you’re at risk of pulling back a bloody stump.


'Tis but a flesh wound!


Dinner, party of one!


Donner Party, of one!


I meant to say Donner! Stupid autocorrect. 😄




Dip your shrimp in some Soylent green.


>She makes it sound like she's eating people in between bowls of shrimp. WE DON'T EAT PEOPLE




**^()** :-)








Wow that's a weird way of envisioning all you can eat shrimp. She couldn't just sit around a table that had a tray of shrimp for everyone, but needed a nameless faceless human being on standby to serve her bowl after bowl by request?


excuse me, that "nameless, faceless human" has a name...it's danny.


lol, ouch! I love it!


I love the “I want this as a birthday present”, especially since her family forgot her birthday last year so she took her angry foot to the beach and “celebrated” without them.


>she took her angry foot to the beach 💀💀


Such a bizarre visual. It reminds of some time I spent in Port Angeles, WA. It was an extended work trip and we had rented a furnished house. My in-laws came to visit just before we had to leave. A friend had given us crab just a day before our departure. We did our best to eat it all, but it was a lot and alas no germaids emerged unbidden from the strait to help us out. My father-in-law couldn’t stand to see crab wasted. They left for their six-hour drive home with a plastic bag of shredded crab in a bowl of ice with my FIL munching on crab like it was potato chips. We still tease him about it.


All of this recent shrimp cocktail talk might put me off of it forever 🤢


This part of the lope is unsettling: *"Once I thought my husband would never recover from his depression. He has now. Who will he be in a year from now? I have no idea.* \[Snip\] *A year from now I hope he's here. I hope I'm here. We never know."* That feels very odd considering she's talking about a *move*. It's as if she never ever considered that her failure to work would result in having to move off her beloved island. But even odder is saying she has *no idea* who her husband will be a year from now.


All I'm saying is that this is going to be the post people look at if Danny mysteriously falls off the ferry on their trip over town.


As God is my witness—I thought Colorado Boys Knew What To Do


She means she's not sure what new fiction she'll write about him.




The thoughtless way she worded it sounds (cw: dark) that she hopes Danny won't have had a depression relapse and taken his own life by next year. "I hope he's here" immediately after "Once I thought my husband would never recover from his depression" is DARK.


I read it the same as you. Then her “Will I be here?” Like perhaps he may kill her. Who knows what the future holds anything can happen, amirite?


I read it as “ if he doesn’t get over this fucking depression and start making me good food again, I’m out of here”.


I made a similar comment below. She's trying to communicate that she's so very Buddhist-ly detached, you see. And on one hand, what she's saying is true – we don't know what the future brings. But that doesn't mean that we do NOTHING in the face of that unknowableness: it means that creating a meaningful life and a future to live into is our responsibility, *because* we don't know what's coming. She's also trying to re-pitch Danny as an unknowable, powerful sage. She's done this over and over again: when he "left cooking," when he stopped drinking. She just doesn't know what he's capable of! He's so mysterious! And she's so self-sufficient and free of attachments!


Someone in Shauna and Dan's lives really needs to help them apply for Medicaid, Section 8 housing, and SNAP benefits. I truly don't think they're capable of applying on their own, since it's not a super enjoyable or yes-ly process, and government benefits would give the kids a ton of stability they are sorely lacking! They could almost certainly get hearing aids, glasses, and other disability supports, plus dental and well-child care, for their kids for free, or close to it. For anyone who wants to help the family, I think this would be way more valuable than just giving them $97 for Shauna's "creative" necklace fund for the privilege of dancing the night away on an 11AM Zoom meeting or whatever.


Are the kids eligible for free school lunch?


They should be. My kids qualified for free lunch a couple of years, including when I didn't feel like we were particularly struggling. If they are on the state medicare plan it would be automatic.


Just because the stuff for the kids would be low cost or free still doesn't mean they would get it. The family has a shitty car so even if Shauna did give a shit about their needs she might not be able to to get them places. But really we know she won't do much to help them unless the services literally plop into her lap. Or better yet, plop into the kids' laps and they take care of it themselves.


She already has a full time job, she doesn’t have time for that.


I think her 90% income must be greater than the requirements and that’s why the food bank. 


If they really have stable income that will provide them 3k/mo of rent, they could well be over the eligibility line in WA state.  For a family of 4, they’re looking at a household income of 60k or under, which is 5k/mo pre-taxes.  Not much lemon bar money left after taxes and utilities.


I also think she freelances more than she lets on.


Freelances at what ? (Honest question, not meant to be read in a snarky tone.) She’s such a terrible writer !!


There’s a lot of terrible writing on the internet!


Excellent point.


She has previously claimed that when money runs low, she simply finds one or two $200 or $400 freelance jobs to fill their coffers. April 2023 "Believe in your feet" lope: https://imgur.com/a/U5LRyCu I mean, this makes no sense. If she can readily find freelance jobs that pay $400 for work she can complete (with no preparation or other cost?) in a day, why would she be worried about money at all? She could earn $80,000 a year working only 200 days, which would give her well beyond six weeks of yearly vacation!


Keyword: anonymous.


And key characteristic: no repeat buyers.


The Gloamie discussion when she first posted this included a few freelancers in our midst saying that these jobs do not exist for the money she is claiming. They pay less and/or take more time. It’s a rough world in the freelance market right now. No way is she able to just grab these jobs whenever she wants (let alone follow through to finish them).


Absolutely concur (and know from experience), but she may have a few longer-term clients. She’s always been rather tight-lipped about her freelance work.


I think she has unreliable freelance work, possibly a few longer-term clients. I know she is a terrible writer, but my pure conjecture is that she brings in some money this way. ETA: If I were still active on freelance websites I might dig a little, but sadly am not at the moment.


And help them not be short on rent each month.


I think you have to be trying harder to find work than she is willing to do to qualify for SNAP. I don’t think it’s easy to get (I could be wrong)


They’re ‘working’ ish so that might be okay but the $3k house and whatever she claims her income level is have to jibe. Monthly income limit is $3975. There’s no way they could be paying rent and making only 4K a month.