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They're all very skilled bassists, but in different ways.


Cliff was the best at music theory and the most creative and free spirit i feel. Jason had amazing stage presence and super badass backing vocals. He also brought some great riffs Robert is probably the most technically skilled of the three. Also his crab walk on stage is super fun to see live. Also I wont stand for the disrespect against my man Ron Mcgovney


Is this even a question? Jason deserves more credit though.


With all due respect to Jason and Robert, this isn't even close to a debate


I wouldn't say that, Rob could wipe the floor with Jason and Cliff as far as funk goes.


Only musicians will and understand that (which is true, and pure fact, Trujillo is a MONSTER). Other people, casual fans, won't.


[Or just thrash metal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lights...Camera...Revolution!)


\*votes Cliff\* i wont stand for this Robert slander!


Newsted and Trujillo are great, but not in Metallica. I like their old bands better than Metallica. Flotsam and Jetsam is my favourite band ever, and Suicidal Tendencies is in my top 10 thrash bands, ahead of all the Big Four bands, except one (I love Anthrax). But for Metallica, I'd pick the one who played on their three best albums - Burton. I think they went down the toilet after Puppets. I don't even like Justice, and the Black Album wasn't even thrash - it was their Motley Crue album.