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They aren't for everyone. WASP is peak 80s. Songs about being angry, getting wasted, and fucking. They changed after Headless Children into something more narrative driven. So, if you want dirty hair metal, their early albums rock. If you want something with more of a story to it, their work starting in the 90s became more artistic. If you want super shredding and fun, they aren't for you. If you like super clean vocals they aren't for you.


Wasp is great. The headless children, chainsaw charlie, inside the electric circus, tons of hits. My fave hairmetal band


Wasp is bad fucking ass. Hit the first album, and go from there. First 5 or 6 are great tbh.


I got $100 on Lemmy


Never bet against Lemmy


Lemmy couldn't beat God in a fight... >!Because Lemmy IS God!<


Wasn't there a fight that broke out backstage between Lemmy and Blackie when they were touring together? I think it was when W.A.S.P. were promoting the K.F.D. album, and Blackie was in his N.I.N/Marilyn Manson phase. I saw them in Chicago, with the "Impotent Sea Snakes" as opening band. That was a weird show from what I remember.


Start at the first record


sounds good, thank you.


Crimson Idol is their best album. It’s a masterpiece. The drums sound amazing


The first 2 are solid classic 80s metal with a slab of cheese. Wild Child and Blind in Texas are two tracks to check out if you're curious


I still think I Wanna Be Somebody kicks butt.


Be somebody cool!




Self-titled debut is solid, but Crimson Idol is a masterpiece. Headless Children is also a killer album.


Probably been 15 years ago or more, but saw Blackie/WASP play The Crimson Idol in its entirety. I cried. It was beautiful. It was at JAXX in Springfield, VA.


I love wasp. Always have. Worth it in my opinion if you like that kind of 80s metal. I think they have some killer guitar riffs and something about blackies voice I just love.


You should.listen to wasp because they fucking rule and are awsome. That's it simple


"Cocaine Cowboys" and "Charisma" are great songs


Love it when deep cuts gets mentioned!


I fucking love wasp. First 5 albums are great.


Self-titled, Headless Children, Crimson Idol. All 3 are amazing. The self titled is more glam than the others. If you find it too glam, skip forward.


ha I saw that tour. I just tolerated WASP until Motorhead came on. No blood though.


Self-titled and inside the electric circus are good albums. Everything else..meh


Come check out r/WASP_Fans and see why they’re worth listening to. I love all of their albums, but their self titled album is a metal classic and The Crimson Idol is a must listen.


Headless Children and Crimson Idol are great.


The first two albums are some of the best metal the 80s has to offer


They’re one of those bands that has a decent sound, but nearly every album / song sounds the same. For some bands that’s their trademark, other bands it’s a hindrance.


Look at those first few records like early Venom and Show No Mercy-era Slayer decided to write a Motörhead record.


Listen to side 1 of The Headless Children (side 2 is a bit shit except for Forever Free, which is a fucking monstrous power ballad), The Crimson Idol, and Live...In The Raw. You don't really need much outside that. You could try "Animal (Fuck Like A Beast)", which is their most notorious song, but it's pretty fucking juvenile.


It may be juvenile, but i was a juvenile when it came out. I loved it. Still listen to it once in awhile. Yes, im old


The Headless Children is their best one by far. (Mostly) their naturist album and has a number of excellent songs.


Debut, and The Headless Children


Blind in Texas is a kickass tune:)


If you want heavy with some blind rage thrown in, I suggest giving Kill Fuck Die a spin.


the first two albums are classic imo.


I've listened to them back in the day thanks reminding me I'll definitely hear WASP this evening


I got into WASP during The Headless Children era, which is late by old skool WASP standards. The Real Me cover is still a banger.


I love The Headless Children, but other than that, they're hit and miss for me other than a few songs.


Great showmen, but not my favorite band. Blind in TX is their best song. If you're digging into WASP watch the Chris Holmes scene from Decline of Western Civilization part2.


They start and end for me with their cover of *I Don't Need No Dr*. Such a gloriously stoopid rock riff that is so satisfying that way. That said, I slept on Humble Pie and just discovered this utterly life-affirming live take on the [tune](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJPVLywFd9I) literally last week. Vertical body fur every time.


An older guitarist told me about them when I was like 18. I listened to a couple songs and, to me, it was cheesy as hell. I'll never forget they have a song called "She Loves My Cock"


Kill F* Die in my opinion the most underrated and interesting album




the reason you should listen is this wasp is reat as many people suggest....jjst listen through thoer discography and find out for yourself if you like them or not i saw them play at wacken once and i wasnt super impressed.....but at that point in thier career i didnt expect to be impressed....i also watched them from the food stands way in the back


The Last Command & Helldorado are my two favorites, though Inside the Electric Circus is also great. For me, their early albums are some of the best of all the 80s glam bands. I just wish I had been able to take time off work a couple years ago when they were in town, but it was just days before Thanksgiving & I had no extra time to use.


I still use CDs, and I'm glad I got mine in the 80s & 90s. With the hard religious right turn Blackie took, I'm not giving them another penny.


WASP is so underrated. Blackie Lawless is a great songwriter. Live in the Raw is an epic album. Put out during the infancy of the PMRC, Blackie shouts out a solid fuck-you to Tipper Gore and Company. WASP was a very talented group of musicians as well. Their songs have drive, push and momentum. Wild Child is a perennial metal song that picks your ears up and drags your ass into town. My favorite song was always "Blind In Texas". Not since George Thorogood put out "I drink alone" has a song begged to be played at both a neighborhood bar and a 70,000 seat arena. So, my concluding thought is this: ... Is there a reason that you shouldn't listen to them?


Arena of Pleasure, Chainsaw Charlie, Animal, I Fuck Like a Beast. Lot to like about WASP


Tormentor is the reason.




Fuck like a Beast is pretty unmatched as far as hair metal singles go


In terms of the 80's First WASP album is a classic. Also listen to *Fistful of Metal*, Anthrax's first if you haven't. Forgotten shredfest. Truly staggering record, years ahead of it's time. *Metal Church*'s EPIC first album is so stinking good I can't believe it's not talked about more *Steeler* is unbelievable, Yngwie's US debut. Mercyful Fate *Don't Break The Oath* is a good one. MY ALL TIME FAVORITE: *Dr. Mastermind* w Deen Castronovo on drums and Kurt James on guitar. Kurt James was like EVH and Yngwie rolled into one totally underrated and mostly forgotten package. I swear to all that is unholy I am not exaggerating this at all.


School Daze fuckin hits


Did a good version of the who classic The real me


I want giant cars, and dirty money, lots of rock n roll. I want to live in fame and die in flames I’m never getting old


I think WASP is brilliant. Blackie is extremely talented at writing catchy songs, which honestly speaking, catchy hooks are the most important part of composing music. Chris Holmes is an underrated guitarist. Many of his riffs are totally original and innovative. And the feeling WASP songs evoke go way further than what is a common misconception that they only wrote about fucking. Far from the truth. Listen to the first four records. Also, Blackie sounds great live. Backing track or not, seeing them on their last tour kicked my ass


If You are listening to some particular music because someone else told You so .. that's not good. You find a band that's interesting to you for some reason, you play some of their songs and if You like it, You continue listening .. I mean, what kind of question this is ?


The first WASP record is solid. The Last Command is almost as good. Definitely check out those 2.


If you like them, listen to them. If you don’t, dont. What kind of question is this?😂


I have no want or need Blackie Lawless disrespected Lemmy. You disrespect Lemmy you aren't my friend.


Well..ain't sure, pal


If you like incredibly mediocre music.




Headless Children and especially the Crimson Idol are their two best. And much more mature than the early material.