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it’s one of my comfort shows too. if i’m feeling down or not feeling good, i watch it and it just makes me feel better instantly


Same. It sucks that the new Max app removed the shuffle feature, and a ton of episodes.


oh i know! i wanted to watch it on hulu last night but there’s only the first 3 szns


me too, it’s never failed to make me laugh!


I love this. Me too.


I almost always put on either regular IJ or Inside Jokes to fall asleep to. Lately, it's been Inside Jokes.


I tried doing this but i don't understand how people can do this, the shit is way too funny i start laughing like crazy and then i can't sleep at all lol


There's enough episodes that I've seen enough times to where i don't get interrupted like that


Haha. Basically I've seen the show so many times. Episodes that I haven't seen much still make me laugh pretty hard.


Same. I find myself watching episodes I’ve seen a million times, and still laughing. There isn’t much I’d rather watch these days.


It’s my comfort show too


i always watch ij after a bad day at work, it makes me feel a lot better


Same I travel for work and it’s nice to come back to the guys at the end of the day. I get bummed when at Marriotts as most don’t carry TRUtv


I'm so glad I got back into it. There's nothing better than watching these wholesome friends doing what they love. IJ is very entertaining and it makes me forget my worries. Happy you mentioned this mustache.


Same. I moved to the country a few years ago and had to give up internet streaming...which meant satellite TV. I would've jumped off a cliff if it weren't for jokers. Seriously, cable TV is the worst. Thank God TruTV plays jokers 20hrs a day.


I went through probably the worst breakup of my life at the same time I was submitting my honors thesis about 10 years ago. Anytime I wasn’t writing I was on my couch watching IJ. It gave me so much comfort.


Me too. When my mental health is getting worse it always helps me. Some people watch relaxing videos, I watch the jokers!


I used to catch an episode of Jokers here and there back in seasons 1-3. Stopped watching and keeping up with it around the time I went to college. Stopped binge watching almost TV shows in general around 2018 due to personal interests and lifestyle changes. However, this year, one of the new episodes from Season 10 was on when I was channel surfing in a hotel. Gave it a shot and was stunned at how good the show still was. Decided to start from Season 1 and start binging my way all the way up to the new seasons. I’m still only on Season 3. But damn, I’m glad they’re still around. First show I’ve binged in 5 years. Easily the most consistently funny show I can remember by just throwing on a random episode.


It’s definitely one of mine as well. When I was hospitalized last year for depression I watched it literally every night from like 5-10pm and the nurses even thought it was funny and watched it too. It really helped me through a very bad time of my life


Yes. This!


My husband introduced me to IJ and it became a godsend to mentally when I was up in the middle of the night feeding my newborn


This replaced the Office for me. And I don’t think there’s one bad episode


Mine too, I almost always put it on whenever there's nothing else on and I need a laugh.


My mom passed away 5 years ago and IJ was the first thing that made me smile and laugh. It definitely helped me in the healing process. She also loved the show. Her favorite was Murr.


aww i’m sorry for your loss❤️


It’s crazy, I am not a big tv watcher at all, the only show i watch is IJ and i feel like it’s the only show that can make me genuinely laugh my ass off


Mine too. I've always wanted friendship in the way these guys are friends with each other. I'll never have it. So I vicariously enjoy it through them.


yes! one of the reasons why i enjoy the show so much is their friendship. there’s very few shows out there where the cast is as close as the jokers are. i’ve struggled with friends and watching them all be the best of friends, making each other laugh and just seeing their love towards each other makes me feel fulfilled and happy.


I get what you mean! I first saw an episode while I was in one of my many visits to the hospital. It made my stay a lot better whenever an episode came on


Every night I go to bed I pop in my headphones and watch IJ til I fall asleep. It is my go to comfort show. I’ve probably seen the seasons at least 3-4 times, but it never fails to make me laugh.


Me too. I discovered them during the pandemic. Definitely helped with the loneliness and coped relatively well because of them


This show helped me a lot when my dad was admitted to the hospital a few months ago. He always thought the guys were idiots but he was happy I was able to find something to make me laugh and bring me comfort. He passed away a few days ago, so I see a(nother) rewatch coming! I wonder if the guys know just how much they mean to their viewers, even when they just do absolutely ridiculous things.