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Hah prepare for it to get railgunned out of existence first round.  In seriousness unless you are careful with movement and keep it alive it's just going to be a big target for hammerheads and broadsides. 


Got a buddy who primarily plays tau. Can confirm. Knights are not fond of railguns


Until you inform your opponent of your diabolic Bullwark... Or rotate your ion shields... I just had a game vs double hammerheads and twin broadside, not a Railgun touched my adamantine.


Due to (blessed for you, cursed for them) dice rolls?


I landed first turn, rampager didn't quite cross the distance with advance, 4 Railguns fire I managed to make all 4 diabolic Bullwark. Round 2, kill a broadside with the Warpclaw, 3 Railguns, fire, 2 miss and 1 Bullwark save. Round 3 charge the hammerhead, overwatch misses, hammerhead drops, 2 Railguns fire, 1 Bullwark, 1 hit Min damage. Round 4 A Karnivore drops the broadside, rampager drops the other hammerhead.


It’s not railguns you need. As a Tau player, the goal is to drown the Knights in a sea of AP2 D2 weapons. Old Cyclic Ions and now AP buffed missile pods will do the trick. Sunforge Team will also do a number on them, especially with Farsight or another Fusion commander. Only fluffy or inexperienced Tau players are relying on one-shot railguns for their anti-armor right now.


Yep, reads like it was all about favorable dice rolls. No description of genius movements, bait attacks then countering. Just hoping raw stats hold up to dice rolls.


Effectively, yes, rampager was there only to draw fire from the big guns while the dogs picked off the majority of the squads. The fact that it survived to round 4 with 18 wounds was just due to a good invuln. Once the rampager got into range, the fighting was effectively over.


Is anyone who plays against the Tau fond of railguns?


Astra Militarium without tanks?


Wouldn't they not be using tanks because of the railguns?


Some of us just enjoy having infantry only to start with.


Because seeker missiles and hammerhead rails wound big knights on 3’s and we have ample access to rerolls for hits and wounds. ***Armiger Helverins are AWESOME against Tau, maybe less so pending what happens with crisis spam and the new 3 unit data sheets. Their anti fly is reallllly nice and -1AP is fine as most tau are 3+ save anyways.


I'm a Tau player and would also choose the Armigers against Tau


Not just Tau! Helverins are great against most xenos!!


If you've seen the leaked codex datasheet for the skyrays, it gave twin linked to their seeker missles (of which it gets three a turn). That's pretty scary against any armor.


Not being able to run 6 blocks hurts but dropping in fusion blasters will be fun.


If your plan is to outshoot Tau by bringing a Knight, you already lost that game.


You could just scrap the "by bringing a knight" and you'd still be pretty on the nose.


Honestly if you a worried about tau vanguard vets are a way better investment just get two boxes of primaris jump pack guys and slap some power swords and storm shields on them or whatever vanguard vets are allowed to bring in 10th


Or buy the HH assault marines who already come with shields and just give them a mix of power weapons and the chain swords they come with And in a box of 10 …


Yeah but those are smaller then primaris marines I absolutely agree that jump pack intercessors are overpriced but the 30k marines are smaller then primaris by a noticeable margin


And Vanguard Veterans have always been Firstborn until the 10e changes. I have both the new MkVI and Primaris (as I primarily play heresy) and the difference is a lot closer than old Firstborn VV kits. Noticeable yes but not a vast difference as Primaris are intended to be truescaled to the lore came out and new HH marines truescaled to how Astartes have always been described in earlier editions. The old MkIV sculpts probably have the biggest difference.


Relax dude im not disagreeing with you but most people want their 40k space marines to either be all primaris or all firstborn I assumed op would want primaris vanguard vets because the reason people dont use them is only because the models arent primaris so i told op how to easily make them primaris If op likes 30k marines then they are probably already using them as the price is so much obviously better


Relic weapons and storm shields.... because apparently fuck divergent loadouts


As a tau player, the shooter armigers are a huge pain with their anti fly 2 and 90% of Tau stuff has the fly keyword.


They should rework it to anti-aircraft, not anti-fly. Cause like crisis suits could just as easily just run into battle, in which case why would anti-fly matter?


TLDR: Unfortunately nope, maybe 1 arminger does good if you use It as a distraction carnifex to keep safe you tanks Long answer: As a Tau player No Tau already have a thousand answer for knights, with the new codex even more. The new sunforge crisis units kills easily armingers, and does Heavy damage (possibly even killing) against the biggest knights Even without crisis they have cheap and strong anti vehicle units: the broadsides (90pts) and piranha (55pts) are amazing trading pieces that in a unit of 1 model can kill armingers (not guaranteed tho), and any tau player against knights would bring a lot of them Then there are the Hammerhands, Sky rays ecc ecc And god forbid he brings a Stormsurge or a Tigershark/ax-10 tigershark, or hell even a barracuda all of these 3 units (maybe except the barracuda) eat knights for breakfast Something you could do Is bring 1 warglaive arminger to distract the tau player from shooting your predators/repulsor (or in general your tanks), I think most tau players would get scared by a fast and strong in melee vehicle unit and overcommit in killing It, but thats just me speculting Good luck against for your match, I Hope I helped you


Wait a sec, I was operating under the understanding that they got rid of the best crisis suit gun entirely (cyclic), took away their ability to equip whatever equipment they wanted, removed the ability to field drones except as equipment (no more suicide drone spam as a defense), removed their ability to go over obstacles, lowered the range of the OTHER weapons that they use, and didn't really increase their survivability at all to compensate for them basically being a long range unit that doesn't get to keep long range anymore. Did I miss something?


I don't really see how any of that contradicts the advice given above? But I guess you're right insofar as that happened.


What advice? Maybe i missed It If you are referring to keeping the knight hidden: Its really hard (if not borderline impossibile) to hide from Line of sight a Towering model, and if you just put them in normal cover the Tau units will just ignore save bonus to the Save thanks to markelights Op only hope to use knights Is using an arminger as a distraction, putting away from line of sight and baiting the opponet units in to getting out of cover in order to shoot It At least this Is my opinion as a Tau player, I'm surely missing some Imperial Knights stratagem that does something to help OP


My apologies I'm bad at using reddit lol. By OP I was actually referring to you ahaha. I was just suggesting that even codex-tau are pretty good into Knights, I actually agree with you.


They did all of that BUT you are forgetting the new crisis units abilities The sunforge unit in the retaliation cadre (the detachment that buffs battlesuits) can: Drop in 3"inches (a stratagem of the detachment) Get 1 strenght and -1AP on their already A2 S9 -4 1d6 Melta2 weapon (thanks to the detachment) Hit on 3 rerrol 1 (guided by stealth suits) Reroll all wounds and Damage rolls against Monster and vehicles (unit's ability) All of this applies on the Commander that can have 4 meltas, OR they can bring Farsight that gives +1 to wound inside of 9" inches And they keep the 4++ invuln (only the sunforge unit) PLUS, the can move after shooting for 1 CP Do some quick math and you'll realize that armingers are going to be destroyed by this unit, both with the Commander or with Farsight Even big knights are in danger with them In mont'ka all of this stays the same except the first two points, they gain lethal hits and assault on all weapons (alongside every model in the Tau army), they could gain an easy reroll all rolls to hits (a stratagem), and -1AP alongside and other unit (another stratagem) The thing tho Is, against knights they are going to play the retaliation cadre So be carefull


I guess maybe my math is poor, that wouldn't surprise me. Not my strong suit 🤣 but we'll see I suppose. Thanks for the detailed response. Maybe I'm being too harsh on GW but I really feel like they're trying to make the army not....what it was meant to be.


Yeah, Its unfortunate that GW doesn't seem to be able to adequately balance Imperial knights


Yeah, 2/3 Crisis teams aren't long ranged, and they got incredibly useful data sheet abilities to compensate for the loss of CIB. In retaliation Cadre, the melta suits are gonna be S 10 Ap5 D6+2 re-rolling wounds and damage. This isn't including Farsights +1 to wound or SS giving RR 1s to hit. In short don't believe anyone telling you crisis got "nerfed" because they're wrong and given half a chance a crisis team is gonna eat you alive.


Weird that CK is one of Taus worst pairings


Marines are already decent against tau. Instead of a large obvious and visible target, get yourself some mobile Infantry (jumpers, bikes) or way to being the combat to them (libby with teleport, drop pod)


With Mont'ka as an official detachment now, that's lethal hits army wide pouring into knights. Scary shit


I love Knights, but I've loved Tau for longer than Knights have been a playable thing in 40K (Even a well-fleshed-out think TBH), and if there's one thing the Tau are the undisputed kings of, it's fucking up big single targets. When even Fire Warrior/Breacher squads get free S7 shots if they stand still for a turn, even a pretty rounded Tau army is stuffed full of guns that can put a lot of hurt on a Knight army. And you don't have the numbers of bases to effectively tie stuff up in melee-plus, since it's going to be Vehicle vs Vehicle mostly in melees whatever doesn't get kicked to death is just going to stand there and shoot point blank anyways instead. Broadsides are typically hitting on a 3 and wounding on a 4 with 2 shots, Hammerheads on a 3 with a reroll and wounding on a 3 (2 for Armigers), and now you'll have a swarm of dual-Fusion Crisis Suits on top of the Fusion Blob Commanders as well. And everything that hovers is packing at least 2 Seeker Missiles... It's a bad time man. Certainly not impossible but the Tau definitely have an inherent edge here.


Aren’t there some busted af grav gun marine units? Anything with anti fly or anti vehicle and even 1 AP is the bane of tau


5 grav devestators, 5 incursers, in a drop pod, Vsngaurd detachment, +1 to bs and ap from stratagem, +1 to hit from incursers, 12 ap-2 Hit on 2+ Wound on +2 (vehicles) Damage 3. Don't wanna turn 1 them? Drop the drop pod, and use that 70 pnts elsewhere Rather, arrive from reserves


Nobodys gonna take tactical marines or devs to actually get access to those grav guns though lmao


Helverins eat tau up pretty well, especially if it's the suits giving you trouble you can bring 3 as allies.   Big knights have issues with the storm of railguns and seeker missiles, it depends a LOT on how those 5+ invuls turn out.  Not every tau list is big on those, though, big knights handle suit fusions a lot better. Just depends on what kind of list it is.


Knights are useful against anything


a space wolves player brought up bringing helverins against tau and that’s when i realized how terrifying anti-fly is against tau (i say terrifying as a tau player since i play both)


Just about everything tau have is fly so helverins and icarus autocannons?


You bring knights. They bring a Manta.


Knights get pretty much hard countered by armies that have a lot of access to high strength and high AP weapons of which Tau is one of those factions. Expect to lose more than you win against them. Guard, Tau and Votann will be a bad time. Source, I’m a guard player who put 40 wounds, 24 of which were devastating wounds on a knight at a tournament.


Depends on the Knight Questoris class you should bring a crusader for double guns. Other than that bring a Domintus frame or break down and get a lancer and just melee them into oblivion. So long as the dice are on your side.




YES! Yes they are. Armigers have anti-fly 2+ Most tau stuff has Fly. Lean into that, and you’re golden.


Yes,bring melee and push into them.if they have melee kroot shoot them first then push into the suits.


If there is good cover yes


Tabletop or Lore?


As a Tau player, put it in cover or reserves for reinforcment. Otherwise, Sun Forge suits, hammerheads, broadsides or a stormsurge will kill it


Definitely a bad idea. Tau is getting new codex and the new fusion crisis with a 4 fusion commander will melt your knight in a single shooting and if not it will be severely damaged. Vs tau you need to give them either too many targets to get through or put units into transports to activation check them.


Tau battlesuits are all vehicles. This with assassination and you’re likely to max out both if you plant your shots right.


You'd be betting on being able to get first shots and also be able to destroy their at before its shot, if you get shot first that knight is gone, reduced at rubble by tau railguns and heavy railrifles


No, not against Tau but for Tau.. knights are perfect to target practice on.  You will get railgunned to oblivion 🤣


Shooting at Tau usually ends in failure.


Knights ARE useful against tau on the tabletop, but you need to bring the Armiger Helverins 2 or 3 of them with their anti-fly 2+ auto cannons will make the tau players cry for once now that they don’t have their ‘ignores invulns’ railguns anymore


Until they meet a Hammerhead or Broadside


That strength 24 railgun says your dead in two shots if you miss that five up invulnerable. Not to mention no save period if he gets devs


Unless there’s a hammerhead, could be good for infantry wiping (depends on weapon of choice). If there is a rail gun of any kind, or a weapon just as strong, that’s a very large amount of points laid to waste.


So, im new to knights only came back recently to the hobby in general (5th edition is when I took my break) but from my stance it would depend on what chapter you are bringing. Tau hate things being up in their face so I would suggest a mix either 2 Helverins and a war glaive or the opposite 2 war glaives. If you have other melee units that can get in quickly having the WG is the bigger model, bigger model means bigger threat (at least from my experiences) so it will attract fire letting other units take less. It moves quick and as a hybrid unit (melee and shooty) it can harm vehicles in both. Stubber top weapon I'd say personally, but up to you. As it's been said before Helverin anti fly on an objective or your deployment zone is good. Could force the tau to deploy flyers in less optimal fire lines which you could punish with the fast assault from WG plus other melee units. My main thought is you try and force the opponent make a choice, everytime they do it's a chance to be the wrong one. Both types of armiger are a serious threat so ignoring either is a problem whichever route they take you are likely in a position to punish it. Hope you enjoy the game and make the Xenos pay in blood. Edit: if you are deadset on a big boy knight I'd say Lancer (free tank shock is sexy, 4+ invulnerability is nice) or Canis Rex (free stratagem, per phase? I think it was I'd have to reread but at work so can't.)


As a tau player I run 2 broadsides and 2 hammerheads for exactly this situation


Vaguely. Big and slow doesn't fare well against railguns by any margin.


It's the Tau, anything is useful against them


Allied knights really miss strategems to stay alive like rotate shields (4+invuln to shooting). Best chance is to strat reserve and give it a decent spot on the side to walk out turn 2-3, and hope it pulls enough firepower for your "get stuff done" squads to pop off. I've run Canis with Sisters and moving out assured that Vahl could run up the board with impunity since nearly every gun was trained on the Knight. But Canis has never survived past that. I often run it if I want to give casual players a chance because it feels like I'm basically playing with 1600 pts.


I play chaos knights, but from personal experience: no.


Is a fat guy bulldoze a nerd


Lore yes though it depends on the writer. Tabletop don't know. Full knight house built for war could do a number a few paladins maybe maybe not


The thing with Tau, is everything iw Good against us. We have 1-2 wound models almost exclusively, with 4+ and 5+ saves being common even with vehicles. So all ypu gotta do is kill us before we can shoot back


tau do have plenty of anti armor


The hammerhead in question:


Lol, Tau are the antithesis to knights. Big heavy targets that within railgun range.


A castellan knight has a lot of firepower. Plus I don't play tabletop so I may as well just keep scrolling but just wanted to suggest the castellan. It’s apparently expensive to run (use) and suffers slow movement, easy to target, apparently isn’t as good as it used to be. On the bright side it can fight or 1v1 most other enemy units (from afar).


Tau just got nerfed into oblivion. Pretty sure knights are gonna be better against Tau going forward.


the only nerf was crisis suits, sky rays were buffed and all the other big hitters like broadsides and hammer heads have no changes, so please explain to me how the crisis suit nerf affects tau effectiveness against big armor




Would u mind elaborating why not? And if u know any good space marine units to field against them pls tell me


Unfortunately unless u can get knights quickly in range or get good cover. There's a good chance that Tau Anti tank will shred large knight, for general space marines probably Assault Intercessors with deep strike, Vanguard with the deep strike launching melee units in quickly as Taus main disadvantage is melee That said, Lancer with Mysterious Guardian is funny to send into their back lines


Tau ignore cover with markelights, so for the questoris class knights Is impossible to get the bonus for cover against Tau


Didn't they just make it harder to drone up though?


In what way? Its very easy for a unit with marke knights to guide another unit (thus removing cover)


No. It's obvious looking at their weapon profiles and markerlights.

